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Deep State: Exposed


Capra ibex

Fauci is only intelligent person left on trumps "team". i figure he would quit in disgust if he did not know doing so would result in thousands more dead when shit for brains ran amok... SOME people feel responsibility to help during an emergency. trump takes no responsibility...

'His power as president is absolute'.... and 'accepts no responsibility' for anything really.... now that's a REAL 'war time' leader :redface:

You know you're safe in these hands :)

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Well-known member
Here ya' go; for your reading/thought-provoking pleasure. A recently released study of the collapse of Bldg 7 at World Trade Center on 9/11, completed by a group of professors, including a PhD engineering professor at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.


I'm undecided at this time, as I have been since engaging in activism in 2001 opposing the resulting USA PATRIOT ACT.

My resolve since then, however, has been stated many times, re. the unknowns; if it's ever found, 100% undeniably, factually, that this was done by others than those identified, especially as a result of any entity associated with any government, and the information that results is, again, 100% irrefutable, as to WHO did this, assuming it went beyond those identified, the person or persons involved should be hunted down and killed as painfully as possible, no matter who they are. No matter WHO they are. Preferably on social media.


Attorney General Barr Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents to Families of the Victims
The move comes after President Donald Trump promised to help families, who accuse Saudi Arabia of complicity in the attacks. Barr says he cannot even explain why the material must stay secret without putting national security at risk.​

“He looked us in the eye on 9/11, he shook our hands in the White House and said, ‘I’m going to help you — it’s done,’” recalled one of those present, Brett Eagleson, a banker whose father was killed in the World Trade Center. “I think the 9/11 families have lost all hope that the president is going to step up and do the right thing. He’s too beholden to the Saudis.”

Months after President Donald Trump promised to open FBI files to help families of the 9/11 victims in a civil lawsuit against the Saudi government, the Justice Department has doubled down on its claim that the information is a state secret.

In a series of filings just before a midnight court deadline on Monday, the attorney general, William Barr; the acting director of national intelligence, Richard Grenell; and other senior officials insisted to a federal judge in the civil case that further disclosures about Saudi connections to the 9/11 plot would imperil national security.

What the various security agencies are trying to hide remains a mystery.

moose eater


Attorney General Barr Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents to Families of the Victims
The move comes after President Donald Trump promised to help families, who accuse Saudi Arabia of complicity in the attacks. Barr says he cannot even explain why the material must stay secret without putting national security at risk.​

Little I feel or could could type here would be even remotely appropriate for the forum.

I have to wonder, -really- wonder, when the People will realize we've been over-run from the inside out, and that it's time to do something that makes a serious statement re. that awareness, delivered with the gravity it deserves.

moose eater

If they can't tell us all of the information re. who, why, etc., we got hit, due to 'national security', then WHO are they really playing for?

Who are they protecting??

Since when does our security mandate protecting those who tear at our heart, whether from within or from beyond our borders?

What underlying deals or arrangements are -SO- important that the full picture can't be revealed without supposedly undermining our national security?

It's time for change of serious sorts, unless this government can act in the Peoples' interests. And the message seems to be the citizenry is NOT their priority at this time, and hasn't been for a long while.

If we're not being represented, who is?

If they're collecting pay as our representatives and protectors, and they're not representing or protecting us, then they need to be removed by what ever means is required..

Fuck the alphabet soup agencies. Fuck the Security oversight committees. Fuck the Whitehouse. And fuck anyone who covers up what is everyones' right to know..

This had been a difficult evening already.

I'm going to end there.

Edit: Best case scenario I can think of at the moment, is that it's possible they're protecting sources of information, more formal funding for the attacks, planning by those entities, etc., from inside Saudi Arabia or another country closely connected to our Oligarchy and military/DoD, in which case I still believe their priorities are more than a bit skewed. At what point is this a blatant act of treason by collusion?


Active member
If they can't tell us all of the information re. who, why, etc., we got hit, due to 'national security', then WHO are they really playing for?

Who are they protecting??

Since when does our security mandate protecting those who tear at our heart, whether from within or from beyond our borders?

What underlying deals or arrangements are -SO- important that the full picture can't be revealed without supposedly undermining our national security?

It's time for change of serious sorts, unless this government can act in the Peoples' interests. And the message seems to be the citizenry is NOT their priority at this time, and hasn't been for a long while.

If we're not being represented, who is?

If they're collecting pay as our representatives and protectors, and they're not representing or protecting us, then they need to be removed by what ever means is required..

Fuck the alphabet soup agencies. Fuck the Security oversight committees. Fuck the Whitehouse. And fuck anyone who covers up what is everyones' right to know..

This had been a difficult evening already.

I'm going to end there.

Edit: Best case scenario I can think of at the moment, is that it's possible they're protecting sources of information, more formal funding for the attacks, planning by those entities, etc., from inside Saudi Arabia or another country closely connected to our Oligarchy and military/DoD, in which case I still believe their priorities are more than a bit skewed. At what point is this a blatant act of treason by collusion?

Same reason JFK files have been sealed another 25- 50 years. Gotta be some shit that shakes American politics to the core. If the truth resembled the narrative, there is nothing/ nobody to protect. Obviously the narrative doesn’t line up. Not really sure how anybody would release the fact the gubbament was active or at the minimum turned a blind eye to the fact the country was attacked to usher in le patriot act and an age of giving up rights/ liberty in the name of safety from gubbament sponsored state terrorism. The next shoe to drop would be who funded Daesh and Al qaeda. Why fuel was hovering at $4-5/ gal and now under 2. Especially when the pres at the time had clear vested interests in oil prices. The questions would never end. Slippery slope is best case scenario.
Also interesting side note, FOIA requests are on hold due to la rona.

moose eater

But this 'rule' of refusing to reveal ALL information to the Country or family members of the 9/11 victims, spans GW's tenure, Obama's tenure, and now Trump's.

