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Deep State: Exposed



Dude this thread is dark as hell, not like...reality...but in terms of how some of us view others of us.

Gyro with a bunch of tzatziki sounds pretty rad. Will set aside some chunk of my trump check for food delivery once this all subsides. Bought 6 years of fertilizer for muh reefer. Mostly that's all going to covering grocery delivery fees.

Capra ibex

I do believe in a deep state, just not the derp state getting talked about. I believe in rich and powerful folks impacting government decisions and directions to further their wealth and power. I dont believe in some career beaurocrat making under 250k a year being responsible, let alone a vast network of them.

:good: :good: :yeahthats :yeahthats

And that those lowly bureaucrat's have all pledged an undying oath of secrecy and can coordinate so perfectly that no one knows who they are and none have ever spilled the beans under any circumstance.... and all because they are trying to take over the world like Dr. Evil??

Trump is about as close to a Dr. Evil as you'll get.... not because he is the MOST evil but because he blends incompetence and entertainment with his evil :redface:

He has it pegged, right down to the 'flaming pit' he sends any subordinates who dare to disagree or offend him to.... if anyone had video skills they could deepfake Trump's head onto Dr. Evil's and all of the people he has fired onto the henchmen who met their demise.
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moose eater

Here ya' go; for your reading/thought-provoking pleasure. A recently released study of the collapse of Bldg 7 at World Trade Center on 9/11, completed by a group of professors, including a PhD engineering professor at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.


I'm undecided at this time, as I have been since engaging in activism in 2001 opposing the resulting USA PATRIOT ACT.

My resolve since then, however, has been stated many times, re. the unknowns; if it's ever found, 100% undeniably, factually, that this was done by others than those identified, especially as a result of any entity associated with any government, and the information that results is, again, 100% irrefutable, as to WHO did this, assuming it went beyond those identified, the person or persons involved should be hunted down and killed as painfully as possible, no matter who they are. No matter WHO they are. Preferably on social media.

moose eater

Don't know if you saw it, but the SCOTUS decided a case recently re. a post facto warrant for items observed during a drug bust, for which there was no proof before the warrantless entry of the home. And the conviction stood.

"When those charged with the enforcement of the law, willfully violate the law, then there IS no law!!"

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No but that is beyond a shame.

Shit happens when privatized prisons need more and more.

We had rights before, now shareholders have profit at the cost of them.

moose eater

The Bill of Rights has been in a semi-steady slide since its inception. Many governments begin with some semblance of stated idealism, however sincere or insincere, then, over time, find that 'freedom' or individual liberty, less than blanket policies, and herding cats, is cumbersome. The transition takes place where government turns from serving the People, to viewing the People as serving government.

I can think of 10s of examples of this; a dozen off the top of my head.

We're in that phase of decline of individual rights. Every empire in history has gone through these phases in their decline.

Sometimes it's slowed or temporarily reversed by either mob uprisings, or some abrupt cause for self-examination by the PTB. But every empire has died, or collapsed, often as a result of their own excesses.

The fact that various federal/government agencies had wanted much of the more controlling or intrusive content of the USA PA for close to 50 years before 9/11 & the USA PA's passage, but couldn't get those concessions until after 9/11, did not escape our analysis of who, what, where, when, or why back then.


i really like the 9th amendment, but just look at the drug war... basically in practice, it's a piece of toilet paper that 9th amendment

moose eater

Many aren't even aware of the content re. non-enumerated rights, and the Bill of Rights thereby not being limited to only those Rights established in the other Amendments; they forget that the whole thing was written from the perspective of a limit on Government, NOT a limit on The People.


Active member
Here ya' go; for your reading/thought-provoking pleasure. A recently released study of the collapse of Bldg 7 at World Trade Center on 9/11, completed by a group of professors, including a PhD engineering professor at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.


I'm undecided at this time, as I have been since engaging in activism in 2001 opposing the resulting USA PATRIOT ACT.

My resolve since then, however, has been stated many times, re. the unknowns; if it's ever found, 100% undeniably, factually, that this was done by others than those identified, especially as a result of any entity associated with any government, and the information that results is, again, 100% irrefutable, as to WHO did this, assuming it went beyond those identified, the person or persons involved should be hunted down and killed as painfully as possible, no matter who they are. No matter WHO they are. Preferably on social media.

