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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
Hey str8edge I have used a these as a combo on outdoor plants. It works really well for bugs of all types but would it be considered safe in a lab test?

dude you are on the same spider mite regimen as me. spider mites cannot hang out in hoods very long they cant really hang out at all in your room i you do regular heat treatments between rounds.

at the risk of sounding like chicken little.

pbo is the worst fucking chem to get out of a room next to bifenthrin. ive help consult to remediate a room where pyrethrum bombs and attain bombs were used. pbo (synthetic chem) is used in 1:3-4 ratio in pyrethrum (organic) and pyrethroid(synthetic chem) containing products. these are not what the envronmental fate studies would have you beleive. first off its enough chems for 3000 feet. the herb coming out of the room 9 mmonths after the last bomb were contaminating the herb and the concentrates to upwards of 500 x
state limit of bifen and pbo in one case. remediation included swabbing the surfaces after they had been cleaned and scrubbed and swabbed with acohol to dissolve these non water soluble pyrethroids.

we then ran the samples to see where it was highest. fans were the worse. they all blow all the time over the plants he runs.
the shit was still there in diminished but yet still remarkably high numbers. eventually an epoxy was used like paint and the entire room was coated twice tanks plug ins hoses anything that wouldnt be totally ruined was sealed in epoxy after a deep clean. the trellis contained suoer high amounts on their already washed surfaces. soap and water doesnt work. degreasers detergent dont work. pbo is gonna be the biggest thing to remediate in your room. these compounds sluff off in your ducts fans and move around.

mind you this is 9 months after the room had been sprayed empty of plants with attain bifenthren pbo bombs.

uv light uv light uvlight, its the reason you are allowed to use in sunny greenhouses.
wow, thanks for all the help guys!

She was soo pretty to, until I saw that bit of webbing yesterday. I harvested her last night and will sterilize the tent before flipping. and I will hit my room that is 3 weeks out with water and mighty wash, increase fans. ( dont see any in there....yet)

I will let you guys know but so far, very impressed with a double net under ceramic on my gg4.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All everyone needs to do is test your shit. This is the only real important part of testing.. If your samples have detectable limits you need to do something about it. If not you know the old saying if its not broke don't fix it.


Active member
All everyone needs to do is test your shit. This is the only real important part of testing.. If your samples have detectable limits you need to do something about it. If not you know the old saying if its not broke don't fix it.
problem is the list for oregon testing by law requirements dont even include any of the known chems people are using.
one lab in my area does. they took a list of stuff they knew should be tested and added them. lots of disp. wont use them because the test result will include the positive ids even thought they pass by state mmj laws.
who wants
a test that says


if anyone wants to know if their lab actually tests for chems you use that you want to know if your assumtion that it doesnt come through just ask them.

my suggestion in oregon is oganalytical they will tell you what they test for and the list is a commercial croppers nightmare. its all the stuff that the state didnt know about when they drafted the list. its insane what they were finding in clean concentrates, if you dont test for myclobutanil you wont see that its scary high. but the new oregon laws are really putting an end to ddt usage and flea collar medicine lol i have no idea where the current list came from buts its all shit ive never really heard of people using or its shit that is organic and wouldnt really be a problem like azadactrin. you can have 1 ppm azadactrin ( a fairly safe neem extract concentrate) and fail while a test with 500 x safe food standards for myclobutanil will pass.


Active member
ironically the feds wont come if your neighbor tells them you sell herb here.
but if you submit a sample being sold by a farmer using forbid and eagle in violation of federal laws concerning pesticide use they will. its funny when it comes to legalization, big croppers better be careful what they aske for. they are gonna have to relearn to grow without all the poisonous crutches.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you want to spear head changing state laws I wish you the best of luck getting those laws changed. It's all meaningless without data.This is not the right thread to have that discussion..


