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Hombre del Monte's garden.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
...Lately, I've been relistening to the Hispanic Saharawi Aziza Brahim... Allow me to recommend a couple of her songs, which I think you'll like for their great beauty...

Wow! I've just listened to the first track.

It made the hairs on my arms stand up!

You have very good taste brother!

This morning Mrs DM got up and was stoned from yesterday's cob!, not high but properly stoned.😂
Two strong coffees and some Destroyer cob (taken sublingually this time😂) and she's starting to feel more normal.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Cousin, snails and slugs hate walking on ashes and also diatom earth, that's the nicest thing, then you have salt where you can (gardens with concrete or cement) and for extermination baits against snails, extremely effective but quite dangerous above all for birds and dogs...
Por supuesto! I'd forgotten about wood ash!
I've already tried putting a ring of DE around the area, but it keeps picking up the moisture from the mushroom patch; (I'm watering the patch once or twice daily and if I don't, the mushrooms become too dry and the caps split.).

I'm reluctant to use poison, as I believe that they have as much right to live as anything else.
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Well-known member
Yeah. It's going to be hard.
I didn't expect to have this dilemma after seeing England's first game(s).
¡Ánimo, Hombre!
Tell Gareth Southgate for me that he can win... He only has to repeat the great strategy of '88: harass the Spanish fleet while it sails through the middle of the field, prevent in any way the land landing of the elite troops of the Tercios in the English area or everything will be lost, put to extremes some such John Hawkins and Francis Drake...but not attack the Spanish area too much or madly, lest there be a repeat of the '89 games in La Coruña and Lisbon, or the '95 games in San Juan de Puerto Rico, City of Panama, and the Isle of Pines...
And how is the weather and the sea, along the English Channel?😉
Ahhhh... Those were the Euro Cups, those of 1500... Greetings to England!


...Y el Besolla C.F., aconsejando a nuestra Selección...: Juega bonito y disfruta.
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Today it's going to get hot! Already at 11.30 am we have 35c.
And today we have the "hair dryer wind" to cope with too.
The wind is picking up already and it feels like you're standing in front of a hair dryer! There is no cooling effect at all; in fact it just makes you feel hotter! 😂
The humidity must be very high this am; I'm covered in sweat even whilst sitting still!
I think I'll go in the house and watch the cricket. (It's only 28 in there) 😂
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
¡Ánimo, Hombre!
Tell Gareth Southgate for me that he can win... He only has to repeat the strategy of '88: harass the Spanish fleet while it sails through the middle of the field, prevent in any way the land landing of the elite troops of the Tercios in the English area or everything will be lost, put some such John to extremes Hawkins and Francis Drake...but not attack the Spanish area too much or madly, lest there be a repeat of the '89 games in La Coruña and Lisbon, or the '95 games in San Juan de Puerto Rico, City of Panama, and the Isle of Pines...
And how is the weather and the sea, along the English Channel?
Ahhhh... Those were the Euro Cups, those of 1500... Greetings to England!

View attachment 19031293

...Y el Besolla, Campeón..

Mrs DM wasn't at all impressed with "Hail to England" 😂.

I might just put some Diana Ross on to chill her out again.😂

¿What's the weather like on your mountain this morning?


Well-known member
¡Ánimo, Hombre!
Tell Gareth Southgate for me that he can win... He only has to repeat the great strategy of '88: harass the Spanish fleet while it sails through the middle of the field, prevent in any way the land landing of the elite troops of the Tercios in the English area or everything will be lost, put to extremes some such John Hawkins and Francis Drake...but not attack the Spanish area too much or madly, lest there be a repeat of the '89 games in La Coruña and Lisbon, or the '95 games in San Juan de Puerto Rico, City of Panama, and the Isle of Pines...
And how is the weather and the sea, along the English Channel?
Ahhhh... Those were the Euro Cups, those of 1500... Greetings to England!

View attachment 19031293
...Y el Besolla C.F., aconsejando a nuestra Selección...: Juega bonito y disfruta.

Vamos, España! De hecho, esta semana, el martes mismo, fue mi nacimiento español ... recuperando lo que los angloamericanos le quitaron a mis bisabuelos en el 88. Abrazo primo!


Well-known member
Vamos, España! De hecho, esta semana, el martes mismo, fue mi nacimiento español ... recuperando lo que los angloamericanos le quitaron a mis bisabuelos en el 88. Abrazo primo!
...But that game was from '98...but from 1898, not 1588, heh... And it was played against the USA, heh...

Have they given you Nationality now!?😃 Aiotu pollaí, su'primo . I'm so glad, cousin!! Both for you and for Spain. De corazón, papi... I'm happier than the jibarito's mare at the beginning of the song...
"...And happy, his mare also goes, when sensing that that song It's quite an anthem of happiness..."
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Well-known member
¿What's the weather like on your mountain this morning?
Calor, pero razonable: se está guay.
Hot, but reasonable: it's cool.

This morning I have been pruning a  palmito (Chamaerops humilis; I don't know how to say it in English: fan palm, palmetto...?), because the leaves already reached almost to the ground...

...In the afternoon, when the heat has dropped a little, I took my niece to the city (to the small capital of the comarca/region, not the capital of the province, which is not a much bigger city either), to first eat artisan ice creams, then buy her a book she wanted, and finally take her to the Municipal Auditorium to see a show for, mind you, not for kids, but for "preteens"...
Oh, cousin Del Monte; When we go around, for example to a bar, and I say -"...And give my cría(baby-kid) a juice or a smoothie,"- she looks at me seriously and scolds me: -"But  tito, I'm not a cría(baby-kid): I'm a preteen"-... I already have to say "chavala" o "señorita"...
She is 1'45 meters tall and almost 9 years old...

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Well-known member
Thank you cousin. Of course, I've had many bigger.

I was never really into carp and never ever had a tent. I liked to catch them on light tackle, or to stalk them. Many times I would go to the lake in the evening and take several large fish from the shallows. The "Carp Men" with their 3 rods, tents and alarms would just be sitting in the tent watching videos; that not fishing!

I remember one time, I turned up with my light tackle and just a net and a bag of bait. The Carp Men snigger.
Some hours later, as I'm leaving, I tell them I've just had a 12kg leather carp. "that's Heather the Leather!", the biggest leather carp in the lake!.

My best result (not best fish!), would be a 6.5kg common carp, taken on 12 oz line (340g breaking strain line) and a size 22 castor hook! It took 15/20 minutes to bring him in.

Both my son's are good fishermen. My youngest son is brilliant; Even as small boy, he could locate fish! He's a much better fisherman than me, although I taught him. These days he is a specimen hunter and sometimes appears in fishing publications. My eldest son is like me, loves to fish, but is no good😂

When I was as a young man, for a couple of years, i would, with another man, catch salmon (poach) and sell them to restaurants in Devon, alongside with a little hashish. We would be given free food and beer and they got cheap fresh fish. Everyone was happy.
That’s funny bro when I lived in Florida I used to poach the occasional Snook for selling to restaurants. But it was a last resort when I was cash strapped. lol 😂 CL🍀

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