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Human Genocide Alert

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Turbo cancer and micro parasites.

Seems totally legitimate.

We ought to be keeping all of the winning in check.

Wouldn't the micro parasites interfere with the graphene antennae?

Don't tell me that people are just making stuff up!!


Well-known member

Médico uruguayo que quiso cruzar a nado el Río de la Plata falleció de un paro cardíaco​



Well-known member
A 21-year-old American football player died tragically after S’s suddenly collapsed on the field during a training session.




Well-known member
Indeed people do not die every day from being eaten by a dog but in fact and every day several hundred people in the world die from covid injections.



Well-known member

England Suffers 1 Million Covid Vaccine Deaths in Just 2 Years​



Well-known member
This is a video of me removing one of the strange white fibrous clots, from the right jugular vein. The person who was recording it is Nicky King, who is also an embalmer. I didn't notice it until I lifted the vessel up. I could feel it inside the vein. I only show this because people still don't believe it and ask for video evidence. What's causing this? I can't say for sure, but I didn't start seeing this until early 2021. Unfortunately, I still find strange clotting in several bodies that I embalm.



Well-known member
They had claimed that the Covid mRNA injections remained in the region of the injection site!
If you said the opposite you were called "antiscience"

A New York University study showed that messenger RNA (mRNA) from the vaccine enters the placenta and umbilical cord of pregnant women.

The research was recently published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

We remind you that we have never had so many dead fetuses!

They kill !



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ICMag Donor
Indeed people do not die every day from being eaten by a dog but in fact and every day several hundred people in the world die from covid injections.


Fact Check: No evidence to link UK excess deaths to COVID-19 vaccines​

By Reuters Fact Check
February 7, 20243:35 AM GMT+10Updated 13 days ago

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A suggestion that tens of thousands of excess deaths in the UK are linked to COVID-19 vaccines is misleading.
The claim was made in a monologue by British television presenter Neil Oliver on GB News.
In an 11-minute video clip posted to Facebook, opens new tab on Jan. 6 that has attracted 384,000 views, he says there have been more than 100,000 excess deaths in the United Kingdom since January 2022 and implies a link with the rollout of COVID vaccines.

Oliver does not source his claim for the 100,000 excess deaths, which are defined as the number of annual mortalities that are above the five-year average.
The total number for 2022-2023 according to UK health agencies is 72,575. The Office for National Statistics, opens new tab (ONS) estimates there were 63,554 excess deaths in England and Wales between January 2022 and December 2023. Over the same period, there were 7,236 excess deaths in Scotland, National Records of Scotland told Reuters by email. In Northern Ireland, there were 1,785, according to the province's statistics and research agency.

“Hardly a month goes by without me hearing of another heart attack, another stroke, another twentysomething dropping dead when no one had any reason to doubt they were in otherwise perfect health,” Oliver said in the monologue.
“More and more of us say the elephant in the room when it comes to a grown-up conversation about all the unexpected dying is the suggestion of a temporal link between excess deaths and the rollout of the jabs.”
Sure, I'd be happy to meet with him,00:0901:14

However, health agency data, standardised for age, challenge this narrative. For example, ONS data show all-cause deaths in England and Wales were higher among the unvaccinated than those who had received at least one dose, for every month in its April 2021 to May 2023 dataset, opens new tab.
“There is no evidence COVID-19 vaccinations are linked to these estimated excess deaths,” a spokeswoman for the ONS said via email.

Experts point to the long-term effects of surviving COVID infection, NHS delays and a lack of preventive care as explanations for the higher-than-average mortalities.


Stuart McDonald, deputy chair of the Continuous Mortality Investigation, opens new tab (CMI), co-authored a commentary, opens new tab in the Lancet Regional Health Europe about the UK's excess deaths.
Citing a CMI report, opens new tab, it pointed out that excess deaths in England were highest in young (20-44) and middle-aged (45-64) adults.

