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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
I think the final report posted in the link is dated March 2020; you read it since then? Or an earlier rough draft?

UA-F is the school I graduated from in the mid-80s, with an undergrad degree. They're known for their engineering school.

Don't know if there's significance in the professional title he's given in the report, versus the title the school gives in their listing. I'd say the issue would be whether or not he's technically qualified to speak as a 'forensic engineer.' And that would be more important than what ever the University has him listed as, at least in my opinion..

IOW, if the assertions in the report are solid, or well-founded, then technicalities in titles becomes less important, imo.

As I stated, I'm undecided. I know what I don't know.... some of the time.

What I do know, as stated, is that numerous agencies received extra-legal authority they hadn't been able to acquire during less emotional times.....

And I know I have a government, that, like many, lies for convenience sake... or strategy.. for decades, if not centuries. And that, as an example, the desire to enter the Vietnam Police Action, via the exaggerating and dishonest presentation of the Gulf of Tonkin circumstances, or the Iraq War and the WMDs (as just 2 brazen examples), left the our Government responsible for INCREDIBLE numbers of unnecessary dead from numerous countries... not to mention violating International Laws.

That alone establishes them as capable of acts of sociopathy born of 'desire', or born of their tweaked version(s) of 'the greater good.' Or what ever they tell themselves justifies their actions when they look into the mirror.

That much, I know.

I read the report back in late 2019. I know since then a few things have been added. What I read was added I didn't see a need to re read the report.

My degree deals with reading data. So the first thing that stood out for me was the group he belonged too and using his two assistants. Plus he based most of his data on computer modeling. Just wish there would have been more lead researchers involved with more data points.

Compared to the NIST report the NIST had several thousand people that compiled the data. 1000's of photo's and individual witness accounts taken first hand. 100's of lead researchers working on it.

I hear ya about how unethical our government has been at times. Especially regarding WMD's that you brought up.

For me I look at just prior to WWll where scientists around the world had to meet in private and risk getting in serious trouble just to discuss what they found in their studies and experiments. These people just loved science. It's all they wanted to discuss. Einstein barely made it there. The people there didn't care about what government each was from. Discussing science was front and center.

Looking at the NIST report were there some government based stooges involved? Oh yeah. But IMO there were way more people who cared about the data and getting it right where it drowned out the stooges pushing for a certain outcome. Mainly because of the overwhelming amount of people working on it.

Nice to chat with ya.

moose eater

I read the report back in late 2019. I know since then a few things have been added. What I read was added I didn't see a need to re read the report.

My degree deals with reading data. So the first thing that stood out for me was the group he belonged too and using his two assistants. Plus he based most of his data on computer modeling. Just wish there would have been more lead researchers involved with more data points.

Compared to the NIST report the NIST had several thousand people that compiled the data. 1000's of photo's and individual witness accounts taken first hand. 100's of lead researchers working on it.

I hear ya about how unethical our government has been at times. Especially regarding WMD's that you brought up.

For me I look at just prior to WWll where scientists around the world had to meet in private and risk getting in serious trouble just to discuss what they found in their studies and experiments. These people just loved science. It's all they wanted to discuss. Einstein barely made it there. The people there didn't care about what government each was from. Discussing science was front and center.

Looking at the NIST report were there some government based stooges involved? Oh yeah. But IMO there were way more people who cared about the data and getting it right where it drowned out the stooges pushing for a certain outcome. Mainly because of the overwhelming amount of people working on it.

Nice to chat with ya.

An additional bit of shade thrown on this whole thing involves the original 9/11 Commission report, and the US Gov redacting the references to the Saudi Royal Family and more.

You'd think when -that- kind of carnage occurs, covering up -any- noteworthy issues would be major no-no.

Tells me that the original body of inquiry had skewed priorities, as did the Government over-seeing them..

In 2001 we followed up closely on folks like FBI Agent Colleen Rowley, and her supervisor Agent Bowman. Bowman refusing to let Rowley open Moussaoui's lap top, which later proved to have been valuable.

Some of the folks alleged to have be involved in the attacks, who'd been sharing a place in California with a Mid-Eastern fellow who was an FBI informant.

There were SO many issues, and not only from fringe media, but fairly respectable sources.

I could go on and on, about many aspects of what occurred.

I'll end there.


Well-known member

From your link:
However, Horowitz also noted in his report that "Case Agent 1" had said of a similar recorded conversation with Papadopoulos in September 2016 "the Crossfire Hurricane team's assessment was that the Papadopoulos denial was a rehearsed response, and that he did not view the information as particularly germane to the investigation of Carter Page."

Apart from the serious flaws Horowitz found in the FBI investigation, he said in his report that "we concluded that the quantum of information articulated by the FBI to open the individual investigations on Papadopoulos, Page, Flynn, and Manafort in August 2016 was sufficient to satisfy the low threshold established by the Department and the FBI."


