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Well-known member
I am glad you won't cull the quack bastards. Those are by far the most valuable ones as far as stealth goes..
What did you mean they don't seem to be webbed ABC? Their leaves look quite like the breeder photos, and they do look distinctly different from regular ABC or drunken bastard. I sure look forward to seeing them harvest time. I agree they seem incredibly slow..


Well-known member
I also agree that the lagkitans rock! I easily understand why they are your favorites. Fingers crossed for a colored pheno!


Well-known member
I also agree that the lagkitans rock! I easily understand why they are your favorites. Fingers crossed for a colored pheno!
@teide - You know honestly I can't say that Quack Bastards are more stealth than the regular ABC. Now that they've gotten larger they've definitely grown on me. I still can't stand how slow they are but I do appreciate them nonetheless. Terps are stronger than my Drunken Bastards, so smell isn't as stealth as ABC. The 'webbed ABC' leaves I'm not sure about yet. They seem like ABC to me.. not really seeing much 'webbing'. That said, I did notice that my clones of Drunken Bastards seem to be growing considerably better than the original plants did in the early stages. I'm hoping that as the Quack Bastards become large enough to clone.. the leaf morph will show itself better on the clones. I messaged TLT regarding phenotypes of Lagkitan. They did inform me of specific traits to look out for. So far I have about 7 individuals who are prematurely showing purple traits. Exciting!

Time for another update. Work schedule is crazy the next couple of weeks and uncertain into June. Not sure when I'll be able to update. Either way, my babies keep on growin' :dance013:
First off, I cloned the Lagkitan today. There's also 2 Double Jam clones from my Double Jam in the flowering tent. I took 2 clones just to keep it's height manageable. This way, if it turns out to be an amazing female then I'll also have a clone mom of her! I'll know more in a month or two! LOL :bigeye:

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Then I trimmed up all the Duckweb/BerryFreak/Blueberry Muffin/Imperium X/Invictus/Double Jam.
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Here's a random one of my very beautiful and wonderful BerryFreak lady. The other clone looks almost identical.

The flowering Drunken Bastards and Double Jam are in dark mode right now so I'll post pictures later.

So I've been really torn here. My male clones are starting to show. And regardless of whatever stage of veg they are in, a lot of them are dropping sacs or forming them. I'm thinking at this point I just want to cull all the males until I find a couple of really good females from all my current strains.

So far my only known keepers are BerryFreak and Imperium X. Everything else doesn't have a permanent home yet. I still need to find my keeper Drunken Bastard, Quack Bastard, Invictus, and Duckweb. Blueberry Muffin will be culled if it isn't purple. Lagkitan will be special and I will keep several phenotypes of stable females. I hear the landrace preservers screaming at me for letting go of my males but I plan on using their genetics to improve vigor in mutants, not preserve the landrace. As far as I'm concerned the company that's making these seeds available to the world is doing the best job at preserving the strain. They have way more resources available than I do. I'm just going to do what makes me happy, and that is.. grow mutants :devilish:

I can't decide what I want to do with my first planned cross. I have known male Drunken Bastards and Duckwebs but for some odd reason making the cross now just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because I'm still missing a couple of mutants to begin with. I'm not entirely sure yet. As far as my flowering Drunken Bastards go the females are taking their time. It's been almost 2 weeks now I believe and I'm just barely seeing signs of flowering in the females. I'm half tempted to throw in 2 Duckweb into the flowering tent and try to make my selection on those two lines before I search out the Lagkitan and Invictus. If I continue with this 'cull all males idea' then I'll select all my mother plants from every line, and then when I finally have all my preferred mother plants (10-12 different ones) I can do the bonsai sultan method with a new landrace sativa that I have yet to germinate.

As always, nothing is set is stone. My decisions are fluid like water and change like the wind.


Well-known member
Hey all! Update time. Since there's a bunch of photos today the post will be split into 2 parts. First post will be the veg tent. Second post will be clones and the flowering tent.

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On the left we have 13 Invictus from AFC. :)love: this breeder). On the right we have 5 Quack Bastard, 8 Drunken Bastard, 1 Duckweb (think she's a girl), and 1 BerryFreak.
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I removed all the Duckweb males (3 of the 4). The last one I'm not sure is even female it just refuses to show sex before flowering. All of the other males showed pretty obviously so I think this is a sign it's a girl.
I'm on the fence about removing the last 2 Drunken Bastard males. The only reason I haven't is they smell like blueberries. I doubt I'll be able to find another mutant male which smells as good as they do. Another point to mention is that the Drunken Bastards don't have natural purpling. They only purple with cold climates. I'm 95% sure of this. My Imperium X girl shows how purple she is right from the beginning of flowering. These are not doing that. Soo....I've thought about keeping my males to cross it to Imperium X. Still not sold on the idea though since both plants grow really short and stocky. Maybe the Lagkitan x DB cross would be more beneficial for my plans. Ah well... I'll give it some more time to think on it. My problem is I have like 8 good strains to work with and it's impossible to work with most of them since I don't have a whole lot of room. This will be a slow journey!


