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DIESEL GENERATOR, (as your primary power source)



GDW.......I guess it`s geographic.........Our "emergency power supply is natural gas and not very cost efficient in the U.S"...........I never realized that where you are "fossil fuels " would haveta power your endeavors...........Please know I`m a huge fan for your contributions and again......Much Respect.........PEACE.........DHF........... :sasmokin:


Active member
Pico.....You`re right.........20KW continuous would probably light up my whole neighborhood.....But.....How much does it cost to fuel and run that 20K generator 24/7 FOREVER?.........I`ll be glad to letcha know that 5k a month won`t touch it for continuous useage(even usin farm-grade tractor diesel) as I`ve done the numbers on it before I researched the photovoltaic panels......... No offense dewd,but have YOU done any research on what I`ve said?...All I did was offer an alternative that`ll keep you from havin to feed the "beast with fossil fuels that will only get more expensive " and NEVER let LEO have a clue how much juice you`re usin cuz there`s no noise and no generator suckin nasty ass diesel and spewin stinkin-ass fumes ...I`ve already seen which way to go .....You`ll figure it out sooner or later...Technology is always upgrading and gettin cheaper....BTW.......Do a little surfin and you`ll be surprised as to how big a system you can buy for what you`re lookin for.............PEACE..........DHF......... :sasmokin:

I am going to let your tone towards me slide because you must think I am some bitch kid spouting off at the mouth. No offense.

5 grand is probably what it would cost to run the average 20k genset continuously for a month. If you had read any of my previous posts you would have known exactly how much some of these generators will cost you to run continously ever month. The generator I have been reccomending is an Isuzu 21kW (20kW continuous) diesel generator. At full 20kW of output it burns 1.01 gallons of fuel per hour. 24.24 gallons per day or 727.2 gallons per month (30 days). Current price of farm diesel GDW said is $2.30. So that makes it $1672.56 per month to run.

I have done research. I don't think anyone can tell me I haven't done my research because if you notice a lot of posts I spend a lot of time crunching numbers. I not only say I research but I actually post numbers and facts that mean something. If you seriously looked at generating as much power as the Isuzu 21kW (4800kW per day) you would see that the Photovoltaic panels needed would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not to mention they would need about 15,000 square feet of roof/yard space to operate. This is about 1/3 of an acre. LEO wouldn't even need a search warrant to get your power usage. They could just count your solar panels. Not to mention any purchase over 10k gets reported. I don't think you are buying a half million dollars worth of PV panels with cash either.

http://www.findsolar.com/ has a little program to estimate the price of a solar install. It takes in to account your area and how much sun you get, government incentives.... For a system that produces 175,200kW a year (4800kW per day), the estimated price is over 1.3 million dollars. Sorry lets see that again $1,300,000. This is for an area that gets a good sun rating. I think the actual prices would be less than that, but still the initial costs for PV are HUGE for a large setup. Most installers in my area have never installed that much PV power TOTAL, let alone in one place.

Oh, and the formula to see how much the Isuzu 21kW will cost to run at full load forever is this.

1.01 x F x H

where F = price of fuel and H= Hours

So punch in the cost of fuel and 'forever' in hours and you have your answer.

I do like the idea of solar panels. I love solar hot water. But right now PV takes years and years to pay for itself. The initial cost is way out of most peoples price range even for normal power usage. This is why companies are starting to rent PV panels instead of selling them. Plus PV panels still produce emmissions when being produced. On average a Nuclear power plant produces less emissions than PV panels for the same ammount of electricity produced. Wind is the best. You are right when you say that technology is upgrading and getting cheaper. Hopefully in 10 years we can produce more power with smaller PV panels for less initial cost. For now it isn't practical for most applications unless you have a lot of money.

So like I politely said before "DEDHEDFRED- I don't think any solar system able to provide 20k of continuous power is anywhere near our price range. I would be curious of any links to systems with prices you can provide."



