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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!

I'm also glad to hear of the final outcome...amazing people kept a coupe phenos of M39 around that long...must be good! I'd also like to SEE this "other" mysterious Dabney...something about these blueberry strains.:chin:

I'd rather talk about your conspiracy POPS...definitely more interesting.:D I made the mistake of checking out the Toker's Den for the first time in a LONG time and got caught up in the 9-11 thread...I really need to stay away from there.:nono:



You're so mature Rez.

You're just a pollen chucking hack who takes advantage of the community.

You should donate half of your money from seeds to Schroomy and the other half to Chemdawg because without them you would have the same shitty shit going all the time and you would sell no seeds.

You're just mad because M39 is supposedly the only thing that you have that no one else does and you just need to feel special.

Test your crosses before you sell them for $100+ bucks too bro

Im making a ton of..

A11xSour D
MTFx Sour D
C99x Sour D
Elvis X Sour D
Cheese x Sour D
Chemdawg D X Sour D
your Williams Wonder cut x Sour D
your SSH cut x Sour D
ECSD x Sour D

and anything else Rez puts out from now on I will recreate (probably better) and I will be unloading them to seedbay when ready as FREEBIES

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Dusty Bowls

OGBluntman420 said:
Not approiate

Watch out bro, he may try to find a Bluntman action figure and ram his toy dogs head up its ass... :bashhead:

heres some properly grown dabney at the end of week 1

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Mr. Nevermind

REZDOG said:
Dabney and My M39 Clone are like....two sisters.
CC got that clone from me years ago,and it's NOT handed out,ever,for a variety of reasons,none of which are OGBMan's f*cking business.
For a sh*thead,hat was a pretty good rant,OGBMan should write that sh*t for foxf*ckingNews,they need folks that full of sh*t to keep their advertisers all :smile:
So,two sisters from a batch of M39 seeds come along and the one named 'dabney'....turned out to be the red-headed bitch stepchild.

It's as simple as that.


No offense Rez but not really that simple . COnsidering you have same clone as all posters in this thread ( which my no means looks or by description smells like dabney) i dont think you can make a definative conclusion saying its as simple as that.

So now you think Dabney is from an M39 seed? Wow i have heard it all. To base judgments and make assumptions of a mislabeled clone is a bit much. Thats cool though, think what ya want and write it off as M39 if you like. Leave's more real dabney for the rest of us and takes some of they hype away form it. Yall can debate till your blue in the face but unfortunatly yall are wrong.

If you gotta ask if its dabney and it dont have a overly pronounced blueberry ( not a sweet smell that could be mistaken ) then it aint dabney. Its as simple as that. People will know the real truth about Dabney soon enough. Get your apologies ready.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Yeah, what we have may not be Dabney. Sure. To me, M39 smells more like the descriptions of Dabney than the clone I have called Dabney does. I've always taken that into consideration. What we have doesn't smell like blueberries, period. Although, newbie growers might think it smells like blueberries. Many newbie growers talk as if they're experienced, and the net is a hard place to tell the difference. So that's also a reality in the debate.

Whatever, it doesn't matter that much really. You can tell an awful lot about a person by what they get passionate about on the internet.

Mr N, Rez isn't implying that it's an M39 seed, he's implying that it's from the same breeding as M39 (Sk#1xNL#5). So much BS can be avoided by just trusting the other person is not a monster.

OGBluntman, ummm... if you knew a tenth of what Rez knows about breeding, you might have a chance at getting respectable growers to listen to your rants. I have spoken to many of the world's top growers, know them, am friends with them. Rez is in the top percentile as far as understanding these plants and what to breed with. I gotta say, seeing you flame someone who's knowledge would embarrass you if you ever talked shop with him in person... is really funny. You just don't see the whole picture... anyone who wastes a minute of their day saying these things without one smidgen of an idea about the topic, is just talking out their ass - but sharing the gas what comes from their mouth with the entire world. Gee, thanks for that. And BTW, good luck getting freebie versions of what Seedbay SELLS onto Seedbay. If you were privy enough about business practices, mature enough to reserve your words until thought through, you'd not have said that, or any of the derogatory, half-witted BS you're typing in my thread. And your gallery seems to show that you can grow nice plants, just like the other million or twelve million folks around the world. Don't think you know what you're talking about, bro, because those of us who know better are amazed at what you seem to THINK you know about how this shit works. You're out of your league, way out, and only those out of a league tend to talk shit the way you are here.

I've been watching people flame others from the safety of a computer for years and years and years, and every once in a while I get sick of it and say something back. If only we could treat eachother with a little grace and respect, we'd never have to open a thread about strains, and instead of the intended subject matter, get a dumbo fest of pissed off nerds hanging onto any thread of contention they can find, just to add some spice to an otherwise boring life. I understand why flamers do what they do. ;) They're loking for some drama, some sort of confrontation to make their day a little more exciting. Well to anyone who spends this much time being negative, and without any real basis to be so, I say, you have hope... Don't give up hope. Go out and experience real life, don't let the internet be the place you get your drama. Go do it at a bar, or some other place without a firewall, some place where if you said what you tend to say over the internet, you'd get your face smashed in. Really, it's much more exciting to have the person you're talking shit about right in front of you. Much more exciting. Get a life, in short.

