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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

Funny you should mention working from the bar...since this is where the infamous Steele dossier originated
Spewed rumors and innuendo from a bunch of drunks

What you quote was a straight up genetic fallacy. That's why it's a waste of time to engage these hate filled, constantly wrong, name calling, disingenuous purveyors of one logic fallacy after another. The appeals to authority that have been proven unreliable is stunning.

I think at this point we can just sit back and laugh at how totally wrong they were, while we watch the impeachment nonsense fail and look forward to what Durham ends up doing.

It's pretty obvious this going really bad for the democrats and their CNN MSNBC educated audience. They don't have a candidate that can beat Trump and all this impeachment nonsense has increased Trump's support.

This was a historical failure that's going to cost Pelosi the house.

Mr D

Bill Barr on Friday indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling foreign money to Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators including Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton.

Hmm sounds like foreign interference in US elections.

Hey Packer did you see this?

It was falsely claimed Steele's prior reporting had been "corroborated and used in criminal proceedings," which was neither true nor approved by the FBI agent for inclusion.

Hey where's that "READ THE MUELLER REPORT" guy at? I want to help him clean the egg off his face.

Buuuhaaaaaa someone looks like a real tool...


Active member
the IG report is on all of the news channels today. it said that yes, the FBI made some missteps, but that the investigation was begun & carried out legally. i'm sure that won't sink through some of y'alls skulls, as dense as you are. keep picking at what flaws you find for comfort. trump is guilty, and he's not the only one with his dick in the wringer...a mistake in how an investigation was carried out does not nullify the findings, sorry.:biggrin:

Indeed...and those findings were no collusion,no conspiracy,no obstruction....dont be sorry, your not alone in your ignorance

Mr D

Indeed...and those findings were no collusion,no conspiracy,no obstruction....dont be sorry, your not alone in your ignorance

The dude can't even be honest for a second. A "few missteps" my ass.

51 violations, nine false statements, 17 serious acts of misconduct = a "few Missteps" in the minds of the Maddow/Schiff fan club.


Active member
Bill Barr on Friday indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling foreign money to Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators including Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton.

Hmm sounds like foreign interference in US elections.

Hey Packer did you see this?

It was falsely claimed Steele's prior reporting had been "corroborated and used in criminal proceedings," which was neither true nor approved by the FBI agent for inclusion.

Hey where's that "READ THE MUELLER REPORT" guy at? I want to help him clean the egg off his face.

Buuuhaaaaaa someone looks like a real tool...

Not yet. Good find.

So, has the impeachment thread disappeared now that the "facts " mysteriously disappeared?

Mr D

most of it HAS been verified, by multiple sources. LOL. :tiphat:


That reviewing office made "decision to omit its conclusion that Steele's election reporting was uncorroborated." IG says this is problematic, understating wildly. IG also says more should have been done to counter Russian disinformation probability.

IG reports says: Omitted information relevant to the reliability of a Steele source who even Steele himself admitted was a "boaster" and an "egoist" who engages in "embellishment."

IG says that "corroboration" of Steele dossier was limited to the broad themes checked out (e.g., "Russia's desire to sow discord") and that dossier matched with some "publicly available" information.


Well-known member
Bill Barr on Friday indicted eight individuals for illegally funneling foreign money to Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Hillary Clinton and several Democratic senators including Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton.

Hmm sounds like foreign interference in US elections.

Hey Packer did you see this?

It was falsely claimed Steele's prior reporting had been "corroborated and used in criminal proceedings," which was neither true nor approved by the FBI agent for inclusion.

Hey where's that "READ THE MUELLER REPORT" guy at? I want to help him clean the egg off his face.

Buuuhaaaaaa someone looks like a real tool...

i see that you left out the part where the same indicted individuals (all working for the same person) donated a cool million bucks to trumps inauguration gala. i'm going out on a limb here, that you did not think this was noteworthy?:laughing: Nader was working for United Arab Emirates. they gave to Dems expecting Clinton to win, and gave to trump when he won.


Active member

That reviewing office made "decision to omit its conclusion that Steele's election reporting was uncorroborated." IG says this is problematic, understating wildly. IG also says more should have been done to counter Russian disinformation probability.

