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Hombre del Monte's garden.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Just a little update to tell you guys that I'm ok'ish, but my recent physical and mental health have been suffering and consequently my garden too. Thankfully I'm improving and am almost back to me usual silly self.

I'm actually having a tolerance break for a couple of weeks and taking some time off from posting here too, but hopefully I'll be back on the boards soon and I'll again regaling you all with the nonsense that you've come to expect from "the doctor of stupidity".

Take care my brothers and i'll see you all soon.


Glad to hear you're doing a bit better.
You do what you need to do -- tolerance break, forum break, it's all good.
Come and tell us the stories later.
Meanwhile, we'll probably still be sitting around your living room (i.e., this thread!) and drinking your tea. :p

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