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@TANO - Thanks! I don't think you'll have the same results as me, I think yours are going to be better! Truthfully. Since mine have finished I've been able to see how the Bastards grow outside compared to indoors. The results outside are much better! I notice that you also have quite large pots for them to grow in, and I have noticed that they seem to enjoy more root zone to grow in. Awesome! Your plants look awesome! You should be proud of them. :tiphat:

As far as the smoke goes it's very mellow. 7 East did fine work introducing a higher THC specimen (with Sangria) but most of mine are around the 17% mark if I had to guess. Since I do have a decent tolerance to THC I can say it's weaker in terms of THC but it has quite a bit of CBD in it. At least my specimens are anyways. Or maybe it's my interpretation? The CBD makes it feel like it hits really hard at first, but after about 15-45 minutes you realize there isn't much length/depth to the high? As someone who needs quite a bit of THC to 'get there' I need a whole bowl of this to get lit, which it does really well. After a short while, I prefer to follow it with a stronger strain. In my mind, the DB is a feel-good strain for wake-n-bake while I will go with a harder hitter later in the day.

Now... flavors. They nailed it spot on with the flavors. It's initially piney when you smell it, with some really good sweetness to it. When you break apart the buds you really smell the blueberries. That blueberry smell is basically how they taste. If your plants have any kind of blueberry smell when you do a stem rub, that's how they're likely to end up tasting. It's a wonderful precursor. You may find that initially some of them smell a little more piney than blueberry, but they'll all finish to be roughly the same. I had a couple females which seemed a lot more piney when I was watering them and whatnot. Turns out they have the same wonderful blueberry secret hidden in each bud.

I hope this helps! Oh and feel free to post pictures of your mutants here too if you want! I don't mind!
thank you so much for the reply, I took some pictures today...

the rest of the pictures are in my thread.

Thank you again so much...your plants are always beautiful :tiphat:


Well-known member
@TANO - WOW! Those look incredible! They're really going for it. I can't wait to see what they turn into as flowering comes on! Keep us updated please! And I will make sure to do the same here :)

Have any shown any preflower signs of what sex they might be?


@TANO - WOW! Those look incredible! They're really going for it. I can't wait to see what they turn into as flowering comes on! Keep us updated please! And I will make sure to do the same here :)

Have any shown any preflower signs of what sex they might be?
always thank you very much for the reply
preflowers I can not tell if there are
here are some close-up photos you took a while ago...






Well-known member
@TANO - They keep looking better and better as time goes by. Keep up the good work! Looks like you've got a couple ladies at least from what I can see! Keep them happy and I'm sure they will return the favor. As I've sampled more of the Drunken Bastard I have to say it's quite comparable to any of the other strains I have. It's not weak in any way shape or form. At least mine definitely get you blazed. It's kind of interesting because the buds still foxtail and take on the shape of sativa flowers in general. They aren't dense or large, but they're strong enough for a decent little "bud" to get you there. I'm sure if you do them justice you will agree, it's quite good smoke!!

Update time! This is going to be a decent one.
First we have the flowering Double Jam. Looks like I got a tropical Lambsbread pheno. I have sampled her flowers now and must say it's quite incredible, but my tolerance requires me to smoke quite a bit of it to get blazed. I'm hoping that since I harvested that bud around week 12-13 that it still has more to offer in terms of potency. The high is really euphoric and quite incredible. It lasts between 2-3 hours and just makes you feel good about life. Your whole body feels electric and just at peace at the same time. It's quite blissful. The taste is like pineapple in my opinion. It's quite tropical and delicious! This strain has the added benefit of making the sun feel like a warm cozy blanket instead of a giant blistering hot oven. I noticed that on both occasions when I smoked the DJ that it was 95F (35C) and hot out. On both occasions this strain made me feel like the sun felt good instead of burning my skin. Everything about this strain reminds me of a beach or someplace very tropical. The way it grows it's a true monster. It needs tons of space, both above and below. I have named this particular lady, "Wildflower"

