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Hombre del Monte's garden.


atomizing haze essence
these days they smoke Star dog, or some such nonsense. I tried some in the UK a few years ago, terrible; Mrs DM had one puff ont he vape and refused to have more!



I was with group of youngsters, they invited me to their smoking session. they stopped at me and went with them in their BMW SUV. hip hop music very loud. at parking lot we smoked this kush, super tasty... and it was nice, I felt comfortable, like 20 minutes, then one of them said I am hungry. so again to SUV and we were heading to McDonalds. I dont eat that shit hahahaha. they grabbed their Macs and we got back at that place, loud hip hop music and macs. we smoked that lethargic kush again... one and one it was bore! for me hahahahah but I guess it was relax for them
I like both dreamy herb and also love raw strength.

I'm having a day off from eating cob today
It's now 15.45 and time you siesta in the shade, so it's dreamy weed now (zenith #2). This morning it was Destroyer.
I like psychedelic weed... mind expanding... dreamy stuff is not it... I like my cut of chocthai hybrid it is super dreamy and you can sit and watch clouds for like 4 hours and be happy. strong euphoria. but... I mixed it with posi haze, now it is trippy. I am satisfied.

I really tried a lot of seeds and a lot of cuts... and it always lacked something for me... if it was euphoric, it was not trippy, if it was trippy, it lacked energy etc... and now I can name all that dutch stuff hahahhaha

so I found that I have to make it myself... people are different, so I cant be sure if you will like it. also not all phenos are that great, and you grow only one plan of each. so let see.

people are different. for example @flower~power likes Pancakes. would you believe that? hahahhaha just joking.


learning and laughing
... I'm walking on the narrow edge of the pool and start to fall and I'm thinking, if I throw the phone, its broken; if it goes in the water, it's broken. Before I artist hit the water, I twist in the air, place the phone on the concrete edge and am able to withdraw my arm before my wrist bangs into the concrete edge. There is an almighty splash, I pick up the phone whilst I'm still in the water and you here me say, as I normally do in such situations "! Far out!"

All my skills came into play during that brief second and it was in slow motion. Love it!.
Cannaninja or circus artist
Mad skillz!

And congrats on the save 👍🏼

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity

I was with group of youngsters, they invited me to their smoking session. they stopped at me and went with them in their BMW SUV. hip hop music very loud. at parking lot we smoked this kush, super tasty... and it was nice, I felt comfortable, like 20 minutes, then one of them said I am hungry. so again to SUV and we were heading to McDonalds. I dont eat that shit hahahaha. they grabbed their Macs and we got back at that place, loud hip hop music and macs. we smoked that lethargic kush again... one and one it was bore! for me hahahahah but I guess it was relax for them

I like psychedelic weed... mind expanding... dreamy stuff is not it... I like my cut of chocthai hybrid it is super dreamy and you can sit and watch clouds for like 4 hours and be happy. strong euphoria. but... I mixed it with posi haze, now it is trippy. I am satisfied.

I really tried a lot of seeds and a lot of cuts... and it always lacked something for me... if it was euphoric, it was not trippy, if it was trippy, it lacked energy etc... and now I can name all that dutch stuff hahahhaha

so I found that I have to make it myself... people are different, so I cant be sure if you will like it. also not all phenos are that great, and you grow only one plan of each. so let see.

people are different. for example @flower~power likes Pancakes. would you believe that? hahahhaha just joking.
I've never had a Mac either and would far sooner fast then put that inside me.

We're both predominately veggies, and at this time of year are surviving on mainly fresh fruit, nuts, salads and gallons of olive oil. 🙂

Psychedelic weed is my first choice also, but I've never yet found one with the raw power that I want, that's why I mix up cobs to achieve the required effect.

el mani

Well-known member
I'd love to fish again! I've spent lot of my life fishing and getting high! Perfect combination and that was before I knew anything of cobs!
A los primicos ingleses creo que les gustan las carpas....
Fly fishing & haze baked

Fix the car cousin, I have three weeks of vacation...


Catch & release


atomizing haze essence
if you want psychedelic keeper HOMBRE. you have to grow bunch of it and select keeper. I have to laugh at claims of some haze breeders and that every other pheno is keeper...

it is not only cannabis that works like that. look at wine. they use grafts. here when you want to grow some wine variety, you can choose from 3 to 5 different grafts of it. these 5 grafts are allowed by state institution, no others are allowed. same for fruit trees. you buy apple tree, but it is graft of variety, just try to grow apple tree from seed and results will be pure. many cultivars are needed to be grown from grafts to achieve optimal and quality product. it has some disadvantages too...

peppers and tomatoes not, you can grow it from seeds and get very good product.

cannabis is closer to wine in breeding and selection, more than to tomatoes...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When I was 14 and just starting to smoke I used to sneak out to a water tank behind our house for a joint. We lived on 25 acres, mostly bush. As I was halfway through the joint I hear some leaves loudly rustling, looked down just as a funnel web spider crawled across my toes (it was summer, I was barefoot. Always wore some footwear out there after that. I'm not usually scared of spiders but these are miniature tanks, solid hairy with big fangs.

