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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!


if it smells like fish
glad to hear all is well..jack daniels woodchips, 3 day marinated teriyaki pork roast ,,, cabbage ,carrots and onions in foil bacon grease ,baked potato...mmmmmmm...yeehaw


if it smells like fish
hey wont be seeing apples any time soon ... growing from seed.....yeehaw...my garden is looking good too...by the time the apple trees are ready doober will be old and have altzeimers and not even know what one is ....ha ha

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey Troutman! Hey Mrs B! Hey Boyd! Hey Midwest
Been really busy, just finished up a CPR/defribillator refresher. Keeping busy. Garden going good, ready to sprout some more stuff. House is nice and clean. Cupboards all stocked up. Ready to put some ice in my bong and smoke on something good...the Blue Dragon looks good. Haven't smoked it in couple weeks.
Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying the Spring.


ICMag Donor
Good to hear your staying busy, it's a good thing. We've been planting stuff too.
Enjoy every day, we only get one shot at this shit!! lol

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hi Mrs B! Hope you're doing well! Just smoked some Platinum OG x Skunk #1
Weather is pretty cold out here for this time of year. Low of @ 40F tonight. Still have my windows and door open though, need that fresh air.


probably crashed by now :biggrin:


if it smells like fish
awesome day on lake yesterday ..followed a coyote couple as they cruised the shore and hunted...I was gonna catch them some fish as they looked a bit thin and I felt bad... till they started catching ground squirrels and gophers I think...was cool to see how they worked as a team.....headed out again today with my micro light fishing rod 4 lb line ... prob bring cheap camera too..wont be long till the temps here go over 100 ...115 aint uncommon....glad all is well doober ..I did the cpr course way back,,, now you don't have to do mouth to mouth and suck ass on an alcohol and rubber tasting dummy....yeehaw

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Lake sounds good trout man. 115°F is hot man. @60° here in Boston. Just ate meatloaf and brussel sprouts and potatoes. Smoking on Platinum OG x Skunk #1
Have a good night everyone ��������


if it smells like fish
ha ha ha yeehaw... i liked this pic best from today...i think my time here is getting short ..maybe back east ??? but not too soon.. ya well if it gets hot river is about 2 minutes or less if motorized, lake is 5 miles...rock on doober man..no kissing the cpr dummy any more right??? i hated the alcohol and rubber taste and they all really looked like a man ....i love brussel sprouts steamed .. i have stainless and bamboo steamers.. add balsamic vinegar.. one of my fav things..i also love boiled cabbage and corned beef..i miss the dirty water of my favorite river there..


love cabbage and corn beef but have not had it for awhile to bloody rich, indigestion and fart like a trooper.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Hope everyone has a good weekend, I'm off to the Mexican food store for chorizo, tamales chimichanga's some crumbly cheese can't forget the habanero and Serrano peppers.


if it smells like fish
all stuff I keep around ^^^^^^... I have reynaldos cheap pork and beef chorizo.. I have finally decieded pork is better and wont buy beef any more....took me about 20 years to make up mind....yeehaw.... hope all is well doob man...yeehaw.. went swimming in lake and river today..so beautifull and refreshing..old neighbor showed up at lake and I got to watch him fall out of kayak trying to get in .. its was funny but for a second I thought he might drown ..helped him out..he recoverd fine and we blazed a j and went about paddling....old guy 71 and diabetes big gut out of shape... he got balls to hang out paddling with me .. he is good for an hour or 2 max usually depending on breaks\wind and such .....he earned my respect...

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Yeah pork is the best. The kind I get is made there and comes in ziplock bags.
Sounds like a good day on the water.


if it smells like fish
theres a bunch of wild ones here.. I plan on saying hi.....yeeeeeehhhaawww ..pig tags are cheap.. and if you forget to fill stuff out that's ok.. its only illegal when you get caught.....bacon rules.. my friend kayaking saw a mom with small babies and an eagle flew in and got some bacon too... yup grabbed tiny baby and flew off... only seen that with squirrels myself...lol


bit of interest doober, fella in oz got a bit pissed by the look of things lol, woman and two daughters inside, all ok. I r
eckon it was the old man? flogged a bulldozer and flattened the fuk'n lot lol while they were in it.
aint love grand.