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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member
Buttercream Moroccan.This has been my favorite since back in May. I don't have any good pics of this one, but it is a very clean old school moroccan, full of mint, earth and pine aromas. A positive and clear high which is overpowering when you smoke too much. I could smoke this all day, every day. :)




It may not look like much, but it really hit a spot for me.

Dog Star

Active member
Buttercream Moroccan.This has been my favorite since back in May. I don't have any good pics of this one, but it is a very clean old school moroccan, full of mint, earth and pine aromas. A positive and clear high which is overpowering when you smoke too much. I could smoke this all day, every day. :)

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It may not look like much, but it really hit a spot for me.

Beautifull variety and nice hash... will love to try those White Widow organic.. you are some lucky man with good connections..
Look differently compared to what comes thru my area

More grainy, Im guessing more heads? and maybe the size of the heads too,?

So what is used as a "filler" when making a lower grade hash?

leaf material smeared in oil?

Or maybe the trichome stalks from the other seperations?


Active member
Some great looking hash in this thread, thank you all for posting.

I'm curious, has anyone here ever sat on hash for a long time 5 or even 10+ years? If so, how does the hash hold up to a super long cure taste wise, potency, feel etc?


I tried some of Mr hazes xxxtreme Nepali. Was kept in the fridge for over 10 years I believe. Only got a taster but it was a very robust flavour. Don't know about the high as I was already nicely stoned. Got a bar of old skool maroc last week. Had been left aside 2 years ago. Still vac wrapped and well kept. Tastes very sweet as I'm smokin some right now. Creamy. I guess its all about how you keep your stash.

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
I once stepped upon a guy with a duffel bag of around 20KG of hash that spend 10 years unprotected in an humid basement, the stuff was still looking nice and bend easily but there was no smell or high whatsoever to be found...so it all depend how it is conserved.

It must be kept airtight in a constant low temp without humidity for best result, just as hom pointed out.
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Well-known member
Interlude III

Interlude III

@Mriko / Pengaleng

Very nice as so often, cheers again for keeping this up here!


Welcome and congrats on your purchase! Difficult to tell something about quality only by pictures as usual without smell, handling and ingestion but at least it looks nice enough to me and I'd like to indulge(in the end again the proof is in the pudding) but more importantly as long as it's up your alley everything should be fine as nothing else matters in the end, really. Though see your point of course.

@Green Squall

Cheers for the link but even though there is much hash porn on social media in the last years I personally prefer threads like this here, especially because of discussions and sorta archiving stuff compared to fast life social media.
Note about shown post there: personally I don't care about that Emery guy but he established a bad example for people boasting about cheap prices for drugs or what ever in a developing country producing such(compared to just mentioning it)with his post. Sad to say the least.


Very nice collection indeed! Had a few pieces through the year labelled as Black Domina at trusted coffeeshops and just saw that a few weeks ago elsewhere in the country so it's all over the place(in this case a mid-grade but didn't try it).
While I had an expensive and well processesed high grade one with excellent taste among mid-grades it wasn't worth the money as not remotely doing its fake name justice strengthwise(we always wanted to grow that classic because of strength back in the day but didn't come round to it yet so probably still on the wish list ; though I doubt in times of rosin, oil and general experience it probably won't draw anyone of us from the woodwork, really. Again I'd like to be put right nevertheless anytime.)as it was 'only' quite an up high though without racyness nor trippy moments which I quite like. Really good hashish in general and especially would be so at home, don't get me wrong, but with a choice I'd pick something else.
Perhaps your version does the trick nicely, my batches all looked different. Again shitty name game I know all too well but some names really trigger me(those ruthless liars!).
Cheese and its variants on the other hand I remember well when it first appeared in the Dam which was three years ago ; one of the first new moroccans really smelling and tasting like the strain supposed to be used, though effects despite high grade were light too and only the first batches were really nice – haven't seen a real good example for a while. Just saying.
Anyways, enjoy your stash!


Having seen many of those new generations of foreign genetics mostly during my regular trips all over the Netherlands(privately as well as officialy), especially in the last years, I'd guess its still just plant material as usual. No cutting considered. If happening though everything is possible in my humble opinion as criminals are often quite creative when it comes to boosting their profits.
In the end mostly only guesswork though.

