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DIESEL GENERATOR, (as your primary power source)


Active member
Yeh, the one I looked at was the EU6500is - Honda - quiet but much more expensive to run than the Isuzu 20kw ...1 gal per 5.5 kWh and rated only 5.5 kw

and the mdq or whatever it was the someone couldn't find - the website is http://www.mqpower.com

and from what I remember a wind turbine was about 10 x cheaper to set up than solar ... anyway, I guess I'm sticking to pg&e even at 36c/kwh.


Well, just wanted to bump up this thread and post a little info. I finally got me a 12kW Diesel generator. Won't have it till a little after my move, but got a nice deal on the unit and it only burns just barely over 1 gallon of diesel at full load, so i'm really stoked. I won't have any pictures till i move. Sine the unit is a few states away. I do have a nice custom made control panel on the way. I had a custom 12 kW control panel that will be able to run 12 600HPS lights at once and is setup for all 220 volt ballast. Got to digital times to split the light for two sets of 6 lights. Plus, some extra 110 outlets for pumps, fans,etc. I'll post some pictures once i get the unit.

Once i get moved and all settled in. I'll start a complete thread on my total setup. I should be setup and running about Dec-January latest. Thinking it should be a nice setup.
Take care,


Freedom Fighter
What's up all!! We are considering going off the grid, and have been looking into Gens...so far, it looks like we will be going with LP...but I haven't seen it discussed much here--
The reasons for considering LP are...the house is already on it, so we have a big tank...and our growing areas are quite large...so we figure the co2 exhast could be utilized--
Anybody have any Pro's...Cons??
Thanx in advance-- :rasta:


Pro's = Like you said. You can run everything off of it. House, Generator, CO2 burners.

Con's = Don't know how large your tank is or your grow. Depending on the amount of LP your going to be using and the time of the year. If your filling up to often. You might run into some issues with the truck driver running his mount or the lady in the office doing the billing and shippments out to your house. I can hear that old lady now "Is this a mistake Bob? This address just filled up last month and it's only summer time."

Is the another order or a double printed order? Stay safe with any type grow you consider going off the grid. People tend to think more about big trucks going out toe BFE type places. Me, I've got a diesel tank in my work truck and it's no big deal since i work with big tractors and generators. Filling up at local station just looks like work.

Good luck,



I went to the Biodiesel link in your profile as that is something I have been considering for a while. Do you plan to run your gen-set off biodiesel? I have an uncle who owns a restaurant that goes through a LOAD of oil every week and told me he will pay me to take the oil off his hands. I am considering running an off-the-grid set-up with a diesel gen-set set up for biodiesel. Think it will be too much work? Pros? Cons?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Freedom Fighter
GoldDustWomen said:
Pro's = Like you said. You can run everything off of it. House, Generator, CO2 burners.

Con's = Don't know how large your tank is or your grow. Depending on the amount of LP your going to be using and the time of the year. If your filling up to often. You might run into some issues with the truck driver running his mount or the lady in the office doing the billing and shippments out to your house. I can hear that old lady now "Is this a mistake Bob? This address just filled up last month and it's only summer time."

Is the another order or a double printed order? Stay safe with any type grow you consider going off the grid. People tend to think more about big trucks going out toe BFE type places. Me, I've got a diesel tank in my work truck and it's no big deal since i work with big tractors and generators. Filling up at local station just looks like work.

Good luck,

Thanx for the reply!!
I was under the impression that the exhaust from LP is pure co2, and can be directly used for enrichment...I am far from an expert on it tho (yet!! lol) so I am trolling for info--
We were planning on getting a city business license for Ornamental Iron (since you need no special certifications for this)...that way we can blame our need on electricity sucking welders--

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
kmk420kali said:
I was under the impression that the exhaust from LP is pure co2, and can be directly used for enrichment...

You are quite correct. When people use burners, they are burning pure propane. The problem with propane is it puts off a bunch of moisture... so humidity will be a little hard to deal with. Also you'll need an air damper hooked up to your co2 monitor to regulate the ppm. G/L!

One question, how do you automated the on/off cycle of the generators?


kmk420kali said:
Thanx for the reply!!
I was under the impression that the exhaust from LP is pure co2, and can be directly used for enrichment...I am far from an expert on it tho (yet!! lol) so I am trolling for info--
We were planning on getting a city business license for Ornamental Iron (since you need no special certifications for this)...that way we can blame our need on electricity sucking welders--

That's a good question about the exhaust. I wish i knew about that one also, but i would think there would be some chemicals in the exhaust also. From maybe the motor oil in the cases. I think the burners are cleaner in their burning of the gas, but i really don't know. Very good question though.

Also, very good idea on the business license. That way you cover your gas bill and uses. Good looking out for yourself. Smart person for sure.
Take care,


Mr Celsius said:
One question, how do you automated the on/off cycle of the generators?

It's pretty easy and not that hard. It's pretty much a timer. You set the timer and when say "6:45am" rolls around. The time clicks and tells the automated thing to start the generator up. I think I priced a unit for about 150 bucks. It's a three wire auto thing. Not hard to wire and just a timer unit that kicks the generator starter. You want to start the generator about 15 mins before light cycle comes on. Give the generator time to warm up. You don't want to hit the generator with a large or full load when it's stone cold.
Take care all,


Hey Pico,

Panel unit came in today. Handles 12kW's. Wired for all 220 volts lights, 12 of them. 8 110 volt outlets for fans, pumps, etc. Can't wait to get this unit all wired up to the 12kW diesel generator I picked up. Oh, and the digital timers are for each side. I can slip the unit in half and room one half for one room and the other side for another. I'll try and get pictures of the generator, but i doubt that will happen till i move. I hope all is well. Take care all.