“That shows you that it is the younger groups that are experiencing the highest level of excess deaths,” McDonald told Reuters in a phone interview. “So, it is the groups that are least vaccinated. The older groups, where vaccine uptake was higher and where boosters have been given more frequently, are experiencing less excess deaths in relative terms.
“There is no robust scientific evidence that gives even a vague suggestion of the vaccines causing more harm than they are preventing. They have unequivocally, based on all that I have seen, caused an enormous harm reduction.”


McDonald said the long-term effects of COVID infection and a lack of preventive medication during the pandemic were among more plausible reasons for the excess deaths.
“The British Heart Foundation (BHF) found half a million people who should have been put on blood pressure medication were not,” he said, referencing a 2021 report, opens new tab by the advocacy group that described the pandemic’s impact on delaying heart disease diagnoses and causing people to put off care. “So, they are walking around without preventative medication.”
BHF said in a June 2023 report, opens new tab that there were more excess deaths involving cardiovascular disease in England since the beginning of the pandemic than any other disease.
Both McDonald and Marta Blangiardo, a professor of biostatistics at Imperial College London, said another factor to explain the excess deaths was NHS delays.
The number of people waiting more than 12 hours to be admitted to Accident and Emergency in England rose from 3,260 in 2018/19 to 98,564 in 2021/22, opens new tab, according to NHS data. Similarly, ambulance response times for category two incidents (such as heart attacks and strokes) hit one hour 30 minutes in December 2022, opens new tab, falling to 45 minutes a year on. The target is 18 minutes.
There is no evidence of a causal link between COVID vaccines and excess deaths, Blangiardo added.
GB News did not respond to a request for comment.


Misleading. There is no evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to excess deaths in the UK.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work.
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


Well-known member
BREAKING: the New Zealand government today released gross mortality statistics by covid vax dose (including unvaccinated) under Official Information Act request Combined with
's leaked data, we now see mortality in each dose group (including 0 doses)





Well-known member
over 70 % of pregnant women , who were vaccinated, have had miscarriages . and according to the bmj 85 % in the first two trimesters

anyone still promoting the injections are either profiting from the situation ,or they are sinister minded or they are completely demented


Well-known member

You have been genetically manipulated to produce Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein proteins​

  • Pfizer's mRNA-COVID-19 syringes cause the cells to produce additional „ Off-Target “ proteins that could pose significant health risks
  • This finding was gained by a British team of researchers who found that COVID-19 vaccination has a „ breakdown “ due to a genetic change
  • According to the study, 25 to 33% of people who received Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccination have cellular immune responses that are not targeted
  • The „ Pfrankenstein “ proteins could potentially lead to health problems, including autoimmune diseases or hormonal disorders
  • Pfizer's Pfrankenstein proteins should have been discovered, reduced, or eliminated long before the mRNA-COVID-19 syringe was administered to millions of people

The toxic spike protein that arises in your body during a COVID 19 syringe is not the only health risk you should consider. Pfizer's mRNA COVID 19 syringe also causes the cells to produce additional „ Off Target “ proteins that could pose significant health risks.

This was determined by a British team of researchers who discovered a „ breakdown “ in the genetic modification of the COVID-19 vaccines. As a result, unwanted proteins with unknown effects are produced – a phenomenon that should have been discovered long before the experimental vaccinations were administered to millions of people.

Modified mRNA in COVID 19 syringes is ‚ susceptible to reading errors ‘

Ribosomes decode the mRNA in the cells, but in about 8% of cases, the ribosomes in COVID-19 syringes incorrectly read the coded instructions, explains Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., a former medical scientist from Adelaide University and former reporter for ABC News in Australia:

The researchers say that the ribosomes responsible for decoding the mRNA in the cells can incorrectly read the coded instructions in about 8% of the cases, what is referred to as „ ribosomal frame shifting “. The researchers say that the „ breakdown “ is related to how the mRNA in the vaccine was genetically modified.
In contrast to naturally occurring mRNA, a ‚ uridine ‘ base was replaced by a ‚ N1-methylpseudouridine ‘ in the vaccines (to stabilize it), which unfortunately makes them susceptible to reading errors. “

I introduced in May 2021 Interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Senior scientist at MIT for more than five decades, on the likely dangers of replacing uracil in the RNA used in the COVID syringes with synthetic methylpseudouridine. This process of replacing letters in the genetic code is known to be codon optimization, which is known to be problematic.

