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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

That is cool. I never saw hash sold like that before. Truly a fresh novel idea!


Take a look in this thread a few pages back,

I made a post showing some rosin i had made from regular imported hasish, (moroc)
I also mixed it up with some flower rosin to get some more flavor in there.

Especially with the flower rosin in there,
And depending what flower used,

Im pretty sure there is something to limonene, potentiating the effects of thc,

most of the improted stuff here smell alot like myrcene here, anyone can relate?


Well-known member
Could hash be made stronger with addition of BHO?? and in what way is a best
to intermix both compounds??

Heard they were mixing oil with some Maroc hash, oil was coming from Africa.

Believe it was iso rather than bho, I've seen photos of the machine they were making the oil with, can produce a lot pretty fast.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day mriko

I think they like to mix oil with hash in Pakistan .
I have watched some videos of folks in Pakistan melting the hash to roll joints . Starts out rock hard then melts into a very oily fluid . They said it wrecks clothing and will burn skin if dropped on them .

Went looking for the vid couldn`t find it again . But found this one re hash oil in Kerala !

11 KG hashish oil caught at Kumily Idukki | FIR 19 Apr 2016

Thanks for sharin

EB .


just got some sticky lemon hash. he just called it lemon black. very sticky smells nice not smoked any yet. wasnt cheap


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Dog Star

Active member
Doggy House Balls... ;D LOL

small chunk made your brain melting same as those resin stroked by heat..

turbo potent gear,newbies get white from it..





Green Mujaheed
I have watched some videos of folks in Pakistan melting the hash to roll joints . Starts out rock hard then melts into a very oily fluid . They said it wrecks clothing and will burn skin if dropped on them .

Greetings Elmer Bud :wave:

Well, no need to add any oil, this is just the sign of high quality resin. It is not customary to smoke "garda" in Af/pak region (many people will tell you it's bad for heart or brain, some uncooked stuff can be pretty racey indeed), and it has to be cooked and turned into charas first.
When I was in Peshawar I prepared my joints my first setting a bed of tobacco in my hand, put a disk of charas at the non-buring tip of a match, set the hash on fire (yes!), wait until it turns liquid, blow the flame, let it drop on the tobacco, cover it, mix.
One could think this kind of harsh treatment would ruin the stuff, but it actuay makes incrediby tasty joints, and super potent as well of course.

About burning skin, it does more than that. I had once the misfortune to have a drop of boiling-hot liquid charas fall in my palm, but not on the tobacco, and it is the most excruciating pain (from burns) I have ever experienced, it as truly awful. Luckily my "chacha" knew the problem and had some super effiscient cream which made the pain to vanish in a snap, but yeah, you don't want to burn yourself with boiling hash, don't...

Hmm, yesterday I had a surprise score as I put my hands on some "bledia" (genuine Moroccan hash made with local genetics) at my reguler point and it was priced like regular at 2,3g for 10e while this kind of material usually is about 1,1-1,2gr for 10e! I hope they'll have the same again tomorrow so I can shoot a few pics! ;)

Irie! :wave:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day mriko

When I was a teenager there was generally a weed drought during the summer .
The buds had been smoked / sold / or shipped some where else . So the choices were very expensive import ganja @ 1 gram for $25 or a block of black hash for $25 . The hash was better for economy .

1/2 gram of hash . 1 cigarette . Mix them . Have one bong . Once you recovered from the nicotine rush it was plain sailin for the rest of the day .

Very similar to what the guy is doing in this vid .
Hash and tobacco prep

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Thinking of a trip to morrocco. .marrakesh holiday basically ..
I only vape these days. ....
will I be able to get some kiff ?
Not sure hard hash works in my portable vape :( ... kiff /dry sift does
Shall I even bother taking my vape ..not sure what customs are like ...how bad is the laws ?

