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Human Genocide Alert

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Just bumping this back up so the "information" is still prominent.

Apparently people still need to get their dose of disinformation.

It's becoming more understandable why certain people hate schools and universities.


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Russia releases 2.000-page report proving deep state and big pharma manufactured Covid pandemic

Russia has openly claimed that big pharmaceutical companies, along with influential figures in the US political landscape, orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of a strategy for global domination.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and George Soros have been named as participants in this project, suggesting their involvement in a conspiracy against humanity.

"The Russian Embassy in the United States said Thursday: "Russia wants justice for the creation and spread of SARS-CoV-2, while the West has covered up the origins and censored scientists and researchers. journalists". Russian authorities say that biological research initiatives undertaken by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine must be subject to thorough legal review, including by relevant international organizations.

The embassy highlighted concerns about the Pentagon's operations in Ukraine, saying: "The activity carried out by the Pentagon in Ukraine is particularly concerning. The United States has involved dozens of public institutions and private companies in the country.

The statement states that "civilians and military personnel of the republic have become donors of biomaterials and mere subjects of experimentation. There is no doubt that such actions must be subject to appropriate legal assessment, including from the competent international structures."

Concerns persist in the international arena over uncontrolled dual-purpose research conducted under the direction of the US Department of Defense, with Russia regularly citing "gross violations" by the United States of UN Convention commitments. biological and toxin weapons.

The diplomats noted that "Washington ignores these allegations, justifying itself by a certain humanitarian component of its programs." They added: "We emphasize that there is no doubt about the laudable goals of the US Department of Defense projects. There is evidence of US work on potential biological weapons agents, which are far from isolated, as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens responsible for economically important infections.



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Wasn't Russia first with a Covid vax named Sputnik V?



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