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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
Hey Mr. D don't you know our gun totting hippie friend, verified the dossier himself.

nope. wrong again. FAIL. most (not all) HAS been verified. problem is, there IS no source of anything that you will believe if it makes Dear Leader look like the incompetent thief he is. he fails at business (multiple bankruptcies), personal relationships (multiple divorces), and politics (had to become a Republican to find someone stupid enough to vote for him). getting elected by hydrocephalic morons is NOT an accomplishment...:laughing:


Active member
nope. wrong again. FAIL. most (not all) HAS been verified. problem is, there IS no source of anything that you will believe if it makes Dear Leader look like the incompetent thief he is. he fails at business (multiple bankruptcies), personal relationships (multiple divorces), and politics (had to become a Republican to find someone stupid enough to vote for him). getting elected by hydrocephalic morons is NOT an accomplishment...:laughing:

The sub source stated it was baroom gossip. The actual sub source told the FBI none of it was true.

Still in denial, to bad for you. Don't follow Hammhead, While Bread into the throes of mental illness.


Active member
nope. wrong again. FAIL. most (not all) HAS been verified. problem is, there IS no source of anything that you will believe if it makes Dear Leader look like the incompetent thief he is. he fails at business (multiple bankruptcies), personal relationships (multiple divorces), and politics (had to become a Republican to find someone stupid enough to vote for him). getting elected by hydrocephalic morons is NOT an accomplishment...:laughing:



Active member

NOTHING has been verified from ‘Steele/Halper/ohr dossier’. Only verified was the fbi used contact from carter page to the Russian intelligence at the behest of CIA to obtain a FISA warrant. Even AFTER being told by CIA he was their asset and working for them. Steele literally CANNOT verify ‘his’ dossier because he didn’t write it. Also cool Carter Page and PapaD were being spied on BEFORE joining Trump campaign. Who was PapaD working with before Trump? Ben Carson. So fbi was spying on Carson campaign too?


Well-known member
The sub source stated it was baroom gossip. The actual sub source told the FBI none of it was true.

Still in denial, to bad for you. Don't follow Hammhead, While Bread into the throes of mental illness.

if being able to tell lies from trumps mouth from truth is "mental illness", then i'm all for it. i feel sorry for you. not sorry enough to keep reading your bullshit, but yeah...sorry. have you considered going back to grade school & taking remedial spelling? your ignorance is not a good look for you...:tiphat:


Active member
if being able to tell lies from trumps mouth from truth is "mental illness", then i'm all for it. i feel sorry for you. not sorry enough to keep reading your bullshit, but yeah...sorry. have you considered going back to grade school & taking remedial spelling? your ignorance is not a good look for you...:tiphat:

It's a shame you can't read. It's in the report. If you want to live in your delusion be my guest.


Active member
Hello all,

This is troubling...................buahahaha

Sarah Longwell DOJ inspector general report shows AG William Barr is a Trump spokesman, not a public servant

Law enforcement itself is the victim when the head of federal crime fighting engages in political hackery rather than the pursuit of justice.


Then there is this:

Fact-checking Barr’s dispute of inspector general’s report on the FBI, Russia probe.


And this:

Bill Barr Has Started Lying About the Long-Awaited Inspector General Report


oh, and this:



I wonder if an IG investigation of barr is on the horizon?


Mr D

It's over kids. I want to thank our leftist friends for ensuring Trump's reelection and a Republican majority in both the house and Senate.

According to two Republican Senators who spoke to CNN, the GOP want to have a vote on acquittal to clear President Trump of charges brought against him by the House Dems — not just a motion to dismiss the case.

Keep spinning keep hoping keep post NBC opinion pieces and other discredited sources like the Slate and politfactless.

Abuse of power :jerkit:

Mr D

As has been the case from the onset sundance has been dead on. To any of my friends who been bashed relentlessly by our leftist friends forget Fox News if you want to know what's going on and the bigger picture.


IG Modifies FISA Report, Adds Declassification Aspect Per DOJ (Barr?)
Posted on December 11, 2019 by sundance
Well, it looks like some efforts have paid off. In an unusual update two days after the IG report was published, the IG modifies the report content. See Update Notification Below:

Apparently the DOJ and FBI had a change of heart about the FISA dates.

Actually they’ve re-written a portion of the report, and moved some material completely. As an example this section formerly present on page ii of the executive summary is now moved to page vi:

Prior Paragraph:

Revised Paragraph per November 11, 2019:

This matches the FISA dates we already identified: Original application Oct 21, 2016. The first FISA renewal was January 12, 2017 (84 days from origination). The second renewal was April 7, 2017 (85 days from prior renewal). The third renewal was on June 29th, 2017 (83 days from prior renewal).