Pico..........No more pissin contests as you`ve obviously done the "quick search" thingy to come back and discredit me for no apparent reason other than to be "right in your own lil world"...Check your pm`s and vent your anger outta this thread since it`s ill placed here to gain attention.....Believe me ,GDW would`nt have alluded to the fact that he would upgrade to the panels once he moves if they "WERE`NT cost effective".....1/3 acre of collectors..OMG,.....You`ve been sorely misinformed......... :pointlaug :moon: .........PEACE..........DHF........ :sasmokin: P.S........GDW and IM Boggled,last post here as to not cause anymore controversy........Take care......

Reg Dunlop


Where I work,we work with gennys everywhere.If your looking for a good reliable heavy duty genset,go with MDQ whisper watts.They come in every size,from 15 kw -550 kw,and are they ever quiet!!!!Not sure of the db but you wont find a more quiet genny than this one.Just thought you might want to take a peek at the whisper watts before you make your purchase.As far as sliptanks go The L shaped ones are good cuz they store 99 gallons,and you could still pop a toolbox on top of it with out taking to much box space in your truck.After that just slap some bogus company stickers on your back windows,and when you fuel up at a gas station it won't look suspicious.Just tell em that you work for a heavy equipment company or an oil rig ect. and you need to fuel up your machine, Hoe,dozer,loader whatever.Be sure to keep your reciept as if you actually did work for a heavy equipment company,because if you ever had to purchase your own fuel,your company would reimburse you but they would require a recipt.Still pay cash just get a recipt, then burn it!For your home look at the farm supply stores for gravity feed fuel tanks,they also come in a variety of sizes and could be picked up fairly cheap if bought used. Hope this helps!!!! BTW The whisper watts come with a trailer and the 40 kw gensets aren't all that big and can be run in the suburbs or in the country.All this stuff you can fit in a regular sized garage regardless of if you live in the city or not.You just need to be creative in how you get it in to your space without people seeing!


Edit I've also been doing a little research into bio deisel,but I,m sure that there are people here that are much more versed in that region than I ,but by the looks of it,it could be a very cheap not to mention,healthy and safer alternative to deisel.
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Active member
Pico..........No more pissin contests as you`ve obviously done the "quick search" thingy to come back and discredit me for no apparent reason other than to be "right in your own lil world"...Check your pm`s and vent your anger outta this thread since it`s ill placed here to gain attention.....Believe me ,GDW would`nt have alluded to the fact that he would upgrade to the panels once he moves if they "WERE`NT cost effective".....1/3 acre of collectors..OMG,.....You`ve been sorely misinformed......... :pointlaug :moon: .........PEACE..........DHF........ :sasmokin: P.S........GDW and IM Boggled,last post here as to not cause anymore controversy........Take care......

Again, I apologize for the tone in my last post. It was unnecissary.

But if I have been so misinformed, which I hope I have, would you please be so kind as to inform me? The info and pricing on PV systems is limited. But from everything I have seen the initial cost is nowhere near reasonable for 20kW of continuos power. 4800kW hours a day.


Reg Dunlop said:

Where I work,we work with gennys everywhere.If your looking for a good reliable heavy duty genset,go with MDQ whisper watts.They come in every size,from 15 kw -550 kw,and are they ever quiet!!!!Not sure of the db but you wont find a more quiet genny than this one.Just thought you might want to take a peek at the whisper watts before you make your purchase.As far as sliptanks go The L shaped ones are good cuz they store 99 gallons,and you could still pop a toolbox on top of it with out taking to much box space in your truck.After that just slap some bogus company stickers on your back windows,and when you fuel up at a gas station it won't look suspicious.Just tell em that you work for a heavy equipment company or an oil rig ect. and you need to fuel up your machine, Hoe,dozer,loader whatever.Be sure to keep your reciept as if you actually did work for a heavy equipment company,because if you ever had to purchase your own fuel,your company would reimburse you but they would require a recipt.Still pay cash just get a recipt, then burn it!For your home look at the farm supply stores for gravity feed fuel tanks,they also come in a variety of sizes and could be picked up fairly cheap if bought used. Hope this helps!!!! BTW The whisper watts come with a trailer and the 40 kw gensets aren't all that big and can be run in the suburbs or in the country.All this stuff you can fit in a regular sized garage regardless of if you live in the city or not.You just need to be creative in how you get it in to your space without people seeing!


