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Dabney Blue or M39? debate inside!

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Okay all, nice to see all the good vibes.

This is my own final decision on this... The harvest is nigh, and my verdict is in:
Dabney and M39 are NOT the same clone. Dabney ripened about a week earlier than the M39. I still don't know if what I have is the actual Dabney that everyone talks about. What I do know is this... the cut I have called "Dabney" is soooo similar to the M39, it's almost impossible to tell the difference, especially during the first half of flowering.

On the smell, I SUPPOSE you could call this a blueberry smell, but I swear, the Dab and the M39 also smell SOOOOOOO similar, with just a hint of difference. The Dabney has a BIT less of the sweet skunk smell of the M39, but other than that, they're almost identical.

This indicates they're both from the same breeding, because two plants that are this similar MUST be from the same progeny. Coincidence is no excuse in this case.

To Smokey and Jimmy, you'se guys were right. ;) I concede to you! hehehe

It was a fun thread though, eh? From the first pics, there was no difference, they even smelled identical at that time. The last few weeks were where the differences emerged.

As far as yield potential... ummm... they're also very similar in that department too. Which kicks ass.

One other thing I noticed, a difference between them... the edges of the bud leaves on the Dabney are more ruffled, slightly more, than the M39. What I mean is, the leaf edges are wavy, where the M39's are more straight. But this is a truly subtle difference.

So there we have it, a thread trying to answer a question, and my question was answered right here in my garden. :) Good times though, generally. :) ;) cc


Glad to see you got to bottom of this CC...

You should give Dabney a run with organics next go round and see how much more pronounced the blueberry is..

So, in all honesty.. Which is the better smoke?
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Active member
Exact Same Clone? NO,IMPOSSIBLE. Same Hybrid? Absolutely!!

Exact Same Clone? NO,IMPOSSIBLE. Same Hybrid? Absolutely!!

Crazy Composer said:
Dabney and M39 are NOT the same clone.

Gee,That's No Surprise.... :smile:
I could have saved tons of time and bandwidth & simply told you they weren't exactly the same clone,from Day One.
(I know precisely where my M39 Clone came from,and it's 100% impossible that they could be one & the same,the source(s) w the 'dabney' wouldn't have access to this particular M Clone of mine,in fact,I'm the first ever,in 20 years,to propogate the M Clone indoors.-)
However,they are both Skunk#1/B5 seed stock,and that's A Fact.

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rez do you think yuor the only one that has m39 cuts the original there are plenty of people with them

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well, Dabney and M39 are lying on the drying screens now... my helper and I were trying to figure out what difference there was between the two, and we came to the conclusion that the M39 smells better than the Dabney. We realized that if we dropped a Dabney bud over on the M39 pile, we'd have a really hard time picking it out again. So so so similar. M39 has more of the sweet baked goods smell than the Dabney, at this stage of drying anyhow.

Dabney (this cut I have) yields VERY well, almost as well as M39... almost.

And no, I know Rez wasn't implying that, he's just saying he knows the Dabney and M39 corners of the world don't cross, not yet anyhow, so it's not possible that they'd be the same clone. M39 is a BELOVED outdoor strain in some parts of the world for it's yield, resistance, outdoor vigor and decent flowering times. Rez was the first (to all concerned's knowledge) to try growing the cut indoors, which was quite a while ago I reckon.

M39 makes MASSIVE top colas, same style as Dabney, but even beefier. If I had to choose between this Dabney and the M39... M39 all the way. And if this IS the real Dabney Blue, then I have this message to all Dabney lovers... M39 smells more like Dabney than Dabney does! hehehehe My wife likes the smell of M39 better than all other strains (okay???), but I guess I can see why. It's very sweet, comforting when harvested right. A bag full of M39 will make the house smell very much like what folks describe Dabney as smelling like.

I'd be willing to bet Dabney was collected more for it's yield than it's smell/taste.
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Active member
If M39 is anything like the IBL SD and then ya got something that supposedly blueberry.....

of course there is a different.

Unless it doesnt have thai in it ..then it aint blueberry imo

I've seen the first page photo ...looks the same to me...All this time I'm thinking "maybe" the guy mislabled it..I've done it...helps not to be an idiot to do it again..