Active member
Missing the point totally... this refuted the official fbi lie Papadopoulos came on the radar in late July. If an fbi informant had a meeting in May w Papadopulos which is chronologically BEFORE July, the narrative is blown out of the water. But I understand you don’t understand what is going on as CNN and MSNBC won’t touch this with a 20’ pole other than to throw a ‘conspiracy theory’ label at it.

In other news, another stellar day of footnote redactions of Horowitz report show basic steps weren’t taken including looking into Steele’s background and ties to wait for it wait for it RUSSIAN oligarchs and Russian intel agents. Also revealed the fbi had low confidence in subsets of dossier and knew the information was disinformation coming from Moscow. And some will defend this...



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I say this guy is that F'in foochie's real boss:




Well-known member
Now if he would only do that with everything else. And by getting wise do you really mean “pussing out”? Cause that’s all he’s doing.

Fauci is only intelligent person left on trumps "team". i figure he would quit in disgust if he did not know doing so would result in thousands more dead when shit for brains ran amok... SOME people feel responsibility to help during an emergency. trump takes no responsibility...


Active member
Lest we forget Ortleb’s book detailing Fauci’s HIV/CFS/AIDS cover up. A shitbag thrusted into the spotlight as an ‘expert’... imagine my shock

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Most of this narrative is incorrect. The President is above FEMA even in a national emergency. But, yes we are at war and that includes a disaster declaration accross all 50 states. The POTUS, has used the biowarfare attack from the global deepstate to take actions that are simply amazing!

The main thing is that he has had the US Treasury usurp the Federal Reserve and has created a magic wand called a 'Special Purpose Vehical' or SVP which allows the treasury to issue treasury bonds for our nations debt and while the interest rate is set at zero he is having the Federal reserve buy up all of these bonds as well as corporate bonds related to the economic impacts of the biowarfare attack. At the same time he is asking congress to pass a giant infrastructure bill to sell to the Federal Reserve. So the Fed is buying our debt at a rate of 2.2 trillion dollars a month. all 22 trillion dollars. When all is said and done the fed will be allowed to fuck off in bankruptcy court and the US will be back on real money. Genius! And in the mean time he is building us a permanent highly efficient (not for profit) medical system. He may even direct the Fed to purchase mortgage bonds to pay off every mortgage in the country. Remember the Fed has always been an illegal enemy enterprise meant to destroy our nation and its people and humanity all over the world. And now it is over.


Active member
Most of this narrative is incorrect. The President is above FEMA even in a national emergency. But, yes we are at war and that includes a disaster declaration accross all 50 states. The POTUS, has used the biowarfare attack from the global deepstate to take actions that are simply amazing!

The main thing is that he has had the US Treasury usurp the Federal Reserve and has created a magic wand called a 'Special Purpose Vehical' or SVP which allows the treasury to issue treasury bonds for our nations debt and while the interest rate is set at zero he is having the Federal reserve buy up all of these bonds as well as corporate bonds related to the economic impacts of the biowarfare attack. At the same time he is asking congress to pass a giant infrastructure bill to sell to the Federal Reserve. So the Fed is buying our debt at a rate of 2.2 trillion dollars a month. all 22 trillion dollars. When all is said and done the fed will be allowed to fuck off in bankruptcy court and the US will be back on real money. Genius! And in the mean time he is building us a permanent highly efficient (not for profit) medical system. He may even direct the Fed to purchase mortgage bonds to pay off every mortgage in the country. Remember the Fed has always been an illegal enemy enterprise meant to destroy our nation and its people and humanity all over the world. And now it is over.

While I admire you optimism, I remain skeptical.
I would however be grateful if it did come true.
Somehow I feel it is going the other way.
But I just don't know shit about the process.
Thanks for the very interesting point of view.


Active member
Most of this narrative is incorrect. The President is above FEMA even in a national emergency. But, yes we are at war and that includes a disaster declaration accross all 50 states. The POTUS, has used the biowarfare attack from the global deepstate to take actions that are simply amazing!

The main thing is that he has had the US Treasury usurp the Federal Reserve and has created a magic wand called a 'Special Purpose Vehical' or SVP which allows the treasury to issue treasury bonds for our nations debt and while the interest rate is set at zero he is having the Federal reserve buy up all of these bonds as well as corporate bonds related to the economic impacts of the biowarfare attack. At the same time he is asking congress to pass a giant infrastructure bill to sell to the Federal Reserve. So the Fed is buying our debt at a rate of 2.2 trillion dollars a month. all 22 trillion dollars. When all is said and done the fed will be allowed to fuck off in bankruptcy court and the US will be back on real money. Genius! And in the mean time he is building us a permanent highly efficient (not for profit) medical system. He may even direct the Fed to purchase mortgage bonds to pay off every mortgage in the country. Remember the Fed has always been an illegal enemy enterprise meant to destroy our nation and its people and humanity all over the world. And now it is over.

You are very welcome Hempy!
Why would he think this you may ask?
Well there is this!


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