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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
THAT is not a source. it's like saying "i read it in a library someplace, i think..." and no, X is a mishmash of unadulterated horseshit.
thank you for your opinion. i agree x has a lot of crap which is why i curate it for all you guys - picking out the good stuff.


Well-known member

you don't expect him to post things that disagree with him...do you ? that would be HONEST, for Gods sake..."curate" it for us, for fucks sake...:ROFLMAO: an honest person shows it ALL, not just what he personally believes.
it would be wrong to repost disinformation (i.e. lies) that might mislead people who haven't taken the time to see all sides of the issues. my curation saves them the effort of reading and discarding the crap.


Active member
It's simple, all the unvaxxed are NOT dyeing which clearly shows that not everyone needed the shot, It doesn't stop you from catching it, it doesn't stop you from spreading it and it don't stop the vaxxed from getting ill.


Well-known member
this just in ...

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: "There's just been a ruling by the 9th circuit court of appeals that has said Covid vaccine is not a vaccine. It doesn't protect against disease and it doesn't stop transmission...Once it's not a vaccine, it's not covered by the indemnity, it's not covered by the government protecting the industry, suddenly they're on their own...there will be every effort by the government to side with the pharmaceutical industry to prevent them being sued."


Well-known member
There's just been a ruling by the 9th circuit court of appeals
judges get to decide what is/is not medicine ? LOL! might as well let Baptist ministers decide what sex acts are okay, and let's put auto mechanics in charge of surgery in hospitals while we're at it. got a source for that bit of "information" ? :cool: looked it up myself. they did NOT rule that it is not a vaccine. they ruled that it did not stop transmission, which was never claimed. more bullshit from a VERY unreliable "source". YOU! :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
doin' your own research, now?
Are you sure about that ruling claim?

Curators are in charge of a collection of exhibits in a museum or art gallery. Their job is to build up collections, often in specialist areas. Curators develop ways in which objects, archives and artworks can be interpreted, through exhibitions, publications, events and audio-visual presentations.


Well-known member
well, duh! ...

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH It's a Mind-Blowing Reality to Understand that a Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Has Formed. All-powerful syndicate controls countries, their regulatory agencies, and feeds their bio-tech suppliers with rich government contracts for pandemic counter-measures. The average person on the street has no clue as to what is happening. Courtesy @vincestegall @EndtimeInc

moose eater

Well-known member