Edit I've also been doing a little research into bio deisel,but I,m sure that there are people here that are much more versed in that region than I ,but by the looks of it,it could be a very cheap not to mention,healthy and safer alternative to deisel.

Morning, thanks for the post. I work in construction and know all about the heavy equipment deal. Very good idea for sure. Was planning to pay in cash and make sure i always have tools in the truck. Just so no one gets any idea's. I plan on using different fuel stations so no one gets any idea's any ways. I'm looking into biofuel also. If i can find someone that i can buy from. Then i'll go with them. Been searching the map on stations and found a few. As for the tool box unit. I like the one i found. 91 gallons is enough and i've seen the ones you talk about on the job and just like the other unit much better. One piece unit and cleaner looking. As for the generator fuel tank. Not going to mess with a used one. Don't want to run into any problems with a use one. Like the normal leaks,rust inside tank,water, etc. Rather just buy a new one and install it and not worry. I'm got a nice layout of how i want to install everything. I'll try to draw it up and then post it. Fuel "WILL" be stored outside. There will be no fuel to fuel a fire. Even though diesel is hard to get going. I'll also tap into a main water line and install a over head fire system if there was a fire. Just the normal flame sprinkler units. They don't cost much and are easy to install. Plus, it will help with selling the house also and insurances. Simple system, flames melts wire and water sprays fire. As for the generator unit you posted. Never heard of them, but i will be checking into them. Thanks for the post and info.
Take care,


Overhead sprinklers, GREAT idea.....I would love to know more about those for sure. Especially with the electricity and water combo...I guess if a wire melted and the sprinklers came on it would trip a breaker before anything bad happened....


Lugen said:
Overhead sprinklers, GREAT idea.....I would love to know more about those for sure. Especially with the electricity and water combo...I guess if a wire melted and the sprinklers came on it would trip a breaker before anything bad happened....

Sorry, should have explained more. These will be only in the generator "Room" The generator will most likely be houses in a room in a garage. Don't want the fire to spread to rest of garage and burn the building down. Grow will not be near the generator. I would never use water to put out a grow fire. I would either use CO2 or Dry Chemical, like Purple K or something. Water and power is very "BAD". This is a last resort if a fire was to break out in the generator room. If flames are already flashing up, then its already in a bad stage. Panel will trip all electrical feeds. I hope this explains better. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse. Also, grow room will have a few hand held ABC cans if there was any type of fire. I've always used those and kept them arms reach. You never know when a fire might break out in a grow room because of a bulb either breaking,bulb burning something, or electrical.
Take care,


That makes more sense, I was wondering....

I would like to see a thread on fire prevention beyond the obvious proper guage wiring, and not overloading breakers by more then 80%


The whole idea behind derating circuits to 80% of capacity has to do with the NEC and "continuous load" circuits that are energized 3 hours or more in a 24 hour period,at least thats what it used to be the code changes every 3 years lol.80% deration doent apply to everyday household circuitry


Tom 'Green' Thumb
How about natural gas? My grandfather has a home in the boonies that has it's own natural gas well. He purchased the house with it ten years ago and has been heating his house and the neiobours since. Gas pressure is still huge and the previous owners used this well for over twenty years, so there is a hella lot of gas still available! Could that be hooked up to a generator? If so I'm sure it would be cost free for years to come even if twenty or more lights were used. Just curious. My grandfather says he knew someone who's family used a well such as his for heating his family home for over 50 years! Might be time for me to buy the place!



Active member
Wow, I want a natural gas well.

NG can deffinately be used to generate power. generatorsales.com has natural gas gennys. Saw a 50kW unit for under 10 grand.