Well CC the thread started with good intentions it just went south really fast. You should know by now Bro that most can never agree in these types of threads. I was actually enjoying it for a while. One thing I do know is there are no absolutes in this world. So to say that one knows absolutely beyond a shadow of doubt that the DB has not gotten out is not realistic.

Nice try @ a good debate thread tho.


sirharrynuggz said:
Funny. At least your name implies the level of regard that anything you say can be taken with, and is taken with by most on this board. I only want it so I can compare it to my cut of DJ's Original cause I can't see anything being more berry than this is. If it is, then great. If not, I'll still be happy with mine. Do you think every grower in America would be aware of the Dabney if only people that YOU know had it? Oh yeah, nevermind. Nevermind him, it's all lies.

dam, dont hold back, lol

Dusty Bowls

Okay well anyway I dont want to get involved in the pissing contest above, but I got a cut called dabney blue from a good friend of mine, and I've got her in flower now next to my Cheese, which is Skunk#1, for what its worth, their leaves are shaped exactlyt eh same except the Blueberry has more afghani influence.

When I was talkin with another buddy of mine about this he pointed out to me that M39 is Sk1 x NL5, well NL is Afghani x Thai...I believe CC mentioned having an extremly blueberry NL back in the day, im willing to bet it was very ghani dom and maybe even went colorful with cool temps. I believe DJ short built his blueberry off a 3 way between Afghani x Thai x Thai...

Its possible that Dabney blue is an M39 pheno that leans toward the NL, and more afghani shade of the spectrum...but maybe its not the same one as rezdogs which could be similar...

I want to know what happened to teh sativa phenos of m39 those were supposedlyt he nasty ones..

Anyway here's what I'm blooming. Shes at day 5 now, I'll be back in 3 weeks with some updates too.



Hey CC I would LOVE to see dabney finishing a week early and the final chop shots and dried nugs..

Seems to me Dabney turned out to be the same clone as rezs M39.. From seeing them be identical to all of a sudden saying theyre different with no pictures is strange.

Perhaps he told you to say they were different in the end because he wants people to belive his M39 clone is something it isnt.. Who knows..

the whole lying/misinformation on the m39 was enough already.. It went from banging roadkill skunk through walls when people were going RKS crazy to having a sweet bakery blueberry smell. Strange.

Its a shame.. Once ive been lied to I can never take the liar serious..

In all honesty it just seems to me like Rez is trying to make his M39 seem superior and super rare and that no one has it so he can in turn sell more M39 crosses which means more money for Rez.

Think about it... if everyone has a Dabney cut and it is the m39 cut.. would you buy an M39 cross instead of just making your own with the dabney? Absolutely not.. And at 75-100 bucks a pack it would suck for Rez if everyone was making their own because he would be missing out on sales... which is why anyone gets involved in the seed biz to begin with.

If you heard people saying M39 is better than Dabney but almost identical wouldnt you want to buy the M39 instead?

The whole "the clone has never gotten out or passed" thing just makes it seem that much more elusive and rare which tickles the buying bone..

All great tactics for selling seeds but doesnt do shit to for the community as a whole

I didnt mean for this to sound like an attack but the misinformation on the M39 prior to this thread was nothing but lies and it really made me question your integrity Rez.

More Pics/Proof please CC... I'd love to see the rest of the Dabney vs M39 pictures
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I HIGHLY doubt CC has anything to gain by lying.:nono: He started this thread to get to the bottom of this. Why would it matter what the cross is made with if they were the same cut Dabney or M-39?...they are both clone only so people will still buy either regardless. Dabney has a more hype now anyway than M-39 so it would probably sell better than those M-39 crosses. IMO no conspiracy theory here bro...I'd bet money on it.:smoke:

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Im not questioning CC at all he has been nothing but honest..

Its Rez who is the questionable one here.. and they are obviously close friends because the M39 clone NO ONE gets CC has..

how easy is it for rez to say hey bro do me a favor say they're different.. easy..

Im not stating this as fact.. Im just having a hard time believing this with no added pictures or proof and Rezs past lies/misinformation/money grubbing.

Im not trying to start a battle here Im just asking CC for some more pictures and Im going on record saying Rez misinformed aka lied to people regarding his m39 so Its going to take alot for me to believe anything that comes out of his mouth regarding this clone.

