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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Really trying to figure out the liberals issues with bill Barr. After all he is balls deep in the murders the fbi committed at ruby ridge and Waco. I mean I understand his snipers let baby elisheba live at ruby ridge, but other than that the fbi murdered damn natzeees and religious gun nuts. Amirite?


Active member
Blow it out your ass poser.

This post of yours is why I laugh at people like you. You cry daily on here about name calling then say derogatory things about members here. You love Trump for the name calling he does to others but can't take it when it happens to you.

Don't be so pious and life might not suck so bad for you.


Active member
Hello all,

As we all know, the ig report is out.

Not a great report for either team is it?

On one hand, there is significant flaws in the Page fisa warrent....clearly. And this must be addressed and corrected.

However, it was not the witch hunt that conald et.al. have been breathlessly spewing for years.

Now, the arguement is going to be which side is more "right" than the other.

I concede that the investigation should have been ended earlier then it was.

I still assert that the predication was there, there was considerable smoke. I believe that tRump knew about the Russian interference and was indifferent if not willing to let that play out. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I believe the Mueller report did not find conclusive evidence of conspiracy (a crime). I tend to think that Russia wouldn't have enlisted his help directly because of tRump's ineptitude. Mueller did however find evidence of obstruction of justice (at least 10) but due to the OLC policy, chose not to indict. Rather left it up to Congress or DOJ after he leaves office.

I believe the investigation Crossfire Hurricane was not in response to the Steele dossier.

I concede that the Steele dossier in its totality should not have been used to apply for Fisa warrant. However, there was other compelling evidence for the warrant. I do concede that the renewals were unjustified.

So, both sides get something from this.

Question still remains...was your conscience shocked?

As for my conscience....to error in the pursuit of ill intent can never be wrong.

Also, I agree with FBI director Wray....need to fix the problems, and pronto ay?

At least the main compliant by conald was cleared up...there was no political bias or
deep state conspiracy.

As for the boomeranging avalanche....buahahahahahaha, kinda looks and smells more like a fart in the wind.

That is all, carry on.



Active member
:laughing: sure buddy. When Durham is done with his investigations and prosecutions then we can deal with the real problem. The intelligence agencies.

Wray knew all of this from day one. Any bullshit calls for an internal review, will change nothing.

When are we going to get a statement from the FISC?

This shit is far from over.


Active member
:laughing: sure buddy. When Durham is done with his investigations and prosecutions then we can deal with the real problem. The intelligence agencies.

Wray knew all of this from day one. Any bullshit calls for an internal review, will change nothing.

When are we going to get a statement from the FISC?

This shit is far from over.

Hello all,

At this point, yes will see, but as yet there is no Grand Jury empaneled. And as has been noted, Durham has broader investigative areas and powers. We will see.

With regard, it is the policies that where initally put in place in '02 or '03 following 9/11 by the then AG Ashcroft I understand.

So, in that vein, it would be Barr's responsibility to make those changes.

Bad mistakes have taken place, but not the initial investigation and not with political ill intent.

So there is that.

But I glean this from the report that trumps tRumps claims

The Steele dossier didn’t play a role in opening the Russia probe. Neither did Lisa Page or Peter Strzok.

Crossfire Hurricane was properly predicated and justified.

Obama never wiretapped Trump Tower.

I also find it interesting that both Barr and Durham are running parallel investigations..Are they necessary or convenient cover? Don't know.

As the Zen master says...We will see.



Well-known member
How long shall we watch for? One month? Six months? After the election? Thanks for the heads up. I'll be waiting patiently...


Active member
Rich af coming from somebody who spouted 3 years about how drumpf was going to be impeached n in jail lmfao. But fed posters will continue fed posting. He’s big mad his coworkers are going to go down for this

How's it going liar? I have never posted on this site Trump is going to jail. If I have then post it. Simple to do. Notice how I always use your own words against you? Have fun eating crow daily.:hide:


CRYIN'.....for my sharleeena! I just drove through derby line north of my home.....apparently im on the 45th parallel as well!


Active member
Shithead and Mulvaney have both said it with their own mouths on tape for all of us to hear. Plus. Every witness has agreed. And the only people who could exonerate him will not testify.

And. I only wanted a yes or no.

I assume you know your turd is guilty.

Still waiting for that single, solitary fact. Just one. Take your time, I have all the time in the world.


Well-known member
Show me 1 fact that backs up your assertion. Fact not opinion. I'll wait. well I'll continue to wait is more accurate.

as usual you fail on reading comprehension. he asked a (very) simple question. i don't blame you for deflecting and refusing to answer him.:laughing:


Active member
Trump will never see jail...he learned in grade school to keep a fall guy around...everyone he has ever known may go on his behalf, but he will never get locked up....Keep defending your Hairpile King and someday you will be tossed under the bus like all of his acquantances...DJXX