Bakin in da Sun
GoldDustWomen said:
Some of you might be wondering how i'm going to fill the fuel without the fuel company wondering why they are visiting so often. Once i figure out what size tank i'm going with. I'll fill it up myself with one of these fuel tank tool box units. and pick up fuel once a week. Even if i'm using the generator at full load for 12 hours. That's 12 gallon per a day and at 7 days a week. That's 84 gallons per a week. If i get the 550 gallon tank. even if i only fill it with 300 gallons at first. Fueling up at the local gas station or fuel supplier won't look fun at all. I've got a big work truck and it will only look like i'm getting fuel for tractor's or machines and such. Plus, I won't get fuel at the same place to often. Spread it out and the truck fuel tank holds 91 gallons. Not bad and no fuel company to wonder if your growing. Problem solved.

shit, just saw one of those puppies on the road on my way back from Dallas. Was wonderin what the hell it was.... Sounds like a plan BG, i think diesel is the way to go... a good friend has a miller welder/diesel generator... hasnt given him any problems... Water-cooled....


does anyone know how to connect a larger fuel tank to my genny ? how far away can i put tank , will gravity fed be enough ? will the fuel pump pull the fuel through ? im not much of a mechanic so these things are a bit foreign to me ?
anyone with any advice to offer would be much appreciated


Hey bartender187, lolol. Alot of construction worker with equipment use these unit and no one even thinks anything. So, i can buy my fuel at different places and just bring the fuel home that i need. I was thinking about once i week. I will do a run and top of fuel tank for generator. These tool box tanks are nice.
Take care,

Skin, it all depends on the run from the tank to the generator. If the run is to long. Your going to have to install some type of fuel pump. Each unit should have a rating for amount of distance you can run one. I'd pick a unit out and just check with vendor. Just call them up and say your looking into the unit for storm power.
Good luck,


pico said:
I don't know why there isn't a standardized rating for how efficient these gensets are. It would be really easy to develop something like that. For instance if you just cut the price per gallon out of the equation you could get a numbers that reflects gallons per kw hour. From now on I will use GPKWH. I just made this up, but it could very well be in use already.

like this

gallons burned per hour / continous kilowatt output = GPKWH

so for the isuzu 21k genset (I must like this thing) the equation would look like this.

1.01 / 20 = .0505 GPKWH

so at full load, you are using .0505 GPKWH. Obviously the lower the number the better.

For comparison, here is the John Deer 30kW unit. Burns 2.4 gallons per hour.

2.4 / 30 = .08 GPKWH

So not as efficient as the Isuzu 21kW. I was crunching the numbers this morning for a bunch of different gensets, and you don't get much more efficient than the Isuzu 21k. Even the larger gensets you think might beat it out, but that is not the case. The Deutz 142kW is the best efficiency I found in the high power range, but that is a lot of power.

Isuzu 10kW - .085 GPKWH
Kubota 21kW - .0492 GPKWH
Isuzu 21kw - .0505 GPKWH
Perkins 100kW - .061 GPKWH
John Deer 140 kW - .0806 GPKWH
John Deer 216kW - .07 GPKWH
duetz 142kW - .0505 GPKWH

So the Kobuto 21kw was the most efficient I found. I didn't see any warranty info for that unit though and the Isuzu has 5 years on the engine and generator. 100% coverage for parts and labor. Plus it says it is suitable for sensative power requirements and the kobuto doesn't say it is in the ad. Did I mention the Isuzu is cheaper as well? $6500 for the basic model. $8000 if you want an aluminum enclosure to reduce sound. Or if you spend $10000 you can have one on a trailer, or an automatic model. Free shipping at www.generatorsales.com

Thanks a lot for breakin in down like that... A big gen in the burbs may not be a bad idea really :chin: In the bay area we get raped for .37 per kwh of juice. We do pay less til our baseline is reached, which happens even before adding a grow most of the time so all the juice used on a grow is close to .37 per kwh :yoinks:

an example in cost difference between the utility co and using a gen...(if I've figured this right..lol): a 6k flower room with a/c, dehum, scrubbers and fans would use approx. 112.7 kwh per day/ 3380 kwh per month. @ .37 would cost $1250.

