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Deep State: Exposed

You can expect to be called a "boot licker" by one of our poser friends for posting that truth..

Oh I know, straying from the group is frowned upon and they find comfort within the echo chamber. And they attack anything that threatens their identity politics.

Mr D

And a great example of why rep points should not count in a political sub forum of a growing forum.


Well-known member
the dems still win if trump wins lol. they would 100% rather have him than bernie and maybe even warren.

look at the numbers of TV news since Trump has been elected. Muh librul media is making a killing off this charade.

look at the donations the DNC has been getting since Trump has been elected, they are up. midterm voter turnout was up as well.

look at how many of them voted for Trumps permanent tax cuts or the increase to military spending (including Warren). these are the real issues that keeps the continuity of the agenda going no matter who holds the power or the presidency.

look how many elite dems say they will vote for Trump if Bernie or Warren becomes nominee. these people dont actually give a shit if Trump remains President or not. They win with him regardless of their rhetoric. Their bank accounts continue to grow.
the dems still win if trump wins lol. they would 100% rather have him than bernie and maybe even warren.

look at the numbers of TV news since Trump has been elected. Muh librul media is making a killing off this charade.

look at the donations the DNC has been getting since Trump has been elected, they are up. midterm voter turnout was up as well.

look at how many of them voted for Trumps permanent tax cuts or the increase to military spending (including Warren). these are the real issues that keeps the continuity of the agenda going no matter who holds the power or the presidency.

look how many elite dems say they will vote for Trump if Bernie or Warren becomes nominee. these people dont actually give a shit if Trump remains President or not. They win with him regardless of their rhetoric. Their bank accounts continue to grow.

I'd read during the last election cycle that the D's were hurting for cash. There maybe a few who benefit from Trump (mainly the citizens and the lamestream media) but overall the D's pool of resources is shrinking to a pond.

After the fucking they gave their voters during hillary vs bernie debacle it's no surprise!


Active member
You touch on a subject I'd like to expand on here. You correct with your statement but the irony is that masses of people that've always considered themselves to be moral rebels and many involved in illegal endeavors..... well they all now appear to be in locked step with the surveillance state, the military industrial complex.

The Dems hoodwinked the dims into doing a complete ideological 180°! And I'm alive to witness the screaming and flailing.... it's a wonderful time!!

Trump's gonna win in 2020 (likely with a super majority...again) and he's gonna appoint at least 2 more supreme court justices! And they know it.

Enjoy your afternoon

Hello all,

WTF are you talking about...his EC win was 46th out the last 58 presidential elections...you been sniffing trump shit again?


also, conald was slamming a 16yo girl for making the cover of time and mocked her Asperger's disorder as an anger management....that's your prez for you.

also, conald was slamming a 16yo girl for making the cover of time and mocked her Asperger's disorder as an anger management....that's your prez for you.


Are you talking about the fetal alcohol syndrome girl, the one with physical and emotional developmental issues? The one that globe trots in the lap of luxury while lamenting that her childhood has been damaged?

I'm ok with that!

Mr D

Best quote of the day:

Glenn Greenwald

I'm sorry to say - genuinely - that the contempt in which the media is held, as dangerous as that is, is fully deserved because of the type of behavior you're displaying now. I don't blame people for losing all faith and trust in our profession with things like this:


Even anti Trumpers are shitting all over the narratives and talking points the leftist use from CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT .

You have been discredited by your own team. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUHAHAHAHA
It was a commendable effort at "white knight'ing" tho. And it allowed you to vent your TDS turmoil publicly, that probably feels good, I encourage you to let the TDS flow thru you.

And while your at it, imagine in your minds eye what the court will look like the day it overturns Roe v Wade. Hint: lots of new young faces.

Mr D

the dems still win if trump wins lol. they would 100% rather have him than bernie and maybe even warren.

look at the numbers of TV news since Trump has been elected. Muh librul media is making a killing off this charade.

look at the donations the DNC has been getting since Trump has been elected, they are up. midterm voter turnout was up as well.

look at how many of them voted for Trumps permanent tax cuts or the increase to military spending (including Warren). these are the real issues that keeps the continuity of the agenda going no matter who holds the power or the presidency.

look how many elite dems say they will vote for Trump if Bernie or Warren becomes nominee. these people dont actually give a shit if Trump remains President or not. They win with him regardless of their rhetoric. Their bank accounts continue to grow.