At the time, Seneff predicted that vaccinations would lead to an increase in prion, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases and, more recently, to blood disorders and heart failure. One of the main reasons for this is the genetic manipulation of the RNA in the syringes with synthetic methylpseudouridine, which increases the stability of the RNA by inhibiting its breakdown.

Researchers from Cambridge University and the Universities of Kent, Oxford and Liverpool have now discovered that the use of methylpseudouridine leads to a high rate of ribosomal „ frame shifting “, which causes the cells to, Produce proteins outside the target with unknown effects. In an interview with Demasi, researcher David Wiseman explained the worrying results:

„ You found that the Pfizer vaccine can cause the cells to form proteins that they should not produce – so-called ‚ Pfrankenstein proteins ‘. … Imagine the following English words with three letters: ABE DAN TEA TON ERA TWO – the letters are like the code of the mRNA. Instead of reading the sentence at the letter ‚ A ‘ of the first word, jump to the next letter – the ‚ B ‘.
This means that all other letters are moved to the left, and you will receive a new sentence with the three-letter words BED ANT EAT ONE RAT and so on. So the new words have a completely different meaning than the original words. This is exactly what happened in the body of some people who were vaccinated with the Pfizer product. New unwanted ‚ Off-Target ‘ proteins were produced that actually led to a ‚ Off-Target ‘ immune response. “

Your body is misused to produce ‚ Pfrankenstein ‘ proteins

According to the study, 25 to 33% of the people who received the COVID-19 syringe from Pfizer experience cellular immune reactions that do not lead to the target. „ This means that their lymphocytes had seen the proteins before – their immune system had already been prepared by an earlier exposure, presumably after the person received the mRNA vaccine “, said Wiseman.

The authors of the study found that there were no negative consequences in connection with the „ frameshifted products “, and the media also downplayed any risk of damage. Molecular virologist David Speicher, Ph.D., but told Trial Site News reporter Sonia Elijah:

„ Whenever our cells form an abundance of unintentional proteins or prevent the production of suitable proteins, this could lead to an unintentional immune response that has enormous potential for damage. “
Wiseman also made it clear that the „ Pfrankenstein “ proteins could potentially lead to health problems, including autoimmune diseases or hormonal disorders. He said to Demasi:

„ You have to be aware that the body is not only misused for the production of spike protein, but also for the production of others, as I call them, ‚ Pfrankenstein ‘ proteins, that are completely uncharacterized. We don't know what they are, what they do, how long they are formed or how long they remain in the body, and we have no idea how toxic they are.
However, the Nature article shows that these unwanted proteins trigger immune reactions in the body.
… The researchers have shown that frame lifting can produce chimeric proteins. If the ribosome reads the code for the spike protein, it can make a mistake in the middle of the reading process. So the first half is the spike protein, and the second half is a Pfrankenstein protein.
Imagine half of the ACE2 receptor can still attach to the cells, but on the other hand you have this Pfrankenstein protein, that dangles outside the cells. Your immune system will destroy the cell because it looks strange, and now you have something that looks like an autoimmune disease.
Or you have a protein that is not necessarily identical, but another protein in our body, e.g. B. a hormone that is sufficiently similar, so that it finally mimics the activity of the hormone and disturbs the endocrine system. “

Reading errors could be reduced – why weren't they reduced?

While the authors of the Nature study claim that products with frame shifts are not harmful, they believe it is important that future mRNA technologies reduce ribosome frame shifts. They proposed identifying the mutilated areas or sequences and changing the mRNA sequence to reduce such effects in the future.