using a 20k gen and IF batteries could be used effectively to store elec. made by the generator so it runs only as much as needed and stores what the grow is not burning, a 20k gen would have to run about 5.6 hours a day to produce 112.7 kw hours a day/ 3380 per mo... at about a gal per hour 5.6 gals per day x 30 days = 168 gallons of fuel @ $3 per gal would cost $505 per month.

Did I figure that right? :pointlaug if so it looks like a savings of $745 per month using the generator with batteries if it's possible to set up that way.

Great thread :joint:
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New member
I would just like to put this on the table figuring that I have not seen any post that acutally show the validity of using a genset to 'get the job done'.

First off these quotes that are presented with the Gallons per kwH are so unreal its not even funny.

No genset is ever going to operate at the manuals functional load. Ever! brand new or not it will always need a twitch, depending what kind of system the genset uses.

A 50 Kw cat genset runs 50kw full load, but i would challange anyone to run 40kw 24/7 on 3 legs(3phase). You wouldnt last long.

Generators of this magnitude run on 3 phase's ( 110 220 and 480) this is for the amp's. You must filter the 3 phase's into a 200 amp sub pannel, wired to your professional 3 phase graded and grounded timers. Mind that this is where you put your 20 amp breakers(always 20!!!!!) the reason your running 20 amp breakers and 220 as your power is to keep the amp load as low as possible on the generator. Within this 200 amp subpannel that is between your generator and your light setup, is the mainframe of how efficent your generator is going to work. You must balance the power within the breaker box, making sure that you are pulling the same % of power off each leg in the genset. YOU MUST ALWAYS GROUND YOUR GENSET AND NEVER USE LESS THAN 2 GAUGE WIRE TO RUN YOUR 3 PHASE POWER THROUGH TOO YOUR SUBPANEL'S. 2 GUAGE COST AROUND 5$/FT

You must be a diesel genset repair person or have one handy at all hours to get too your setup, this involves trust and lots of pay off cash.

Now getting your fuel, how are you going to do that, have it delievered is the only smart way to do it. How are you going to haul it yourself? Diesel weights around 8 pounds per gallon, it is only legal to fill 110 gallons of this up too your storage tank on your truck, unless you know someone. If you get pulled over with more than 110 your done. You need to also stop your neighbors and other interested people from looking at you hauling in your diesel, a Cab top on the truck works great for that. Note that you also must find a place to get your diesel at an industrial rate( usually 2.60$ p/g).

Now that you have your pitifull 110 gallons, you need a transferr switch to your 500g or 1000g resivour using a 110 volt pump(sketchy if you dont know what your doing) Then from your resivour you need to feed it into your genset ( mind that it cannot just be pour'd in cause of the nature of diesel. Must be pumped with proper air/diesel ratio in mind.

Much easier to have 1000 gallons dilevered peroid.

If your planning on using a generator to run an op your looking at around 40k$ to start the op.

Now where are you going to store your generator?

You need to build a shed, or building to enclose your genset, No matter which one you get, you must do this. They are VERY loud, and can be spotted a mile away.

Build a shed, make sure to leave lots of room for ventilation.. you must build a box over the ventilation on the genset and run it through a mouse tube into some filter(55g drum of water) or something etc, to get rid of the poison's exaust that can cloud your room or your area.

I am done rambeling, just thought i would give y'all some insite into the real deal behind genset's of this magnitude. I personally know, and that is all people use where I am located. Be carefull, and dont even think about it unless you got 40K$. Remember 21Kw gen's will only power 10 lights consistaly, safely. At that point you might as well go home and do it on the grid. YOU MUST HAVE INFASTRUCTURE BUILT AND VERY NICE FRIENDS.

