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Deep State: Exposed

Storm Shadow

Well-known member

China Wuhan Coronavirus: Counterintelligence Appraisal - A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? (Trump Revolution Book 49)
by Robert David Steele Vivas

There is sufficient information now available to conclude that the China Wuhan coronavirus was neither natural nor an accident.

Subject to deep joint Chinese-Russian-US investigation, the virus has been documented as having been bio-engineered, and it is possible that it was not an accidental escape from the Level 4 bio-war laboratory, but rather separately and deliberately spread to consume the Chinese government (keeping it from interfering in a planned attack on Iran) and destroy the Chinese economy (with massive profits made by insiders tradiing on advance knowledge, as they did with 9/11).

The role of a Jewish Harvard professor receiving $1.5 million from the Chinese to create this Level 4 bio-ware laboratory, in violation of all applicable US laws and regulations, remains to be properly investigated.

Radiation sickness presents as the flu. Perhaps the most important aspect of the Wuhan contagion, including totally anomalous outbreaks on cruise ships that are like airplanes, being radiated by 5G and Wi-Fi satellites from outer space, is the likely overlay of radiation sickness with the viral sickness. It is now known that 5G lowers human immunity and can both create its own viral (biological) anomalies, and make existing viral infections worse.

The truth-teller on the likely act of war and related insider trading is to be found in the manner in which the entire Western media, as if by pre-arrangement, turned a minor viral outbreak into the end of the world. Over 2.8 million people in China die from the normal flu each year. 1,000 is a train wreck, not the end of the world. A multinational investigation is recommended that scrutinized both all trades and all media stories to identity all individuals and organizations likely to have had advance knowledge and to be malicious witting participants in the wrecking of the Chinese and global economies, for profit.

This nine page white paper has been delivered to the White House and is being translated by the Chinese for their leadership and by the Russians for their leadership. There are many lessons to be learned and they are immediately applicable within the USA and other countries where similar bio-warfare and insider trading attacks are a future certainty


Active member
If I recall correctly, those pages were sufficient to show Saudi funding, and allegedly from formal Saudi sources, even if not the head.

At this point I think ANY person in this Country involved in collusion by way of covering this up, should face the ultimate outcome, formally or informally, or start getting honest real quick. Any person.

Agree fully, but who (in your eyes) can bring charges against these people? Look at the fisa bullshit. You have media and dnc lapdogs towing the line and spouting the ‘yup everything is legit (even though the woods procedure wasn’t followed, but that’s no big deal). Or take the Ukraine fuckery by the Biden family. Same water boys playing the trump is going after his political rivals. Even though Biden admitted to holding financial aid hostage to get a prosecutor fired. As long as the same 6 families control 90% of the media, nothing is going to change

moose eater

Agree fully, but who (in your eyes) can bring charges against these people? Look at the fisa bullshit. You have media and dnc lapdogs towing the line and spouting the ‘yup everything is legit (even though the woods procedure wasn’t followed, but that’s no big deal). Or take the Ukraine fuckery by the Biden family. Same water boys playing the trump is going after his political rivals. Even though Biden admitted to holding financial aid hostage to get a prosecutor fired. As long as the same 6 families control 90% of the media, nothing is going to change

"Formal -or- informal."

If it's come to a time of governments lying to their own people about who commits crimes against those people, then what ever measures come into play to remove such otherwise well-insulated persons will get little to no protest from me.

If the System is made ineffective for the average Commoner, then eventually there needs to be detours around the System.

Never play Soapy Smith at poker at HIS table, with HIS cards.

moose eater

Am I allowed to say the bushes?:biggrin:

Based on what we know, let alone what we don't know, and how difficult it's appearing to be to get further information, I'd say the list of 'conspirators', especially where issues of collusion in a cover-up are concerned, not only crosses party lines, but years of multiple agency leadership, and crosses oceans, as well.

When persons rig games to the extent the average person can't even hope to get justice, then they set the stage for (deserved) outcomes they may find they are unable to control.

Imagine I show up at your door one day, and tell you, "Shaggy, I know who killed your mother and grandmother, raped your sister, disappeared your brother, etc., etc., but because I have a special relationship with these folks, and other pending variables, I can't tell you anything more. Besides, the persons responsible have a nice car I'm interested in, and I'd hate to blow that deal."

Am I walking away from your doorstep unhindered?

Are you going further down the path of no results and inherent frustration/rage, and filing yet another legal brief against me/them?

Me either.


Active member
Based on what we know, let alone what we don't know, and how difficult it's appearing to be to get further information, I'd say the list of 'conspirators', especially where issues of collusion in a cover-up are concerned, not only crosses party lines, but years of multiple agency leadership, and crosses oceans, as well.

When persons rig games to the extent the average person can't even hope to get justice, then they set the stage for (deserved) outcomes they may find they are unable to control.