Well-known member
Part 2 of 2 - May 28 update

Clones! The bottom 2 are Double Jam. Honestly I don't expect these ones to clone. I do have to say that while roots are beginning to form; I highly suspect long flowering sativas don't like to clone. These have been going for 2 weeks already. In all my previous strains I've grown all of them have pretty good root systems growing by week 2. These are just barely starting to root. I also noticed that unlike the other clones, these actually seem to want nutrients. I gave them 500ppm nutrient water a couple of days ago and they're nice and green now. They were starting to turn yellow. My hope is that the nutrients will give the plants the go-juice to make healthy roots. It looks like it's starting so fingers crossed next week all will be ready for a seedling pot. Then I can switch them to flower and sex test the clones to see how many males I have.
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And now the flowering tent. I believe I'm at week 3 right now. I really should have wrote down what day I switched them o_O

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Well-known member
Looking great!
Purple lagkitan x DB sounds like a great cross, do it!
Still think the quack bastards do look different from the other ABC varieties. The one to the left in the photo has really round leaves. Really excited to see this grow diary progress! Doing good!
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Well-known member
I'm thinking it's going to be the other way around. I'm going to be looking for a Lagkitan male to breed to my best DB female. So far #9 is my favorite. She smells like blueberries and seems to be the biggest of the bunch in terms of flower size.

I'll post some pictures in a bit.. the QB are quite a bit different from the DB for sure. They're just as annoying to grow though.... take forever to grow.. and they drink like normal plants. Although if these Quack Bastard turn out anything like the Drunken Bastards I have going right now I'll be quite content with them. I'm hoping for 3 females and 2 males. It's a shame I couldn't get more of the seeds to germinate, so I only have 5 plants from 24 seeds.


Well-known member
Those Drunken Bastards are super stealthy lookswise. Some of the ducks etc have leaves that don't look like typical cannabis leaves but the overall impression of the plant is still totally cannabis especially when flowering. But these DB are something completely different.


Well-known member
Both the Drunken and Quack Bastards are both super stealthy. I honestly can't say that one looks more stealthy than the other. I do have to admit I find the webbed leaves of the Quack Bastards quite fascinating!

Here's a closeup of one of the QBs.

Here's a DB next to a QB so you can see the difference.

Here's a photo to illustrate how different phenos can be from each other. You have DB#1 (male) in the back with DB#2 male on the left of him. DB#4 is the short little female in the front. Crazy difference!

We have a better view of just the Bastards, both Quack and Drunken. There are additionally 2 smaller QBs that I didn't take any isolated pictures of.


Well-known member
Now for the update well where to begin... I guess first off I'll post some pictures of everything. Nothing has really changed much. I've had to trim back some plants to keep them manageable. This is where my bonsai experience is growing. I have some very large numbers considering the space I'm using.



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Just the Quack Bastards:

Duckweb female:

BerryFreak female:

Flowering girls:
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All I'm going to say as far as an 'update' goes is that I still can't decide how/when I'm going to start breeding all these wonderful plants together. I've got so many different ideas in my head for what I'd like to do that I need to sit down and see which are actually feasible and able to do in the shortest amount of time possible. When I'm looking at working with a landrace sativa that will inevitably draw things out as flowering times are pretty extended compared to modern hybrids. My current dilemma is that I don't want to remove any plants I might want later on one hand, and on the other I don't have enough room to run everything I would like to. I'll have to figure it out because they're growing rapidly everyday!


Well-known member
They all look great- are those flowering bastards drunks or quacks? After a long veg time, I discovered another of my 3 Drunk Bastards is a female. I feel you on the space issues- I just transplanted the first female Drunken bastard outdoors cuz she outgrew my tiny shelf in a closet. I agree- the DBs do vary a lot pheno wise- The first female I transplanted is very tall with clear classic cannabis shape- obvious apical dominance and largely vertical growth with single top and red/purple stems. The second female I just found is very bushy and has many lower branches that reach the canopy/top of the plant from the second or third node and all green stems. They both smell of blueberries however, I am curious to see the color of the flowers, planning on transplanting this new female outdoors soon as well.


Well-known member
My ladies flowering now are Drunken Bastards.

That's awesome to hear that you have 2 good females to work with. I'm jealous that you have a female with the bigger/faster growth structure.

