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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
The doctor told me that the vaccine wouldn't stop me from transmitting the virus to someone else. So it would seem like a personal discussion to me. My body my choice.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites


Well-known member
Haha I'm a ranch hand ,I just got injured on the ranch. They gave me the injection recently. I'll take any free vaccines I can get my hands on. Except for the Corona virus vax.i wanna chuck that little Keebler elf Tony faucci across the Potomac. Hahahah


Well-known member
I recommend quitting the smokes and sweeties ,and running a paced half hour 6 days a week. An ounce of prevention.
i recommend the same. i find 5 days a week on the Nordic Track skier - hitting max heart rate - works for me. learned the evils of sugar and taught myself to cook/eat low-carb exactly 6 years ago. thank-you YouTube. only took 24 hours to clear my first covid infection - no anti-bodies needed if the immune system is functioning.


Well-known member
The virus was never very mild for me .I had it a couple of times. Milder than a cold in my experience.
i recommend the same. i find 5 days a week on the Nordic Track skier - hitting max heart rate - works for me. learned the evils of sugar and taught myself to cook/eat low-carb exactly 6 years ago. thank-you YouTube. only took 24 hours to clear my first covid infection - no anti-bodies needed if the immune system is functioning.


Well-known member
regarding the recent ridiculous report about self-assembly shit in the jab ... (not my tweet, just echoing it) ...

The well-poisoning is real and deeply alarming. All of these groups claiming that there is nanotech in the vaccines use shoddy optical microscopy studies and point at gigantic crystals tens of micrometers across, when the primary sources on IoB molecular nanotech describe devices that are smaller than optical microscopes can resolve. How come so few of these people are willing to review the primary sources on IoB nanotechnology, such as Ian Akyildiz and Josep Jornet's papers on graphene LSPR nanoantennas published in IEEE, Charles Lieber's papers on nanowires and nanoFSM, Ehud Gazit's "engineered amyloids", DARPA's N3 program, and so on? There are papers out there published in peer-reviewed journals, written by leading bionanotech experts, that explicitly say, "Yes, we're trying to develop injectable/ingestible biosensors that turn the human body into an IoT device", but instead of going over those, they're just having us look at gigantic crystals and then tossing out wild guesses on what they might be. It's all misdirection, to keep the public from knowing about this: https://rentry.co/wkah734d
10:58 AM · Sep 7, 2024

looks like more fun and games to come, eh?


Well-known member
and Kevin McKernan adds his voice ...

I have stayed away from commenting on this paper as I continually get accused of being a DNA contam myopic person who must shoot down any alternative theory of harm… But this paper is a scientific competency test that many people in our medical freedom movement failed miserably. It has been informative to just shut up and watch who falls for it. It’s a well poisoning trick. Circulate semi-believable flat-earth like work and watch the large channels echo it for engagement and views. Much of this movement has limited revenue and is clutching to social media metrics to survive. That lowers their guard and they circulate sometimes laughable papers and then their entire valuable contributions to this field are now tainted with circulating shoddy work. Talk to people in the microscopy space. All kinds of things self assembly as liquids dry out under excitation heat and evaporative forces.


Well-known member
The doctor told me that the vaccine wouldn't stop me from transmitting the virus to someone else. So it would seem like a personal discussion to me. My body my choice.
did he explain that the person that you give it to might die themselves ? how fucking stupid. NOT your decision.


Well-known member
Im not sure that we understand each other. Who would I give a vaccine to ?
What she told me was that taking the vaccine wouldn't stop me from transmitting the virus to someone else. She said that it would reduce my chances of death or serious symptoms
did he explain that the person that you give it to might die themselves ? how fucking stupid. NOT your decision.