Now, if the DOJ or any enterprising congressperson wants to really dig into the issue, they can request a declassified copy of the exact version the FISC generated on March 17th, 2017, to be delivered to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Custodian James Wolfe.

The March 17th copy delivered to SSCI Director Wolfe and Vice-Chair Mark Warner would only have the original and first renewal.

Start asking questions about why the copy from March 17th, 2017, has different dates than the original FISA application and first renewal. That March 17th copy was seeded with a false date of origination. The reason for the false date appears to be the FBI leak taskforce initiated by Sessions. The false date was a leak trap.

That’s exactly what happened.

♦ On March 17th, 2017, the Senate Intelligence Committee took custody of the FISA application used against Carter Page. We know the FISA court delivered the read and return Top-Secret Classified application due to the clerk stamp of March 17, 2017.

(Page FISA Application, Link)

The FISA application (original and first renewal) was delivered to Senate Security Director James Wolfe. Senator Mark Warner entered the basement SCIF shortly after 4:00pm on March 17, 2017, the day it was delivered (texts between Warner and Waldman):

Now, when SSCI Security Officer James Wolfe was indicted (unsealed June ’18), we could see the importance of the March 17th date again:

(Wolfe Indictment Link)

We could tell from the description within the Wolfe indictment FBI investigators are describing the FISA application. Additionally Wolfe exchanged 82 text messages with his reporter/girlfriend Ali Watkins. The FISA application is 83 pages with one blank page.

The logical conclusion was that Wolfe text Ali Watkins 82 pictures of the application.

FBI Investigators applied for, and received a search warrant for the phone records of journalist Ali Watkins through November 2017. Ms. Watkins was notified in February 2018, three months after Wolfe was questioned by FBI investigators in December 2017.

However, despite the overwhelming (public) circumstantial evidence that Wolfe leaked the FISA application, he was never charged with leaking classified information. Wolfe was only charged with lying three times to federal authorities, and he pled down to one count of lying to the FBI.

CTH made the case in mid 2018 that someone at the DOJ had influenced a decision not to charge Wolfe with the leaking of the FISA application; despite the FBI and DOJ having direct evidence of Wolfe leaking classified information.

The logical reason for the Rosenstein DOJ not to charge Wolfe with the FISA leak was because that charge would ensnare powerful Senators on the powerful committee. Worse still, in hindsight we now see how that committee was working to aide the purposes and intents of the corrupt DOJ and FBI officials as they built their impeachment agenda.

Remember, the SSCI has intelligence oversight of the DOJ, DOJ-NSD, FBI and all associated counterintelligence operations. Additionally, when the FBI was investigating Wolfe for leaking classified documents, according to their court filings they had to inform the committee of the risk Wolfe represented. Who did they have to inform?.. Chairman Richard Burr and Vice-Chair Mark Warner.

Think about it. Both gang-of-eight members (Warner/Burr), who happened -as a consequence of the jaw dropping implications- to be two SSCI members who were warned by the FBI that Wolfe was compromised…. and they, along with Feinstein in 2016, were the co-conspirators who used James Wolfe. The ramifications cannot be overstated.

Any criminal charges for leaking classified intelligence information against James Wolfe would likely result in a major scandal where the SSCI itself was outlined as participants in the weaponization of government for political intents. Thus, the perfect alignment of interests for a dropped charge and DC cover-up. REMEMBER:


If it wasn’t already transparently sketchy, in an act of serendipity and self-preservation, the accused Security Director James Wolfe evidenced the schemes when he threatened to subpoena members of the SSCI as part of his defense. [See Here]

[…] Attorneys for James A. Wolfe sent letters to all 15 senators on the committee, notifying them that their testimony may be sought as part of Mr. Wolfe’s defense, according to two people familiar with the matter.

[…] Mr. Wolfe’s defense lawyers are considering calling the senators as part of the proceedings for a variety of reasons, including as potential character witnesses and to rebut some of the allegations made by the government in the criminal complaint, these people say. (link)

Immediately after threatening to subpoena the SSCI (July 27, 2018), the DOJ (Rosenstein authorizing) cut a deal with Wolfe and dropped the charges down to a single charge of lying to investigators. However, someone in the FBI who was doing the investigative legwork wasn’t happy with that decision.

The overwhelming circumstantial evidence that Wolfe leaked the FISA application went from a strong suspicion, to damn certain (after the plea deal) when the DOJ included a sentencing motion in mid-December 2018.

