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GOP reveals new Strzok texts concerning 'crescendo of leaks,' demands watchdog investigate



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I find it funny, some nut is constantly freaking out about Hillary Clinton emails.

Especially since this just happened


Hello all,

Clearly you fail to understand the sarcasm.

I find it quit delicious that that after what 4 plus years of the right screaming "but her emails" and dopey Donald preaching from his perch about her using a private sever for state dept business that there is no there there.


ANd now any day now the ig report will be out. Also you have Durham opening an investigation....good lets see where it goes...I have read that his trip to Italy was not fruitful...we will see.

No the less, I do enjoy those sweet sweet tears from the right.


I stand corrected...they did manage to come away with two blackberries,,,strange they were available to be had...curious


Well-known member
We got what we wanted from her emails.


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Mr D

Mirth is quite understandable if one is willing to over look
the history of William Barr, and choose to treat him as if he were
a man of principle and integrity.

I thought Durham was running the investigation? He supposedly is well respected by both sides.

Will the new talking points revolve around how Barr corrupted Durham to do Trump's bidding?

White Beard

Active member
You fools fall for an opinion piece. This is in the commentary section. It's one persons opinion and the bootlickers for Trump are pulling out their torches like somebody was indicted.

Reality check. Trump has 1 1/2 years left in his presidency and anybody who thinks all kinds of indictments, criminal chargers and convictions are coming for Brennan, Obama, Clapper, or any other dem is one ignorant SOB.

2 1/2 years into Trumps presidency and NOT ONE dem has been indicted for spying on Trump.

Fact. People in the Trump camp have been indicted and charged and convicted.

Keep the hope alive deplorable's.


Don’t ‘some of us’ like to make a big deal about wasting years investigating GOP? As opposed to endless investigations of anyone thought to have been breathing while HRC was in the country....

Don’t worry, I’m not going to call out the hypocrites, I’m just going to notice how the Mueller investigation should have been called off before getting to be so long, but this one with Dunham...oh, no, precious, must sees it to the ends, we mussst....

OH. By the way. The Mueller investigation into Russian interference?

Still being obstructed on every front by every arm of the Executive branch, which is still both impeachable AND criminal, and has now become an ongoing criminal enterprise to obstruct the House. Steps to secure our electoral systems defeated repeatedly by McConnell practically single-handed.

Every day is a day spent by the Executive branch in violating the constitution and the oath of office of every sworn officeholder. This IS a coup, and the GOP is trying like hell to pretend they’re fighting the bad guys instead of helping them. It hasn’t succeeded yet. Eventually, though, you’re gonna have to wake up and get with it, or get out of the way

[riffing off Absolem’s remarks into the thread meat, not addressing him (except here: :tiphat:)]


Well-known member
I thought Durham was running the investigation? He supposedly is well respected by both sides.

Will the new talking points revolve around how Barr corrupted Durham to do Trump's bidding?
Can't help but notice that you don't even attempt to go with Barr being well respected by both sides.


Well-known member

Don’t ‘some of us’ like to make a big deal about wasting years investigating GOP? As opposed to endless investigations of anyone thought to have been breathing while HRC was in the country....

Don’t worry, I’m not going to call out the hypocrites, I’m just going to notice how the Mueller investigation should have been called off before getting to be so long, but this one with Dunham...oh, no, precious, must sees it to the ends, we mussst....

OH. By the way. The Mueller investigation into Russian interference?

Still being obstructed on every front by every arm of the Executive branch, which is still both impeachable AND criminal, and has now become an ongoing criminal enterprise to obstruct the House. Steps to secure our electoral systems defeated repeatedly by McConnell practically single-handed.

Every day is a day spent by the Executive branch in violating the constitution and the oath of office of every sworn officeholder. This IS a coup, and the GOP is trying like hell to pretend they’re fighting the bad guys instead of helping them. It hasn’t succeeded yet. Eventually, though, you’re gonna have to wake up and get with it, or get out of the way

[riffing off Absolem’s remarks into the thread meat, not addressing him (except here: :tiphat:)]


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Hello all,

That fell y the wayside with his 18 page AG application...don't you think?


He also had a pretty interesting relationship with Clinton in the 80's. Not to mention his rather close connection to Epstein. You're not wrong though, dude's definitely got an axe to grind...


Active member
Durham's investigation into possible FBI misconduct is now criminal probe, sources say



Active member
Hello all,

Clearly you fail to understand the sarcasm.

I find it quit delicious that that after what 4 plus years of the right screaming "but her emails" and dopey Donald preaching from his perch about her using a private sever for state dept business that there is no there there.


ANd now any day now the ig report will be out. Also you have Durham opening an investigation....good lets see where it goes...I have read that his trip to Italy was not fruitful...we will see.

No the less, I do enjoy those sweet sweet tears from the right.


I stand corrected...they did manage to come away with two blackberries,,,strange they were available to be had...curious

I do get the sarcasm, it's all you post. No, actual thoughts.

No tears here buddy. You just don't matter that much

Yes, just like with the failed Muller Report, I get the sneaking suspicion your wrong about this one too.


Active member
Not sure I understand...you dont want to expose criminal behavior in the ranks of your top law enforcement and intelligence services?
And you want the president to be prosecuted for trying to expose it?

Your ok with an incumbent president using these high powered non elected tin badges to taint and change the outcome of presidential elections?
When people say their vote wont matter...their probably right....but dont you wonder why it wont?

You'll put your nuts in a vice about some imaginary Russian interference...but dont care about knowing or finding out that the real interference comes from within our governments puppet masters?

Dont care if these same fucks listen in on phones and communications of every citizen in the US...and probably abroad...then use it to lock you up for something as insignificant as a marijuana plant or even seeds from that plant?

Hate all you want on trump or Hillary or whoever they put in charge...but these criminals dont get changed out with a term limit...their dug in like ticks for the long game

I find it striking that all these non elected "politically impartial" officials keep getting regenerated from the mill..
I cringe every time one is put in charge of a high level position...
"Hes a good one..he worked under so n sos admin. And is respected by all his peers..we can trust him hes been in the trenches before"
Maybe that's the problem...you should care too

Ok.. coffees ready....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Not sure I understand...you dont want to expose criminal behavior in the ranks of your top law enforcement and intelligence services?
And you want the president to be prosecuted for trying to expose it?

Your ok with an incumbent president using these high powered non elected tin badges to taint and change the outcome of presidential elections?
When people say their vote wont matter...their probably right....but dont you wonder why it wont?

You'll put your nuts in a vice about some imaginary Russian interference...but dont care about knowing or finding out that the real interference comes from within our governments puppet masters?

Dont care if these same fucks listen in on phones and communications of every citizen in the US...and probably abroad...then use it to lock you up for something as insignificant as a marijuana plant or even seeds from that plant?

Hate all you want on trump or Hillary or whoever they put in charge...but these criminals dont get changed out with a term limit...their dug in like ticks for the long game

I find it striking that all these non elected "politically impartial" officials keep getting regenerated from the mill..
I cringe every time one is put in charge of a high level position...
"Hes a good one..he worked under so n sos admin. And is respected by all his peers..we can trust him hes been in the trenches before"
Maybe that's the problem...you should care too

Ok.. coffees ready....

...just like Bill Barr

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