I have used Safer's Insecticide Soap on several occassions as a 30 minute soak. UConnAg's soil drench test for RA's showed Safer's to kill over 99% of RA's. This gave the best results compared to all other products tested. Also removes waxy secretion of RAs on roots.
My experience is that if you don't thoroughly flush roots with water immediately after soap soak, it will cause severe root damage, killing a fair percentage of plants. The more root damage they have pre-treatment from RAs, the worse they will be affected by soap.
If you flush till there is no more soapy water coming out, the root damage will be minimized. Ater flush you'l need to feed with transitional nutes with a good Root Stimulator and re-inoculate with EWC ACT or something like Great White. Don't be surprised if you lose 30 days before plants can take off again. Good luck. -granger
My experience is that if you don't thoroughly flush roots with water immediately after soap soak, it will cause severe root damage, killing a fair percentage of plants. The more root damage they have pre-treatment from RAs, the worse they will be affected by soap.
If you flush till there is no more soapy water coming out, the root damage will be minimized. Ater flush you'l need to feed with transitional nutes with a good Root Stimulator and re-inoculate with EWC ACT or something like Great White. Don't be surprised if you lose 30 days before plants can take off again. Good luck. -granger