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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

more than 2 of them if you get your "news" anyplace except Faux news channel.

Did I say there were only 2 less than 2 or more than 2?


Is this the best dumb shit you could come up with to troll me?

Faux news WoW how original, keep whipping out that canard. Never quoted anything Fox News in any post but your programing is telling you otherwise.

Mr D

In new book "Crime in Progress," set for release next month, Glenn Simpson reveals that he was first hired to investigate Trump in "the fall of 2015" and that memos from his now-discredited Steele dossier made their way directly "to President Obama"

White Beard

Active member
Gotta say, Fishy - I am amazed at your ability to preserve your self-esteem, it is genuinely impressive

Mr.D - you’re saying Glenn Simpson wrote the Steele dossier, which makes no sense, even for your side


Active member
Lol implying that skeetbeard or any of the other mouth breathing double digit iq shills have any bearing on muh self esteem... wew lad

If you don’t see you and your circle jerk buddies are batting .000 about muh drumpf impeachment (or anything else for that matter), you are simply ignorant... 3 fucking years of muh impeachment and STILL not a step closer. Inb4 bu-bu-but muh Fox News poll says over half muricans want impeachment... look at who took said poll... ohhhhh another HRC/DNC lackey. Ball is in Dems court and still haven’t made the first step to impeachment, a simple vote. So until that happens, fuck off with your fantasies.


Active member
The DOJ IG Report will be out this Friday and covers 'MORE than just FISA abuse'

If it's going to be especially bad for any of Obama's people I'd expect a school shooting or market meltdown this week, some "random" event to dominate the news cycle and shift focus.

Underrated. Excited to see which fisc judge spends the next 2 decades being bubba’s bitch... IMO Contreras is betting favorite


Well-known member
In new book "Crime in Progress," set for release next month, Glenn Simpson reveals that he was first hired to investigate Trump in "the fall of 2015" and that memos from his now-discredited Steele dossier made their way directly "to President Obama"

None of this is new, or news. Did you not already know these things? Is it the date of the hire that you didn't know? Or was it the fact that Obama was made aware?

I hope they come out with something interesting. Yawn.


Active member

Since our resident mouth breather ran in with some bombastic claims of Barr fleeing to Italy because he’s facing arrest or some bullshit, it appears Barr was actually there to get The phone used by mifsud. Yeah I’m sure plenty are scared, but nobody in the current administration. (Well perhaps Wray, but nothing lost there)

Also interesting at best, Flynn’s attorneys asked for a specific blackberry and a specific SIM card. Will be interesting to find out if that was a DOJ issued phone. The panic is palpable...


Well-known member
Did I say there were only 2 less than 2 or more than 2?


Is this the best dumb shit you could come up with to troll me?

Faux news WoW how original, keep whipping out that canard. Never quoted anything Fox News in any post but your programing is telling you otherwise.

don't recall quoting you. troll you? i don't troll for bottom-feeders. you use liver for them. no. just pointing out stupidity, OBVIOUS stupidity at that. Faux news is the wellhead & font of most pro-trump bullshit. it originated there no matter where you picked it up from secondhand. programming? so the ability to see through a screen of bullshit is now called "programming". i'm glad it happened to me. too bad you are immune...:tiphat:


Active member
All that happened to you is... you became a boomer with no financial security and now want others to pay your tab. Nothing with Fox News. The same one who yells get off my lawn has no problem dipping your hand into others bank accounts.


Well-known member
Oleg Deripaska-Linked Firm Was Raided for Undisclosed U.S. Inquiry


The U.S. probe grew out of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election interference, according to the filings. It is “live and ongoing,” according to a document filed Thursday by the U.K. government.

Why not mention the ongoing criminal probe into Moscow Mitch's aluminum plant buddy?


Active member
Hello all,

Good read.....no worries here...buahahahahahaha

bu bu but her emails......buahahahaha


addendum: Lets talk about her emails.....her emails