Generators are for the big boy's... cause they need the pummling of a big boy's fist.. for that reason only.

Here's a cost list for those interested in why it cost 40k to start.

1. Genset 5k$-15k$
2. Power setup(recepticals, 2 guage wiring, pannels, and breakers etc) 2k$-5k$
3. Lumber, building supplies etc 1k$-3k$
4. Security (gates, fences, dogs, guns) 1k$ - 5k$
5. Storage Container/shed? 2k$
6. Water Storage (6000 gallon storage tanks) 3k$ - 5k$
7. Water Pumps, Small generators, Diesel Pumps 3k$ - 5K$
8. Diesel Resevours 1k$
9. Diesel Mechanic's $99/Hour
10. Diesel Dilevery(payoff included 10%) 1.6k$
11. Diesel (one week) 3k$
12. Food, Driving Gas, Dog Food, and all kinds of unforseen shit $10k+

I probably forgot many important things like oil changes and what not, but this is a subject that very hard to explain in text. If my young young Girlfriend can damn near do a diesel Op, you can, and power too you!



SmokeSomeSoHum said:
I would just like to put this on the table figuring that I have not seen any post that acutally show the validity of using a genset to 'get the job done'.

First off these quotes that are presented with the Gallons per kwH are so unreal its not even funny.

No genset is ever going to operate at the manuals functional load. Ever! brand new or not it will always need a twitch, depending what kind of system the genset uses.

A 50 Kw cat genset runs 50kw full load, but i would challange anyone to run 40kw 24/7 on 3 legs(3phase). You wouldnt last long.

Generators of this magnitude run on 3 phase's ( 110 220 and 480) this is for the amp's. You must filter the 3 phase's into a 200 amp sub pannel, wired to your professional 3 phase graded and grounded timers. Mind that this is where you put your 20 amp breakers(always 20!!!!!) the reason your running 20 amp breakers and 220 as your power is to keep the amp load as low as possible on the generator. Within this 200 amp subpannel that is between your generator and your light setup, is the mainframe of how efficent your generator is going to work. You must balance the power within the breaker box, making sure that you are pulling the same % of power off each leg in the genset. YOU MUST ALWAYS GROUND YOUR GENSET AND NEVER USE LESS THAN 2 GAUGE WIRE TO RUN YOUR 3 PHASE POWER THROUGH TOO YOUR SUBPANEL'S. 2 GUAGE COST AROUND 5$/FT

You must be a diesel genset repair person or have one handy at all hours to get too your setup, this involves trust and lots of pay off cash.

Now getting your fuel, how are you going to do that, have it delievered is the only smart way to do it. How are you going to haul it yourself? Diesel weights around 8 pounds per gallon, it is only legal to fill 110 gallons of this up too your storage tank on your truck, unless you know someone. If you get pulled over with more than 110 your done. You need to also stop your neighbors and other interested people from looking at you hauling in your diesel, a Cab top on the truck works great for that. Note that you also must find a place to get your diesel at an industrial rate( usually 2.60$ p/g).

Now that you have your pitifull 110 gallons, you need a transferr switch to your 500g or 1000g resivour using a 110 volt pump(sketchy if you dont know what your doing) Then from your resivour you need to feed it into your genset ( mind that it cannot just be pour'd in cause of the nature of diesel. Must be pumped with proper air/diesel ratio in mind.

Much easier to have 1000 gallons dilevered peroid.

If your planning on using a generator to run an op your looking at around 40k$ to start the op.

Now where are you going to store your generator?

You need to build a shed, or building to enclose your genset, No matter which one you get, you must do this. They are VERY loud, and can be spotted a mile away.

Build a shed, make sure to leave lots of room for ventilation.. you must build a box over the ventilation on the genset and run it through a mouse tube into some filter(55g drum of water) or something etc, to get rid of the poison's exaust that can cloud your room or your area.