Active member
hey that is a nice unit. What does something like that cost?

I am working on getting more space right now. I would like to do a generator but I might be running off the grid. I got my medical card the other day in california and am moving my stuff over there.

My friend in Mendocino county runs generators and he says there is 1 place that will deliver fuel for cash and no account needed. I still like the idea of the truck tank.

thanks for the update, nice to see things are moving along


pico said:
hey that is a nice unit. What does something like that cost?

I am working on getting more space right now. I would like to do a generator but I might be running off the grid. I got my medical card the other day in california and am moving my stuff over there.

My friend in Mendocino county runs generators and he says there is 1 place that will deliver fuel for cash and no account needed. I still like the idea of the truck tank.

thanks for the update, nice to see things are moving along

Hey Pico. The unit was around 800 total. That is shipped to my door. I was looking at the C.A.P. 16 Light Controller w/Dual Trigger which would have cost me about the same with shipping, but then. I wouldn't have the 8 110 outlets either. Plus, this unit slips half the controls to a timer each, so i'm pretty happy with it.

Congrat's on the Med card and status. You are going to be one happy person for sure. As for your buddy. That sounds like a nice deal, but if it was me. I would stick to my plan. Using a toolbox tank 91 gallons and pickup the diesel at local station. Then you know for sure. No one is coming out to your grow site with large amounts of fuel and you paying them in large amounts of cash.

Things are getting there. Wait till everyone see the thread i'm going to start. It's going to freak some members out. Got a design for the room to house the generator and it includes a water fire system. Easy stuff to install and no worries. Also will be installing a kill system. Anything happens to the Genset. Low oil, fire, locked motor. System kills the motor and shuts down. I figure with this unit and generator. I can run about 7200 watts with the 12 220 outlets. No bad and I think good enough till the big move. Then the 30kW generator will get hooked up...lolol jokin. Take care and glad to hear things are going well for you also.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Doesn't the cost of fuel make it more expensive to run these things then just to get power normally? I mean, I know legitimate business that have a constantly 30k running at all times... its not an odd thing.


Active member
it all depends on the generator and the power rates where you live. My current grid rate is about half the cost to run a generator. In California the grid rate is probably double the cost of a generator.

Somewhere back in this thread I did a cost breakdown for the Isuzu 20k genset at full load cost 15 cents per KWH at the diesel rate at the time. I didn't check the numbers so you might want to find the post a few pages back.


Morning all,

Mr. Celsius, just like pico has stated. It all depends on the area your in. In all depends on what the local rate is on per KWH at the power company and also what the cost per a gallon of diesel is at the time. Some of these generator are pretty good. The on i picked up and will be using. I can run used motor oil in it also. So, when i change out the oil in my truck and the generator. Don't think i'm not going to burn it through the generator. Buy off road diesel is cheaper any ways. No road tax on it. Just got to find a place that sells it. Not hard around here. Some locations, it's cheaper to feed from the grid and just pay your bill, but if i was running something large. I would be in a business area or development for sure. Have a nice weekend.
GOLDDUSTWOMAN I think your the lady for the job. Need your help on powering an off the grid grow. The room will be constructed depending on the way I can power it. My Threads been posted. As Off The GRid, Indoor Grow, Rooki


GoldDustWomen said:
Pro's = Like you said. You can run everything off of it. House, Generator, CO2 burners.

Con's = Don't know how large your tank is or your grow. Depending on the amount of LP your going to be using and the time of the year. If your filling up to often. You might run into some issues with the truck driver running his mount or the lady in the office doing the billing and shippments out to your house. I can hear that old lady now "Is this a mistake Bob? This address just filled up last month and it's only summer time."


Use different companies. In our area there are 3-4 vendors for gas


yamaha_1fan said:
Use different companies. In our area there are 3-4 vendors for gas

Your right, I just don't like anyone coming out to my place. The more companies that come out. More of a chance. That one of these guys might think there is a grow there. I'm happy with diesel. Since it's as easy as hitting different stations and filling a work tank. I think it's safer that way. Plus, I can run Bio Diesel through the unit also
Take care,


Nice to see this thread come to life again.....I posted several times a few months back.
Good to see you getting your stuff ready Goldustwoman...Nice set-up with the panel.
I,m building a concrete bunker for my 6Kw Kubota.Just enuff room to get in and do the usual maintenance...It,s well insulated and nice quiet exhaust.I,m gonna run 8x600watt ....was gonna do a flip flop but just too much fuel and a lot of other things.
My unit burns about .65 gallons/hour,so I,m puttin in a 500 gallon oil tank which should last about two months which is about right for the strain i,m workin,on.It won,t raise any eyebrows from the delivery guy as the cold weather will be startin,soon and 500 gallons is about normal for my shop for two months.
btw do you have timers on the panels so all the lights don,t come on at once?I figured it would be OK to start the gen up and warm up for 15 min then have about half the lights come on right away then the rest come on in another 5/10 mins.
Nehow good to see some more interest in running generators for our power needs.
Be safe..good luck