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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

Hello all,

Did you put me on ignore yet? ey?

As far as to what I am smoking...to be sure, it is of fine genetics grown personally in the rays of the California sun in the heart of the emerald triangle. Grow just what I need with extra for friends and bartering. Stoned everyday on tasty buds.

Also, if you don't like the responses you get...why, oh why do you come here? eh?


What are you talking about? You didn't like one of my responses and talked about putting me on ignore. I don't threaten to put people on ignore that's your schtick. I don't have an extensive ignore list, just 1 troll who rarely if ever posts in here.

Why would I be bothered by what you say when you are constantly wrong? You are an excellent barometer of MSM bullshit.


Active member
What are you talking about? You didn't like one of my responses and talked about putting me on ignore. I don't threaten to put people on ignore that's your schtick. I don't have an extensive ignore list, just 1 troll who rarely if ever posts in here.

Why would I be bothered by what you say when you are constantly wrong? You are an excellent barometer of MSM bullshit.

Hello all,

Never once mentioned me putting you on ignore pal....you must be smoking better dope than mine cause you are way stoned and your comprehension is diminished.

Please, if you reply, do so, cogently. ey?


knucklehead bob


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Can you expound on this a bit, I dont follow? Ms13 is a street gang, guess it depends on experience, but they are some unsophisticated dudes relative to most. The "deep state" would be a rather different circle and I dont see how they would benefit. Its like throwing the hell's Angel's out there as being in cahoots with the rothschilds.

Certainly, this all really comes down to who or what the source was of the release of Hillary Clinton campaign/DNC emails which showed that the DNC conspired to rig the 2016 primaries against Bernie Sanders, which ended up backfiring on the Clinton campaign. The mainstream media, US intelligence community and international intelligence community conspired to fabricate evidence that Russia hacked the election on behalf of D Trump. This was accomplished by having the FBI (under the leadership of J Comey) send the DNC server to Ukraine for analysis by a DNC contractor called Crowdstrike. This was actually the subject of the infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Zelinsky that formed the basis for the impeachment inquery. It is said that the forensic investigation conducted by crowdstrike was actually paid for by the DNC. This 'investigation' is where the 'proof' of Russian hacking comes from. The DNC server has actually never been looked at by the DOJ.

But, what really happened was a leak from within the DNC, not a hack by Russia. The leak was done by a whistleblower named Seth Rich. Seth Rich was murdered a few days later, in a 'botched robbery.' Two MS-13 gang members were found shot to death a few blocks away. Julien Assange put up a generous award for information regarding Seth Rich's death and implied that he was the source. That is the basic background. Worth noting are the recent bust of MS-13 in NY on conspiracy to commit murder and also worth noting is MS-13s presence in Chicago. MS-13 has been infiltrating the US, aided by the deepstate, via the southern border. They are responsible for bringing in most of the fentanyl that has lead to one of the greatest causes of mortality in the US. That is tied to many other ongoing investigations and concerns related to US support of ISIS and the Taliban regarding opium cultivation. Going down this rabbit hole will bring you into a labyrinth.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
There is basically, no stopping this from comming out. I think that the senate impeachement trial was the plan for exposing this all along. Could the whistleblower be an agent working for Trump? Time may tell. Either way, it's checkmate.


There's some level of truth in what you say, we just sorta disagree on what the deep state is and who the players are.

Mr D


House Republicans have some very salacious pictures of Adam Schiff obtained through the FBI raids on Ed Buck’s drug dens in Los Angeles

It’s time to release the pictures!

“House Republicans have some very salacious pictures of Adam Schiff obtained through the FBI raids on Ed Buck’s drug dens in Los Angeles. The NRCC commissioned several opposition research firms to dig up dirt on Adam Schiff in the run up to impeachment, per 2 senior GOP congressional staffers.”

“One firm was able to secure damaging photos of Schiff and Ed Buck leaked from some of the feds currently prosecuting Buck. The photos appear to have been taken surreptitiously, according to several congressional staffers who’ve seen the images. In other words, this may have been an Epstein situation.”


Well-known member
Somebody did some thing....:biggrin:

The Feds — including ICE — appear to be investigating Rep. Ilhan Omar.
At least three departments are reviewing what could be the worst-ever crime spree by an elected US official

Probably the most insane thing I've heard all day. Not to mention shes barely done a year on the job lol.

Shes aligned with Bernie and is one of Israel's most critical opponents. Based on these criteria its more than likely just another hit job.

They investigated the claim that she married her brother for years now and I've yet to hear a single concrete piece of evidence over that.

Mr D

Probably the most insane thing I've heard all day. Not to mention shes barely done a year on the job lol.

Shes aligned with Bernie and is one of Israel's most critical opponents. Based on these criteria its more than likely just another hit job.

They investigated the claim that she married her brother for years now and I've yet to hear a single concrete piece of evidence over that.

You have to look if you are really interested.

Mr D


House Republicans have some very salacious pictures of Adam Schiff obtained through the FBI raids on Ed Buck’s drug dens in Los Angeles

It’s time to release the pictures!

“House Republicans have some very salacious pictures of Adam Schiff obtained through the FBI raids on Ed Buck’s drug dens in Los Angeles. The NRCC commissioned several opposition research firms to dig up dirt on Adam Schiff in the run up to impeachment, per 2 senior GOP congressional staffers.”

“One firm was able to secure damaging photos of Schiff and Ed Buck leaked from some of the feds currently prosecuting Buck. The photos appear to have been taken surreptitiously, according to several congressional staffers who’ve seen the images. In other words, this may have been an Epstein situation.”


Active member
US Rep Ilhan Omar accused of being a foreign agent – legal deposition

There is a media report from Qatar about al of this. When I find it I'll post it even though I know you'll dismiss it as a fake hit job or right wing propaganda.

She's a scumbag and has to go.

Support Iraqi refugee Dalia for congress to unseat Omar

trump supporters always have a deep hate for women, and double hate for women that aren’t white.

Less than a week ago you were posting fake pics of her, seems like a character attack/diversion per usual/ or just another Sunday in

Mr D

trump supporters always have a deep hate for women, and double hate for women that aren’t white.

Less than a week ago you were posting fake pics of her, seems like a character attack/diversion per usual/ or just another Sunday in
