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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member

Very nice! Just curious but seen you posted that elsewhere on here without said name tag. I take it you just named it that way and it not refers to some certain pseudo brand at coffeeshops(their wares are still mostly not lab tested as the average customer may think) as I just visited Amsterdam very recently as in general relatively regurlarly and haven't seen it there listed at the usual suspects. In fact quite trivial again but just curious. Thanks and enjoy!


Also very nice! Is it that type of sorta wet feel when handling it as so damn oily? Personally had a lot of so called 'Amnesia'(still doubt they working with one of the original cuts there rather than some feminized random haze strain from some type of monsanto seedbank) at coffeeshops in recent months and last year. In fact since it is on.

There I'm pretty bored of it as it is simply everywhere as is Critical(and this here especially dirty cheap even at coffeeshops). Don't get me wrong if at home I'd celebrate such arrivals as on the average very nice but with a choice I go for others.
However, that wet type I came across very recently at a coffeeshop and it was quite impressive as it particularly ticked all the boxes, also quite good potency.
Just saying, thanks and enjoy!


Didn't see real bad hashish since a while only occassionally disgusting soapbar. Around here lots of that crap or similar shit is going to prisons. Which in fact is extra and unnecessary punishment me thinks(no offence intended):biggrin:.
By the way I too think there are still a lot of ruthless criminals involved as those special markets for Spanish Social Clubs and Dutch coffeeshops are sorta only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to quantities produced in the Rif.

However, your inquiry fits in with what I was offered lately, sorta.
Stuff is blondish and supposedly from Morocco. Smell is primary weedlike with a very sweet oily background smell of vaped Moroccan hashish I cannot put my finger on, sorry.
Smell is strong.
Doesn't bubble much but smell is transfered to taste and potency is in fact quite good. Sorta heady and well tiring when wearing off.
Texture is puzzling me again as I have seen the bars it came with. You cut off a piece and if handling it a bit too much it falls apart.

I know for example classic cold pressed blonde Moroccan(mid grade)acting similar but this one here feels weird as you can see in the picture where I pressed it by hand(note: of course with gloves as I'm not keen on seeing my fingerprints on here as I see so many on here and elsewhere.

Call me paranoid but I am sure if not already happening at one point in time there will be programmes on able to read them. Be careful with you online security, folks!)as it pretty much feels like skuff and barely sticks together. Doesn't bubble much either. Looks ok enough under the scope though.
Relatively cheap too.

So I think this is some mid grade moroccan hashish with foreign genetics where something went wrong during pressing or producers were not familiar with genetics involved. Smell indicates more plant material involved so no first sieve I assume as a bit too strong, also effects indicate this.
Have seen a lot of the new moroccans with foreign genetics over the years, especially at coffeeshops but not often something like this, if at all.
As reported end of last year I had something similar but it turnt out I was told it is skuff from an indoor harvest but back then that stuff smelled a lot clearer than this
and was of better quality(see my gallery).

So that could be indeed some indoor skuff again they processed in the Netherlands they needed to get rid of(or indeed in Morocco) as I hear from relatively trusted sources that they do it there for sure and pass it on as skuff or moroccan hash. Those cocks! Hopefully they did not add artificial terpenes or shit.
However, will not pick up even though stock is running low of our circle and wait for other deliveries.
It pays too often!

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=66603&pictureid=1859107View Image https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=66603&pictureid=1859106View Image https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=66603&pictureid=1859105View Image

KARA stamp on the top bars??


Active member
Hard to believe the put people in prison for plant resin. Like society us so weak that a plant resin will destroy it?


Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Soapbar dealers earn a place in prison...seems a bit extremist but i'm tired of that shit, that's the only thing available around here...that or stretched hash, which, if you ask me, is on the same level :hotbounce


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Perhaps the most interesting bit of research I have read in years.

Found it on IG of all places.


Just past the first few pages. Beyond interesting, I have laughed out loud at the jabs they take at other researchers more than once.


There is quite a bit of hash around that fits that description NYS.There is some ammo hash(not same as my pic) and another that has has a strong weed taste and smell with some sweet lemon notes to it.Actually the weed tasting 1 is pretty strong but is kinda harsh and is a lung buster.
All the ammo hash is from seeds,not the cut and I suppose that is why there are so many different taste/smells in it

The ammo hash in the pic is a lot more oily than the other type and a bit more of a pain to roll a joint with.The other stuff is easy as can just pick a bit off and spread between thumb and fore-finger and crumble in


Well-known member
It often pays definitely

It often pays definitely


If memory serves me right there was only an unreadable cutting, otherwise I would have probably mentioned it. Sorry.


Thanks for that interesting read, great detail, cheers! Confirms a lot of stuff again!
Though that female author is a bit suspect to me but you can't have it all.

Sadly article also mentions BHO and rosin production there as I said elsewhere without being a machine breaker regarding new techniques they are still philistine techniques to me, while rosin being at any rate solvent free,
if considering at least centuries-old culture of hashish. Though it will work there probably as it is all about profit in this poor area anyway.
Old story. Much more needed to be said about it, though I am a bit sick of it.