Sure exposing them publicly is the ideal reveal. Sadly, the government could never and will never release what happened. IF it was an inside job, or at least known to be coming, the info would have to have gone through the highest level of govt. theRe would inevitably be a revolt of the citizens. The chances of govt losing control of the controlled is somewhere between zero and not a chance in hell. Will be perfect way to unite the left/right divide amongst citizens


Well-known member
I'm an old fart aka Boomer. I would be proud to be in both Badfishy's and moose eater's company to accomplish a reckoning upon the responsible parties. I'd even give med4u a second thought if he showed up in his lofty cloth.


Active member
Here ya' go; for your reading/thought-provoking pleasure. A recently released study of the collapse of Bldg 7 at World Trade Center on 9/11, completed by a group of professors, including a PhD engineering professor at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.


I'm undecided at this time, as I have been since engaging in activism in 2001 opposing the resulting USA PATRIOT ACT.

My resolve since then, however, has been stated many times, re. the unknowns; if it's ever found, 100% undeniably, factually, that this was done by others than those identified, especially as a result of any entity associated with any government, and the information that results is, again, 100% irrefutable, as to WHO did this, assuming it went beyond those identified, the person or persons involved should be hunted down and killed as painfully as possible, no matter who they are. No matter WHO they are. Preferably on social media.

Hey Moose Eater.

I read this report when it first came out and have real issues with it. The report is done by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey and his two assistants. Plus the report refers to him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer". The only time that label has been applied to him is in this report and on his Linkedin page. The university he works for in Alaska doesn't even list him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer" in it's bio on him.

Plus he is part of a group that calls itself "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth)".

Because of the group he is associated with and conducting his report mainly with his two assistants I find his methods flawed in that alone.


Well-known member
I'm an old fart aka Boomer. I would be proud to be in both Badfishy's and moose eater's company to accomplish a reckoning upon the responsible parties. I'd even give med4u a second thought if he showed up in his lofty cloth.

Old farts can be super deadly,,, just sayin :biggrin:

moose eater

Hey Moose Eater.

I read this report when it first came out and have real issues with it. The report is done by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey and his two assistants. Plus the report refers to him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer". The only time that label has been applied to him is in this report and on his Linkedin page. The university he works for in Alaska doesn't even list him as a "Forensic Structural Engineer" in it's bio on him.

Plus he is part of a group that calls itself "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth)".

Because of the group he is associated with and conducting his report mainly with his two assistants I find his methods flawed in that alone.

I think the final report posted in the link is dated March 2020; you read it since then? Or an earlier rough draft?

UA-F is the school I graduated from in the mid-80s, with an undergrad degree. They're known for their engineering school.

Don't know if there's significance in the professional title he's given in the report, versus the title the school gives in their listing. I'd say the issue would be whether or not he's technically qualified to speak as a 'forensic engineer.' And that would be more important than what ever the University has him listed as, at least in my opinion..

IOW, if the assertions in the report are solid, or well-founded, then technicalities in titles becomes less important, imo.

As I stated, I'm undecided. I know what I don't know.... some of the time.

What I do know, as stated, is that numerous agencies received extra-legal authority they hadn't been able to acquire during less emotional times.....

And I know I have a government, that, like many, lies for convenience sake... or strategy.. for decades, if not centuries. And that, as an example, the desire to enter the Vietnam Police Action, via the exaggerating and dishonest presentation of the Gulf of Tonkin circumstances, or the Iraq War and the WMDs (as just 2 brazen examples), left the our Government responsible for INCREDIBLE numbers of unnecessary dead from numerous countries... not to mention violating International Laws.

That alone establishes them as capable of acts of sociopathy born of 'desire', or born of their tweaked version(s) of 'the greater good.' Or what ever they tell themselves justifies their actions when they look into the mirror.

That much, I know.

moose eater

Old farts can be super deadly,,, just sayin :biggrin:

Wasn't sure if you were referring to intestinal gaseousness, or the old adage that went something to the effect of "Don't fuck with old people; they've got a lot less to lose than the average person."