Oh, and if there's any more flaming in this thread, the flamer will be identified as a lifeless nerd hiding behind an internet connection. Because that's the truth of it. And the other truth to keep in mind is... this WAS a good thread. Thanks for the negativity, you're so cool.
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I have a question then...If M39 and "Dabney":D are so close wouldn't they have to come from the same P1 stock...essentially making it another M39 just mislabeled over the years? Wouldn't other companies most likely be using different parent stock for their crosses. I know some breeders took their parent stock from company to company so I don't know the history of the M39 P1 stock. Just curious on your thoughts on this.


Mr. Nevermind

First off, wad up CC!! How you been mate? Now getting to the point..

Mr N, Rez isn't implying that it's an M39 seed, he's implying that it's from the same breeding as M39 (Sk#1xNL#5). So much BS can be avoided by just trusting the other person is not a monster.

Well , as far as Rez goes? I respect the guy, always have always will. i grew out alot of his gear and he even tossed some free beans my way. So i have no problemo with Rez at all. Hell i got some of his gear in my garden and his strawberry D is one of my fav strains.

But to me his judgment of Dabney based of his experience with a clone that dont look like dabney at all was what got me. If it were truly Dabney that you all had then it would be a safe judgment that Rez made. But to make judgment based off a clone that got mislabeled is just wrong IMHO.

If the cut dont reek of blueberry then it aint dabney. And if it looks smells grows and smokes like M39 , chances are you got some m39 mislabeled. I know i will get flamed , people will say M39 dont get passed around. But does that mean that rez is only one growing m39 ? i mean SSSC sold seeds for a long time and chances are some of those beans are still around, just not online perhaps.

dabney is unmistakable. If it smells like you want to put it on pancakes its dabney. If it looks like m39, its m39.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Look, this is so much simpler than it's being made out to be... I'm surprised so many folks see this as a conspiracy, everyone but the guys being accused of conspiracy! hehehe

This is the breakdown of this situation: Rez and I got a clone called Dabney, from TOTALLY DIFFERENT people. It turns out, he and I got the same exact clone. So it's sort of hard to believe we didn't get the right one since we both got it from ENTIRELY different places in the country, and it's the same clone. BUT, we know better than to believe ANYTHING until we see it for ourselves. So we grew it out. I happened to be growing it with M39... not to see if there was a difference, it was just a coincidence they were both being grown at the same time. So... I smoked some of JimmyNitz' Dabney before I even flowered my Dabney cut, and was SURE it was M39. Mind you, I hadn't even started flowering my Dabney, but I was convinced I was smoking M39. Hell, just before smoking his Dabney, I was knee deep in M39... I was harvesting M39 just before going to see Jimmy, and smoking his Dabney.

So, a week or so later, I threw my M39s and Dabney into flower at the same time. 2 months later I started this thread, because they STILL looked and smelled nearly identical. Only another couple weeks of maturity would show the difference between them.

As for M39 not being passed around... It's not passed around to the best of my knowledge. The reason is that Rez was asked not to pass it around to anyone who would start sharing it all over the place, and Rez has honored that promise. So, if THIS M39 clone is out there in hands other than where Rez gave it... that's out of Rez' hands at this point... But I don't see evidence of it being anywhere out there. Are there many threads on M39? I don't believe so... if there were, they're probably crosses Rez did with this clone. I've honestly never known Rez to say things like, "I'm the only one with the M39 clone, so I have the market cornered". He's never even hinted to be so inclined. He doesn't even talk about competition, or being the only one to have something because he wants to feel special. If he says he's the only source for a clone, it's because he knows where it came from and where it's gone. It's a matter of knowledge, not proprietary notions. Most of these flamings are funny to me, because I read these wacked out GUESSES as to his motivations, and know first-hand they're just wild guesses about a man they've never met. It's rediculous, really. But I bet it'll continue. ;)
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Mr. Nevermind

Crazy Composer said:
Look, this is so much simpler than it's being made out to be... I'm surprised so many folks see this as a conspiracy, everyone but the guys being accused of conspiracy! hehehe

This is the breakdown of this situation: Rez and I got a clone called Dabney, from TOTALLY DIFFERENT people. It turns out, he and I got the same exact clone. So it's sort of hard to believe we didn't get the right one since we both got it from ENTIRELY different places in the country, and it's the same clone. BUT, we know better than to believe ANYTHING until we see it for ourselves. So we grew it out. I happened to be growing it with M39... not to see if there was a difference, it was just a coincidence they were both being grown at the same time. So... I smoked some of JimmyNitz' Dabney before I even flowered my Dabney cut, and was SURE it was M39. Mind you, I hadn't even started flowering my Dabney, but I was convinced I was smoking M39. Hell, just before smoking his Dabney, I was knee deep in M39... I was harvesting M39 just before going to see Jimmy, and smoking his Dabney.

