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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

schiff for brains takin a bite outta some fresh walnut sauce...

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St. Phatty

Active member
US Rep Ilhan Omar accused of being a foreign agent – legal deposition

Most of the Congress & Senate are foreign agents for Israel - judging by their behavior.

Omar simply looks independent.

Amazing how that rocks the boat for some people. Actually it gets her a lot of extra press.

Mr D

Most of the Congress & Senate are foreign agents for Israel - judging by their behavior.

Omar simply looks independent.

Amazing how that rocks the boat for some people. Actually it gets her a lot of extra press.

Yeah and Adam Schiff's fondness for children of color and Ed Buck is shared by a lot of politicians so I guess it's all good.

Maybe we just need some agents of Hamas to even things out.


Mr D

The Comey Coverup Unravels
The FBI, the CIA and the press all have much to be embarrassed about.

By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

In a curious report on Thursday evening, the New York Times carefully averts its eyes from everything that’s interesting. Even Adam Schiff has acknowledged that James Comey’s actions in 2016 may represent the most important and significant Russian influence on the election.

Surely one of the most consequential pieces of intelligence ever received by U.S. agencies was, as we now learn, received in early 2016 from a Dutch counterpart. This is the dubious Russian intelligence that set off Mr. Comey’s multiple interventions in the last presidential race, culminating in an improper act that may have inadvertently elected Donald Trump. Even at the time Mr. Comey’s FBI colleagues considered the intelligence, which indicated questionable actions by the Justice Department to fix the Hillary email investigation, to be false, possibly a Russian plant.

The Times adds the unsurprising revelation that Mr. Comey himself is suspected in the illegal leak that, in early 2017, alerted the media to this untold aspect of his 2016 actions, before the matter disappeared again behind a veil of official secrecy. Yet bizarrely, the paper plays down its scoop, suggesting that any inquiry into a “years-old” leak now can only be a political hit job by an “ambitious” Justice Department attorney seeking to please President Trump.

First of all, I doubt this subject pleases Mr. Trump—it re-raises the question of whether his election was an accident caused by Mr. Comey. Second, the information is obviously important. The scandal hiding in plain sight is our intelligence establishment’s misuse of its authority to muck around in the 2016 election.

As a bonus, I’m going to suggest the FBI’s own pursuit of the collusion will-o’-the-wisp may have been occasioned by its hope of finding that the same fabricated Russian intelligence was in the hands of the Trump campaign, providing an ex post justification for Mr. Comey’s actions that he desperately would have wanted once fingers began pointing at him for Mrs. Clinton’s defeat. (I guess we can at least be glad he didn’t plant the information on Carter Page. )

Let’s call a spade a spade. The media is a big part of the coverup. When the Justice Department inspector general issued his damning report on Mr. Comey, not one media outlet in the Factiva database told its readers about the existence of its classified appendix except this column and Britain’s Daily Mail tabloid.

Mr. Comey himself, after allegedly leaking the secret information to the press, penned a sententious memoir suggesting the same info should remain hidden from the American people “decades from now.”

And while flogging fake revelations from the nonexistent Trump-Russia conspiracy, the mainstream press ignored a public plea, uttered before Congress, by the Justice Department’s own inspector general that the secret Comey information be declassified so the people and their representatives can know the truth about 2016.

On Thursday night, former Rep. Trey Gowdy reported that the information Mr. Comey is suspected of leaking to the media he refused to share even with Congress in a classified briefing, saying it was too top secret.

The mainstream media has been uncharacteristically silent about all this for too long—and you’re about to find out why. Whether from design or myopia, it allowed itself to be instrumental in suppressing real news in favor of a fairy tale about Mr. Trump and the Russians. That’s the deeper message of the Times’s weirdly conflicted handling of its scoop about Mr. Comey.

Leaking secret intelligence, if that’s what Mr. Comey did, is a crime. But even more palpable is something else: The information remains officially classified not to protect national security but to protect the national-security establishment from embarrassment.

The story here truly contains something for everybody. If you think Mr. Trump never should have been president, blame Mr. Comey. If you think the “deep state” is running amok, here’s your evidence. If you think the intelligence establishment is incompetent and needs a Trumpian kick in the derrière, even more so.