My particular pheno seems like it's from the 18-22 week variety. We are on day 101 (Week 14 and a few days). You can see she's quite a beast! Those tops that grew right into the light have been clipped. There's one in the back that's grown probably 5 inches or so past the light that I'll clip when I go in there and remove all the fan leaves that she's extracted nitrogen from. No matter where she is at, come Sept 24 I will be clipping her. At that point will be Day 141. I do believe she is in the 'finishing' mindset now that I've turned lights down to 11/13. She's drinking a lot more than normal so I know she's packing on the buds now. In another 10 days I'm going to decrease again to 10.5/13.5 and likely leave her there to finish. The 11/13 seems to be working as far as throwing her into flower production instead of 'reflower' production.
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I have her in veg form here:

I will outcross her to Drunken Bastard, in a way which I hope will maintain her beautiful wildflower structure, while also integrating the ABC mutant leaf shape into the line. It may seem strange to some, to make a really slow veg strain mix with a very long flowering sativa but I don't care how long it takes, it's a plant I want to create! I'm hoping to find some recessive terpene profiles, but if what I find is mostly fruity (DB = blueberry & DJ=pineapple) then I will just have to select the best of what I find and be happy!

If anyone is interested here is the breeding pedigree I wish to do: (P1=DJ, P2=DB)

In addition to all that, I'm also going to hit it with some Lagkitan pollen and then probably keep those seeds for the vault. Not sure though because I'm sure that would be a wonderful cross. Might have to explore that one a bit if I feel the Lagkitan high needs to be blended with the Jamaican. Time will tell on that front!

I guess on that note I can discuss the outdoor stuff. I will transplant some of the earlier flowering varieties into 3 gallon containers here in the next few days (mostly mutants). I feel like the Lagkitan aren't going to finish properly, so what I'm going to do is also take clones of everything and get them rooted for flowering once the DJ finishes. When the DJ finishes I'm throwing the Lagkitan rooted clones into the flower tent and doing the repro where they can finish properly. By that time, I hope to have a general idea of what phenotypes I'm working with, as well as the gender of most specimens (from the outdoor plants). The outdoor plants I'm really hoping to have some crosses which have DB as the father. Those are:
BerryFreak x DB
Duckweb x DB
Giant Pur Pur x DB
V9 Tiger x DB
Imperium X x DB
and maybe possibly the scorpion pheno of Lagkitan if I can pull off the timing correctly.

Before I blab on too long let me show a picture LOL

I plan on culling all mutant fathers, but I may also take some pollen from each first and then pollinate a separate branch on the Lagkitan scorpion pheno. I haven't decided yet. It's coming up quick though so I need to decide!

I'm going to post a couple of photos of my second location which I don't manage those plants. Just have to show another one of the F1 crosses I want to have seeds of by the end of the year:
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We have (from left to right): BerryFreak, Invictus male #1, Duckweb, Invictus male #2, and finally Drunken Bastard #11. First off, this pheno of Drunken Bastard has shocked me how tall it is! I would have never imagined it would get that tall. Second, this F1 outcross is intended to give me mutant F1 crosses with a strain that's said to have really high cannabinoid levels (talking 29%+ THC under experienced hands). I've ran a couple of AFC strains now and have to back them as a breeder. They charge high prices because their plants deliver, just my two cents. Anyways here's a picture of the corresponding Invictus females.
When I was doing some routine trimming on them, I noticed first off that the leaves are primarily sativa looking to me. They look like a blend but it's more on the sativa side. Many phenos also have this beautiful red veining on the undersides of the leaves. In addition to that, this is easily the stickiest strain I've ever grown. I had to clean my trimmers idk how many times. I brought 3 pairs for 9 plants and I must have cleaned each at least twice.

Anyways when these come down I think we will be doing a Menthol Skunk run and pheno hunt over there. On that note, to keep things flowing.... I also started some Menthol Skunk seeds! It's from the same creator of BerryFreak (still my favorite smoke hands down). Supposedly it's the same father as BerryFreak it was just an earlier flowering big Menthol specimen that created Menthol Skunk while a different mom created BerryFreak. It appears like they are correct in saying a few pinnate leaf types per pack.
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In the photo with the bigger plant, that one is a deeply serrated pheno Menthol skunk that I germinated before the other 10. The yellow one is a variegated V9 Tiger that's been much slower growing than it's siblings outside. Funny to think about the size difference now. The two mutants in the middle are SubterFreak F3 (Subt 1 & Freakshow combined).

