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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member
Looks amazing. Why are some more shiny melty looking (like the last few)?
In Amsterdam at the moment, semi-hash newb, want to try a bit of variety and learn more than I already know.
thanks! and congrats!


Well-known member
Tasty pics sandsmp and Pepe!
55 pressed and unpressed



Nico Farmer

Authentic Strains Farm
I always get frustrated reading this thread, each and every time, yet i cannot help myself to not check it...the only hashes i taste those days are mines, and while they are good and clean, they just are not as diverse as Morrocco imports...

Enough lamentations i guess, i'm gonna show you some of the hashes i make, i hope you foreign hashish devotees won't get mad at me for non imports pictures, but that way i'll be a bit less frustrated by looking at your great hashes pictures!


Your stuff looks good,
Like Dogstar said, no problem :)
Where I m leaving, hashes are 99% from import, and in these 99%, the majority comes from Maroc, North Africa.

Only 20% are good and 5% very good.
I think you hash even if it has less diversity is like 5% category.


Well-known member
fuuuuck pepe, i wouldnt be sad with your nice collection of candy...

in europe you get more quality marrocan than affie or nepal, affie and nepal allways more expensive, ofcourse in india thats different, but when i find the time i rather go two weeks to morrocco than to india, 2 weeks india is just not enough,,

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
same here- i long for the old hash from affie/nepal... as with u , all i taste is the hash we make- its ok, but no where near the hash of yesteryear... no comparison...

as to Moroccan, never had anything worthwhile from here- it was all green crud... but that was many moons ago- from all i read, they have upped their game...

All i know about hash is from Morroccan, too young to have tested the famous affie and nep from old time... :(

I had green Moroccan once, it was more narcotic than the brown stuff, maybe too much for my taste, kinda a end-gamer when i did partake.

No problem Pepe they are not import... i like your work a lot..

Looks amazing. Why are some more shiny melty looking (like the last few)?
In Amsterdam at the moment, semi-hash newb, want to try a bit of variety and learn more than I already know.
thanks! and congrats!



Your stuff looks good,
Like Dogstar said, no problem :)
Where I m leaving, hashes are 99% from import, and in these 99%, the majority comes from Maroc, North Africa.

Only 20% are good and 5% very good.
I think you hash even if it has less diversity is like 5% category.

fuuuuck pepe, i wouldnt be sad with your nice collection of candy...

in europe you get more quality marrocan than affie or nepal, affie and nepal allways more expensive, ofcourse in india thats different, but when i find the time i rather go two weeks to morrocco than to india, 2 weeks india is just not enough,,

Thanks guys, you' re very welcome! :)

@ nattyroots: i guess the difference is from genetic and possibly a riper harvest, as method used is the same for all sample. Hope you did find what you're looking for in A'dam, last time i was there i didn't...yet i enjoyed the stay as always

@ haze*ekiel: I'm in Europe too, but it seems even the good moroccan stay away from my hood...sadly :(

I tried a new recipe too create something close to the nice import, gotta do some pictures just to show ya all, and possibly a guess game to come with it too :)


Well-known member
Looks like your making some tasty looking hashes Pepe, you are not missing too much with the imports I'm sure and you know exactly what's going in your product.

Don't find many narcotic ones that much and they're the ones I want

Pengaleng always had that mouth watering hash for the forum, I need to post more myself I'm lazy.
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Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Thanks sandsmp81!

Well, maybe narcotic is too strong of a word...a zombie like mode would be more accurate i guess, droopy eyes and unmotivating/couchlocking stuff was it...but now, i read that it might be the definition of narcotic, i don't know.

Pengaleng always had that mouth watering hash for the forum, I need to post more myself I'm lazy.
I second both of that! ;)

Here are a few pictures of my experiment:




And so, what does it inspire you guys?

Jon 54

I would have to look thru boxes of old photos to find a few old pictures of deliceous black hash from long ago. And then I'd need to borrow a flatbed scanner....:biggrin:

But here's a picture of a hash pipe I bought 49 years ago this summer... 49 years?!? holy shit, can it really be that long ago????

