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Deep State: Exposed

knucklehead bob


World Federalist Movement
The World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP) is a nonprofit global citizens movement that advocates for stronger and more democratic international institutions to enforce international law and safeguard human rights.[1]

Founded in 1947, the WFM-IGP was the culmination of earlier efforts in the 1930s to create an international system organized along federalist principles. Following the founding of the United Nations after World War II, proponents of world federalism were concerned that the organization was too similar to the defunct League of Nations, which had failed to prevent the war, both loosely structured associations of sovereign nation-states, gridlocked by the veto/unanimity principle, dominated by the executive branch and with little direct representation for citizens.

World Federalist Movement

World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy

Ours is a planet in crisis, suffering grave problems unable to be managed by nations acting separately in an ungoverned world. It has become urgent for the world’s people and governments to join in achieving a new level of global cooperation such as can only be sustained by a commitment to the planet as a genuine community. We make that commitment, and call on our fellow citizens and governments to do the same.



When I found this stuff about the World Federalist Movement on Wiki , the thing that jumped out of the screen to me is the 1st line in the second paragraph .

Founded in 1947, the WFM-IGP was the culmination of earlier efforts in the 1930s to create an international system organized along federalist principles.

Want to hazard a guess as to what the reference to their "earlier efforts in the 1930s to create an international system organized along federalist principles" may pertain to ?


knucklehead bob

It ain't just wack jobs that think there was something fishy about 9/11 .

AE911Truth Releases Teaser for Much-Anticipated Building 7 Documentary

We at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are thrilled to release a short teaser for our upcoming documentary on Building 7 and the University of Alaska Fairbanks study. We’ve got to bring this film to millions, so please share the teaser widely and stay tuned for updates on our forthcoming release of the film!



knucklehead bob

Here's what you need to know about Palantir, the secretive $20 billion data-analysis company whose work with ICE is dragging Amazon into controversy

Activists have been protesting the $20 billion big data company Palantir for its work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Palantir's software has been used to gather, store, and search for data on undocumented immigrants, and reportedly played a role in workplace raids.

Palantir has also been notoriously secretive due to its work with government, policing, and military organizations like the Department of Defense, the Army, the Marine Corps, the FBI, and the CIA.

Because Palantir's software runs on Amazon's cloud, activists have also been protesting Amazon Web Services.

Palantir, first launched in 2004, was very secretive for most of its existence.

Its earliest claim to fame is that it was cofounded by Facebook board member and VC Peter Thiel, one of President Donald Trump's biggest backers in Silicon Valley.

Over the years, Palantir grew into one of the most valuable startups in the country, with a $2.75 billion in venture capital raised, a $20 billion valuation, and an IPO planned for as soon as this year — despite the fact that it operates under a veil of secrecy. More .............



knucklehead bob

Maybe in bowling....

2 planes, 3 buildings ... a high score that will likely never be beat

Ooof that 7,9,10 split tho

Typical response from real smart people that just love to put their superior intellect on display & have no problem doing so to prove their superiority


At what University or Institution did you real smart people get your Degree in Architecture Or Engineering ?




Autistic Diplomat in Training

What a knucklehead. :) You're right, it's like listening to winos. Lots of noise and opinion, but extremely little substance.


Active member
Typical response from real smart people that just love to put their superior intellect on display & have no problem doing so to prove their superiority

View attachment 529430

At what University or Institution did you real smart people get your Degree in Architecture Or Engineering ?

View attachment 529430


Nobody on here claimed to have a degree in architecture or engineering. Most people take the advice of experts when they come to a consensus.

Others take the advice of one person posting a highly edited video on You Tube. These individuals also accuse people of getting all their info from the MSM who they disagree with. The irony of mocking people over MSM as they themselves hold up one video for their evidence.


Typical response from real smart people that just love to put their superior intellect on display & have no problem doing so to prove their superiority

View attachment 529430

At what University or Institution did you real smart people get your Degree in Architecture Or Engineering ?

View attachment 529430


How did your research arrive at the conclusion that superiority is at work here.....how was it identified...... Has it been peer reviewed.....?

.... And it's not necessary to have a degree in anything to build a pyramid, a Colosseum or some aquaducts!


Active member
These are my two replies regarding the MIT professor and his two assistants who conducted the study.