Here I have DJ on the left, DB1 next to her. The two big ones along the top are Invictus and Imperium X. The small normal one in the middle is also an Invictus, one I rooted due to it's stickiness. I haven't decided whether I want to keep females of that strain or not, since it's basically a 5-way mashup between 5 Cali strains. I'm hoping once the clones of everything root, that I've made up my mind on them. The last poor little sickly plant in the direct middle is DB#11 which unfortunately got attacked by spidermites. The spidermites intervention almost killed this poor little clone. I do believe with that little bit of green on top that she will recover given enough time. I think it's going to take 6 months, and ultimately I'll need to start another clone for a keeper. I really want her to pull through because I haven't had a chance to flower her yet and she's the only one with the 'tall phenotype'. I also believe that it may be one of the purple specimens too, due to the stem coloration even when it's 95f (35C) out.

In summary, I'm going to make 2 different F1 crosses outdoors this year. 1 will be with Drunken Bastard as the male and all the females will be mutants and possibly Lagkitan. The second will be Invictus as the male, and 3 of the mutants are female, with maybe the possibility of Invictus F2s as well. During this time, I hope to sex/select my phenos from Lagkitan and have clones rooting, ready for the repro. When DJ finishes flowering, the Lagkitan will be flowered(seed repro) indoors. Also on Sept 24 the Invictus will come down which will then open the space for the Menthol Skunk to be selected from. Ideally I want to save a pinnate-type that's representative of the "BerryFreak 7s Big Menthol" mom. If one of the deeply serrated phenos impresses me, I may hang onto one of those too. All mutant males moving forward will be culled. I want to explore several of my other normal cannabis varieties before really committing to breeding. I have several landrace, as well as modern hybrids that I would like to try before devoting my life's work to breeding ultimate mutants!


Well-known member
Alright! Here's another update for the books... another interesting one I hope!

Let's begin with Wildflower. She's on day 108 today (week 15 + 3 days). I have begun slowly taking lower buds that look like they're maturing. I've never seen a plant do this before but the calyxes on this lady are turning yellow? To me that seems a sign of N deficiency but at this stage in flowering I haven't given her any nitrogen for several weeks. Not sure I really should either honestly. My readers may find this frustrating but I may end up pulling her before the end of week 17. I'll explain later when I discuss the outdoor plants.. anyways here she is:
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Here are a couple of bud shots of buds I've taken. The one on the left I estimate will be at least 15-18g dry.
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Next we'll go over the plants in the veg tent because they're honestly giving me fits, but in a good way. It's definitely a learning experience here. First things first, I've been battling black spider mites. They first showed up several weeks ago on the clones that were rooting at the time. Since then, most of the clones have taken off into healthy plants except a couple which got completely infested with the mites. The plants most affected are Drunken Bastard #11 and BerryFreak. I believe the leaf shape with ABC allows the mites a lot more protection than a traditional cannabis leaf, so I think ABC is actually more susceptible to the mites unfortunately. As for BF it's similar to ABC in that the mites have an easier time due to the leaf shape, however I don't think BF is more susceptible to the mites because her internode spacing is larger. All the plants affected are:
Drunken Bastard #1 & #11
Invictus #1 & 2
Imperium X

All the unaffected plants are:
Menthol Skunk
V9 Tiger #1
Double Jam **
SubterFreak F3

Either way, to combat the mites I covered them in sulfur powder. It was recommended to me by a good friend so I'm trying it out after the PureCrop1 with D.earth didn't rid me of the damn mites. They've been sitting for about 4 days completely coated in sulfur until today when I gave them all a bath and tried to remove what little webbing I could find. I'm hoping I don't have to reapply the sulfur several times. I don't mind the smell of pure organic sulfur but the mess with the powder is getting old. My tent looks like a coke head's coffee table.
Here they are after the bath:
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The Menthol Skunk seedlings on the left are starting to really take off! I have 5 pinnate individuals and 6 heavily serrated phenos. I believe I will end up keeping the 5 pinnate and discarding the rest. Not sure though...

