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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
My old van .I've named Rocinante


Well-known member
and now, this ...

NEW ARTICLE: Destroying Evidence - Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are destroying ALL COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, as ordered by Health Canada on Aug.27, 2024 Throughout Canada, all vials of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines have been ordered destroyed! "A spokesperson for Alberta Health says that as of Aug. 31, all old-strain COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available, but neither is the new formula." "the provinces and territories were directed by Health Canada to remove and destroy all current COVID-19 vaccine formulation(XBB) from all sites across their jurisdictions on August 31, 2024,” an Alberta Health statement said Wednesday." Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are contaminated with trillions of DNA plasmids and fragments. They are destroying evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine contamination in Canada, which is a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada Can the Alberta Minister of Health
be held criminally liable for destroying evidence of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine contamination? Scientists like
will no longer be able to conduct research and test contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials. The next step in this would then be to blame all COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine injuries on something else...perhaps a "new pathogen"? Get ready...something very bad is coming from all of this maneuvering by Health Canada and the


Well-known member
Is it vaccinated?
I guess the quixotic Rocinante remark was overlooked.
No this old horse takes ivemectrin

I'm totally joking though. I don't take ivemctrin for Corona virus.
I recommend quitting the smokes and sweeties ,and running a paced half hour 6 days a week. An ounce of prevention.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm chain smoking and alternating stuffing Mounds bars in my face.

I've never taken horse paste and the vaccine isn't going to be what kills me.


Well-known member
I'm chain smoking and alternating stuffing Mounds bars in my face.

I've never taken horse paste and the vaccine isn't going to be what kills me.
Read the entire post no one is talking horse paste .( it's prop comedy for fun.)
I'm not criticizing Smokes and food. But healthy people aren't suffering from the same symptoms/severity as the unhealthy.


Well-known member
Ok I'm on a health kick . I don't mean to sound like I'm up on a pedestal. No offense intended

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No it's fine. I'm literally chain smoking and shoveling candy in my gob.

I am aware these are not healthy choices.

I am, however, not scared of medical science or doctors.


Well-known member
We have had this discussion before. I would love to take the Corona virus vaccine, but give me liberty or give me death.
My doctor told me that the vaccine won't stop transmission. She said that it would prevent me from being as likely to die .For me it has always been a pussycat

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