After cloning my girls I don't believe any of them are the 'normal canna' phenos. My male is the only one out of the bunch who does that. Really happy though because I have 2 wonderful females to choose from, and I can run clones of the male for pollen. The first female is my favorite, she's always had the largest leaves and she appears like she is going to have the largest buds. Smells like like blueberries but it's a simple blueberry smell; no pine to speak of. The second female is the tallest of the bunch and she looks like she's going to be a medium yielder but the thing with her is her smell. It's soo soo sweet blueberry smelling. It's actually so good that just smelling it puts the taste of blueberries in your mouth. The other girl doesn't do that, even though she smells like blueberries too. I'm going to wait to sample each's flowers before deciding which one stays and which one goes. If one is curious in my flowering tent they're the 2 large plants on the left... if you look close there are 2 smaller plants to their left but I put those in about a month later. As for the other 4 plants... they all have piney/berry smells but they're not really blueberry at all.

I think if you're in an area where you get chilly nights at the end of flowering yours will show purple colors. I wonder if mine will be purple at all since I'm running them indoors during the summer when it's impossible for them to get cold. Mine will be finishing when night time temps are around 70F. I hoped the strain was naturally purple like my imperium X is...
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Anyways I hope your ladies turn out awesome! Would love to see your 'normal' bastard female if you don't mind sharing.


Well-known member
Cool. I think these ABC genetics have some crazy bract to leaf ratio-your plants look like straight buds on a stick from those pics. Theres definitely a piney layer to the blueberry smell, at least in one of them. I cant compare them now so not sure if they have the exact same smell.

Pretty sure mine will end up purpling if the trait is stabilized. They're outside and my first frost date is around beginning of october. Gonna transplant the second one of them outside but flower is a bit far off. Ill be sure to take pics when i visit them again soon- probably near the end of the weekend. The 'normal' had a more conventional cannabis shape indoors, It may bush out more outdoors but time will tell.

Thank for the kind words! I am really looking forward to them- i have a couple other plants going but these are my backups and I hope they perform well.


Well-known member
Yeah the genetics for these Bastards seem to be good. They are hardy little plants. Strange little creatures they are. Once they start flowering they're quite enjoyable to care for. That said, it's a love-hate relationship for me... I loathe how long it takes for them to grow, but it's starting to become my favorite leaf type... well the Quack Bastards are amazing too and quickly gaining my affections.

Anyways well where to start. Let's start with flowering ladies!
Almost week 4 now since the switch to 12/12 began.
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Double Jam lady starting to get lovely! Not sure what to name her but she's REALLLLLYY tall. Not sure what to do with her. Thought about topping it to keep it even with the other branch but I'm not sure I want to harm this gorgeous lady.

Here's my favorite female.
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Runner up. (better smell)
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Well-known member
Top (left)/Bottom (right)
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I kicked out the Drunken Bastards except for #1 and #9. #3 may come back depending on how good her flowers are. I also kicked out Blueberry Muffin and Invictus. The only normal plant in the mutant pile is Imperium X because of her wonderful purple flowers. So I have:
19x Lagkitan
5x Quack Bastard (#1 shows female)
2x Drunken Bastard
1x BerryFreak
1x Duckweb

The reason for the removal of so many plants.... well in the last couple of days I've received all of the mutant variations. I removed them to make way for more mutants!
Stay tuned.


Well-known member
Dude your description about watching them grow is spot on- theyre finicky sometimes but totally enjoying it! They seemed to take forever to show sex in veg but smells are promising on the two females. Definitely havent gotten them dialed in so probably stunted them once or twice as well. Sorry for such shitty pics, nothing too interesting to see here, newly transplanted and one is pretty roughed up.

This one was transplanted 1 week ago- looking a bit unhappy as it hasnt rained all week. This is DB1 and the one I described as having a more normal cannabis structure and it has red/purple stems. Unfortunately this picture is taken at a bad angle and looks much shorter in the photo than it is.


This is second female transplanted a day ago (DB4). I badly manhandled her sadly and broke some branches pushing on them and then again injured her in a box in the car. I think all the branches are still attached so hopefully she recovers well. Even before this she had a very bushy structure and the central stem was outgrown by all the lower branches. I'm predicting it will be more of a sprawling plant and will probably encourage that or tie down some stems before flowering starts.

Here's a shot of both of them and half of a lavender I was neglecting under the same light indoors. All the way in the back is an Agastache that I thought might look similar to these bastards if they end up with purple flowers. Going to put a bunch more flowers in this space pictured and hoping some seeds germinate. This picture is a better representation of the height of the first DB. Again a bad picture but you can kind of see it. Thinking of maybe topping but will let her settle in first. Definitely need to take cuttings very soon.