Last we have the outdoor stuff!
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This is where my plants have me completely baffled at what I should be doing with them. Some are beginning to show sex already and others are still holding out. In the next week or two, I hope to have much more concrete plans for my Wildflower, the Lagkitan, and all my mutants. The deciding factor here is if I end up getting a Lagkitan male. So far it's not looking like I'll get one. If this is the case, expect all my plans to change on the fly. All my current plans are hinged on finding a Lagkitan male for a seed repro. If this doesn't happen, I'm not sure what I'll do, but it will likely be making my DJ x DB dream cross. Now that I know the DJ lady naturally repels spider mites on her own, I'm even more excited to mix those genetics together!

Either way, I'm extremely undecided on which plants to keep and what to breed with, so my updates in the next month may be quite interesting!
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Well-known member
Time for a refresher! Oh how things are moving this time of year...

Indoor local:
Top of veg tent:
Bottom of veg tent:
Clone chamber:
Flowering tent:
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In the veg tent I have: Menthol Skunk 1-11, DJ, DB1, DB11, SF1, SF2, I1, I2, IX, and my lovely variegated V9T. I haven't decided when this is going to happen but eventually I will sort through the Menthol Skunk and select my keepers. Not sure how I'm going to manage all this once the clones root.... guess I'll figure it out when I get there! LOL....
For clones I took: DB11, Invictus (male), Double Jam, Duckweb, Giant Pur Pur (true pur pur), and one of each Lagkitan specimen. I know the Lagkitan will be able to be flowered in the big tent, so I'm not too worried about space concerns at the moment.

The DJ girl I plan on pulling down in a day or two. She seems ready to me, since I've been tapering down nutrients for a while. I do have a strong suspicion that if I gave her 1000ppm bloom nutrients with nitrogen, she would explode with new growth. I think these plants are accustomed to just growing and growing and never really quitting until they're chopped down. I've decided it's time for this run. Not only am I going to take multiple cracks at growing this beauty, I'm also going to be using her as a P1 in some breeding work over the next several years. I want to combine her flower structure and effects with the Drunken Bastard (ABC). Not only will the terpene profiles of both plants compliment each other, DB also has some very sativa flowers, which I think could be improved upon with the DJ flower structure. I'm hoping I can create a blended hybrid with the ABC leaf type but having DJ flowers which really foxtail and don't stop growing. DB is a bit more potent in the THC department, as well as containing 2% or so CBD. I'm thinking there should be some really good offspring if I can blend the two cultivars together well.

Outdoor local:
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I have begun pulling mutant males as they show up. I will pull all males until two remain: Lagkitan and DB1. DB1 is going to pollinate a bunch of mutants and give me some solid F1 seed to sort through. However, it's highly likely that I won't get to many of these F1s for years, due to all my extreme plans hahaha... As for the Lagkitan male, I'm REALLY REALLY tempted to blast all my plants with D.earth and sulfur powder and then bringing them inside to finish in the tent. This would result in a much faster repro for the Lagkitan. I would then be able to keep select which clones to keep and discard the rest. I'm going to think on it good for the next couple of days before the DJ comes down. Then all the mutants would be free to be pollinated by DB1 with absolutely no risks of contamination. I would hate to take 2-3 years down the road and trying to get recessive leaf types to show, only to have Lagkitan genetics instead of mutant genetics.

Lastly we have the offsite location.
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Indoors we have 9x Invictus girls. They're extremely loud and probably the most resinous plant I've ever cultivated. We may consider revegging the one we like the most... but I'm doubtful. Even though these may take the bar for best plants we've grown, I'm not sure about really working with these as a breeding tool. It's a 5-way cross between modern poly-hybrids. That said, I am trying to root a male for kicks. On the outdoor plant we have a couple of huge Invictus males set in between the mutants. Hoping to get a few hundred F1s from each (mutant x Invictus) cross. Again, not sure when I can sprout them but I do plan on working these lines individually at some point... with the first cross being DJ x DB of course. One cross which sounds divine to me is Menthol Skunk x Invictus. They both have menthol/mint terpenes which should compliment each other nicely. MS is a high yield strain, and I is a high THC strain. Should be some good things in that cross too!

