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jamaican "lambsbread"


Dr. Narrowleaf
Its an old picture before the website was changed.JLB is closer to Kerala than Colombian gold.Don't see any Thai btw in the pic.Its possible that contractworkers from India brought the seeds from India to Jamaica in the time India and Jamaica as well were under the crown of England.

That Cambodian is the link between American and Asian strains. I think it's representative of an old SE Asian strain.

Looking at the galaxy view here there are lots of Thai strains clustering close to Jamaican. Colombians even closer and Cambodia and Kerala a bit further. I think it's still a work in progress 'cause it keeps on changing.
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Well-known member
Vibes from the private fofo where the F4s were done...

Part of Lambsbread Rahan's F3s selection/reproduction...

Grow by Volcanik with 24 weeks for some of...! (12/12 ; 11/13 ; 10/14)







Dr. Narrowleaf
Purples Roms! :) I still think we need a sample from east India to fill the gap between Red Colombians and Jamaican lambsbread vs Asian strains. Thais are not purple, nor is Kerala. Manipur fits the bill much better imo.


Active member
Looks really nice Roms. I recently had a talk with an old timer who received LB back in the day and he said it was a clone only strain. They propagated with flowering branches in ditches filled with soil and bat guano. I mentioned this to another older guy in the know who’s seen it first hand on the island and he confirmed the method and that it was a selected clone, but said due to the herm trait there was alway seeds as well.


Brand new oldschool
Classic pics bro! The infamous "snake style" for indoor sativas! Not everyone has the patience and passion to run a few dozens of +24 week plants indoors, right? lol.


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Wow stunning plants and growing skills! Your patience is commendable!

I would love to hear how this heirloom smokes!


Well-known member


2010 Upok's smoke report (google trad) :
Personal big preference for the # 9. The taste is not the best we can find. The # 16 to taste, musky, a little ashy. The others are not superb to taste, we must admit. # 7 and # 8 not nice # 6 worse with a kind of acetone taste. finally pure smoked, that's what stands out for me. For the sativa power, joy of life, desire to build or advance the # 9 is above the others. Progressive, smooth, it puts you in this slightly cottony state that gives you the impression of being present and connected. It is an herb that can be abused I think, so the world is better "with" than "without". At the same time not too risky od, it is hard enough to do: lol :. It's not the biggest performance either, Volcanik you told me that it was # 8 and # 16 I think ... # 8 I think it is good, that the power is there but that it do not pull towards the "positive". In addition she has a tendency to seriously ask the descent (3 good hours I would say) and I had a hard time finishing my garden the day I smoked after the bbq noon :).

# 16 correct, but the effect is more subtle. Super effects when we chained with a fart of indica ... so I do not know.

So for me, I'll say # 9 if it's okay if not # 8 or # 16 my heart is rocking ... or so we say there may be another positive pheno + yield and we're raising seeds :-D


See the world through a puff of smoke
Was wondering what kind of nutes Volcanik and Upok is using.There is no carrot smelling pheno to be found in the JLB?
Must say the plants on the photo's look awesome.:yes:


Well-known member
Was wondering what kind of nutes Volcanik and Upok is using.
Must say the plants on the photo's look awesome.

;) Volca's words, google trad...

A small explanation on the conditions of cultures, and what I intend to do in "theory" with these Lambsbread:

Earth cultivation, Plagron RoyaltyMix (organic appellation), BioGrow organic fertilizer and BioBloom from BioBizz, and alternatively Iguana Juice from AN.
To begin, pots of 4 liters. Once the strech "finished" and the flowering well started, passage in 6.5litres still RoyaltyMix.
No apex cut, but a trellis "S" on stakes to maintain a reasonable height (the box 250 is only 160 in height, and with the gear is rather usable 140), and also for 'a maximum of flowers benefit from the light (low light penetration with HPS 250W and turbo-neon 2x55W).
For lighting, there is a 250W HPS on AAW, and a 2x55W Turbo-neon (for a surface of 80x80).
I started directly in 12/12, and will continue until the last received is rooted and show signs of recovery (# 5, # 9, # 10, # 16).
Then I'll do 11:30 / 12:30 for 4 weeks, then 11/13 until the end.
=> FYI, in Jamaica the maximum duration of illumination is 13H from May to July, 12H30 in August, 12H for September and October, 11H30 in November, 11H for December and January, 11H30 in February, and 12H for March and April.
My lights will not light at the same time, first the HPS, then 2H later the neon lights; And similarly for extinction, neon lights 2H before the HPS. (In the nature, the sun is not at its maximum all day, it is a principle that I used in aquariophilie for a better health of the plants and fish).
(...) There is no carrot smelling pheno to be found in the JLB?

I think there may be some? JLB has also the earthy range...! Anyway all pure long flowering sativa need long proportional curing method to reveal all its blood. But there's also lemon confit from fresh terpenes specimens, large and deep landace genetic in facts!


Brand new oldschool
And full vibes also to Upok for the repro F3 and Breizou who helped preserve the clones... VibesCollective! ;)

Do you know what time Upok did this repro?

