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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

Dog Star

Active member
Hand rubbed charas India Manali

Am never smoked charas or afghan black soft hash that was really
worthy hands down hash.. also this technique of hand rubbing
doesnt give me sense of hygiene and i love dry sieved hash,
like Morocco people works him..

Wished to ask does this hand rubbing is tradition or Indian plants
are not suitable for dry sieving technique??

Kind regards Bannana Man

bannana man

Active member
Moroccan hash made using sieved technique is much cleaner . While there we showed them some sieving tech with the dried bottoms they had ,they where impressed ,they also made bubble hash when the snow comes they told us
Am never smoked charas or afghan black soft hash that was really
worthy hands down hash.. also this technique of hand rubbing
doesnt give me sense of hygiene and i love dry sieved hash,
like Morocco people works him..

Wished to ask does this hand rubbing is tradition or Indian plants
are not suitable for dry sieving technique??

Kind regards Bannana Man


Well-known member
looking nice pengaleng. i can get the caramello grade. not come across the F stamp yet. ive got some sort of new age skunky maroc with a SVR stamp. a sort of greenish colour, hoppy/skunky smell with a very clean floral skunky taste. light press but not dry. more of a hybrid effect but i prefer a more mellow coucklock/bodybuzz type. il try get a pic later. i did get some very nice oily skywalker new age maroc also critical maroc but found them too strong as im a bit of a lightweight now days lol been smoking a mid range harder press dark fluffy maroc wirh a R KO stamp. fluffs up nice but its a wet fluff not a dry fluff. nice indica effect with a proper old skool taste. sadly nearly all gone now. been on the hunt for some nice afghani but not come across and for a while now

jayd - cheers, the caramello is one of the cheaper blocks but also one of my favourite. Haven't had the SVR but know the type of modern maroc you are taking about, it seems to be the popular thing these days. I generally don't like the overly soft/wet new styles, I had a taster of oily Skywalker which I enjoyed, pics below.

Currently smoking
Kush Berry – like soft wet sand, fruity skunky and strong buzz



Tasters of
Skywalker OG Maroc – oily consistency like the most modern Moroccs. Different, more savoury, type of skunkyness



Well-known member
Lemon Maroc – more classic texture, velvet smooth with aromatic flavs

Lion Of Judah – hard pressed, classic light blonde

Maroc Shoe – Slightly hard but still pliable, sweet piney flavours



Well-known member
Happy holiday as well as new year everybody!

Happy holiday as well as new year everybody!



Got this soft slab very close before this recent pagan party ; hope everyone had a good one as myself if celebrating by the way! However, this here is coming with foreign genetics grown in Morocco. Blondish and relatively oily ; rich but not too powerfull smell(clean) is somewhat sweetish but also spicy at the same time.

No stamps but there was a small sheet of paper and scrawl saying 'K' or something.
Since I cannot detect any traces of Kush while it kinda tastes as it smells I'm up for suggestions for genetics; ).

Effects are more on the stronger body stoned side but similar to its taste a bit one dimensional even though creamy which was mentioned before by myself and others regarding new genetics
in this thread.
Not the top- or high grade I was looking for but a nice enough smoke which served us well inbetween the stashed away high grades we consumed during the festivities!


Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor


Can't complain at all and hope you as well! Thanks for your thoughts about curing, bummer no one else throws his two cents in.
Yes indeed another scandalous post of your own water hash in this fine thread here(but at least it is supposed to be from seeds from Lebanon ; just for fun wonder what people would think in comparison if they ever came across high grade hashish from Lebanon back in the day)and again it looks just great, enjoy; )!


I looked a bit further into the Hashish! book, and so Afghanis did cure their hash in a kind of underground basement, wrapped in goatskin...apparently the first smuggling westerners were offered hash cured that way for 10 years, but it's not clear if it was made on purpose or if they were just sitting on stuff because of lack of customers.

It seems in order to cure or stock hash it's better to do when still loose as pressed slab just start to decompose right after pressing (because smashed glands expose the goodies to air), though it's especially the outer layer of the slab first to spoil while the inner part remains potent for longer.

This said, and here it's only my personnal opinion, pressing loose resin into hash make for some changes to the aroma, especially as time goes by, and one ends with more hashy like smell/taste versus the original flower smell from fresh resin.