Anyways that's about it for now! Next update will likely be a Double Jam bud porn update.


Well-known member
Thanks for sharing TANO. Those pictures you took are marvelous! I assume with a camera of some kind and not a phone? lol I'm glad you got 4 females but I do hope you have more seed to go through in case you find that you like them! This way you have 4 different females to try. Pretty cool. Keep up the good work! They look quite healthy and will start budding up nicely now.

Update time! Sorry I've had a lot going on. I haven't been as cavalier in throwing the updates up as I wanted to be. Hopefully in the coming weeks I can post a lot more photos of everything. I have so many plants it's hard to take just several photos of everything, especially when each plant is pretty unique next to it's peers.

Anyways here we go. I pulled my Double Jam beauty on 9/1. She went 118 days. There are two separate colas. One is much larger than the other but they're both incredible. I also have to apologize, I did not thing it would be so difficult to take decent photos of them. For some odd reason my phone is not capable of focusing on a bud. I can zoom in on one and it will focus that way, but when I try to get a crisp clean focus from my phone at distance, it doesn't work. I may look into purchasing a camera to photograph this plant but idk if I want to get that crazy. All I can say is this plant is amazing. It smells soo delicious. It may look lovely but the smell is the best part of the plant. Tropical heaven.
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Next we have the outside stuff:
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Lagkitan on the left photo. Pretty cool that the GPP is larger than the Lagkitan which is a landrace sativa! And DB#1 is again taller than GPP. Pretty snazzy. Good news about the Lagkitan too. I have several male specimens in there! Unfortunately though that does diminish my odds of finding the scorpion phenotype, and that makes me less hopeful for my desired plant in this bunch. That said, making seeds to make more chances at one is probably a better thing in the long run..
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Well-known member
Next we have the inside stuff:
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And lastly the clones:

So in veg right now I have: Double Jam, DrunkenBastard1, DrunkenBastard11, BerryFreak, MentholSkunk (1-11), SubterFreak (1&2), Invictus(1&2), Imperium X, and V9 Tiger

Clones are: DB11 (x2), Giant Pur Pur (the big one), Duckweb, Invictus3(male), Double Jam, and Lagkitan (1-18)

In flower (outside) I have all the Lagkitan as well as DB1 surrounded by a bunch of different mutants. I hoped there wouldn't be any cross pollination between my mutants and the landrace sativa but after the wind we're having today I can say that's not going to be the case. I'm highly tempted to process my DJ (she's still drying) and throw the mutants from outside into the flowering tent, but I REALLY don't want to bring aphids into the house and the outside plants have a fair decent amount on them. Fortunately outside natural predators like lacewings and ladybugs can be found everywhere if you just look close enough. Inside though, they don't have any protection except for d.earth and I don't want to use that on them while they're flowering so... kind of in a predicament. I'm very highly tempted to let everything happen outside, and run my official seed runs indoors. I have until the clones root to really think about it.


Thanks for sharing TANO. Those pictures you took are marvelous! I assume with a camera of some kind and not a phone? lol I'm glad you got 4 females but I do hope you have more seed to go through in case you find that you like them! This way you have 4 different females to try. Pretty cool. Keep up the good work! They look quite healthy and will start budding up nicely now.
the pictures I took with my mobile phone which is a samsung s9+ without any filter or makeup, like this one taken yesterday ...

thanks for the nice words, always very kind and helpful :huggg::tiphat:


Well-known member
@TANO - Looking AWESOME. I like the pictures you're able to get with your phone. Making me think about purchasing a digital camera because my phone definitely is too outdated for that!

Everyone I'm kind of getting burnt out maintaining all of this. It's a lot of work to care for so many plants, and then again to share everything with the world. I take copious documents for my specimens as a normal crazy person. I also try and give the internet and my everyone looking at this thread enough information so they can understand what's going on. Along with all the other aspects of life, I'm at a point where I feel I need to do less. Moving forward I'm going to be a bit more selective with my posts, only posting when major progress is made. That said, progress is coming.