@Rootfingers / Hom / PepéTheGrower

With regards to curing(Disclaimer: I make no claims of being complete here ; at best remotely, it's all about discussion though, isn't it?): firstly in my humble opinion this term is used inflationary, at least in the last decade. Well, let me first point out that curing means adding flavour, potency or producing a smooth smoke particularly to me. Since I can't get my hands on fine homegrown anymore I stopped smoking grass in fact as it is hard to go back to square one because we cured our homegrown(roughly with this method, great and famous thread: Shoutout and thanks to Simon ). So I know from personal experience once one's gear leaves the cure zone when taken from the jar(and not vacced/freezed)there is only a little timeframe until the gear loses its cured properties.
So I guess if the farmer doesn't treats respectively seals his hashish well it already loses quality on its way to its destination roughly speaking(I know many of them everywhre tend to let their harvested plants 'sit'/'age'/'cure' for a while before producing hashish).
So that's my point here: if the consumer gets his grass/hashish he can only maintain a certain degree of quality if the product gets properly sealed again but not restart a cure ; by the way I know there is still room to some degree to change things marginal here and there and some people prefer

different states of humidity but after you left that certain 'cure zone' it's decreasing(comparing apples and oranges but regarding wine once unstopping a bottle process is stopped roughly saying). Everything else is wishfull thinking me thinks, especially when I read reviews like 'We bought some grass whereever or at a coffeeshop and it was still wet and needed a

couple of days of curing so we let it sit' which – call me a pedant which I am anyway – is just drying to me but not curing at all(let alone the majority of coffeeshop grass isn't cured and mostly is very, very commercial in a bad way to me since almost a decade for various reasons. Before that it wasn't cured mostly either but better processed.),

at least as long as one has no experience with curing and knows what he is doing it is at best a random try but placebo is your best friend I guess and not to forget the set is very important when it comes to effects.
Personally as stated before in this thread I regularly stash away(sealed) gear in my fridge I pick up during the year for special occassions but never noticed it becomes better. Merely keeps its quality roughly with marginal changes as oxygen is your worst enemy( beside sunlight).
Otherwise for example Thc degrades to Cbn, terpenes diappear et cetera way faster(though not noticeably from one week to an other to be fair and I too think you can store it at least for a few years if done right.).
By the way anyone can provide some links when it comes to methods of curing for hashish(respectively fermentation which is probably even more interesting since more bacteria involved which to me is again splitting hairs but not the same as curing but with similar intentions)?

I know about those ones when it comes to say Garda in Pakistan or heard of similar approaches in Afghanistan but would be interested to learn more. Also know about that book Hashish by Robert Connell Clarke but unfortunately didn't pick it up when it was around.
Already looked up the internet but didn‘t find much so content is appreciated, cheers in advance. So where are my fallacies? Knowledge is welcome anytime as to err is human and all that!

However apart from my drivel above I can contribute the following as just back from another holiday in the Netherlands last week and on our way to our final destination(winter bathing, anyone?) we picked up several pieces of resin of course(so handy this country is so small so you can go everywhere fast, no offence intended!).
Photos were taken again spontaneously so sorry about quality again. This here is quite a highgrade classic moroccan hashish from a coffeeshop ; you have to search for this type a bit these days.
Autumn sun isn't doing this blonde justice it seems as it comes across a bit reddish here me thinks which it just wasn't. Though while we‘re on it that one was apart from taste profile very much the same as 'The Red' I picked up the other day as resported(both indeed a honey like texture when handled!), so funny but obviously with a different genetic background sorta.
Taste is more ginger and a tad stronger effects ; great high, strong enough body stoned and sharp focussed head high if that makes sense(which I still prefer compred but not to be mixed up with either this or that handrubbed ) .
Even though there is still room for improvement with this grade and we've had better processed qualities with foreign genetics this trip too this was my personal favourite I would prefer to the new ones as just stated recently here.


Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Hey NYS, how iz it?

I got to check the Hashish book, but i think there's not much curing going on in the hash world...most producer just dry the weed, process the hash and then let it sit waiting to sell it... of course there is the story of goat skin curing in Afghanistan we all hear about ( probably not done anymore and if still hapening, surely not on a commercial size), and that's it, i guess...