I'm often thinking that getting many different people trying to preserve the same line often contributes to a big mess, because you end with lots of different lines under the same names, coming from different reproductions, different methods, labelling, standards, guidelines and so on. Even perhaps some mislabelled seeds or pollen contamination. So you may need to grow them all in order to know what's the real deal or what's decent and what's not. I had to do that in the past with Deep Chunk, X18 and some other lines, and I've ended finding out lots of crap like hermies, hybrids and mislabelled seeds. Only those who came from reputable sources came out decent.

I guess there is no way to do a proper and strict preservation or breeding work like this, because not everyone is keeping record about all the generations, parent plants and so on. Some people just don't seem to care that much, or they don't know the line that much, after all it's just a hobby for them and maybe they didn't took the time to research. They may even be using hermies because they are convinced that the more plants=the better.

This actually happened already with other lines as the Zamal GN or Sagada and from that time on, finding proper males within the line became almost an impossible goal, pushing you to find the oldest possible stocks and go back in order to avoid issues. There were F3, F4, F5 and even F7 seeds flying around but besides nice females were popping up, finding males to work with was tricky as hell, ShadaX reported only 2 "almost-firm" males within 7 years of growing the line.

At the end it became a mess and no more clean repros were possible unless you outcrossed it to Mauritius or another Reunion landrace. So what's actually the point of "preserving" like this if we're going to need to outcross the line and end with another hybrid after all the effort? Breeding and preservation demands time, patience, commitment and true love for the plant because you won't get any profit like commercial seed sellers do.

Preserving genetics should be about making just one huge reproduction with as many P1 plants as possible, in order to be able to storage a lot of seeds with the best possible genetic diversity inside the freezer for long term conservation, that's it. From that time onwards, breeding and improving the line may start, but that's another thing. And seeds must be labelled carefully to avoid mess.

I respect a lot the fact Rahan still works nowadays with Bushman's Lambsbread in the underground, like he has done for years, he is also the one who still maintains the original and oldest stock.

After he received the line, he did a first reproduction in early 2000s, he made another one where he produced hundreds and hundreds of seeds after discarding only the intersex plants. Last time we spoke he told me since this time, he kept growing and germinating seeds from that same original batch with the help of a very close friend, producing more and more seeds whenever he had the chance (thus, increasing the seed numbers from that same generation), non-stop while the original seed batch may still germinate and last.

I guess that's still far from doing a full reproduction with 1000 plants at a time, but he's getting close with all his commitment through the years and love for this unique line. He told me when he realized about how much commitment was going to take to preserve a landrace in a proper way, he had to choose the Lambsbread because of his spiritual attachment to it and decided to focus only on that one, and perhas the Ethiopian Highland as well, after all, he was the one who first brought it to the collective.

It's been a few years already and he keeps working hard without giving out, so this is the reason why I respect him so much and why I don't want to see anyone taking advantage on this, making the wrong decissions and of course profiting from this line without his blessing or any respect for what the Vibes Collective has achieved thanks to people like him.

Some of the last time we spoke, we were discussing on how the extintion of the Vibes Collective came in some way due to all the responsabilities that emerged and the very few people that were doing the real hard work, while loads of others were stealing and profiting on the lines (BSC, Breeder's Choice and so on). Rahan just wanted to stop all that. Nowadays he's no longer active around the scene, but I feel now it's our responsibility and time to carry on with his legacy, honoring the same old "Vibes" that put many of us together in the past.



Well-known member
Do you know what time Upok did this repro?

2009/2010 for the last Vibesco repro. And yes i forgot the first reproduction F2 by Rahan early 2000 from the hand of GrowDan from Martinique income. So F3 again by Rahan and then the repro by Upok with Volcanik, Breizou, Sto.
Thanks Mustafunk to clear up that first Rahan's F2!

Then the generation "F5" from JGL with F3 and F4? Good question! By hoping he will come back to explain his repro details and breeding little secrets! ^^

About males proportion it is so true that it's very difficult to find stable ones in the line! For the F4s only one true male had been selected, all others were hermz or intersex! Hard work done by Rahan to reduce the hermies with his second select/repro but i think the low average of males comes also from the micro start specimens number at the beginning! So the project now could be focus on the selection of maximum males according grower's possibilities... Not to mention the possible backcross dream of finding new original Lambsbread seeds from Rasta... ;)

Ah Rahan! The Vibes Collective is his idea, his baby, with the php help from SillyCone to build the spot .net! And the end with multiples synchronicity causes yes, with SillyCone tired to work, administrate, and pay the web hosting etc. Also JGL and USC in the game with a lot of the Vibesco's keeper strains and clones.

Well the Vibesco is just sleep and i am sure that Rahan and SillyCone will come back again with more time and freedom life.
There's also the backup of the strainguide and forum to wake up oneday!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Musta

I have a problem with this line being called Jamaican Lambs Bread 1960 .

The seeds are from the 80 s / 90 s . Moved from their natural habitat to Martinique. Grown out doors there . Later transported to the EU and grown under HID light and re -selected . Then bred and selected more gens by growers who have no reference for what is the JLB 1960 bench mark .

It probably is some unique smoke . Don`t call it 1960 JLB though .

Thanks for sharin