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
If you want to spear head changing state laws I wish you the best of luck getting those laws changed. It's all meaningless without data.This is not the right thread to have that discussion..

colorado did just pass medical testing requirements

just flipped my glues a week ago.... not the biggest plants in the room at all, but glad to have them in there


New member
It frankly makes no sense to grow legal cannabis indoors from an environmental standpoint. The CO2 emissions required to power the lights are an environmental obscenity when there is sunlight available, add in all the unregulated use of chemicals often necessary to keep an indoor grow going and the money coming in and the whole thing is likely to be toxic in every sense of the word. I've made a choice to pretty much only buy cannabis grown under sunlight using environmentally responsible practices. It is completely feasible to grow top grade cannabis outdoors using only natural and safe farming practices similar to those used for Organically certified food products. I've done it many times in fact in a less than ideal climate for cannabis cultivation. Never had spider mites once infest my outdoor grows in 30+ years here in WA state, this in spite of taking absolutely no precautions or measures to prevent them.

I very much look forward to the day I can buy certified organic cannabis products responsibly grown outdoors without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or any other kind of 'cides. If that produce is tropical NLD cannabis grown in Hawai'i and legally distributed to the mainland, so much the better. Hopefully the days of "grow rooms" and all the associated toxic chemicals used to make that work are numbered.
^real talk! it takes an astronomically outrageous amount of fossil fuel to produce just 1 pound of herb with artificial light!

it is EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL for one to claim enviromental values and true love for the plant, meanwhile growing it indoors under artificial lighting...

to try to mimic Mother Nature's perfect natural cycle indoors with light bulbs and fans is such a wasteful, impatient attempt to serve the plant. for all you so-called "hip" and "green" folks that grow indoors, check yourself!


Active member
so your answer is to not at least push the environmentally s\destructive method in a more sustainable direction. if you think you represent how ganja is grown youre too self congratulatory imo. you think these chems are only in indoor think again.
far more is used in giant outdoor greenhouse grows at a time than in grow rooms. there are millions of acres of chem laden greenhouse grows by cash croppers.
i think its totally relevant to do any baby steps as well as big ones if they are toward a more sustainable model of production the line between indoor and outdoor are being blurred all the ime in legal states. these are giant grow rooms made of glass.
lights and all year round climate controlled glass flowering rooms. supplemental light is the sun in these cases during the winter'


Living life large...
Do you two get lonely... :dunno: you know, sit'n up there on your pedestals all day ?

Not everyone lives where it's legal, some of us still have too hide... you dig ! :moon:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Do you two get lonely... :dunno: you know, sit'n up there on your pedestals all day ?

Not everyone lives where it's legal, some of us still have too hide... you dig ! :moon:
they had to switch to pedestals from high horses since horses dont like the scent of sweaty birkenstocks and hypocrisy...in my experience those who crow the loudest about the environment are those who are doing very little about it....somehow driving a prius and shopping at whole foods equate to environmental awareness...:biggrin:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is why I said its not the right thread to have this discussion.

I do agree with str8 the impact from outdoor green houses have a far greater impact on the environment then any responsible indoor. Indoor growing will never stop. Being able to grow outdoor is a luxury most don't have. Comparing an outdoor grow with indoor is apples and oranges. There 2 totally diff growing environments. Its common sense that you would not have an infestation with mother nature helping you keep that under control. No one I know thinks there trying to replace mother nature. Growing indoor is the only option many have or they don't grow that's not gonna happen.


Active member
they had to switch to pedestals from high horses since horses dont like the scent of sweaty birkenstocks and hypocrisy...in my experience those who crow the loudest about the environment are those who are doing very little about it....somehow driving a prius and shopping at whole foods equate to environmental awareness...:biggrin:

Conspicuous consumption. Why buy a hybrid thats actually better for the environment and cheaper when Priuses get you the cool points? lol::biggrin:


Active member
did this turn into the Oprah thread or is it the GLUE thread?

leave the BS for another thread and continue talking about this awesome strain called Gorilla Glue #4.


New member
Sorry to continue the hijack of the thread. It was pretty off-topic re: mites and chems before I chimed in though still. Can't wait to smoke some GG4 and see what the fuss is about.
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