But as Wiseman emphasized, this should have happened. „ This work should have been done by vaccine manufacturers and regulators before the product was approved and administered to billions of people. They asked people to take a vaccine and give it to children without knowing what was going on in the body. “

In addition, the study authors base their assessment that these „ Pfrankenstein proteins “ pose no danger on only 21 people. Wiseman on to Demasi:

The authors wrote: „ ... there is no evidence that products produced by the BNT162b2 vaccination are associated with frame shift in humans with undesirable results. But they only examined 21 people who had received the Pfizer vaccine, so that, with the best will in the world, one cannot speak of a serious safety study.
And how were these people selected? The volunteers participated in another government-funded study and reported no undue effects of the vaccination. As they did not study subjects who reported adverse effects of the vaccination, the selection of participants was likely to be biased.
… What they are trying to say now is that there were no problems in 21 people, but there could be problems in the future, so we should simply continue the study. Do you want to kidding me? What they say is: ‚ We will inject you first and ask the security questions later ‘. That is not good enough. “

It is worth noting that two of the team's researchers have filed a patent application for mRNA technology, so they certainly have reason to downplay and suggest the problem, that we just have to do a little bit, and everything will be fine.

Does foreign DNA integrate into human cells?

Together with Pfifzer's Pfrankenstein proteins, there is a possibility that DNA integration through COVID-19 vaccinations poses a risk to the human genome. Tucker Carlson spoke to the general practitioner of the US state of Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who called for an end to the COVID 19 mRNA syringes, because he has concerns about the DNA fragments contained in the products.

„ Could foreign DNA get into your cells through the mRNA-COVID-Vax and change your DNA – and humanity itself – forever? Sounds crazy. But if it is not “, Carlson tweeted. „ That could happen “, says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Florida general practitioner. In a letter dated 6. December 2023 to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the CDC, Ladapo has released findings that demonstrate the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes and promoter / enhancer DNA of monkey virus 40 (SV40).

However, the guidelines do not take into account the lipid nanoparticles and other factors in COVID-19 vaccination that could increase the penetration of DNA into a cell.

„ Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for the transport of mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells and can therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for the transport of contaminated DNA into human cells be. The presence of SV40 promoter / enhancer DNA can also pose a unique and increased risk of DNA integration into human cells “, according to a press release from the Florida Department of Health (DOH).

In a preprint study from 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan –, a former researcher and team leader of the MIT Human Genome Project – and colleagues examined the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the mRNASyringes from Moderna and Pfizer. „ A DNA contamination was found that exceeds the requirements of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) of 330ng / mg and the FDA of 10ng / dose.

In addition to the spike protein and the mRNA in the COVID-19 syringes, McKernan's team also discovered SV40 promoters that have been suspected of causing cancer in humans for decades. According to the Florida DOH, the 2007 FDA guideline also states:

  • „ DNA integration could theoretically affect a person's oncogenes – the genes that can transform a healthy cell into a cancer cell.
  • DNA integration can lead to chromosomal instability.
  • The industry guide discusses the biological distribution of DNA vaccines and how such integration could affect unintended parts of the body, including blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, ovaries/Testicles, lungs, conductive lymph nodes, spleen, the location of administration and the subcutaneous tissue at the injection site. “

The FDA replied to Ladapo's letter on 14. December 2023, but provided no evidence that an appropriate assessment of DNA integration had been carried out. Ladapo then called for the use of these funds to be stopped. „ It starts with crazy, but it ends somewhere else that someone can just deal with something as precious and sacred as our human DNA as nonchalant and, frankly, rashly “, Ladapo said to Carlson.

Help for people suffering from injuries caused by COVID 19 syringes

If you suffer from the side effects of a COVID 19 syringe, the first thing you need to do is remove the spike protein – and / or any deviating off-target protein – that your body produces. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are two agents that have been shown to bind to the SARS-CoV-2-spike protein and facilitate its removal. It is not known whether these drugs also work with off-target proteins, but an attempt is unlikely to hurt.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has a post-vaccination treatment protocol called I-RECOVER developed. The protocol is continuously updated as more data is available. It is best to download the latest version directly from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com down.

The World Council for Health (WCH), a global association of health-oriented organizations and civil society groups, has also issued a guide to detoxifying spike proteins that contains simple steps that you can take, to reduce the effects of toxic spike proteins and which may be helpful. Another possibility is sauna therapy, which can also help to eliminate toxic and misfolded proteins by stimulating autophagy.

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