I read this report when it first came out and have real issues with it. The report is done by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey and his two assistants. Plus the report refers to him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer". The only time that label has been applied to him is in this report and on his Linkedin page. The university he works for in Alaska doesn't even list him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer" in it's bio on him.

Plus he is part of a group that calls itself "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth)".

Because of the group he is associated with and conducting his report mainly with his two assistants I find his methods flawed in that alone.

I read the report back in late 2019. I know since then a few things have been added. What I read was added I didn't see a need to re read the report.

My degree deals with reading data. So the first thing that stood out for me was the group he belonged too and using his two assistants. Plus he based most of his data on computer modeling. Just wish there would have been more lead researchers involved with more data points.

Compared to the NIST report the NIST had several thousand people that compiled the data. 1000's of photo's and individual witness accounts taken first hand. 100's of lead researchers working on it.

I hear ya about how unethical our government has been at times. Especially regarding WMD's that you brought up.

For me I look at just prior to WWll where scientists around the world had to meet in private and risk getting in serious trouble just to discuss what they found in their studies and experiments. These people just loved science. It's all they wanted to discuss. Einstein barely made it there. The people there didn't care about what government each was from. Discussing science was front and center.

Looking at the NIST report were there some government based stooges involved? Oh yeah. But IMO there were way more people who cared about the data and getting it right where it drowned out the stooges pushing for a certain outcome. Mainly because of the overwhelming amount of people working on it.


Active member
There is no cronyism here...LOL
Let me see if I have this straight; some members complained that another member was making too many threads so, the threads were merged. hmm. Squeaky wheels get the grease hu? That's sad.

If it's too hot in the kitchen, then get out. I find it deplorable that members can infer that others who do not agree with them are "stupid" or better yet... are up for "darwin" awards etc., et al. How is this behavior conducive to civil discourse and the presentation of new ideas for discussion?

Okay... so the whiners are heard and the threads are merged. I personally find it reprehensible that viable topics presented to inspire discussion and perhaps to think past small mindsets, are now relegated to being labeled as "conspiracy" theories.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Who decides that? pftt.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Why not something more creative?

So much for free speech.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
FOR REFERENCE (for those who forgot the purpose of this particular space) :

Political Discussion in The Speakers Corner....
Recently I had a member of ICMAG question me in regards to allowing political discussions in The Tokers Den....here is my response:

Re: Politics
Well mate, we have tried banning and binning all political posts for years, but I found that it just led to so many members getting pissed off at us and leaving or trolling the site...... A while ago I started to allow political discussion only in the Tokers Den, but of course passions fly and I need to closely monitor it to try and keep the ad hominem attacks minimal and the flow of the debate constant, basically trying to get everyone to understand that yes they can talk politics so long as they are civil about it and respectful to other members views, no matter how radical they may seem. Recently we have moved topics of this type of discussion to The Speakers Corner.

It has led to some thoroughly interesting threads/posts, so long as I keep trying to keep the members in-line and pop a post or two in their to remind them of the rules of engagement it seems to work most of the time.

I reckon that it is important for members to be able to engage on such topics in such a way that they actually start learning how to 'join the dots' and gain a more rounded view of world politics and what might really be going on outside of the main-stream-media's obviously bias views on current events....after all KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


* Whether members identify with the left or right are centrists, anarchist, socialists, liberals, democrats, republicans, labourites, conservatives, pontiffs/papists, communists or Indian chiefs etc etc etc, they are welcome to participate in these debates, so long as they adhere to these rules of engagement.

**If any of you have any comments around me allowing political discussion in the Speakers Corner, then by all means post below.

'It can all start from a seed'

Last edited by Gypsy Nirvana; 09-28-2018 at 03:21 PM..