I wish I could share with you some of the black hash from northern India and Afghanistan that was smoked thru this thing back in the early thru late 70's...:biggrin:

I love that pipe !! I have had many but like You I only have one correction two pipes left that I have had over forty seven years. I have an original Proto-Pipe, and a great leather embossed chamber pipe similar to Yours.

God, we have had good taste for Hashish in our lives.

Your Compadre,
Jon :peacock::plant grow::peacock:


Well-known member
Better late than never!

Better late than never!


Know exactly how you feel but vice versa: thread sadly isn't very active so always excited myself when seeing a new post and very depressed when it's 'only' indoor resin; )! Though as others already pointed out your stuff is way more superior to any import(mentioned this before) as it's an immaculate product of your own dedication, priceless to say the least! There will always be a degree of guesswork left with every import no matter how good.
The moment I can grow again(ideally outdoor but this is wishful thinking)I bid adieu roughly to imports if they don't legalise at one point for more dedicated processing ;
homegrown grass and hashish is just supreme discipline if others don't get
their shit together despite of long traditions.
No offence intended just similarly desperated; )! Fingers crossed some quality is coming your way again and don't listen to those muggins always trying to tell you that 'there is no import in this area, mate, really! I know the whole local scene' as I hear such crap constantly when digging for contacts and proved them wrong too often ; not to forget there are probably drug mules around everywhere bringing in the more exclusive qualities every now and then.


Very nice again ; wouldn't mind something off this.

Anyways, got me hands on this beauty even though only a couple of grams as others already were faster than me , better than nothing and grateful.
Funny thing is encountered same batch before. Really busy lately too so with a bit of a delay here's the story.
At the end of February we went to a usual trip around the Netherlands for holiday including coffeeshops and the usual contacs. Latter one I was amazed to get introduced to this stuff here

Raw blonde powder/kief indeed and unpressed, straight from Morocco ; significant texture! Roughly sticking together in the bag it came in.
Smells and tastes kushy to me but for some reasons I couldn't find out what strain it was but maybe I can ask next time. All in all very clear in all aspects and providing a strong enough high with a trippy twist every now and then ; so zoning in and out of reality while giving you a strong body-high as well.
According to source indeed 'more up' and this quote is already an instant classic. The fact that it came as unpressed powder was interesting though of course no sign of quality in itsself but it really is top grade and one of the best I had in the last years that's for certain!
So again funny I picked that up then at home a few days later after returning.
According to my man this must have been indeed some overlapping timewise then.

Interesting also as I had this type of unpressed Moroccan about three years ago at coffeeshop De Graal(rest in peace)in Amsterdam when they were close to their upcoming closure back then; bit of a sell out vibe then as they were selling said moroccan 'Quad' for 25€/g. Anyways this was a very steep price and only worth it for a rare treat ; moroccan hashish I picked up now doesn't cost more than the usual moroccan top shelf which is a bit odd but I'm not complaining if you know what I mean.
Though to be fair the quality at De Graal if memory serves me right after three years still was a tad better than this but they play in the same league and this availability says a lot as I think price was again driven by quantity among others. Pengaleng checked it out later that year back then and took some pictures, cheers again.
Soon it will hit the coffeeshops or other areas I'm sure. Interesting development and hopefully not so much of an exception. Fingers crossed there will more to be had soon as my port of call at home is expecting it as well again.
Very soon will go to Adam again and will have a look if it is around ; on usual Social Media - I'm personally not involved - in the last days it looks as there are similar qualities to be expected,
we'll see!
By the way the other moroccan hash in the pictures was just a small test piece and is very average moroccan pollen earthy in taste with notes of ginger ; could be a lot worse as there are still lower qualities sadly to be had massively though.

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Well-known member
Updates, anyone?

Updates, anyone?

Unbelievable - no one else posted here in this fine thread so again it's really my turn? C'mon folks, keep it flowin:kissgrin:!

However, this small bit here is certainly no high grade but nice enough blondish, dryish Moroccan resin with foreign skunky genetics ; softens up fast in your palm and effectwise is an up high.



Green Mujaheed
Greetings and Love everyone!

Hmm, long time I haven't posted here...

Nothing fancy today, just a 20gr chunk of hash made in Morocco, probably from some Af/Pak genetics. Not the highest quality around but nice one at 4€/gr.

More & better ones to come!


moose eater

mriko!!!! Long time since you were seen here, indeed!!