IG reports says: Omitted information relevant to the reliability of a Steele source who even Steele himself admitted was a "boaster" and an "egoist" who engages in "embellishment."

IG says that "corroboration" of Steele dossier was limited to the broad themes checked out (e.g., "Russia's desire to sow discord") and that dossier matched with some "publicly available" information.

Hey Mr. D don't you know our gun totting hippie friend, verified the dossier himself.

Mr D

i see that you left out the part where the same indicted individuals (all working for the same person) donated a cool million bucks to trumps inauguration gala. i'm going out on a limb here, that you did not think this was noteworthy?:laughing: Nader was working for United Arab Emirates. they gave to Dems expecting Clinton to win, and gave to trump when he won.

No my point was election interference not who donated to a party.

Nice try.

Mr D

Hey hippy did you know?

Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.

Can you say quid pro quo...

Mr D

Democrat strategist Brad Gerstman:
Well, everything right now is playing against the Democrats whether it is the jobs, the economy, this new deal (USMCA), eventually I think China is going to get resolved and I’m sure the president will do his very best to make this his biggest win ever. He’s the best at doing that. So I expect his PR machine, meaning him and Twitter, to just go wild. And then this impeachment thing, I’m one of those people just mentioned, that the impeachment is a bad thing politically for the Democrats. I’ve spoken with a lot of people, a lot of people in those purple states, a lot of people who know people in those purple states, and a lot of people who are undecided, unaffiliated, and they don’t know what the heck the impeachment is about or why it’s going on. And when they turn on one of the TV Channels they’re disgusted with what they’re seeing. And these are the people that are in the middle. These are people that decide who is going to win and lose elections. I said from day one that this is bad for Democrats. And most of my Democratic friends believe the same thing. Politically this is a total disaster for the Democrats.


Active member
Hey hippy did you know?

Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.

Can you say quid pro quo...

That's not a quid pro quo, clearly it's bribery, extortion, and abuse of power.


Well-known member
Show me 1 fact that backs up your assertion. Fact not opinion. I'll wait. well I'll continue to wait is more accurate.

Shithead and Mulvaney have both said it with their own mouths on tape for all of us to hear. Plus. Every witness has agreed. And the only people who could exonerate him will not testify.

And. I only wanted a yes or no.

I assume you know your turd is guilty.


Active member
Shithead and Mulvaney have both said it with their own mouths on tape for all of us to hear. Plus. Every witness has agreed. And the only people who could exonerate him will not testify.

And. I only wanted a yes or no.

I assume you know your turd is guilty.

So, your opinion is now fact lol. The only witness who gave anything other than their personal opinion, was Sonland. We know how his conversation with Trump went. Lol. You are never gonna win this.

Nadler flatly stated they don't need a crime, to impeach. No facts needed, it's the Democrat way.

I don't give a fuck what you want. Fortunately you won't be getting what you want. 4 more years is what you are going to get.

Oh, and your boy Bernie is going to get fucked by the DNC again.


Active member
What you quote was a straight up genetic fallacy. That's why it's a waste of time to engage these hate filled, constantly wrong, name calling, disingenuous purveyors of one logic fallacy after another. The appeals to authority that have been proven unreliable is stunning.

I think at this point we can just sit back and laugh at how totally wrong they were, while we watch the impeachment nonsense fail and look forward to what Durham ends up doing.

It's pretty obvious this going really bad for the democrats and their CNN MSNBC educated audience. They don't have a candidate that can beat Trump and all this impeachment nonsense has increased Trump's support.

This was a historical failure that's going to cost Pelosi the house.

That's some self righteous bullshit your posting after accusing me of posting fake pics to my grow log. Your political analysis is about as good as your analysis of my grow pics.

The dude is a name calling troll with fake pics of someone else grow. Don't waste your time.

Debate? Been here long enough to spot a troll.

Are you sure he's not the cleaning person for a commercial grow operation? Got a buddy who works for curaleaf, I could post pics of big commercial grow and claim they were mine.

Mr D

That's some self righteous bullshit your posting after accusing me of posting fake pics to my grow log. Your political analysis is about as good as your analysis of my grow pics.

Blow it out your ass poser.

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