Except for Hunter. He's a little strapped for cash.

Bernie wants to run as a democrat so he's got to take the heat his party of choice has heaped upon him or run 3rd party.

You guys are so confident Bernie can win so I really don't see the big issue with him going 3rd party. I blind man can see the democrat party has lost the respect of many of it's own members/voters. Who ever they put forth as the nominee is going to lose. If Bernie was smart he would distance himself from a party that is clearly self destructing. He could be the start of a viable 3rd party.


Active member
Nah Greta thurnblatt will run for President. Only hope the left has. Inb4 muh laws won’t let her. Fuck off the dnc has never cared about laws.


Well-known member

Mr D

Hey Zeez what does it mean when the less educated red staters were correct the whole time, and the highly educated blue staters are wrong about everything?

Are these the type of "educated" liars we should believe?

The @lawfareblog crew - Comey friend @benjaminwittes & ex-NSA lawyer @Susan_Hennessey - became liberal heroes by spending 3 years telling you the FISA process was so rigorous & prevented abuse.


Active member
Wow...thanx for the input mr D...
The swamp is lowering....the rats are
Running...also are boy Clapper was in on the
Wolf sentencing begging for mercy
All these fucks are goin down
Last edited:


Active member
It was a commendable effort at "white knight'ing" tho. And it allowed you to vent your TDS turmoil publicly, that probably feels good, I encourage you to let the TDS flow thru you.

And while your at it, imagine in your minds eye what the court will look like the day it overturns Roe v Wade. Hint: lots of new young faces.

Hello all,

Triggered much? Buahahahaha

Anytime I can out conald for the douche noozle that he is is always a good feeling. Thanks for caring.

and WTF...Roe V Wade? For the record, I am for women's rights to their own body. I would like to see birth control readily available and education and promotion so that abortion is minimized. Better and less costly to not get pregnant in the first place, ay.


Addendum: Grete Thunberg is diagnosed with Asperger's not fetal alcohol syndrome....get your facts straight.
Hello all,

Triggered much? Buahahahaha

Anytime I can out conald for the douche noozle that he is is always a good feeling. Thanks for caring.

and WTF...Roe V Wade? For the record, I am for women's rights to their own body. I would like to see birth control readily available and education and promotion so that abortion is minimized. Better and less costly to not get pregnant in the first place, ay.


What's Roe v wade? Uhhh, serious clark?

Lol you seem like a well informed "women's reproductive rights activists".

Bless your heart...

Mr D

Wow...thanx for the input mr D...
The swamp is lowering....the rats are
Running...also are boy Clapper was in on the
Wolf sentencing begging for mercy
All these fucks are goin down

I believe Clinesmith is a typical leftist weasel, which means he will be singing to keep his ass out of jail. I expect a few of McCabe's hand picked teams that perpetuated lies and misinformation to the FISA court to offer additional help to Durham as Clinesmith sings....

So we can expect the usual discredited media cut and paste hits on Barr and Durham from same people with egg on there face.

Does anyone remember the time when the "honorable" Robert Mueller (FBI Director) helped sell the Iraq WMD lies?


Active member
I believe Clinesmith is a typical leftist weasel, which means he will be singing to keep his ass out of jail. I expect a few of McCabe's hand picked teams that perpetuated lies and misinformation to the FISA court to offer additional help to Durham as Clinesmith sings....

So we can expect the usual discredited media cut and paste hits on Barr and Durham from same people with egg on there face.

Does anyone remember the time when the "honorable" Robert Mueller (FBI Director) helped sell the Iraq WMD lies?

Hello all,

Yeah, the country was taken for a ride on that....the republican Bush administration lied to us all...I am convinced it was it was spearheaded by Cheney and fucking Rumsfeld...may they burn in hell.

Does anyone remember the time when the "honorable" William Barr (DOJ AG) helped cover up Iran-Contra lies?




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Mr D

Hello all,

Yeah, the country was taken for a ride on that....the republican Bush administration lied to us all...I am convinced it was it was spearheaded by Cheney and fucking Rumsfeld...may they burn in hell.

Does anyone remember the time when the "honorable" William Barr (DOJ AG) helped cover up Iran-Contra lies?




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