But i would never use too hot pressing ways, body temps seems the best and the most one needs to use IMHO, if more than that is needed to agglomerate, then the stuff is probably of lower quality or too old.

I haven't tried to vape the leb yet, but i eat some, and i must say there is finally a bit of THC there.

I won't make the affront to post more of the water hash i make here, as i surely don't want an outfit of "hashishins" getting mad at me...i can see it from there, a squad of red eyed zombies trying to get my stuff...brrrr, that's scary :)

Side question, have you ever tried oldschool lebanese, or even modern ones ? ;)

@ pengaleng:

I would appreciate you not to post more pics of your import slab as everytime you do i have to clean the saliva that fall from my mouth to my keyboard :D

And to all the "hashishionados" out there, i wish some hashy new year holidays!:tiphat:


Well-known member
Post Scriptum and others

Post Scriptum and others


Wanted to mention it in the previous post but personally I'm not into rosin at all for some reasons so please keep it away from me. Each to their own though, right? So enjoy if you like to:)! For a bit deeper background I wrote something here.


I looked a bit further into the Hashish! book, and so Afghanis did cure their hash in a kind of underground basement, wrapped in goatskin...apparently the first smuggling westerners were offered hash cured that way for 10 years, but it's not clear if it was made on purpose or if they were just sitting on stuff because of lack of customers.

I pretty much appreciate you feedback and effort so cheers for that! By the wasn't sure whether you own the book or not but it seems to be the case. Anyway, also agree on the general unclarity unfortunately when it comes to illegal topics which is quite a bummer often but on the other hand there is a somewhat magic due to that unprofessional chaos too which always among other things of course brought me back.

It seems in order to cure or stock hash it's better to do when still loose as pressed slab just start to decompose right after pressing (because smashed glands expose the goodies to air), though it's especially the outer layer of the slab first to spoil while the inner part remains potent for longer.

I had similar thoughts basically and agree.

This said, and here it's only my personnal opinion, pressing loose resin into hash make for some changes to the aroma, especially as time goes by, and one ends with more hashy like smell/taste versus the original flower smell from fresh resin.

But i would never use too hot pressing ways, body temps seems the best and the most one needs to use IMHO, if more than that is needed to agglomerate, then the stuff is probably of lower quality or too old.

Agree on that too, well put!

Side question, have you ever tried oldschool lebanese, or even modern ones ? ;)

Not at the zenith of their export. Though in the last decades I had it every now and then at coffeeshops as always on the hunt for rarities but due to many factors already discussed before in this great thread it wasn't the best of quality to say the least, no matter if red or blonde.
Even though in the last years stuff is more and more reaching Europe and the likes again(even at home once one of my sources told me).
Still think the very best of quality stays in the Middle East or neighbouring countries.

By the way funny you're asking as I have been to the Dam again somewhat close to christmas lately and guess what?
Had the blonde version there and even though I wasn't expecting much it was the best batch I ever came across yet. Even reminded me from handling, taste and all that of high grade losely pressed blonde moroccan of classic descent(that dryish type looking as bright as sand)but with a certain remarkable flavour which is probably Lebanese landrace(?).
Also earthy yet herbal notes.
Biggest letdown was again potency though which was very low(still I don't consume for taste mainly but effects in the end. Otherwise here is an highly recommended alternative: cooking, anyone:biggrin:?) ; though to be fair mentioned types from Morocco are despite being of high quality are not that potent either(though nice enough mostly) with their relaxing but mostly uppish highs, especially compared to Paki/Afghanis from Morocco or other foreign genetics involved there.
So all in all it was an nice to have but not a standout at all or something.
Would be interesting to know again what someone thinks about it knowing the stuff from back in the day and today.
Maybe I'm expecting too much? Time will tell again what happens to hashish culture in Lebanon.

Wanted to mention it in the previous post but personally I'm not into rosin at all for some reasons so please keep it away from me. Each to their own though, right? So enjoy if you like to:)! For a bit deeper background I wrote something here.

I get ur view point, and i agree, after squishing it comes out an oil and is nolonger considered hash in my eyes.