There's something larger being hidden from view here.


Active member
Hidden in plain sight.

It’s always been about controlling the oil. Or keeping control by oil.


Active member
But this 'rule' of refusing to reveal ALL information to the Country or family members of the 9/11 victims, spans GW's tenure, Obama's tenure, and now Trump's.

There's something larger being hidden from view here.

Absolutely ‘something’! Who wants to deal with the shit sandwich and let them eat cake moment in American history tho? How long has the buck been passed on releasing jfk files? Still getting passed. The people affected by that is reduced yearly. Those affected by 911 aren’t diminishing anywhere near the same rate and won’t be for a long time. Those freedoms taken by the patriot act are gone for good. And people are bending over backwards for a 1200 check to give more rights away. God the price to buy human rights/ dignity is a 1 time payment that is a fraction of my mortgage

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
9/11 and the JFK assassination are under seal because they have been re-opened as active investigations into high level US involvement. Including involvement of US media. We are talking thousands of people.

The Saudi regime in power today is not the regime that was in power during 9/11 and after. That regime was overthrown, with the involvement of DTrump, by the current regime. No more Bandar Bush. By the way, the 28 pages from the 9/11 commission report only got released in 2016 because of media pressure stirred up by Trump.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The US media was historically very easy on Saudi Arabia and covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11. When Obama released the 28 pages related to Saudi involvement in 9/11, the media barely covered it and spun it into lies. Then Trump became POTUS and the Saudi Coup was launched the day following Trumps historic visit to Saudi Arabia. In retaliation, the media and Deep State created the Jamal Kashogi hoax.

Most will never ask themselves; Why did the US media care so little about Saudi involvement in 9/11, yet give so much outcry about a mysterious "journalist."

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Why did the media help silence, slander, and cover up the murder of US journalist Gary Webb? Yet, they spent so much time and attention on Jamal Kashogi, who was not even a US citizen? Does the media typically care when foreign journalists get killed in foreign lands?

(Only when it benefits them)

moose eater

The US media was historically very easy on Saudi Arabia and covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11. When Obama released the 28 pages related to Saudi involvement in 9/11, the media barely covered it and spun it into lies. Then Trump became POTUS and the Saudi Coup was launched the day following Trumps historic visit to Saudi Arabia. In retaliation, the media and Deep State created the Jamal Kashogi hoax.

Most will never ask themselves; Why did the US media care so little about Saudi involvement in 9/11, yet give so much outcry about a mysterious "journalist."

If I recall correctly, those pages were sufficient to show Saudi funding, and allegedly from formal Saudi sources, even if not the head.

At this point I think ANY person in this Country involved in collusion by way of covering this up, should face the ultimate outcome, formally or informally, or start getting honest real quick. Any person.

knucklehead bob

Do you consider the United Nations to be a Benevolent Organization ?

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Here is some light reading while we all enjoy being locked up in our guilded cages smoking weed , some "LEGAL" , some not . While the real smart people that know everything about everything & "OBEY ORDERS" given to them by people they allege are their EMPLOYEES . The real smart people are living in abject fear of living their life because the Ministry told them to & has inflated numbers of dead & dying sending half the population into a frenzied panic ready to inject the other half with the VACCINE that is allegedly supposed to protect them , by force :moon:

Is the United Nations website a credible source ?



moose eater

Little fear here, Bob. But it would seem the greatest threat to my having valuable, useful information is coming from my own Government, which seems far more interested in covering the tracks of some chosen entity/entities, than in letting the Citizenry in on those facts.

The UN doesn't frighten me much, frankly. Napoleonic-disordered folks in my own Country.. in positions of power... well, that upsets me.... greatly.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Do you consider the United Nations to be a Benevolent Organization ?

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Here is some light reading while we all enjoy being locked up in our guilded cages smoking weed , some "LEGAL" , some not . While the real smart people that know everything about everything & "OBEY ORDERS" given to them by people they allege are their EMPLOYEES . The real smart people are living in abject fear of living their life because the Ministry told them to & has inflated numbers of dead & dying sending half the population into a frenzied panic ready to inject the other half with the VACCINE that is allegedly supposed to protect them , by force :moon:

Is the United Nations website a credible source ?



I consider the UN to be (literally) a Neo-Nazi Government. The Enemy. Along with the WHO.

knucklehead bob

Little fear here, Bob. But it would seem the greatest threat to my having valuable, useful information is coming from my own Government, which seems far more interested in covering the tracks of some chosen entity, than in letting the Citizenry in on those facts.

The UN doesn't frighten me much, frankly. Napoleonic-disordered folks in my own Country.. well, that upsets me.... greatly.

Wait . . . . . What ? Agenda 21 is a black print on white paper Document that is downloadable on PDF available from the U.N. website . I see no fear , just fact . If the U.N. is a credible source ?

You are correct when you say the biggest threat comes from within your own Government . They are covering crimes against America Perpetrated by all past Presidents in the Legislation set in place to allow the U.N. , the CDC & the WHO to attempt what they are today .

People also ask , "Is the CDC a corporation?" Although the CDC Foundation was chartered by Congress, it is not a government agency nor is it a division of CDC. It is a private, nonprofit organization classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity.

No fear hear , just fact according to the U.N. , the CDC & wiki . It is a sad state of affairs today .

He just grinned & shook my hand , No was all he said . . . .