More pics CC please... thank you

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
They're different. The difference is the same as you'd get if you grew a bunch of very homogenous sisters at the same time. They MUST be the same genetics, there's no doubting that. They're NOT the same clone, although it's hard to tell that until the end of flowering.

Now, I KNOW Rez isn't lying about this for hype. That idea should be dropped fast, if you want to be right about this topic. Rez always held out that Dab and M39 were different, I was the one who doubted it... at first.

And for the record, NO ONE tells me what to think or say. I have been brutally honest my whole growing/writing career, never pulling any punches or misleading anyone - ever.

As for pics of the Dabney, I threw it in with my M39 and labeled it M39. It went to med patients as M39. It's like having two sister plants from the same parents, why keep them seperate in bags? The Dabney thing is hype IMO, and M39 is a better plant. Dabney's smell wasn't as sweet as M39, but that's ALL the difference to be found between them.

I changed my tune at the end of this crop because I realized I was wrong in thinking they were the same clone. Pride isn't an issue with me, I can admit when I was barking up the wrong tree. I kind of figured some folks would find that weird, but I am just admitting that my initial thoughts were wrong. That's all. Because this forum is for real knowledge, not personal issues of pride and prejudice.

Now, as for the skunk banging through the walls, as Rez describes it... I've never agreed with him on the smell, but he and I are constantly disagreeing with eachother on such things. Unlike many people here, I actually get tons of mileage from arguing and disagreeing with Rez, and others. When the wife and I argue, it can get heated, as long as in the end we learned something and are not mad at eachother, the argument went well.

If someone takes shit personally, and prides are hurt, then you have trouble. My pride is for my children only, it's hard to hurt my feelings by disagreeing with me. I love a good argument with another person who can take the truth - as I see it. And I love it when I'm wrong, because that means I have learned something new.

I just devulged the ground rules for dealing with eccentric, set-in-their-ways growers and breeders, and walking away with more than you came with. The great majority of people will never walk away with more, and keep getting their feelings hurt by brutally honest folks like Rez. They just don't see that he's a very experienced grower who WANTS you to prove him wrong, but will stick to his guns until you can convince him otherwise. Abrassive? Sure, but he's extremely intelligent and experienced with this plant we love, and such people can be set in their ways and often cantankerous to talk shop with. So what? Even though he comes off as rough sometimes, he's NOT a liar. He calls it as he sees it, which is why he ruffles folks with delicate sensibilities.

Dabney and M39 are as close as sisters of the same parents can be, without being the same clone. IMO M39 IS a better clone. The smell (to me) is sweeter than Dabney. Dabney is almost the same, but with less of the sweet skunk smell, more of a background skunk sweetness. I, personally, smell NO roadkill skunk anywhere in this stuff. But again, rez and I have differing thoughts and opinions about these things all the time... and yet we don't hate eachother. We've learned (and continue to learn) a lot from eachother because we don't hate eachother for our various disagreements.

I've got the answer I was looking for by starting this thread. No one's lying here, the truth is they're different, but almost identical. I no longer have dabney, M39 is the better choice IMO. That's that.

Dusty Bowls

thats whats funny to me people sayin sweet skunk or road kill skunk...tha funny thing to me is a real dead skunk has a funky sweet type of smell its the live skunk spray that is putrid and nasty and ya want nothin to do with...a dead skunk smells good!


If Dabney yields the same, has a nearly identical smell, but finishes a week earlier, why do you consider the M39 the better choice? Is the small difference in smell worth an extra week of flowering?


Active member
It's very good of you to admit you were wrong,CC.
That stuff happens here in Cali. There are so many clones floating around, they get mixed up or end up being fake from greedy people just wanting to make money off of a name.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well, srah, the M39 yields a bit better than Dabney. I get 3 ounces per M39 in 2 gallon pots, and I got about 2.5 from the Dabney. When harvesting, it's apparent that M39 yields better. And as for the taste difference between them, of course the tastier one is the better one! hehehe my wife LOVES the M39 smell, I do too, but my preferences are different.


Active member
Crazy Composer said:
They're different. The difference is the same as you'd get if you grew a bunch of very homogenous sisters at the same time. They MUST be the same genetics, there's no doubting that. They're NOT the same clone, although it's hard to tell that until the end of flowering.