As I'm still a somewhat dreamer I'd wish for a seedbank careing about traditional landrace, selecting the best, stabilising it and then selling regular seeds to these farmers instead of those business practices of Monsanto/Bayer I mentioned above like for example shitty Dinafem mentioned(and figuratively hundreds of other copy cats) in said article as their approach isn't breeding but just beeing on the gravy train to me. Fuck them.

Also article points out that farmers could stick to other new genetics less water demanding than the current hybrids. Also they touched on the topic what an impact it could have on the Rif area if Europe mostly legalises.

By the way always wondered myself why they seemingly didn't bring new genetics to Nepal, India, Lebanon et cetera yet. Fingers crossed it won't happen although highly unlikely. Definitely had ice-o-lators from Afghanistan ; even from Nepal if memory serves me right.
Spontaneous guess would be due to distance as I said before on one hand most of the top grades staying in that area for various reasons(local demand and quantity of local consumers)and on the other laws in asian countries tend to be more strict regarding that plant so establishing western seedbanks there is maybe more difficult respectively more complicated ; especially when exporting resin to Europe which would add to the costs and gear from there is already quite expensive compared to Moroccan for the same reasons mentioned.
Though in fact quite odd nobody seemingly have tried that there in regards to this huge local market. Maybe the average local consumer cannot afford it though. Questions upon questions.


Cheers! You are right this could indeed be said about a lot of the latest offerings but couldn't describe it better myelf ; however that smell is really strong as you can notice it lingering for quite a while in some distance in a room when a slab was cut. Odd.
Don't know if that mixture of tastes you mentioned is due to used seeds instead of cuttings as you could say that about classic 'kif'/'beldia' or what ever is grown there as well since they use(d)seeds from open pollination in the past as well which in theory should generate quite a mixed genepool and variation of taste. Dilemma of said monsanto seedbanks.

Anyways, as mentioned if one is patient enough some doors tend to open as within a week our stash was stocked up. Had the choice between one nice blonde variety and some eggs which were particularly advertised as 'Caramellos' ; which, apart from not giving a flying fuck about pseudo names as brands in this illegal game, is a known term to me - also for these bullets out of somebody's anus, supposedly;) - but witnessed this as others in what feels like a hundred other different contexts, too.
However although looking for something else I went for them even though limited quantity unfortunately since had the other type a lot lately.

Here is my portion:

Real deal! Quite nice and clean classic and particularly beautiful taste as smell. While it is a clear up-high not overly potent by all means it is well long lasting. Nice and mellow! This will do us for a while.
Has anyone ever tested these imports?

Tested one from years ago from the Middleleast and came back pos for papaverineee.

clean classic and particularly beautiful taste as smell. While it is a clear up-high not overly potent by all means it is well long lasting. Nice and mellow! This will do us for a while.

What do you think we are doing wrong on the domestic hashfront?
Ive 3.5 oz left ,plaques had 23 and dates stamped on them . Im chucking it down the drain. Sick of morrocan shite /fake hash . A message to the truckers who bring this in cause its cheap leave it i n spain as nobody wants the fake gear .


Well-known member
been smokin for 45yrs and have never seen any Moroccan worth smokin... i'm sure the quality has gotten better over the yrs from the 'green-shit' of yrs ago , but in my case i've never seen any

Dog Star

Active member
In a year 2000 i buyed on a streets of Barcelona best hash ever.. was sorry i buyed
smaller chunk of two he gives me,will buy both when i think about this hash if
i could find this same boy..

one little joint and we was laugh for 3-4 hours,like best sativa smoke ever..

so i belive quality exists but its rare..

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Quality does exist, but as most dealers/smugglers are in it only for the money, they don't give a shit...and often they don't even know what quality means...


Well-known member
Too often on the run for resin

Too often on the run for resin


Cheers but envy is a bit of a strong term(as this only goes for losers not granting stuff to someone which envy implies too often) and not becoming you according to your posts here in my humble opinion even though I know it only was exaggeration on your side;)! Again, personally I distinguish between low, mid, high and top grade(as between indoor and outdoor and if perfect conditions considered outdoor is king for sure!)and your personal stash made out of your personal dedication you've shown already seemingly easily plays in the high grade league as said before! So kudos to you again:biggrin:!

Female author is suspective to me as women should care about kitchens and stuff tradtitionally, period!
Just kidding of course!
I'm about her background saying she worked(or working?)at one point for Sensi Seeds. This is just biased to me and I wouldn't want to see seedbank involved there except for if they're as idealistic as me about genuine genetics. Though this is a bit difficult as such explorations need funding and all that. The usual dilemma. Just saying though, no big deal at all in fact!


