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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

The DOJ IG Report will be out this Friday and covers 'MORE than just FISA abuse'

If it's going to be especially bad for any of Obama's people I'd expect a school shooting or market meltdown this week, some "random" event to dominate the news cycle and shift focus.

Mr D

Hello all,

And then there were two.....buahahahaha

Trump criticizes supposed second whistleblower.



ps...on a side note...will the second whistleblower be trump's John Dean?

The 2nd whistleblower seems to have vanished and Adam Schiff Now Says Democrats Will Not Need CIA Leaker’s Testimony for Their Impeachment Investigation.

Another Eastern European conspiracy theory bites the dust. Maybe they can make newest bestest outrage stick. By parlaying Rudy's clients/friends/dirt diggers crimes in to a new impeachable offense.


Well-known member
The 2nd whistleblower seems to have vanished and Adam Schiff Now Says Democrats Will Not Need CIA Leaker’s Testimony for Their Impeachment Investigation.

Another Eastern European conspiracy theory bites the dust. Maybe they can make newest bestest outrage stick. By parlaying Rudy's clients/friends/dirt diggers crimes in to a new impeachable offense.

more than 2 of them if you get your "news" anyplace except Faux news channel.


Active member
Yes those penalties of campaign violations can cost a criminal a couple thousand dollars...but will prolly be let off like everybody else who does it


Active member
The 2nd whistleblower seems to have vanished and Adam Schiff Now Says Democrats Will Not Need CIA Leaker’s Testimony for Their Impeachment Investigation.

Another Eastern European conspiracy theory bites the dust. Maybe they can make newest bestest outrage stick. By parlaying Rudy's clients/friends/dirt diggers crimes in to a new impeachable offense.

It seems the whistling blowers are not that keen on testifying and has stalled Schiff for brains weak job of inpeachment...wheres Nadlers bucket of chicken when you need it?
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Active member
whistleblowers are extra, or in addition to, already possessed tapes, texts and statements.

Predictable that a firing squad was ready for the messengers from Fraud Inc.