Let's get into it!
This post is going to be probably 3 posts long because of the picture limit.
Starting off with the offsite location...
Invictus ladies day 56 (coming down day 63):
IMG_5569.JPG IMG_5568.JPG IMG_5567.JPG
Very loud, very sticky. Might be good :smoker:

Outdoors we have some mutants (3) along with a few modern hybrids. I let 2 males (Invictus) pollinate everything. They both grew to about 7 ft tall and it appears they did their job well! We have had terrible weather lately so they've been rearranged and moved for their protection. Either way pollination has been thorough which I'm stoked for! I have a lot of crosses which will be fun to go through, as well as having Invictus F2s! The females look so good, I'm hoping that the males pass along similar traits to all these beauties!
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DB specifically (she's 6ft+):
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BF (tried showing seed pods):
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Well-known member
Onsite now:
DB#1 pollinating his little section of girls. Pollination has been good on pretty much all those around him. GPP is the only one I'm unsure of because it's flowering so slowly.

Here we have a Supafreak on the left with one of my hybrids on the right (Imperium X + Mint Trip)

Lagkitan doing sativa things. I noticed something odd. Every male (only 3) has 1 branch which went female. I have removed 3 natural herms. I notice that most of the remaining females appear to be creating seeds, and none of them have herm'ed despite the near freezing temps we're getting during the night lately. Really impressed with these. It seems like they're just starting to flower. I really hope seeds will be done by the end of Oct. There's no way they're going to full term like they would in the Philippines. I can only hope they finish well enough with seed, and they reveal if I got the elusive scorpion pheno or not.

No flowering stuff atm (to save on elec bills from summer)
Veg tent up:
Most clones have rooted. Waiting for them to start taking off. Some of them I'm a little 'iffy' on.. really hoping all of them pull through given time. They're all vigorous so they should be fine if I don't mess it all up!

Next to those we have the V9T which I REALLY hope is female. If not... I'll have to sprout some more seeds to find it a mate. This plant is soo beautiful. Smells good, and has that 'ultra plant duty reinforced stems'. If anyone wants to see what I mean I'll take a picture specifically of that. Either way, really happy to care for this beauty.
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To the left of the tiger we have all the pinnate freaks! The white one is BerryFreak because she got attacked by both aphids and spidermites... so far no signs of bugs after the 2nd treatment. Plant seems to be doing well, so I'm hopeful the coast is clear. If not I'll eradicate when I see them. The normal looking healthy ones are Menthol Skunk pinnate specimen. I believe I have 3 males and 2 females. There's 2 with a large upright structure and 3 with a smaller structure. One of the small ones I swear has a male preflower on it. I can photo that too if requested. I kind of hope that one of the tall ones is female. The shorter ones almost mimic the structure of BerryFreak. If the taller structure is more ideal I want to test that, since I never got the opportunity with BerryFreak. Either way, I do plan on making BerryFreak F4 and Menthol Skunk F4 with one of those males.

Veg tent down:
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Down here we have Imperium X (F), Invictus 1 & 2 (F), Drunken Bastard#1 (M), Double Jam (F), and SubterFreak F3 1 & 2 (unknown). Additionally we have 6 little Mnogolistka/multileaf seedlings up and coming! I did not photo those since there's really nothing to see yet. Once they get first true leaves and start growing I'll show them off!

The plan moving forward is: find and maintain a keeper female for all mutant varieties. If the V9T turns out male it will set me back a little bit by having to sprout more seeds to find it a partner but if that's the way it is, then that's what I'll do! The plants in the bottom veg tent right now will get transplanted up, and sent off for flowering at the end of Oct. I will hopefully be able to select the Menthol Skunk and Multileaf keepers over winter, while making seeds of each variety.


Listen my username is from 07 lol
Half the plants you have I wouldn't even dare smoke they look so mutated lol, guess that's part of what draws you to them! I'm still not convinced a couple of them are even marijuana lmao


I'm kind of getting burnt out maintaining all of this. It's a lot of work to care for so many plants, and then again to share everything with the world.
Totally get it, when that moment hits where the grow log starts feeling like "work" it kinda looses that allure. Loving the updates and enjoying all those freaks you got going. Hope those outdoor Lagkitan make it. Are you planning to flower the clones indoors for flower or were they just kept as backups?