Now, I KNOW Rez isn't lying about this for hype. That idea should be dropped fast, if you want to be right about this topic. Rez always held out that Dab and M39 were different, I was the one who doubted it... at first.

And for the record, NO ONE tells me what to think or say. I have been brutally honest my whole growing/writing career, never pulling any punches or misleading anyone - ever.

As for pics of the Dabney, I threw it in with my M39 and labeled it M39. It went to med patients as M39. It's like having two sister plants from the same parents, why keep them seperate in bags? The Dabney thing is hype IMO, and M39 is a better plant. Dabney's smell wasn't as sweet as M39, but that's ALL the difference to be found between them.

I changed my tune at the end of this crop because I realized I was wrong in thinking they were the same clone. Pride isn't an issue with me, I can admit when I was barking up the wrong tree. I kind of figured some folks would find that weird, but I am just admitting that my initial thoughts were wrong. That's all. Because this forum is for real knowledge, not personal issues of pride and prejudice.

Now, as for the skunk banging through the walls, as Rez describes it... I've never agreed with him on the smell, but he and I are constantly disagreeing with eachother on such things. Unlike many people here, I actually get tons of mileage from arguing and disagreeing with Rez, and others. When the wife and I argue, it can get heated, as long as in the end we learned something and are not mad at eachother, the argument went well.

If someone takes shit personally, and prides are hurt, then you have trouble. My pride is for my children only, it's hard to hurt my feelings by disagreeing with me. I love a good argument with another person who can take the truth - as I see it. And I love it when I'm wrong, because that means I have learned something new.

I just devulged the ground rules for dealing with eccentric, set-in-their-ways growers and breeders, and walking away with more than you came with. The great majority of people will never walk away with more, and keep getting their feelings hurt by brutally honest folks like Rez. They just don't see that he's a very experienced grower who WANTS you to prove him wrong, but will stick to his guns until you can convince him otherwise. Abrassive? Sure, but he's extremely intelligent and experienced with this plant we love, and such people can be set in their ways and often cantankerous to talk shop with. So what? Even though he comes off as rough sometimes, he's NOT a liar. He calls it as he sees it, which is why he ruffles folks with delicate sensibilities.

Dabney and M39 are as close as sisters of the same parents can be, without being the same clone. IMO M39 IS a better clone. The smell (to me) is sweeter than Dabney. Dabney is almost the same, but with less of the sweet skunk smell, more of a background skunk sweetness. I, personally, smell NO roadkill skunk anywhere in this stuff. But again, rez and I have differing thoughts and opinions about these things all the time... and yet we don't hate eachother. We've learned (and continue to learn) a lot from eachother because we don't hate eachother for our various disagreements.

I've got the answer I was looking for by starting this thread. No one's lying here, the truth is they're different, but almost identical. I no longer have dabney, M39 is the better choice IMO. That's that.

Based on this post alone you have earned my respect...k+


Active member
Dabney and My M39 Clone are like....two sisters.
CC got that clone from me years ago,and it's NOT handed out,ever,for a variety of reasons,none of which are OGBMan's f*cking business.
For a sh*thead,hat was a pretty good rant,OGBMan should write that sh*t for foxf*ckingNews,they need folks that full of sh*t to keep their advertisers all :smile:
So,two sisters from a batch of M39 seeds come along and the one named 'dabney'....turned out to be the red-headed bitch stepchild.

It's as simple as that.



Resident pissy old man
Well, I'm glad all that is cleared up. My Dabney clone has 2 more weeks of veg left before I flower it. Whether it is Dabney or M39 doesn't matter as long as it is good meds and my patients like it and it yields well.

The really great part is that I was tired of all the conspiracy nuts posting about 9/11 and JFK. Now we have some new conspiracies to talk about . Obviously Rez and CC are in cahoots to sell Rez's M39 crosses and Nevermind is adding to the conspiracy by claiming that only 2 people in the whole world have Dabney. Will we ever know the truth? Will the government appoint 2 fat ex-judges and a couple over-aged senators who have never smoked dope to delve into the Dabney,M-39 conspiracy? Will their report be contaminated by bribes from Reservoir seeds to keep things quiet or shelved by threats of violence from the HNIC to keep Dabney mysteries from being revealed?

Stay tuned to this channel for further developments! God, I love the drama on ICMag!!!!!

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