My son went out with a girl from Manchester who's family had immigrated to Australia. My son used to amuse them by picking up huge huntsman spiders in his hands. The were shit scared of spiders and insects.


Well-known member
Amen to that @Tangwena, that CG X DL X Mulanje is epic! :) And, I also concur on the look of @Hombre del mont 's place, so peaceful and creative. I'm envious!
You would like the Colombian Gold x Demon Latcher brother I've been sampling the year old cobs and a couple are crazy euphoric, energetic and spacey on their own.
But mixed with the Mulanje they are just perfect. You can handle complex jobs and get real creative or just watch the world go by no pressure to do either your are just enjoying the moment.
I cant wait to get out in the wild fishing in September on this mix.
Love the pic of your Casa brother it looks like paradise.


Well-known member
Amen to that @Tangwena, that CG X DL X Mulanje is epic! :) And, I also concur on the look of @Hombre del mont 's place, so peaceful and creative. I'm envious!
I have one growing at the moment its looking awesome and the aroma is unreal I cant wait to try it ha ha.
Mixing the two cobs is all kinds of crazy depending on how much I use of one or the other of them.
I just love the energy and euphoria I go all day long and into the night ha ha.


Well-known member
The coffee is good. Nearly everywhere they serve good coffee!. I'm not sure that the Spanish are aware that some people drink instant coffee!😍, everyone makes coffee strong here!
I take my coffee seriously and instant coffee is not coffee ☕️. It’s just a brown colored water that’s not fit for human consumption. lol But fingers crossed for Spain 🇪🇸. CL🍀

el mani

Well-known member
Beautiful fish cousin... This particular one came out with a #3/4 fly rod and a 0.10 bass, good fight.
About 40 years ago I caught my first fish, no one in my family or those close to me liked the pleasures of fishing, I went with some friends and I loved it, at that time I earned more money from fishing than from work.
With weed it was the other way around, when I was little I hid among the plants that they had every year in the farmhouse and it wasn't until I gave up football that I started to get interested. I also never gained anything from weed other than a good high with friends.

Today only dogs bath, I'll leave the fish alone for now.


Well-known member
@revegeta666 , good to see you around brother.
I'll try and get to the post office later in the week, but it's 2k uphill and we have no car, (again😂). Getting desperate for the beach (Sorry @Eltitoguay, And we've only got 32.5c today, ie nothing, i don't know how you guys cope up on your mountain).

I seem to remember reading somewhere that Sativa actually helps cope with the heat. I'm currently feeling nice and cool, perhaps it's the Destroyer @el mani. 😂
The Destroyer is one of my favourite "go to" day time weeds; now that's it's 6months old it's really starting to come on nicely, as is the D23x DC/THH, although that is more trippy, with a little colour enhancement. Muchas gracias primo 😍🙏
Well, the truth is that in my hill & valley is having one of the least hot summers that I remember in this century.
We have not yet exceeded 41°C (106°F) in the shade on any day, which is considered normal and usual here, and for that reason and as you can see by the green circle in the AEMet table, we still have There is no warning, not even a yellow warning for heat. But the warning for high ultraviolet index is maximum (Purple: 11 and +).
Today, here:

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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Beautiful fish cousin... This particular one came out with a #3/4 fly rod and a 0.10 bass, good fight.
About 40 years ago I caught my first fish, no one in my family or those close to me liked the pleasures of fishing, I went with some friends and I loved it, at that time I earned more money from fishing than from work.
With weed it was the other way around, when I was little I hid among the plants that they had every year in the farmhouse and it wasn't until I gave up football that I started to get interested. I also never gained anything from weed other than a good high with friends.

Today only dogs bath, I'll leave the fish alone for now.
Thank you cousin. Of course, I've had many bigger.

I was never really into carp and never ever had a tent. I liked to catch them on light tackle, or to stalk them. Many times I would go to the lake in the evening and take several large fish from the shallows. The "Carp Men" with their 3 rods, tents and alarms would just be sitting in the tent watching videos; that not fishing!

I remember one time, I turned up with my light tackle and just a net and a bag of bait. The Carp Men snigger.
Some hours later, as I'm leaving, I tell them I've just had a 12kg leather carp. "that's Heather the Leather!", the biggest leather carp in the lake!.

My best result (not best fish!), would be a 6.5kg common carp, taken on 12 oz line (340g breaking strain line) and a size 22 castor hook! It took 15/20 minutes to bring him in.

Both my son's are good fishermen. My youngest son is brilliant; Even as small boy, he could locate fish! He's a much better fisherman than me, although I taught him. These days he is a specimen hunter and sometimes appears in fishing publications. My eldest son is like me, loves to fish, but is no good😂

When I was as a young man, for a couple of years, i would, with another man, catch salmon (poach) and sell them to restaurants in Devon, alongside with a little hashish. We would be given free food and beer and they got cheap fresh fish. Everyone was happy.
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