On December 15th, 2018 the DOJ filed a response to the Wolfe defense teams’ own sentencing memo (full pdf), and within the DOJ response they included an exhibit (#13) written by the FBI [redacted] special agent in charge, which specifically says: “because of the known disclosure of classified information, the FISA application”… Thereby admitting, albeit post-plea agreement, that Wolfe did indeed leak the FISA:

(link to document)

Right there, in that FBI Special Agent description is the bombshell admission that James Wolfe leaked the Carter Page FISA application to journalist Ali Watkins at Buzzfeed. (Keep Reading Background)…

Because the copy delivered to the SSCI on March 17th, 2017, had a modified date as a leak tracer. All subsequent public releases of the FISA dates had to either: (A) duplicate the false date; or (B) be redacted.

Oddly, and *coincidentally*, after the DOJ made the decision to declassify the previously hidden dates today, another announcement followed:

WASHINGTON — The primary liaison between the Justice Department and the special counsel’s office is set to step down at the end of the month, after helping oversee the department’s most consequential and controversial investigation in a generation.

Edward O’Callaghan, who served as the deputy attorney general’s right-hand man, worked closely with the deputy attorney general at the time, Rod J. Rosenstein, to oversee the Russia investigation. He had primary supervisory responsibilities over the special counsel’s office, which was led by Robert S. Mueller III. (more)

And for the Trifecta:

US Attorney Terwilliger

Congratulations to US Attorney for D.C. Jessie Liu on the announcement regarding the intent to nominate her to undersecretary at the Treasury Department. https://publicpool.kinja.com/subject-president-donald-j-trump-announces-intent-to-1840349025

Subject: President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key...
The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 10, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration PostsToday,...

8:26 AM - Dec 11, 2019
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What do all three have in common?

(1) DOJ tells IG to declassify FISA dates.

(2) Ed O’Callagahan removed (going to private practice).

(3) Jessie Liu removed as U.S. DC Attny (going to treasury).

Answer: The James Wolfe Coverup.

Cue up the MSNBC dittoheads who spent the last 2 - 3 years being wrong about everything because they refuse to think for themselves to scoff at this. However they can't and won't do anything to debunk it with facts. Because they can't.

Mr D

Sounds like another orange fantasy, from the predictors of the Horowitz pain

Can you leftist ever be honest about anything?

I never predicted Horowitz pain. He's an inspector general with limited scope and no power to indict.

We can resume this conversation in July or August when Durham starts raining down indictments on these people who you have held up as beacons of truth.

Feel free to quote that and save it for later.


Well-known member
Can you leftist ever be honest about anything?

I never predicted Horowitz pain. He's an inspector general with limited scope and no power to indict.

We can resume this conversation in July or August when Durham starts raining down indictments on these people who you have held up as beacons of truth.

Feel free to quote that and save it for later.

07-29-2019, 09:11 PM JULY, ALMOST AUGUST of 2019
Rumor has it that declassification begins this week and Durham has empaneled a grand jury which has been hearing witness testimony.

Here’s the list of material possible for declassification, and the intelligence offices who hold custodial authority over the compartmented documents.

So, July or August of... 2020? You've been waiting sooo long!

We'll just keep waiting.

Mr D

07-29-2019, 09:11 PM JULY, ALMOST AUGUST of 2019

So, July or August of... 2020? You've been waiting sooo long!

We'll just keep waiting.

Here’s the list of material possible for declassification, and the intelligence offices who hold custodial authority over the compartmented documents.

Guess you missed Wolfe's indictment.
We can resume this conversation in July or August when Durham starts raining down indictments on these people who you have held up as beacons of truth.

You touch on a subject I'd like to expand on here. You correct with your statement but the irony is that masses of people that've always considered themselves to be moral rebels and many involved in illegal endeavors..... well they all now appear to be in locked step with the surveillance state, the military industrial complex.

The Dems hoodwinked the dims into doing a complete ideological 180°! And I'm alive to witness the screaming and flailing.... it's a wonderful time!!

Trump's gonna win in 2020 (likely with a super majority...again) and he's gonna appoint at least 2 more supreme court justices! And they know it.

Enjoy your afternoon

Mr D

You touch on a subject I'd like to expand on here. You correct with your statement but the irony is that masses of people that've always considered themselves to be moral rebels and many involved in illegal endeavors..... well they all now appear to be in locked step with the surveillance state, the military industrial complex.

The Dems hoodwinked the dims into doing a complete ideological 180°! And I'm alive to witness the screaming and flailing.... it's a wonderful time!!

Trump's gonna win in 2020 (likely with a super majority...again) and he's gonna appoint at least 2 more supreme court justices! And they know it.

Enjoy your afternoon

You can expect to be called a "boot licker" by one of our poser friends for posting that truth.

FYI. For our leftist friends who want to continue calling us bootlickers, trumptards and resort to other assorted name calling. Expect no quarter and expect to be trolled for as long as you continue.

Fair warning:
I'm fine with debating points until you resort to juvenile name calling .