Imagine I show up at your door one day, and tell you, "Shaggy, I know who killed your mother and grandmother, raped your sister, disappeared your brother, etc., etc., but because I have a special relationship with these folks, and other pending variables, I can't tell you anything more. Besides, the persons responsible have a nice car I'm interested in, and I'd hate to blow that deal."

Am I walking away from your doorstep unhindered?

Are you going further down the path of no results and inherent frustration/rage, and filing yet another legal brief against me/them?

Me either.

Ok, I see your point!

knucklehead bob

Coronavirus Silence Is Not Golden: The Pathetic Truth About Americans

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

~ Albert Einstein–“The Harper Book of Quotations Revised Edition”. Book by Robert I. Fitzhenry, p. 356, 1993.

There is only one cure for apathy, and that cure is knowledge in the form of education about matters not before understood. But that is not enough, because any new understanding or truth must be accepted, and then acted upon, for without both these measures, failure is guaranteed, and any underlying indifference can only bring about a new and deeper root of totalitarianism.



Horselover Fat


China Wuhan Coronavirus: Counterintelligence Appraisal - A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? (Trump Revolution Book 49)
by Robert David Steele Vivas

There is sufficient information now available to conclude that the China Wuhan coronavirus was neither natural nor an accident.

Subject to deep joint Chinese-Russian-US investigation, the virus has been documented as having been bio-engineered, and it is possible that it was not an accidental escape from the Level 4 bio-war laboratory, but rather separately and deliberately spread to consume the Chinese government (keeping it from interfering in a planned attack on Iran) and destroy the Chinese economy (with massive profits made by insiders tradiing on advance knowledge, as they did with 9/11).

The role of a Jewish Harvard professor receiving $1.5 million from the Chinese to create this Level 4 bio-ware laboratory, in violation of all applicable US laws and regulations, remains to be properly investigated.

Radiation sickness presents as the flu. Perhaps the most important aspect of the Wuhan contagion, including totally anomalous outbreaks on cruise ships that are like airplanes, being radiated by 5G and Wi-Fi satellites from outer space, is the likely overlay of radiation sickness with the viral sickness. It is now known that 5G lowers human immunity and can both create its own viral (biological) anomalies, and make existing viral infections worse.

The truth-teller on the likely act of war and related insider trading is to be found in the manner in which the entire Western media, as if by pre-arrangement, turned a minor viral outbreak into the end of the world. Over 2.8 million people in China die from the normal flu each year. 1,000 is a train wreck, not the end of the world. A multinational investigation is recommended that scrutinized both all trades and all media stories to identity all individuals and organizations likely to have had advance knowledge and to be malicious witting participants in the wrecking of the Chinese and global economies, for profit.

This nine page white paper has been delivered to the White House and is being translated by the Chinese for their leadership and by the Russians for their leadership. There are many lessons to be learned and they are immediately applicable within the USA and other countries where similar bio-warfare and insider trading attacks are a future certainty



Well-known member
Six companies are about to merge into the biggest farm-business oligopoly in history

Big farms are about to get a lot bigger.

With six agricultural giants on the verge of merging into three separate companies, consumers and farmers are feeling uneasy about the global implications and how it might impact the food system.



this right here,,, the move they are working toward is centralization-total control,,, no country-living,, everyone in a little cubicle in a city,,,

just look at what amazon has done to main street,,, and now they have television/movies,,, organic market cornered,,, WaPo for your daily dose of brainwashing,, etc


Well-known member
I've never read a book by anyone thinking 4(four) names is needed to introduce their drivel with some gravitas..... Lol

Check out his other fine selections like...

Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State.

Regular contributor to Tehran Times. Q Anon promoter. Full on tRump supporter. Raging anti-semite.

knucklehead bob


World Federalist Movement
The World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP) is a nonprofit global citizens movement that advocates for stronger and more democratic international institutions to enforce international law and safeguard human rights.[1]

Founded in 1947, the WFM-IGP was the culmination of earlier efforts in the 1930s to create an international system organized along federalist principles. Following the founding of the United Nations after World War II, proponents of world federalism were concerned that the organization was too similar to the defunct League of Nations, which had failed to prevent the war, both loosely structured associations of sovereign nation-states, gridlocked by the veto/unanimity principle, dominated by the executive branch and with little direct representation for citizens.

World Federalist Movement

World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy

Ours is a planet in crisis, suffering grave problems unable to be managed by nations acting separately in an ungoverned world. It has become urgent for the world’s people and governments to join in achieving a new level of global cooperation such as can only be sustained by a commitment to the planet as a genuine community. We make that commitment, and call on our fellow citizens and governments to do the same.


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Well-known member

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

~ Albert Einstein–“The Harper Book of Quotations Revised Edition”. Book by Robert I. Fitzhenry, p. 356, 1993.

that says quite a bit about trump & the GOP today...:tiphat:

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