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Hombre del Monte's garden.


Well-known member
Oh, my poor cousin Hombre del Mont must be "apollardaito" or "aplatanaito" with this heat...
Now that night is beginning to fall and the heat is easing here, I leave you this beautiful poetry by San Juan de la Cruz,
with the music that Enrique Morente put to it, but covered by Rosalía. I showed it to my niece, and now she can't stop playing it; so it goes from both of us...:

" EVEN THOUGH IT'S NIGHT: How well I know the source that flows and flows Although it's night That eternal fountain is hidden How well do I know where he has his flock? Although it's night In this dark night of this life How well I know by faith the cold fountain Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night I don't know its origin, because it doesn't have one. But I know that every origin of it comes Although it's night I know there can be no such beautiful thing And that heaven and earth drink from it Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night I know well that soil is not found in it And no one can wade through it Although it's night Its clarity is never obscured And all light from it is coming Although it's night And its currents are so mighty What heavens, hells they water and the people Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night The current that arises from this source Well I know that he is so capable and omnipotent Although it's night The current that comes from these two I know that none of them precede him Although it's night Here the creatures are being called And they get fed up with this water, although in the dark Although it's night In this living fountain of desire In this bread of life, I see it Although it's night In this eternal fountain is hidden In this living bread to give me life Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night Although it's night, ah ah ah ah..."


Well-known member
...I think you once told me that you liked Califato 3/4, cousin Del Monte, or is that just my imagination?

Quality music. I recognize their skill. It is not easy to mix folklore with drum and bass and reggaetón in the same song and do it well. I actually wrote a comment about this in one of their songs. If you can find my comment, you can find my YouTube channel with all of the music I listen to. Im the guy fron the Antilles 😆

My plants are recovering but they took a heat stroke and one is dying (Panama Cannabiogen x Old Timers Haze from Pandora).

I cant imagine having my plants far from my reach in this weather man. Im used to heat being from Puerto Rico, but this heat without any rain is a fucking challenge. I had a mini anxiety attack yesterday when I saw the plant dying.

Stay safe and take care of your ladies. Prevent neglecting them as I have.


Well-known member
Yes, some heat...

Today with a maximum of 45°C/113°F in the shade, my valley (especially the westernmost part, by the town of Almadén) is expected to be the hottest place in Spain... Even surpassing the neighbor to the south, the Cordoban slope of my mountain range, and the countryside at its feet, including the town of Montoro. Until now, in my valley the "record" is 46°C/115°F, but in Montoro a few summers ago it reached 48°C/ 118'5°F...
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Well-known member
Quality music. I recognize their skill. It is not easy to mix folklore with drum and bass and reggaetón in the same song and do it well. I actually wrote a comment about this in one of their songs. If you can find my comment, you can find my YouTube channel with all of the music I listen to. Im the guy fron the Antilles 😆
My plants are recovering but they took a heat stroke and one is dying (Panama Cannabiogen x Old Timers Haze from Pandora).
I cant imagine having my plants far from my reach in this weather man. Im used to heat being from Puerto Rico, but this heat without any rain is a fucking challenge. I had a mini anxiety attack yesterday when I saw the plant dying.
Stay safe and take care of your ladies. Prevent neglecting them as I have.
Je, je... ¡Ay, boricua, que ya no estás en tu Caribe!
Heh heh... Oh, Puerto Rican, you're no longer in your Caribbean!

There are no Puerto Ricans here, but "the large Caribbean colony" in my valley, mainly from the island neighboring yours on the other side of the Mona Channel, comments the same as you, every summer here, he... Aplatanadit@s The poor are, heh...: For days now, at the entrance to my valley (the real entrance to my valley by road from the east, with the flags of Hispañistán and Quisqueya, aka Spain and the Dominican Republic),
instead of being heard the usual fast-paced Dominican merengue,

only slow bachatas sound, heh, It's too hot to shake your body too much...
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Well-known member
Christmas with family here was not special to me. Basically 2-3 days of cooking and eating with more than 40 people.

But Easter was impressive, the scale of the processions and the solemn atmosphere were unlike any public festivity I have ever seen. Streets filled with columns of people swinging to a slow drum for hours, with sometimes brass bands playing in sinister tones. High "Game of Thrones" atmosphere compared to the frivolous festivities that I am used to.



Well-known member
Christmas with family here was not special to me. Basically 2-3 days of cooking and eating with more than 40 people.

But Easter was impressive, the scale of the processions and the solemn atmosphere were unlike any public festivity I have ever seen. Streets filled with columns of people swinging to a slow drum for hours, with sometimes brass bands playing in sinister tones. High "Game of Thrones" atmosphere compared to the frivolous festivities that I am used to.

I am not a Christian, but if our cousin Del Monte recovers soon, I promise not to joke with the Holy Week processions again... Is there a deal, Christ of the Gypsies?
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Well-known member
...While our host gets into tune, and once again leaves us his beautiful images of his Granada, its subtropical coast and the sparkling peaks of his Sierra Nevada, you will have to settle for my much more humble, old and eroded Sierra Morena, whose mountains The highest ones barely exceed 1,300 meters (4,270 feet)... That montain range's roof is here next to the exit of my valley to the South.

Departure by road from my valley, towards the first mountains of Sierra Morena, which can be seen in the background:

A few kilometers further: Here, during an excursion last June-3, from the bus, my niece discovered the sea of fog that usually covers that roof of the mountain range during the mornings; She exclaims: "...It looks like the sea!":

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Well-known member
It is very hot in the area of Hombre del Monte, to be so close to both the sea and Sierra Nevada (the highest mountains in Iberia...) More than the daytime maximum of 41°C / 106°F in the shade, it is the nighttime minimums that are so high that they can get mad and destroy the mood of those who are not used to it or find it weak... 27°C / 81°F night minimum (practically at dawn), implies having to sleep or spend almost the entire night above 30°C / 86°F...:


Well-known member
It is very hot in the area of Hombre del Monte, to be so close to both the sea and Sierra Nevada (the highest mountains in Iberia...) More than the daytime maximum of 41°C / 106°F in the shade, it is the nighttime minimums that are so high that they can get mad and destroy the mood of those who are not used to it or find it weak... 27°C / 81°F night minimum (practically at dawn), implies having to sleep or spend almost the entire night above 30°C / 86°F...:
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Obviously he has no airconditioning. I feel for him I hope he regains his sanity soon.


Well-known member
Obviously he has no airconditioning. I feel for him I hope he regains his sanity soon.
I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised: in the villages and small towns around me (almost 300 km northwest of Hombre del Mont) there are more traditional houses without air conditioning than with it (in large towns and cities with residential block buildings, it's just the other way around).
A walk the other evening/dusk (when the heat begins to give a break) through the small village at the foot of my hill, with my niece and her cronies...
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