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Human Genocide Alert

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You will deny it left and right but I think Palestinians being slaughtered is an outrageous war crime and I do not support Israel.

I will point out that hate leads to disastrous consequences.


Well-known member
i voted for biden, he is a self proclaimed zionist that supports (ideologically and materially) israel's war crimes.

i hope nobody would condemn me for that, especially when the other guy was much worse on every issue and would have been much worse on israel- palestine.
both puppets of the same regime. most the world know that the ussa and most nations in debt to the i.m.f are controlled by the corporation. trump is the father of the vaccine, has a street named after him in israel, has a daughter who is zionist , and has a israeli bank note with his head printed on it .

you will find most people around the world laugh at both biden and trump and everyone can understand it is theatre , controlled by the central banking cartel. they control the monetary system , and therefore control the outcome of all policies, induce never ending wars and such .


Well-known member
the federal reserve is shareholder controlled . america is heading for a century of communism . democracy never existed, and to take sides and do nothing practical is silly

So Hai

Well-known member
i voted for biden, he is a self proclaimed zionist that supports (ideologically and materially) israel's war crimes.

i hope nobody would condemn me for that, especially when the other guy was much worse on every issue and would have been much worse on israel- palestine.
You voted for in support of genocide, you are responsible. It is not difficult to understand and neither is the mechanism of seeking explanations. No one forced you to vote for either one of them.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That's why I have never voted for any politicians - they are all murderers - or murderers in training - bombing 💣 shooting 🔫 and droning so many innocent people - I couldn't have that on my conscience - to have voted for any of them - ever -


You voted for in support of genocide
he didn't run on a platform of genocide, and again... the other guy is objectively worse.

i don't vote to make myself feel good, i vote as a tactic. anything to block the guy who mass murdered americans with pandemic disinfo.

it's also not my fault we have this "lesser of two evils" voting thing going on.


Well-known member


Pr. Christian Perronne: ICS-5 and US Senate, a turning point, the return of light and freedom.
TRIBUNE by Christian Perronne

Dear friends,

My stay in Washington S’finishes, but what a stay !

After these years of darkness, corruption, manipulation, dissemination of fraudulent medical and scientific articles, suppression of freedoms, totally illegal authoritarian measures, and so on, media control and widespread censorship, methodical destruction of health, hospitals,’economics, industrial potential,’agriculture,’education,’arme, diplomacy, diplomacy, from culture, family values, light and truth are being spread all over the planet. Peoples are waking up and will not let go.

The two days of the congress of the’International Crisis Summit (fifth edition, ICS-5) brought to light terrible measures against the peoples of the world. The exchanges were very rich.

France was worthily represented by Emmanuelle Darles (researcher in computer science) and Vincent Pavan (high-level mathematician) who did two remarkable presentations fraudulent publications and methods used for the manufacture of false data.

J’ai had the pleasure of finding american exceptional fighters doctors from the first hour, became friends, Pierre Kory, Harvey Rich, Meryl Nass (who was accused of misinformation and then disbarred for saving lives) and Ryan Cole (anatomopathologist doctor who performed a large number of’autopsies in the deceased victims of pseudonymscovid-19 vaccines, to demonstrate their dangerousness). Dr. Simone Gold, a pioneer of resistance, testified. The Australian professor, Raphael Lataster, presented the techniques of disinformation and creation of’infox, particularly used by fact-checkers.

The testimony of Canadian truck drivers who suffered unheard of violence and who were blocked from bank accounts was poignant. Doctors and other caregivers, parliamentarians, police officers (including an intelligence officer of the Canadian Mounted Police),’formers, journalists, etc, who had immense courage to resist tyranny and who were victims of this terrible repression, could tell the nightmare that’s they lived.

The testimony of’a Canadian road driver of Romanian origin, who had known in his youth the communist tyranny of Ceausescu, and who thought never to see it again, was very moving. He was severely beaten and wounded for simply demonstrating peacefully against the mandatory health pass. It was exposed the techniques of manipulation of populations, brainwashing, propaganda, worthy of’a science fiction film. Financial fraud techniques were discussed.

Parents testified, some in tears, by evoking the death of their child a few days after the experimental’inoculation. Statistics on pseudo-vaccine side effects and mortality have been shown, including by Dr. Jessica Rose, a Canadian expert who analyzed the VAERS side effect database. The lawyers pointed out that forced’injection of experimental products was totally illegal and contrary to all international conventions, assimilable to a crime against’ humanity. La medal worn by judges at the Nuremberg trial was exposed.

Dr. Malone presented the the control of the CIA on the world. My friend and German-speaking Swiss lawyer, Phillip Kruse, has demonstrated in a remarkable way the extreme threat to our democracies of the’OMS Treaty project that would remove the power of states. Since’OMS has changed the procedure so that this vote can be adopted by a simple majority of countries, there is a huge risk that this treaty will be adopted next May.

We must welcome the presence of three fantastic european deputies christine Anderson (Germany), Cristian Terhes (Romania) and Rob Roos (Netherlands), who, with a handful of colleagues in Brussels and Strasbourg, know me well, fight like lions to defend our freedoms in the European Parliament. To survive, democracies must imperatively restore the INDEPENDENCE of Parliament, justice and the media and reject the supranational tyranny of’OMS.

The round table held in the United States Senate, in the famous Kennedy Room, broadcast live around the world, was incredibly rich. Many professions were represented, including former financial repents or the’ pharmaceutical industry who were able to unveil the hidden manipulations. J’y was proud to represent France.

J’ was struck to hear from many American, European, Canadian, Mexican and Australian participants that’s had a lot of’admiration for the French resistance fighters, which’s consider as fighters of the first hour in this covido-ubuesque crisis.

Many’experts from foreign countries rely on us to lead the way. They told me that :

"France had to resume its role as a country of lights."
During this round table, I’ exposed the false or downright fraudulent data in scientific publications and how we denounce them, with my friends of l’association BonSens.org, by publishing replies or counter-expertises in the referenced international medical journals. J’ also spoke about threats and sanctions against dissident doctors and censorship in the mainstream media, but also on social media. J’a ended by exposing the will of the authorities to suppress our medical and scientific freedoms.

J’ai warmly thanked Senator Ron Johnson and Dr. Robert Malone, organizers of the roundtable, for their fantastic commitment to bringing the truth to life.

This round table in the American Senate, by its quality and its global diffusion, represents for me a magnificent turning point towards the return of light and freedom.

Washington, February 26, 2024


Well-known member
Communism is state-capitalism and rule by a privileged human minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority of human animals that are denied any property or legal rights.
you basically just described currently existing capitalism.

communism is the rejection of all class and hierarchical social structures (there would be no privileged minority), the abolition of the state & money among other things lol.

we're hundreds of years away from communism even becoming a valid discussion lol. people who are afraid that it's being pushed on them are retarded.

So Hai

Well-known member
he didn't run on a platform of genocide, and again... the other guy is objectively worse.

i don't vote to make myself feel good, i vote as a tactic.
Buyers remorse does not change the fact that you elected a criminal to be your representative, and that your democratic representation is properly measured in blood rivers of victims.

I realized decades ago that the system called democracy is irresponsible and you make a perfect illustration of this point.

So Hai

Well-known member
you basically just described currently existing capitalism.

communism is the rejection of all class and hierarchical social structures (there would be no privileged minority), the abolition of the state & money among other things lol.

we're hundreds of years away from communism even becoming a valid discussion lol. people who are afraid that it's being pushed on them are retarded.
Nonsense, this is what is called bait.

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