As it's always better with a picture here is some lebanese water hash i just made:

It's no import, but as the saying goes:
if the mountain won't come to you, then you must go to the mountain


Well-known member
Outstanding selection sixixix- the buttercream looks/sounds especially nice. Enjoy!
I have two 50g F blocks and another caramello




The F is traditional, relaxing, smooth and floral.


It's from christiania kbh, Dry sieved hash called "extreme" very nice smoke! Very strong sedative effect. :Z





- Denmark


looking nice pengaleng. i can get the caramello grade. not come across the F stamp yet. ive got some sort of new age skunky maroc with a SVR stamp. a sort of greenish colour, hoppy/skunky smell with a very clean floral skunky taste. light press but not dry. more of a hybrid effect but i prefer a more mellow coucklock/bodybuzz type. il try get a pic later. i did get some very nice oily skywalker new age maroc also critical maroc but found them too strong as im a bit of a lightweight now days lol been smoking a mid range harder press dark fluffy maroc wirh a R KO stamp. fluffs up nice but its a wet fluff not a dry fluff. nice indica effect with a proper old skool taste. sadly nearly all gone now. been on the hunt for some nice afghani but not come across and for a while now
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Well-known member
Interlude IV

Interlude IV

@Pengaleng / SMDK



Can't complain at all and hope you as well! Thanks for your thoughts about curing, bummer no one else throws his two cents in.
Yes indeed another scandalous post of your own water hash in this fine thread here(but at least it is supposed to be from seeds from Lebanon ; just for fun wonder what people would think in comparison if they ever came across high grade hashish from Lebanon back in the day)and again it looks just great, enjoy; )!

[Rant on]However, since a few weeks I'm strongly looking for some special christmas treats as always around that time(or in general to be anal)but even though there is such stuff particularly to be expected around that time of the year I'm at the moment quite sceptical something will happen in time.
Already visited a couple of trusted Santas and asked for my pre-orders in time from some weeks back but either they're sold out, only offer lower grades at the minute or don't get their shit together as especially at the latter one I already had a potential winner(still packaged) from Morocco in my own hands(so close!) only to be told it was already paid and reserved. Almost always the same at that time of the year but won't stop me from looking harder and if shit hits the fan I can stick to all of my pick ups during the year as I'm almost every time well prepared.
Hope everyone else is posting their gifts, if celebrating of course; )[Rant off]

At least at one visit I randomly came across the Easter Bunny regretting my bad luck and sorting us out a couple of eggs as a solace for our constant dedication(this is compassion and no pity!). So grateful as it isn't easter yet, isn't it?
They warm up when handled. Stuff is spicy and of classic origin, also very smooth to smoke and with a nice enough allround effect.

Took the pictures during a walk in the autumn sun at sub-zero temperatures.
[Search image: one piece here isn't hash and was just found along the way as well as used for the picture(I guess I'm an artist now and should get my arse on Social Media). Guess what!]
So im guessing I cant be the only one in here that has been experimenting with squishing these imported melts into rosin?

Ill squish it for like a minute or two around 500kgs pressure in a 37micron filter,

at around 170 F

My ratio is most often like 0.7g "imported hash rosin", mixed to 0.3g indoor grown flower roisn, (when mixing for a gram)

And I find the end product is in fact a MORE pleasant to smoke than the flower rosin on its own, it makes no sense since some would argue its a "lower grade" being mixed in,

With the 40%+ yields and sometimes higher with good imported hash its a very cheap way to make a couple of grams of "fullmelt",

And this is after whipping the two for a little while,

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looking nice pengaleng. i can get the caramello grade. not come across the F stamp yet. ive got some sort of new age skunky maroc with a SVR stamp. a sort of greenish colour, hoppy/skunky smell with a very clean floral skunky taste. light press but not dry. more of a hybrid effect but i prefer a more mellow coucklock/bodybuzz type. il try get a pic later. i did get some very nice oily skywalker new age maroc also critical maroc but found them too strong as im a bit of a lightweight now days lol been smoking a mid range harder press dark fluffy maroc wirh a R KO stamp. fluffs up nice but its a wet fluff not a dry fluff. nice indica effect with a proper old skool taste. sadly nearly all gone now. been on the hunt for some nice afghani but not come across and for a while now
I pay 420 svr is that fair high up north .

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