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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Nice blond Moroccan.
I've got some riffman gold on the way.


  • IMG_4599.JPG
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Yes, near abouts.

To answer a question through PM. I do not mind sharing publicly.

The hash is dried and cured for a few weeks before I melt the bubble with a rosin press set around 65F. Similar to Frenchy but without bottles. Press, fold upon itself and repress until it is homogenous.

Then I form the balls by hand and let them age a few weeks further. It is important to make a smooth defect free surface.

Now they can be polished. I use two stainless steel potlids, hold them like cymbals and roll the ball between the two. Depending on the nature of the hash, a final hand polish can suffice, like the lower ball pictured above, or it will take on greater shine with more work under the steel. Very melty hash will return to the state it wants to be, some waxier balls will stay polished like glass marbles.


That one only held together to make the video. The polish quickly left and the ball collapsed into a pile of delicious chocolately taffy consistency. I miss it.

moose eater

Your plants appear to have a pretty nice oil content, Mikell, based on your description of the process and the appearance of the hash.. Nice.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Credit to the grower and the genetics. I work here and there and process material for people I know.
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Active member
Whats the smell/ taste like?

The purest bubble hashish tends to be deceptive with terps washed out. Loses some body too. But that clear up high is like no other. Different than amber oil. Wish I could play around more from time to time. No freedoms here.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Damnit. Always wanted to try Amnesia. What's she like?


Bottom one is Afghan Haze dominant clusterfuck hybrid. Very citrusy piney lysol. Melted perfectly in a quartz banger with a BHO like residue. The video was fresh frozen trim. Tasted like coffee and hash if I recall. Don't remember the other one.


It has a nice heady,dreamy,euphoric effect
Taste is a bit mixed,some bits will have a pronounced citrusy smell and taste,others like a piney skunky smell with other puffs having a hazelnutty taste and others having a sweet cinnamon/nutmeg taste


Active member
Yes, near abouts.

To answer a question through PM. I do not mind sharing publicly.

The hash is dried and cured for a few weeks before I melt the bubble with a rosin press set around 65F. Similar to Frenchy but without bottles. Press, fold upon itself and repress until it is homogenous.

Then I form the balls by hand and let them age a few weeks further. It is important to make a smooth defect free surface.

Now they can be polished. I use two stainless steel potlids, hold them like cymbals and roll the ball between the two. Depending on the nature of the hash, a final hand polish can suffice, like the lower ball pictured above, or it will take on greater shine with more work under the steel. Very melty hash will return to the state it wants to be, some waxier balls will stay polished like glass marbles.


That one only held together to make the video. The polish quickly left and the ball collapsed into a pile of delicious chocolately taffy consistency. I miss it.

Ty for sharing


Active member
It's hard to describe cannabis flavors when there's a bunch mixed. I don't know how people get songood at picking apart tastes. Maybe cause I've smoked for 20 years. I honestly don't mind mellow terps either. But my nose works very well.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I chain smoke cigarettes. If I have detailed descriptions it's from aggregated secondhand information.


Well-known member
Few of the popular instagram hash feeds are saying that the Moroccan hash market is fucked now, loads of shite being mixed in etc etc, diminished quality and loads of gangsters involvement, which I'm sure was always the case since the 80's/90's.

Anyone else know anything and can confirm it?

I want some quality middle eastern hash or asian, none of that red seal bollocks that is still apparently about.

I've seen documentaries on Lebanese production but haven't seen jack shit over here, I bet the Israelis are buying it all. :moon:


Well-known member
Mysterious Hash again

Mysterious Hash again


Very nice! Just curious but seen you posted that elsewhere on here without said name tag. I take it you just named it that way and it not refers to some certain pseudo brand at coffeeshops(their wares are still mostly not lab tested as the average customer may think) as I just visited Amsterdam very recently as in general relatively regurlarly and haven't seen it there listed at the usual suspects. In fact quite trivial again but just curious. Thanks and enjoy!


Also very nice! Is it that type of sorta wet feel when handling it as so damn oily? Personally had a lot of so called 'Amnesia'(still doubt they working with one of the original cuts there rather than some feminized random haze strain from some type of monsanto seedbank) at coffeeshops in recent months and last year. In fact since it is on.

There I'm pretty bored of it as it is simply everywhere as is Critical(and this here especially dirty cheap even at coffeeshops). Don't get me wrong if at home I'd celebrate such arrivals as on the average very nice but with a choice I go for others.
However, that wet type I came across very recently at a coffeeshop and it was quite impressive as it particularly ticked all the boxes, also quite good potency.
Just saying, thanks and enjoy!


Didn't see real bad hashish since a while only occassionally disgusting soapbar. Around here lots of that crap or similar shit is going to prisons. Which in fact is extra and unnecessary punishment me thinks(no offence intended):biggrin:.
By the way I too think there are still a lot of ruthless criminals involved as those special markets for Spanish Social Clubs and Dutch coffeeshops are sorta only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to quantities produced in the Rif.

However, your inquiry fits in with what I was offered lately, sorta.
Stuff is blondish and supposedly from Morocco. Smell is primary weedlike with a very sweet oily background smell of vaped Moroccan hashish I cannot put my finger on, sorry.
Smell is strong.
Doesn't bubble much but smell is transfered to taste and potency is in fact quite good. Sorta heady and well tiring when wearing off.
Texture is puzzling me again as I have seen the bars it came with. You cut off a piece and if handling it a bit too much it falls apart.

I know for example classic cold pressed blonde Moroccan(mid grade)acting similar but this one here feels weird as you can see in the picture where I pressed it by hand(note: of course with gloves as I'm not keen on seeing my fingerprints on here as I see so many on here and elsewhere.

Call me paranoid but I am sure if not already happening at one point in time there will be programmes on able to read them. Be careful with you online security, folks!)as it pretty much feels like skuff and barely sticks together. Doesn't bubble much either. Looks ok enough under the scope though.
Relatively cheap too.

So I think this is some mid grade moroccan hashish with foreign genetics where something went wrong during pressing or producers were not familiar with genetics involved. Smell indicates more plant material involved so no first sieve I assume as a bit too strong, also effects indicate this.
Have seen a lot of the new moroccans with foreign genetics over the years, especially at coffeeshops but not often something like this, if at all.
As reported end of last year I had something similar but it turnt out I was told it is skuff from an indoor harvest but back then that stuff smelled a lot clearer than this
and was of better quality(see my gallery).

So that could be indeed some indoor skuff again they processed in the Netherlands they needed to get rid of(or indeed in Morocco) as I hear from relatively trusted sources that they do it there for sure and pass it on as skuff or moroccan hash. Those cocks! Hopefully they did not add artificial terpenes or shit.
However, will not pick up even though stock is running low of our circle and wait for other deliveries.
It pays too often!