So, a week or so later, I threw my M39s and Dabney into flower at the same time. 2 months later I started this thread, because they STILL looked and smelled nearly identical. Only another couple weeks of maturity would show the difference between them.

As for M39 not being passed around... It's not passed around to the best of my knowledge. The reason is that Rez was asked not to pass it around to anyone who would start sharing it all over the place, and Rez has honored that promise. So, if THIS M39 clone is out there in hands other than where Rez gave it... that's out of Rez' hands at this point... But I don't see evidence of it being anywhere out there. Are there many threads on M39? I don't believe so... if there were, they're probably crosses Rez did with this clone. I've honestly never known Rez to say things like, "I'm the only one with the M39 clone, so I have the market cornered". He's never even hinted to be so inclined. He doesn't even talk about competition, or being the only one to have something because he wants to feel special. If he says he's the only source for a clone, it's because he knows where it came from and where it's gone. It's a matter of knowledge, not proprietary notions. Most of these flamings are funny to me, because I read these wacked out GUESSES as to his motivations, and know first-hand they're just wild guesses about a man they've never met. It's rediculous, really. But I bet it'll continue. ;)

CC ,

check your PM. Hoe you didnt take my post as a jab towards Rez. Becasue that was not my intent. Rez is someone whom i have always respected and always will. The guy breeds good pot!!

one day we will get to the bottom of this.



The Soapmaker!
I'm glad to see the clarification that Rez has one specific cut of M39 and not simply "the only M39 cut" because I know a breeder in Ontario who works with an M39 cut and was out here mumblin' "bullchit" under my breath... but I can see now that people were probably putting words in Rez's mouth.

Hey, *I* learned a lot from this thread. Peace all...

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Active member
OGBluntman420 said:
I will be unloading them to seedbay when ready as FREEBIES
(blah blah blah)

They wouldn't take your crappy unverified seeds,even if you werte making them*,and your horrific,crappy attitude and general troll nature says you're out of time here,pal.
Hasta la bye-bye,poser. :smile:

*Do you really think you're the first tool who's come around 'threatening' to somehow 'ruin' me by knocking-off my work?
Pfft,get a grip,junior,I'm way out of your pathetic league,so don't even try.
(ROFLMAO @ your pathetic drivel,thanks for the chuckle!!):D
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Cannabis Creeper
REZDOG said:
They wouldn't take your crappy unverified seeds,even if you werte making them*,and your horrific,crappy attitude and general troll nature says you're out of time here,pal.
Hasta la bye-bye,poser. :smile:

*Do you really think you're the first tool who's come around 'threatening' to somehow 'ruin' me by knocking-off my work?
Pfft,get a grip,junior,I'm way out of your pathetic league,so don't even try.
(ROFLMAO @ your pathetic drivel,thanks for the chuckle!!):D

why wouldnt they take the seeds??

Mr. Nevermind

hieagle420 said:
why wouldnt they take the seeds??

this is just a guess but.... considering Rez's gear sells out in like an hour sometimes im sure the owners love him . Everyone loves a top producer in sales. So why bite the hand that feeds you and let someone knock off one of your top producers work? Sure they could make a buck or two if they took these beans, but then perhaps the relationship with Rez and owners wouldnt be as good once agian and they could risk losing a top producer for some quick cash. But thats just speculation



Cannabis Creeper
Mr. Nevermind said:
this is just a guess but.... considering Rez's gear sells out in like an hour sometimes im sure the owners love him . Everyone loves a top producer in sales. So why bite the hand that feeds you and let someone knock off one of your top producers work? Sure they could make a buck or two if they took these beans, but then perhaps the relationship with Rez and owners wouldnt be as good once agian and they could risk losing a top producer for some quick cash. But thats just speculation


yeah but these would be freebies... not for sale.. just to give away...

Mr. Nevermind

hieagle420 said:
yeah but these would be freebies... not for sale.. just to give away...

True , but do you think SB wants to give out freebies of some of their top selling gear?

look at it this way. say you own a record company and you have an artist ( say 50 cent) that tops the charts with every new song. You make a good bit off $$ of that artists songs. then all the sudden a guy comes along who says he can rap like 50 and sounds liek him and wants to work with you but only if cd;s are free to people. Do you think company would say " cool" or do you think they would rather stick with 50 and sell some more records?

Again , this is all speculation


Dusty Bowls

l_d_d said:
**** the community!

Don't you know thats what Rez's real motto is? :fsu:

I really find hilarity in the fact that you, Rezdog, act like a high and mighty breeder, my man all you do is some 1 x 1 crosses that arent even close to F1s, hype them to shit, and sell em based off that hype...or latch on to the hype of the latest clone-only and do the same thing...sell off the hype...You dont test strains before you release them, and ps rez...theres no such thing as an inbred line through a single sided back cross :)

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