Never had the opportunity to test imported hashish sadly. That opiat you mentioned found in your hash seems odd to me. There is this urban myth of hashish from India occassionally laced with Opium but I don't want to start this boring discussion again as it is merely a local thing if at all and on the other hand it would mean iron cut with silver pricewise so mostly bullshit to me and a try to selling up something.

However, not sure if I understand your quotation and question regarding me correctly as we talk about imports here and even though I personally have a bit of experiencies with making indoor resin I'm by no means an expert. Take a look at the other thread about ice-o-lators, dry sift and bubble.
Otherwise I can only come up with 'Legalise worldwide!' and probably a lot of problems disappear hash- as weedwise.


Don't quote me on that but I think you mentioned before you're not located in Europe/Asia(where chances are high you can get your hands on some imports compared to other places in this world where it is more difficult respectively rare these days)so indeed you haven't seen any but as others pointed out Moroccan changed a lot and is also my personal favourite compared to Nepalese or Indian Charas/Pollen which I can get hold of and already posted high grades here ; sadly though to some point as I would prefer vice versa but you can't have it all, innit? However, hope you'll get some again one day, fingers crossed:)!


Excuse my narrow-mindedness again and no offence intended here for sure but while I trust your happening I think this random story is not a good approach regarding today's offerings as so many things changed in the meantime(genetics, approaches, processing) as on one hand personally I rarely was offered high grade on the streets for obvious reasons as all about fast money mostly and on the other this was in your case almost twenty years back and it is a psychological fact that people tend to white wash things in retrospect ; which means I strongly doubt that said hashish today would make you laugh no matter which dosage as you probably have seen a lot of other qualities in the meantime and are older as experiencied as well today, not to forget this was a different setting back then which influences the overall experience.
At least I had such experiencies when reflecting them at some point as when I got my hands on the 'same' stuff from back in the day. Nostalgia isn't wrong at all though and of course you need a proper reference point. Hope you get my point, cheers!

While I'm on it
here's the latest from the(at least Dutch) hashfront: inbetween posts I have been to the Netherlands for a little holiday around the country there. Visited the usual suspects as private sources, too.
Again discussed said mysterious hashish with them and was told it probably is indeed a second or third sieving with still too much plant matter of foreign genetics but not so interesting to one of those sources which is after the high grades.

Furthermore I obtained a couple of unpressed Moroccans there as well. Similar to the stuff I posted some months ago and again one was quite kushy and bloody, bloody oily as clean taste. The other one was even more tasty and also of foreign genetics, all really wispy powder-like texture. Again the usual price for highgrade if buying in bulk.

Also now know for sure it is sold at coffeeshops as well and even not too expensive there. Also I could imagine for the future they now extra advertise that as it is something super special as they did in the past with other thingies :biglaugh:! Though as said before only because it is unpressed doesn't mean much as it is in theory possible with second sievings and so on as well.
However, considering said type of quality it is exciting what will happen next as this is a step in the right direction and all that!
Time will tell!


Well-known member
The quality has never been better, if its judged with purity & strength (cannabinoids + terpene content). The market for quality is in high demand, so there is currently a big surplus of mid grades.

As with all economics, the majority of people are looking to get their bang for the buck, so the usual consumer market continues but they are not seeing what the quality can be, due to prices on the quality being 2 or 3x higher than what the general consumer wants or is prepared to spend.

However, if your looking for the oldschool non poly-hybrids, then the market is very narrow and to get something worth it, You will have to be connected in one way or they other, else your chances are very slim. It simply dont make senses for the farmers in a economic aspect to run varietals that yields 35-75% less.

I am an aficionado myself, raised on old school flavors but changes seems they have arrived to stay. During legalization the coming years around the world, I reckon we will see landrace varietals being worked and introduced with artisan post-extraction techniques (pressing & curing) to bring back some craft market specials which there surely will be a market for, especially in a global, legal setting.


Well-known member
Don't quote me on that but I think you mentioned before you're not located in Europe/Asia(where chances are high you can get your hands on some imports compared to other places in this world where it is more difficult respectively rare these days)so indeed you haven't seen any but as others pointed out Moroccan changed a lot and is also my personal favourite compared to Nepalese or Indian Charas/Pollen which I can get hold of and already posted high grades here ; sadly though to some point as I would prefer vice versa but you can't have it all, innit? However, hope you'll get some again one day, fingers crossed:) !

yep not in europe/asia, so little chance to get our hands on any hash - as u state (and others) moroccan has come a long way from the green (very green) hash of yester-year- now we are left with making our own bubble or dry sift - neither which is very exciting-

which is suprising as if the weed today is so much stronger as people say (i dont agree) , u would think good shit going in, good shit coming our- but so far with all the hash we have made ... this is not the case... i miss the old days...



i wonder what % nowdays is even just hash and normal contaminants

mack 10

Resin Herder
been smokin for 45yrs and have never seen any Moroccan worth smokin... i'm sure the quality has gotten better over the yrs from the 'green-shit' of yrs ago , but in my case i've never seen any

If you go to Morroco you can get some great hash.
The Rosin pressed from it can be next level.