I am done rambeling, just thought i would give y'all some insite into the real deal behind genset's of this magnitude. I personally know, and that is all people use where I am located. Be carefull, and dont even think about it unless you got 40K$. Remember 21Kw gen's will only power 10 lights consistaly, safely. At that point you might as well go home and do it on the grid. YOU MUST HAVE INFASTRUCTURE BUILT AND VERY NICE FRIENDS.

Generators are for the big boy's... cause they need the pummling of a big boy's fist.. for that reason only.

Here's a cost list for those interested in why it cost 40k to start.

1. Genset 5k$-15k$
2. Power setup(recepticals, 2 guage wiring, pannels, and breakers etc) 2k$-5k$
3. Lumber, building supplies etc 1k$-3k$
4. Security (gates, fences, dogs, guns) 1k$ - 5k$
5. Storage Container/shed? 2k$
6. Water Storage (6000 gallon storage tanks) 3k$ - 5k$
7. Water Pumps, Small generators, Diesel Pumps 3k$ - 5K$
8. Diesel Resevours 1k$
9. Diesel Mechanic's $99/Hour
10. Diesel Dilevery(payoff included 10%) 1.6k$
11. Diesel (one week) 3k$
12. Food, Driving Gas, Dog Food, and all kinds of unforseen shit $10k+

I probably forgot many important things like oil changes and what not, but this is a subject that very hard to explain in text. If my young young Girlfriend can damn near do a diesel Op, you can, and power too you!


I have to disagree with you "some". I sure do like your post and you sure did post alot of info to look at and is true. I do think it can be done for cheaper and safely. You are right about the weight of Diesel and at a rate of 91 gallons like the tool box fuel tank i posted. That would be 728lbs in my truck. Since i have a 1 ton Diesel work truck. No problem there will hauling fuel back to op. Storage tank, well alot of home in the north have home heating systems that run on Fuel Oil, IE Diesel. Tank out in the open next to a garage. Not a problem there with anyone thinking anything, but you are right. You want to be careful with showing signs of something funny going on. I also think member here would be running "Single" phase generator's and not 3 Phased systems. Your right about work load and "True" kW's. Most, if not all generator's aren't going to produce the full amount. That's just the true about them, but some come close. As for having knownledge about working on them. Very good point and you better some the basic for sure. Oil change's are something you want to do ever so many hours. I personally run nothing but Rotella oil in all my Diesel's and Wix filters. Never had one problem with anything. Also run nothing but Gates belts on them also. You do want to know about working on them or your going to have problems if your unit goes down. One thing, i'm surprise you didn't talk about. "WATER" in the fuel. Boy, will that make your baby run like shit. Got to watch the fuel you buy and check the fuel filters alot. Just to make sure things are going smooth. You are right about making sure to use the power evenly. Very good point and smart. As for sounds, I'll be posting how to handle that one. I'll be building a nice sounds proof room. That won't cost much and very easy also. Venting is a very good and smart point also. You don't want someone dieing from any nasty fumes. I'll make sure to post venting pictures and how to go about venting exhaust and pulling in fresh clean air and keep noise from leaving the room out the vent. Well, I'm ranting now and loosing my train of thought. Thanks for posting that info. Alot of good points and info. Thanks for sharing and glad to hear the GF can run a Diesel OP.
Take care,


Active member
First off these quotes that are presented with the Gallons per kwH are so unreal its not even funny.

The math is solid. So if anything is funny it is the specs from the manufacturer.


Anyone got any links to Sub-panel's or breaker boxes. Shoot me a pm or post it here. I need to figure out what i'm going to use for a panel. I have no clue as to how large of a panel i should buy or even which one. Any help would be super. Plan on installing generator and running feed straight to panel. Then going from panel to some light control boxes. I'll post picture of unit i'm thinking about running. All 220 for sure.
Thanks and take care,

Edit: I'll be running a few of these units. I figure one for each room or setup. I'll run the power from the generator to panel. Then run a line from the panel to each of these units. Each unit will have it's own breaker. Should make things nice and easy and simple. Any help on a panel is most welcome.

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