I've just always wanted to go


Well-known member
Good reading


Folk Methodology of Charas (Hashish) Production and Its Marketing at Afridi Tirah, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan


Afridi Tirah is one of the most remote areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. It is a semi-autonomous region, surrounded by lofty mountains. The inhabitants belong to the Afridi tribe of Pathans. They follow their own customs in every sphere of life and discourage any outside interference so much that even the pertinent Political Agent hesitates to visit the valley. Cannabis sativa L. has been cultivated in the area for hundreds of years. Charas (hashish) is produced in large quantities from Cannabis through folk means. The resinous bract around the seed gives the most potent and best quality drug. The quality of drug deteriorates with increasing percentage of adulterants and contaminants like leaves and small twigs. The charas (“black gold”) produced is not only used locally, but also smuggled to other parts of Pakistan and abroad. In Afridi Tirah, more than 75% of the men above the age of 15 are habitual charas users. Amongst women, this percentage is negligible due to the traditional limitations of local custom.

Photos: Tirah Maidan - Khyber Agency - Pakistan - by @baratirahafridian





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Well-known member
I'm reading this book: "Drugs in Afghanistan: Opium, Outlaws and Scorpion Tales" - David Macdonald

"The scaffolds were in fact very basic six-feet high cantilevers. On one end of the seesaw was a large, almost perfectly spherical boulder, which was held up about ten feet above the ground by the weight of two Afridi tribesmen holding down the seesaw’s other end. Directly underneath the threatening boulder was a large hole in which a fi re raged. Almost covering the hole was an enormous cooking pan, like that used to prepare a giant paella. The pan was fi lled with the contents of the goatskins. Every ten seconds, the two Afridi tribesmen would release the end of the cantilever. The boulder came crashing down on the paella
pan, pulverising the resinous chopped plant tops, and was then quickly returned to its mid-air vantage position. Slowly, but noticeably, the pan became full of a piping hot, dark brown goo. This change in molecular structure enabled the plant’s full psychoactive potential to be realised. Smoking the stuff straight out of a goatskin didn’t work. When the goo became thin enough, it was placed in wooden moulds, each shaped to hold approximately half a kilo."

from the description it does not seem a "bat-pressing"... but more a some sort of primitive rosin

When plant first flowers, top is cut and chopped and put into white goatskin in ground. This is fi rst quality but amount is very small. Second fl ower is cut and put into brown goatskin. This is second quality and amount is much bigger.
Third flower is cut and put into black goatskin. When we make hashish we use many bags third quality, some second, and one or two fi rst. Price of fi rst quality is maybe one hundred times that of third quality


Well, from a further reading,
I realized that they only describe the "bat- pressing"...
in the text the term "first flower" is used to indicate the first quality of "garda"... from this and from a rough reading I misinterpreted the description
desolated... fault of my bad english... and of my hash
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Well-known member
Happy 2019 IC Hash heads! Get your bib ready Pepe.
F block, Gooey Block, Ferrari Caramello Egg

F - classic floral goodness


Egg - more earthy with a little pine



Well-known member
Goo - Not sure what this is,seems to be modern genetics but isnt skunky at all. A pain in the arse getting the plastic wrapping off it its so sticky. Strong heady buzz, earthy dark leather flavours. Looks a bit like jayd's recent post.




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Dog Star

Active member
Looks like BHO oil or rosin is added to resin.. maybe resin was of lower potency but
they added some amount of oil to made it stronger..


that does look nice and sticky pengaleng. block looks the same maybe a bit browner in colour but could just be picture. was a proper pain to get seal off. stuff i got is very heady as well not my cup of tea as prefer more indica effect. i made a little rosin from the bit i got the other day. near enough 50% return at 100c and came out gooey as hell. i normally press at between 115/120 with harder hash and it comes out more brittle. this goo was a major pain to work with . how do you post pics to site mate as mine keep coming up small?


Active member
I'd def eat that! Gorgeous. Reminds me of the brown that came our way in Montreal awhile back. Saint Lawrence seaway ...miss those days..... Sad face


a nice mid range maroc. nice chocolate smell. fluffs nice and has a good warm indica effect. not over powering but very comfortable


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Well-known member
@Dog Star - I dont think its cut with anything nasty, it smokes well and the taste is clean. Maybe its some new gardella that I haven't tried.
@jayd - Every time I thought I had all the plastic off the bar I would find another bit! I haven't made any rosin for a while, I will take straighteners to the Dam later this month to squeeze some hash. The reason my pics are bigger is because my pics are hosted on external site (Imgur) and yours are hosted on IC.