I'd looked for you several years prior, trying to locate naga_sadu, to get info re. India, when I was looking for a surgeon there.

Another member had said you weren't doing well, health-wise.

Glad to see a familiar name from long ago here!!

Thanks for the pics!

**I remember your and my brief discussion, with me asking questions re. burying trichs/glands in Pakistan in finished/tanned goat skins, to age the sift prior to hash making!!


Green Mujaheed
Greetings moose eater!! :wave:

Thanks for the kind words, some dark days, or rather years, ugh..., kept me away indeed from myself and what's good for me such as this place and all the great people around. Things are better now and I'm back for good, but we will all have to be patient before I can post some new photos** of exotic material from far away places, lots of things to sort out before I can go on journeying again but I do hope I can make it so as to visit Pakistan (of course... ;) ) next year insh'Allah!

** well, still have quite a few ones of plants in Pakistan I haven't shared yet, will do!


moose eater

I'm out of rep, as is common these days, mriko.

I found PasVerdeRadical my last visit, about 4 years ago(??), when I was seeking naga. Pas was under a new name then. Still a great guy. Up to interesting and productive things in another hemisphere, last I heard.

I look forward to word or pics of your next journey to the far off lands of hashish!!

Getting another lease on life to turn the clock back can be a valuable thing!!

My body's been threatening to go on strike, and my mind occasionally takes too long of a lunch break, all in metaphor, of course. But to paraphrase a Canadian biker from a couple decades ago; "I'm still vertical."

Welcome back!! And cheers to living vicariously through your adventures!! When ever they may come!!!

Seeing your post was a highlight for the day!! ;^>)

That, and getting some actual chores done here!!! ;^>)


Green Mujaheed
Did you manage to reach naga? Such knowledge about times and places, I always much enjoyed reading his posts. PazVerdeRadical, I haven't heard from in a very long time indeed.
My, I just realised I first logged in here about 14 years ago and out of these way too many where spent out of my own true path. I don't know if I can turn the clock back but I won't loose anymore time at trying ways that are not in tune with said path.

I already have a bucket list for journeys, starting from next year, still the classic Pakistan, plus back to Kashmir too, I've heard lately about some indica coming from Shi'a valleys South of Kargil. Bosnia/Albania, read something about a "magyar" strain, brought centuries ago from the Urals by Magyar migrants warriors and which since has been grown and kept alive through generations of a specific tribe/clan descending from these warriors. Greece & Kalamata + the old hashish trade. Colombia, Cogi indians and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Tanzania and bushweed-smoking Hazabe hunters-gatherers (+ Malawi since it's nearby?). Laos, Hmong people and cannabis as food uses. Dominica Island, with the hope that local genepoll has survived both the new century and last year's nasty hurricane which brought the island nearly 20 years back.

Would be cool...


moose eater

Very cool, mriko. All sound like worthy, adventurous travels.

Yin & Yang, or what, that so many of these places that offer such bounty & history, such as Kashmir and Pakistan, are embroiled in such conflicts.

I guess for some of them, it's often been that way.

Never located naga. I was told his (long voiced) opinions, and/or his disgust with the way of the world (you don't have to look far to find things that hurt the soul), had him looking for other places to be. I hope he was able to do that, rather than other possible outcomes.

My guess is that if you're a free-thinking person with intelligence, and speak your mind, Northern India over the last 5-10 years (or more) might have become a risky place to be.

And most of us looking for Utopia of one sort or another, or even acceptable improvements to things that matter, often have wandering spirits for at least part of our lives. A small part of how I ended up thousands of miles from where I began, 4 decades ago.

Kashmiri hashish!! Equivalent to the Nepalese black slab and Temple Ball of old. When we built my house, I'd brought back a personal stash kit representing 5 or 6 hash producing regions, and we'd "tour the hashish globe," each night after work. ;^>)

The Nepalese slab and Temple Ball resulting in what felt like a soft warm fuzzy blanket lowering itself gently over the body, from the head down, after 1 or 2 large tokes, with a silky smooth smoke; no raspy harsh burn, even on sensitive bronchia.. If I were to be buried in some of that stuff, it would be like being anointed King! ;^>)

I'm glad you're well!! ;^>)