Glad to have gotten these out of a very tight indoor space. Was always the plan and am looking to pop more beans and veg seeds. Cant wait to see what new mutants you got plans for! I've been looking at some mutant lines these days and want to buy some but will surely get some for outdoor next year. Hope to get some better photos of these in the next few months.
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Well-known member
@laszlokovacs - It looks like they're adjusting to the outdoors and loving it! If you look at all the new growth it's that beautiful green color. I wouldn't worry about topping them. ABC is naturally extremely branchy. From what I've seen, any branch will make a decent clone. For the denser phenos sometimes you have to remove 8-10 nodes before getting a normal looking clone.

Your second female (DB4) has a very interesting structure! I'm going to enjoy seeing that one develop. The other looks like a fine specimen as well though! I hope at least one of them is kind of blueberry smelling. The pine scent is lovely as well but the sweet one is very good on the nose.


Well-known member
Thanks for the warm regards, Mitsuharu.
It's update time! I will start with the youngest plants first since I have some new additions! I was able to track down some of the mutants I was missing from my garden. I don't want to go into too much detail here for privacy reasons.. but let's just say I have all the mutants currently available except one. And that is Mnogolistka/Multi-leaf.

Here's a bunch of the seedlings just starting to grow into their first leaves. I feel like a proud papa! So far I have about 20 seedlings. 9 are V9 Tiger, 9 are GPP HK 2.0(Giant Pur Pur), and 2 are Subt 1 x Freakshow hybrids (F3s) a good friend of mine has been working on for a few years now. Since they're still so small, I won't take many closeups of them except for my own notes. I have too many plants and can only upload so many photos. I will take more photos when the plants show a bit more personality! I also have I think about 3 seedlings which may take off they're just taking their sweet time. Either way I'm really content with what I was able to sprout up, so I'm really grateful. For those couple of amazing souls who've helped me along with this mutant journey.. I can't thank you enough!!! Anyways here they are:

Next we have the Lagkitan clones. I've left these in the cloner on purpose with a 12/12 light schedule thinking that I may be able to pre-sex each individual specimen before the time comes to flower time. Welll......they have appreciated their maiden light schedule of 12/12. They've continued to grow like crazy.. but even after like 3 weeks of 12/12, they still don't want to show sex. I will likely end up culling all these wonderful little clones since I don't have room to maintain them while the Drunken Bastards/Double Jam keep flowering. In a couple of weeks I will probably take another batch of clones... this time to include Quack Bastards! They're growing large enough to clone. Anyways here's the beautiful Lagkitan clones:
Specimen #8 (the large one) looks to be female from my notes when I cloned them. Man those fan leaves are purdy!!!! :love:

Here are the parents, who are about to need another trimming in a couple of days.

then we have the bottom of the veg tent:
There are a couple not pictured here but most of the room in the bottom is devoted to seedlings right now.

Last but not least we have the beautiful Bastards and Double Jam flowering. First off I will post pictures of my Double Jam. Not really sure what to do with her at the moment; brainstorming ideas. She stretched to about 6 ft tall in like 2-3 days when I forgot to turn up my flowering light after watering them. So my light was on 15% power for 3 days and well... she stretched out good. The good news is that even though the limbs have fallen over from the weight, nothing has been broken. It's bent naturally and doesn't seem to mind. I have strung it up for the moment but that isn't intended to be the long term solution.

If anyone has any ideas here I'm all ears! I'm thinkin tomato trellis somehow, or something homemade which will function the same. Anyways... here ya go!
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Really loving the smells from the DJ. It's like tropical paradise smelling. I can't describe it any other way haha.

Here are some closeups from the flowering Bastards.
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In the photo on the left you can see the front plant (#9) seems to be the furthest along into flowering. She's putting out her second set of buds where all of the others are still behind. It appears like she may finish a week or so sooner than the other ladies... which honestly would be awesome for me! #9 is the female I chose for breeding because of her structure and terpene profile. If she turns out to be a week sooner than the others even better for me! Behind her is plant #3 which is the tall one. This girl is the most blueberry smelling odor I've ever smelled. It's delicious. The middle photo are the two middle girls. They seem like a 50/50 mix between piney and blueberry. While not my favorites, I do have to appreciate them. The calyxes developing on all the plants is pretty good. I'm quite thrilled with these Bastards. Finally the picture on the right is the female behind the DJ.

I should also mention that my offgrid location still had 3 Duckweb males. Last time I was out to visit I grabbed some pollen (not sure how viable it was since the male was in veg). In the dark cycle I attempted to pollinate #3 with Duckweb pollen. I will be super excited to see some seeds come out of it, even if it's just a few!