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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
I'd like to hear more about ms13 and the deep state.

I don't really watch Infowars.

Ms-13 is Reagan’s fuck up.
Deep state is the current administration. It’s hidden under executive privilege.
Infowars is a war on information. The media arm of deep state.


ICMag Donor
Dominoes will fall, one after another with Parnas saying EVERYONE knew about the Bidenm investigation. Blunder deluxe!

NYT article: President Donald Trump wanted to strike down a law that prohibits companies from bribing foreign officials, calling the ban “so unfair” to American companies, two Washington Post reporters recount in a new book.

In the spring of 2017, Trump was at a briefing with Rex Tillerson, then the secretary of state, and aides in the Oval Office. At the mention of a bribery allegation, Trump “perked up” and told Tillerson that he wanted his help in scrapping the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the authors write.

That law, enacted in 1977 and heavily enforced since around 2005, prohibits companies that operate in the United States from bribing foreign officials to obtain or retain business. It has become a major factor in corporate decision-making about operations abroad.

Trump said that it was “just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas,” according to the book, “A Very Stable Genius,” by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig.

“I need you to get rid of that law,” Trump told Tillerson.

Tillerson explained to the president that he could not simply repeal the legislation, according to Rucker and Leonnig. He pointed out that Congress would need to be involved in any effort to strike it down.


Well-known member
Parnes isn't going to change anybody's mind lol, dude is obviously trying to cover his ass. They must think we watch msnbc or some shit lol.

Mr D

WTF is this...CNN debunking Maddow's Parnas bombshell. lol

Oh shit that's going to leave a mark


Bro less than 24 hrs. and your hopes and dreams are shattered..... Not sure when you guys are going to stop listening to Maddow.

Dominoes will fall, one after another with Parnas saying EVERYONE knew about the Bidenm investigation. Blunder deluxe!

NYT article: President Donald Trump wanted to strike down a law that prohibits companies from bribing foreign officials, calling the ban “so unfair” to American companies, two Washington Post reporters recount in a new book.

In the spring of 2017, Trump was at a briefing with Rex Tillerson, then the secretary of state, and aides in the Oval Office. At the mention of a bribery allegation, Trump “perked up” and told Tillerson that he wanted his help in scrapping the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the authors write.

That law, enacted in 1977 and heavily enforced since around 2005, prohibits companies that operate in the United States from bribing foreign officials to obtain or retain business. It has become a major factor in corporate decision-making about operations abroad.

Trump said that it was “just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas,” according to the book, “A Very Stable Genius,” by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig.

“I need you to get rid of that law,” Trump told Tillerson.

Tillerson explained to the president that he could not simply repeal the legislation, according to Rucker and Leonnig. He pointed out that Congress would need to be involved in any effort to strike it down.

Mr D

I guess you missed CNN Exclusive in the top right hand corner of the video retweeted by OANN

Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at 8.12.56 PM.jpg

You suck at this.


Active member
I guess you missed CNN Exclusive in the top right hand corner of the video retweeted by OANN

View attachment 517545

You suck at this.

Hello all,

Yeah, I missed the logo...

We will see what receipts Parnas has won't we....So far, nothing exculpitory for dirty donald.

As to Ukraine’s foreign minister denying have spoke to Parnas...guess who else has said that despite having multiple pics at multiple times with each other....yup, you got it, dirty donald.....I have never spoken with him, I don't know who he is or what he does as far as I remember....as far as I remember, the operative phrase ey?


Mr D

Hello all,

Yeah, I missed the logo...

We will see what receipts Parnas has won't we....So far, nothing exculpitory for dirty donald.

As to Ukraine’s foreign minister denying have spoke to Parnas...guess who else has said that despite having multiple pics at multiple times with each other....yup, you got it, dirty donald.....I have never spoken with him, I don't know who he is or what he does as far as I remember....as far as I remember, the operative phrase ey?


Just like the rest of the nothing burger bullshit you post. I'll give you one thing...you have no shame.

Listen to you opine about Trump Russia Ukraine is like watching a Harvey Weinstein documentary on sexual assault. Totally pointless.


Active member
Just like the rest of the nothing burger bullshit you post. I'll give you one thing...you have no shame.

Listen to you opine about Trump Russia Ukraine is like watching a Harvey Weinstein documentary on sexual assault. Totally pointless.

Hello all,

Triggered I see. You know, you could just put me on your extensive ignore list and be done....won't keep me from commenting on your narrow views and the orange cheeto dust ring around your mouth, but you will not have to see mine....good idea ey?.


Mr D

You are also shameless.

You have been on a smear campaign for a bit now.

You changed man.

I switched to indica dominant strains...:biggrin:

Vietnamese Black and Zamaldelica F-2's should be ready for harvest early next week.

Or maybe I just got tired of my opposing views being responded to by ruderalis smoking morons calling me bootlicker, Nazi supporter, Racist and all the other shit tossed my way by BernTards with no argument beyond Trump sucks.


Active member
I switched to indica dominant strains...:biggrin:

Vietnamese Black and Zamaldelica F-2's should be ready for harvest early next week.

Or maybe I just got tired of my opposing views being responded to by ruderalis smoking morons calling me bootlicker, Nazi supporter, Racist and all the other shit tossed my way by BernTards with no argument beyond Trump sucks.

Hello all,

Did you put me on ignore yet? ey?

As far as to what I am smoking...to be sure, it is of fine genetics grown personally in the rays of the California sun in the heart of the emerald triangle. Grow just what I need with extra for friends and bartering. Stoned everyday on tasty buds.

Also, if you don't like the responses you get...why, oh why do you come here? eh?


Mr D

Is there anything you’re NOT an asshole about?

Literally using a Russian propaganda site to ‘legitimize’ the still-‘fake’-news CNN...what’s your next trick, lighting yourself on fire in mid-air?

From the guy who wanted to lecture me on Maddow's credibility. :laughing:

Sorry Skip OANN wasn't the source, fake news CNN was. CNN proving to be fake news has nothing to do with what the Ukraine official is saying.

Keep throwing up that strawman.

Asshole, man that's not very nice. When I talk to you I feel like a genius because it didn't take me 3 years of studying to learn how to grow a plant.