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Gorilla Glue #4

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Will have new pics up later this evening of the GG5 when lights come on trucking along smoothly a little over 3 weeks in now.PEACE!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I find that Glue in veg needs a normal dosage of feeds or a magnesium def will show . i feed my veg at 1.0 EC & they like it there . any less & the Mag def shows ..... but once its in flower , i won't go past 1.4 EC otherwise the buds don't stack & fill in as well if i fed them higher . my first couple runs were good being fed with 1.8 at peek , but what a difference when i stopped at 1.4 EC ...... the buds swelled to twice thier size & the yield nearly doubled . :dance013:


Active member
I do not change my nutrient strength for my glues. From the time they root til done they get my basic mix which starts off with 5grams per gal MaxiBloom, 2ml per gal ocean mist, 1ml per gal protekt silica, and cal/mag when needed at 5ml per gal. Which gives me around 800-850 ppm, they get that soon as have roots no prob and those little fuckers love it like cocaine and explode! If I feed my glues with a lighter ppm they don't take off as fast. So I would disagree in my garden that they like a lighter feed, different strokes for different folks!

I have found with the glue and with most plants, that light intensity, temps and humidity tend to play the biggest role in the tolerance of ppms. I can get my ppm up into the 1200 if the temps are a lil higher(80-86) and the humidity is about 30% under 12 tube T-5s but not under the 6 tube? Seems the plant will not burn if she can use all the nutes, lockout has a huge play in this too, as we all know too many on here struggle with this not even knowing it.

My glue has had to endure 100+ degree temps as well and has done just fine, with a slight adjustment in the nutes for the heat.


Living life large...
Gorilla glue # 4 at Day 37 of flower...
I'm also feeding them @ 1.4 EC or 675 PPM`s if you prefer that scale, as I do.





Peace out,


675 ppm!
Never actually took the time to check what 1.4 was, ive been running 8-850ppm im not havin problems per say, but who wouldnt want more glue!?! Lol
Damn thats just so light its crazy!
Yet another wonderful Amazing attribute of the glue! Costs half of what others do to grow because she feeds so light yet still yields nice fat beastly colas!!!


Active member
Yes looks like glue to me.

What we feed in veg also has an impact how much she needs in flower. I can tell when I change something in veg. lockout or off scale readings in flower can happen if your a heavy feeder.. The glue is a hardy girl can take alot of nutrients more than many others. She just doesn't need it.

That's the trick finding where the plant and your wallet are happy! Getting the girls to do more with less, dam greedy bitches lol


Active member
looks great! care to share your Jacks recipe for coco? do you add extra epsom at all? thanks

Nothing too fancy really....i make stock solutions of both the Jacks and CalNit and then simply just add 10ml/gal of each.I have never added any Epsom either. I typically fill my res via 5 gallon buckets so this is exactly how i do it....i use tap though...it doesnt register on my bluelab truncheon

50ml Jacks
50ml CalNit
1.3ml AN PH down

That gives me about 1.0-1.1 EC. If i notice tip burn or anything ill drop it down to 40ml per 5 gallons of feed for a few days


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Its confusing when saying PPM's cuz theres 2 scales of PPM 500 scale & the 700 scale ...... but both convert back to EC , which is why its easier to understand someones dosages if you use the EC scale .

My Oakton meter reads in TDS which is the 500 scale , so I convert to EC so everyone knows what levels i'm talking about .

so like Stoney at 800 -850 ..... if your meter reads on the 700 scale , your actually using less than 1.4 EC ..... dig it ???

where sprouts meter reads in TDS like mine , so i know he's using 700 TDS 1.4 EC like i do .



Living life large...
Gonna break the rules here and derail the thread a bit too clarify...

Dan I have a CWP instruments 24/7 monitor, I did some checking and...
"it" (as most I've found) runs on the 500 scale... the 700 scale from what
I can tell, is an older European measurement that is no longer used much.
My reservoir runs between 650 to 750 PPMs so I'm somewhere right
around 1.4 EC...when I first fill it (50gallons) I set it at 650 ppms and
by the time it's down to around 25 gallons the PPMs rise up nearer to 750.
I would imagine that if it was dialed perfectly the water level and the PPMs
should/would remain constant as the water level decreased... just a theory.
:chin: I agree though it is some confusing shit indeed !

On a separate note: I did notice that with the lower feedings... that
they (Gorilla glues) have retained some of the leaf twist or "the curl"
that they tend too exhibit more predominantly in the vegetative state.
You can see it in the pictures I posted above... not sure if it's good or
bad, but they sure do seem happy this round, so fuck it, I'm roll'n it !

Here's a link to that CWP 24/7 monitor.

Peace and all that other shit... :joint:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
coulda swore yours said TDS on the front , but ooking at it agian , it does say PPM .... dunno lol
Yeah , i noticed that the 700 scale is being less & less than it used too , but there are a few meters on the market that still use it , which is why i put it out there .
I believe Milwaulkie meters still use the 700 scale ..... don't quote me on that though .

never really looked to see if the twist was there in flower to be honest ..... now i'll have to look on the next round lol
I do not change my nutrient strength for my glues. From the time they root til done they get my basic mix which starts off with 5grams per gal MaxiBloom, 2ml per gal ocean mist, 1ml per gal protekt silica, and cal/mag when needed at 5ml per gal. Which gives me around 800-850 ppm, they get that soon as have roots no prob and those little fuckers love it like cocaine and explode! If I feed my glues with a lighter ppm they don't take off as fast. So I would disagree in my garden that they like a lighter feed, different strokes for different folks!

I've had very sporadic results using heavy 16 which is way to expensive imho...I'm going to try your method this next round it sounds simple and cost effective. Thanks for the post:biggrin:


I've had very sporadic results using heavy 16 which is way to expensive imho...I'm going to try your method this next round it sounds simple and cost effective. Thanks for the post.

I would say very cost effective, it sucks when you have to spend so much money on ferts when in actuality the plants require so little. I used to feed into the hype that if you spend more money on nutes plus more additives you'll get stellar results, bullshit!


Just Say Grow
I've had very sporadic results using heavy 16 which is way to expensive imho...I'm going to try your method this next round it sounds simple and cost effective. Thanks for the post.

I would say very cost effective, it sucks when you have to spend so much money on ferts when in actuality the plants require so little. I used to feed into the hype that if you spend more money on nutes plus more additives you'll get stellar results, bullshit!

I just won a full lineup of advanced nutes conny and most of their additives and the sensi line. all 10l and 4l bottles...I'm not gonna use it lol whats a dude supposed to do? craigslist? lol


Sorry fellas no pics tonight, sad times in my world right now. My grandmother died at 6:00 p.m.tonight. That was my baby she will surely be missed. I'll post pics when I can need time to compose, talk later guys
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