It still is pretty good use of the hash, it really goes a long way in this form compared to the normal way people around here mix it with tobacco and burn it in joints/spliffs,

I do think that Vaping/dabbing is healther than burning the tobacco/paper/glue/hash (just my opinion ofc)

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor

I pretty much appreciate you feedback and effort so cheers for that! By the wasn't sure whether you own the book or not but it seems to be the case. Anyway, also agree on the general unclarity unfortunately when it comes to illegal topics which is quite a bummer often but on the other hand there is a somewhat magic due to that unprofessional chaos too which always among other things of course brought me back.

You're welcome! :)

Yep i do own that book, the first edition. As you said you missed it then, here is a link to a place selling the 2nd edition for a decent 40$ hashish! ; don't know though if the place is legit...anyway, i would be curious to see differences between both edition...

Even when it was still legal it seems cannabis (and his products) history always as been somewhat blurry, probably as it was seen as a foreign vice to most western scholars pre prohibition era. I don't know if that's the only reason, but i'm sure it's a shame...

On the rare occasions i had access to leb imports, it was in the Dam, and just like you i find the qualities available to be somewhat of a let down, as the stuff was always sandy, dry-ish, tasteless (or bad tasting) with a faint high at best.

I would have a hard time describing the smell of my homemade leb although i have to say the lower quality i made fit quite well your description of traditionnal Morrocan's hash.

Here's a picture of it,both golden yellow chunks are 2nd quality waterhash while the dark one is the first qual. :

@ the revverend:

Youtube doesn't want me to look at this video, would you care to elaborate what's in it?


I think rosin is closer to hash than oil. Why? Well, when you make a oil extraction you get the thc trapped inside the green matter along other contaminants within the oil while pressing hash to make rosin all you got is the actual liquid constituents of hash ( given you made rosin out of hash).
Might not make much sense the way i try to explain it, but i guess you get my point.


Green Mujaheed
One of this winter's score. This is a 50gr chunk here, very dark, very gooey material, potent and tasty with surprising notes of copal. Between 30 & 40euros for 10gr, a bargain.
If this is jellyhash it is very well made as, although super sticky it wouldn't leave your palm or fingers with a greenish coating of oil. Takes nothing to repress, no heat other than your hands needed to turn it into a lovely shiny black ball of wellbeing.


Irie! :wave:

Jon 55

New member
ICMag Donor
Mriko My Friend

Looks like you scored some light Morroccan there. How's it taste? It looks earthy. I just got back from Kabul and let me tell you it's the last time there. Even with my long grey hair and being a Moslem it was a struggle. Taliban were everywhere, they are running things there again.I just got some decent border hash and a small guarter oz of garda. The next time I travel will be back to India where it is much safer and the hash is alot better.

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Dog Star

Active member
Could hash be made stronger with addition of BHO?? and in what way is a best
to intermix both compounds??


Green Mujaheed
Mriko My Friend

Looks like you scored some light Morroccan there. How's it taste? It looks earthy. I just got back from Kabul and let me tell you it's the last time there. Even with my long grey hair and being a Moslem it was a struggle. Taliban were everywhere, they are running things there again.I just got some decent border hash and a small guarter oz of garda. The next time I travel will be back to India where it is much safer and the hash is alot better.

Hey Jon :wave:

Well, we're actually lucky with hash in my town as the quality is usually good to very good. Last score is a nice blond and melty hash that is kind of reminding of some nice blond lebanese, at 2,7gr for 10e (lucky pick on that one, usually it's more like 2,25gr for 10e).

That dark one was quite musky with hints of copal, it had lots of success among my friend and strangely it wasn't the most expensive available, my source rather treating it as lower quality.

Ach, sorry to read about your harsh times in Kabul. I wouldn't be surprised if more and more of the cannabis fields are replaced by opium fields as every year the production is rising. We're lucky with good and cheap hash in my town, but so are we (well, relatively speaking...) as we probably have one of the cheapest heroin in France, if not Europe, at 10e/gr, 40e/5gr can even be 30e/5gr. I can only imagine the disaster it is where it all starts from...

Irie! :wave:


Green Mujaheed
Could hash be made stronger with addition of BHO?? and in what way is a best
to intermix both compounds??

Certainly, if BHO is good enough. But would be a waste to turn good hash into jelly hash, in my very personnal opinion.

The one time I made some I simply miwed the sifted, powdered resin with the bho, and voilà.

Irie! :wave:

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