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Welcome to Speakers Corner
as you can see, we added a special sub forum to continue our experiment in free speech on this site. from now on threads about current events, politics, conspiracy theories etc, are only allowed to be posted here in this sub forum called Speakers Corner, (thank Gypsy for the name.) View Image

A Speakers' Corner is an area where open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. The original and most noted is in the northeast corner of Hyde Park in London, England. Historically there were a number of other areas designated as Speakers' Corners in other parks in London (e.g., Lincoln's Inn Fields, Finsbury Park, Clapham Common, Kennington Park, and Victoria Park). More recently, they have been set up in other British cities, and there are also Speakers' Corners in other countries.
the Toker Den is to remain a place of light hearted fun and stoner banter.

we want to provide a place where no topic is really off limits, as long as people remain civil with each other and debate the subject rather then each other.

basically these are the topics that can get heated, so to participate you have to be able to play nice with others, even if you vehemently disagree with them. if someone is insulting, or breaks these conditions, they need to be reported, on no account is there to be insults thrown back and forth or endless bickering or turbo posting.

joining this experiment in free speech is a privilege, please don't abuse it. for the rest let the discussion flow where it may....

View Image

newTangie x Cookies etc

Making BubbleHash with Bubbleator

Searching for SourPoison, AfghanDieselHaze and CheeseHaze keeper

making canna butter
Last edited by gaiusmarius; 09-27-2018 at 09:33 AM..


Active member
These are my two replies regarding the MIT professor and his two assistants who conducted the study.
You brain dead fools will not even believe a MIT doctor that has put his job on the line to bring you the truth.
I am sorry you statement is in error, try again.

knucklehead bob

Nobody on here claimed to have a degree in architecture or engineering. Most people take the advice of experts when they come to a consensus.

Others take the advice of one person posting a highly edited video on You Tube. These individuals also accuse people of getting all their info from the MSM who they disagree with. The irony of mocking people over MSM as they themselves hold up one video for their evidence.

Is what you are currently doing what you can classify as "taking advice" or following orders ?

I guess I will wait for them to finish & be one of the few that watches it because the people that do what they're told to do by their masters as they are doing right now , believe what they are programmed to believe . You're certainly special if you believe any of the conspirators are ever going to come forward .

When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his/her stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but let’s criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems an abortion is essential- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State graciously allows you go to the grocery store or hardware store but deems what is/isn't ESSENTIAL - it's not about health & saving lives

You can buy all the liquor & cigarettes you want , it's not about your health or saving lives .

Control the narrative , control the mind




Active member
You brain dead fools will not even believe a MIT doctor that has put his job on the line to bring you the truth.
I am sorry you statement is in error, try again.

See Shag. I need more evidence then ONE MIT professor and his two assistants too change my mind. Get a 1000 like him putting a comprehensive study together then I would take it more seriously. Glad to see you on full tilt today.


Active member
See Shag. I need more evidence then ONE MIT professor and his two assistants too change my mind. Get a 1000 like him putting a comprehensive study together then I would take it more seriously. Glad to see you on full tilt today.

I know you think you know it all.
No one tell you anything, right?
Even claim to know more than a MIT doctor, huh.
What are your credentials?:biggrin:


Active member
Is what you are currently doing what you can classify as "taking advice" or following orders ?

I guess I will wait for them to finish & be one of the few that watches it because the people that do what they're told to do by their masters as they are doing right now , believe what they are programmed to believe . You're certainly special if you believe any of the conspirators are ever going to come forward .

When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his/her stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it's not about your health or saving lives .

When the State puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but let’s criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems an abortion is essential- It’s not about your health or saving lives .

When the State graciously allows you go to the grocery store or hardware store but deems what is/isn't ESSENTIAL - it's not about health & saving lives

You can buy all the liquor & cigarettes you want , it's not about your health or saving lives .

Control the narrative , control the mind



A person in Michigan can buy seeds.

Have fun going to another "spread the covid death" Trump rally.

Not sure what in the constitution gives you the right to infect others just so you can keep your greedy ways.



Active member
See Shag. I need more evidence then ONE MIT professor and his two assistants too change my mind. Get a 1000 like him putting a comprehensive study together then I would take it more seriously. Glad to see you on full tilt today.

Hey man try and get some fact correct.
You think you know but you may not.
He is a medical doctor jackass.

Medical Doctor Blows CV-9Teen Scamdemic Wide Open | Andrew Kaufman M.D.



Active member
I know you think you know it all.
No one tell you anything, right?
Even claim to know more than a MIT doctor, huh.
What are your credentials?:biggrin:

Never claimed that champ. Just claimed I'm not trusting one professor and two assistants who ran computer models to get their conclusion over 1000 scientists who claim different. Provide the mountain of data instead of a mole hill.

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