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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
you don't think about what you are doing. in the words of Jordan Peterson you just "take the damn shot".

what a piece of shit he turns out to be. no ethics. no character when it counts. ... but i'm sure he has a clean room.
Jordan Peterson dreams of caressing his grandma's pubes


Well-known member
Does Taylor Swift have a doodle too? Good grief what a world
sorry - i was being too cute. i meant her football player boyfriend. kaycce something or other. lots of tv ads of him getting the double jab of death.

i am an old fuck so my tv cable ads are geared to those of us getting ready to die and needing massive pharmaceuticals to tease out an extra day or two.


Well-known member
i preach Saint Nancy's credo ... Just Say No To Drugs!

M(onkey)Pox jabs a comin' ... (altogether now:) Just Say No To Jabs.


Well-known member
(y) Gotta give the people what they want.

I remember an old cartoon.

Then there was the first unfunny taint in black and white.

There's some taint history for the people.


Well-known member
See Buzz?
100% relevant.

ps It's p that's silent in pTaint your wagon.
pps fully vaxxed, feelin' fine.
Last edited:


Well-known member
i think Fats died of being fat.
He wallered in his fatness and died.

I have collected and recorded all vaccinations on my scorecard. I am phonetically close to Waller, but I am not fat.

There's a silent p in pterodactyl and very grassy lawn can silence a pee as well.

All that to say yes I have been vaccinated.


Well-known member
the zionist manufactured shots . totally safe and effective . totally trustworthy . trust the science guys . get your boosters