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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
FOLK legend. Not NEWS legend. Of the folks.
You are part of the media..

That’s quite ironic,,,
Let me contact you when I need somebody to state the bleeding obvious,,,
Have a nice day,,,,s2:tiphat:


Active member
Yes - go to where Pablo Escobar is from - Medellin in Columbia - and you will find that to many he in a folk legend and hero -

I am aware that I am part of the media - do you regularly state the obvious?

You seem to forget in your condemnation.


Active member
The media is a tool, which reflects what it is told, by those who own it.
The owners are not us, nor do they have anyone's interest at heart but their own.
When Hearst Artist Frederic Remington, cabled from Cuba in 1897 that "there will be no war," William Randolph Hearst cabled back: "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

Where do they come from then?
There is no us and them.


Active member
Another day another 15-20 slide posts by our resident short bus shill. $14.50/ hr you are trash...

In other deep state news, it appears drumpf told Pelosi to fuck off and openly baited Pelosi and Schiff into doing something. Truly has them in a lose/lose situation. Loss 1- proceed with a vote (obviously NOT what Pelosi wants to do since she has nothing to impeach on and or doesn’t have the votes) Loss 2- do nothing and admit she was blowing hot air and Schiff only blows little boys.


Even more fuckery in the clown show as the ‘whistleblower’/ quid pro quo timeline takes a beating.


Inb4 muh source


Well-known member
Its the team mentality. Has nothing to do with making life better for everyone and has everything to do with being selfish.


Well-known member
Where do they come from then?
There is no us and them.
Ask the force which propels us all, where evil comes from.
Every world view I am aware of acknowledges it's existence.
While I in general enjoy your postings, I do have my
own life experiences.
I can fully assure you that there is indeed an 'us and them'.
We are in an epic multi generational struggle with them,
and 'they' are doing really well.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.


Active member
Ask the force which propels us all, where evil comes from.
Every world view I am aware of acknowledges it's existence.
While I in general enjoy your postings, I do have my
own life experiences.
I can fully assure you that there is indeed an 'us and them'.
We are in an epic multi generational struggle with them,
and 'they' are doing really well.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

I fully respect your life experiences.

Blaming the media is simply blaming the messenger.
We can’t expect lack of bias from them anymore than we can expect it from ourselves.
To write it off as all being driven by money is a cop out.
The same as saying whatever we’ve done in our lives was solely driven by money.


Well-known member
The media is the propaganda arm of the ruling class corporatists. They are the gatekeepers of acceptable political discourse. Anything seemed to be outside of that realm of discourse is thought to be extreme or radical.

I suggest reading or watching Manufacturing Consent.

White Beard

Active member
Just here to say that there’s this thing...it’s called “the public record”.
What we call “news” are the things added to the public record.

You can check the accuracy of any “news source” by comparing what they say against the public record. If your source does not update your understanding of the public record, then it is not giving you “news”.

In this case, your source is either putting matters into the public record, through investigation, interviews, research, or they’re commenting on the public record. If your “news source” does neither of these things, then you are not receiving “news”.

If your “news source” is not giving you updates to/on the public record, you are either getting analysis, or opinion. Analysis remains grounded in the public record, even when speculating; opinion OTOH tends to focus on things that are not in the public record, or on matters where the public record itself is in doubt (‘eternal Jewish conspiracy’ for example).

TL;DR == if there’s no public record at all, it’s not news, it may be TOO new. Calling the public record “fake news” is itself fake: the gossip experts are not experts, gossip is not news unless it’s in the public record, “alternate facts” can only be facts at all if they are supported by the public record. “Alternate facts” without basis in the public record are not facts at all, ‘alternative’ or otherwise.


Well-known member
Marvel at the skill of their tech people, but always considered
Hollywood the West coast extension of Madison Ave.


Well-known member
Just here to say that there’s this thing...it’s called “the public record”.
What we call “news” are the things added to the public record.

You can check the accuracy of any “news source” by comparing what they say against the public record. If your source does not update your understanding of the public record, then it is not giving you “news”.

In this case, your source is either putting matters into the public record, through investigation, interviews, research, or they’re commenting on the public record. If your “news source” does neither of these things, then you are not receiving “news”.

If your “news source” is not giving you updates to/on the public record, you are either getting analysis, or opinion. Analysis remains grounded in the public record, even when speculating; opinion OTOH tends to focus on things that are not in the public record, or on matters where the public record itself is in doubt (‘eternal Jewish conspiracy’ for example).

TL;DR == if there’s no public record at all, it’s not news, it may be TOO new. Calling the public record “fake news” is itself fake: the gossip experts are not experts, gossip is not news unless it’s in the public record, “alternate facts” can only be facts at all if they are supported by the public record. “Alternate facts” without basis in the public record are not facts at all, ‘alternative’ or otherwise.

What the hell is this dude babbling about?


Well-known member
You believe your favorite MSM source.

I'm skeptical of everything, you won't find a single post of mine in this thread talking about members of the deep state going to jail outside of a few memes I posted just for kicks. I believe everything falls in the middle.

White Beard

Active member
I'm skeptical of everything, you won't find a single post of mine in this thread talking about members of the deep state going to jail outside of a few memes I posted just for kicks. I believe everything falls in the middle.

Interesting. Curious WHY you believe “everything falls in the middle”, and what that means to you. Serious.