Alas, every revelation about this matter turns out to be a revelation also about the deviousness and expediency of Mr. Comey, the nation’s former FBI director. What should happen now? More than ever, Attorney General William Barr should act on the authority Mr. Trump has given him and declassify the inspector general’s report as well any material describing the role of other agencies including John Brennan’s CIA in Mr. Comey’s election-meddling escapades.

Mr D

Puerto Rico mob finds unused disaster supplies

Politicians in Puerto Rico spent weeks bashing President Trump while hiding aid from their citizens.


An angry crowd in earthquake-rattled Puerto Rico stormed a warehouse Saturday after learning that it contained a stash of emergency supplies — that had been sitting untouched since Hurricane Maria slammed the island in 2017.

Word of the squandered supplies spread online Saturday after blogger Lorenzo Delgado posted a video on Facebook of locals breaking into the warehouse, which is shown to be holding cases of bottled water and other emergency supplies.


The video shows thousands of pallets, double and triple stacked, of key and essential emergency supplies. Bottled water, shelf-stable food, diapers, baby formula, blankets, tarps, tents, propane grills, propane, emergency lights, 24hr candles, batteries, flashlights, emergency radios, portable charging stations, potable water cans, cots, mattresses, at least four industrial kitchens designed for mass feeding stations and much, much more.

To give you an idea of the scale, there’s at least 100 semi truck loads of supplies in this video, in this single warehouse.

Logistically each trailer would haul 22/24 single stack pallets, 44/48 doubles, or 66/72 triple stacked. With more than a dozen staged pallet jacks, this warehouse is holding serious money.Locals are seen hauling cases out of the warehouse, and — in one image — distributing the supplies to a throng of people outside.

“This is outrageous,” Ponce Mayor Maria Melendez told reporters. “Everyone knows what us mayors went through after Hurricane Maria and to try and get help to our cities and how we’ve worked these weeks to provide basic supplies to people affected by earthquakes.”

“Those involved owe us an explanation,” she said.


Well-known member
I love the fondness for Assange as some kind of freedom fighter, but his history in Australian politics paints a different picture.

Better than even money he’s a Kremlin asset. But sure, he’s a prince. I’m sure.

Let's hear about it...or are you just assassinating his character. I mean, he's a journalist dying in prison, while journalism morphs into propoganda, much like you are spreading with this post. You have forgotten what real investigative journalism is. I would actually like to hear how you fault someone for informing you and the rest of the world.

Mr D

Let's hear about it...or are you just assassinating his character. I mean, he's a journalist dying in prison, while journalism morphs into propoganda, much like you are spreading with this post. You have forgotten what real investigative journalism is. I would actually like to hear how you fault someone for informing you and the rest of the world.

He's heavily invested in Russia conspiracy theories while he spends 3 years learning how to grow cannabis. His wife left him a bitter old angry troll.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sweden Reopens Rape Case Against Julian Assange..

Eva-Marie Persson, Sweden’s deputy director of public prosecutions, announced the decision to reopen the Swedish investigation at a news conference in Stockholm. She said the authorities there were acting because there was still probable cause to suspect that Mr. Assange had committed the crime. If he gets extradited he will have to go to Sweden 1st. They get the 1st crack.


Well-known member
The women involved with this case refused to press charges and deny there was any wrongdoing on Assange's part. It's been a very effective character assassination from the start. Just look how well it's worked.

It's amazing that we as Americans don't appreciate being told what our government does in our name and with our manufactured consent. We know our government is corrupt, but when we are told the dirty secrets, we accept any excuse or diversion we're offered. Gullible is the word.

QUOTE=Hammerhead;8764513]Sweden Reopens
Rape Case Against Julian Assange..

Eva-Marie Persson, Sweden’s deputy director of public prosecutions, announced the decision to reopen the Swedish investigation at a news conference in Stockholm. She said the authorities there were acting because there was still probable cause to suspect that Mr. Assange had committed the crime. If he gets extradited he will have to go to Sweden 1st. They get the 1st crack.[/QUOTE]

Capra ibex

Got a shit load of buds to trim so I don't have time to entertain mental midgets.


Conspiracists and 'free thinkers' always feel they got the drop on everyone, when they're really just a few steps behind your regular garden variety human. :covereyes:

Always looking for things to make themselves feel clever when the real problems are right in front of them.