Well-known member
Half the plants you have I wouldn't even dare smoke they look so mutated lol, guess that's part of what draws you to them! I'm still not convinced a couple of them are even marijuana lmao
Ahh my friend if you seen them up close and got to smell them, rub the stems and leaves. You would know with 100% certainty they are indeed marijuana. Some of them smell REALLY good. I've also found the mutant flowers stand up toe to toe with any modern hybrid I've tried. They're really special.

Does this look like decent bud to you? If so it's mutant! Supafreak harvested Mar 9th. Still have probably 50g of it.

Totally get it, when that moment hits where the grow log starts feeling like "work" it kinda looses that allure. Loving the updates and enjoying all those freaks you got going. Hope those outdoor Lagkitan make it. Are you planning to flower the clones indoors for flower or were they just kept as backups?
That's exactly what I'm going through at the moment. It's starting to feel more like work because my chronic depression has reared it's ugly head again. When I'm in a good mental state I feel like I can take on everything. 2000 plants isn't too many. When I'm not well though the 30 or so I have tend to feel a lot like work. Especially when it comes to transplanting and trimming. Watering daily is pretty easy but when I'm down I can't even think about trimming or transplanting. Sometimes my plants do suffer a little but I feel like I'm doing the best I can provide for them. I'm sure others can do better but for me they're getting the best I have to give, and they know it! I sing to them and try to keep them healthy. I do wonder though if my negative energies rub off on them sometimes. Generally though they elevate my mood to their energy if that makes sense. Kinda hippy shit but idc haha.

I have such mixed feelings about the Lagkitan right now. I have clones doing their thing. I haven't decided if I want to do a proper run indoors with them. I think I'm waiting to see if the scorpion pheno is here, and see how many seeds I get from the outdoor plants. If seeds don't mature by the time the snow comes, I'm really likely to do a seed run indoors. If I find the scorpion phenotype though and the clone does well... I'm not sure honestly. I want to make as many Lagkitan seeds because that's a strain that really should get distributed into more experienced hands. That said, ultimately I'm only hunting the Lagkitan for the scorpion pheno. If I find it she may just become one of the staples in my garden and I call it good at that. I'm still on the fence about using L5 or L6 (later flowering males) to pollinate all my mutants. I feel like landrace+mutant has to be good. I think to be smart (since I paid so much for the strain to begin with) I should keep all specimens until I've sampled all of them. My DJ girl is special in terms of the flower she makes. If these Lagkitan are special too, it would be smart to keep some males. So I'm still a little undecided on what to do. I think I need to wait a bit more and see what the outdoor plants will provide/show me.
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Well-known member
Hey Crunky just wanna say great thread! Been lurking for awhile and always love seeing your progress as you update. Running all those plants and keeping cuttings/making selections is definitely taxing. That supafreak bud looks dank though! Have yet to harvest any mutants- but knowing you can pull some good bud out of them is very inspiring. Just pollinated my drunken bastards with some freakshow pollen a week ago (fingers crossed it was viable).

I also have a theory after seeing other people grow it that the Drunken Bastards grow much more laterally in pots. Mine started bushing out a huge amount when I put them outside in the ground- they now look pretty weedy but I also know theyre cannabis so im biased, I dont think most people would recognize them but theyre starting to look like a bush of straight buds!

Oh and those Invictus ladies look crazy in flower. Great job hope they turn out as good as they look come choptime.



Well-known member
@laszlokovacs - Thanks! ABC is one of the few mutant strains which I still don't think we understand. It seems like the more root growth they have, the more vigorous they seem. In my experience it's a pheno related thing. While most of my ABC specimens were short bushes, I did get 2 that don't fit the normal ABC growth pattern. Both of my tall specimens will get to 6ft and taller. The male and female both. They grow more like normal cannabis in that the growth can be seen daily. The bushes though you don't really see a difference on a daily basis, but you do on a weekly basis.

Invictus will be coming down in 2 days! I will be sure to post some photos. For now I wanted to introduce a new mutant to the mix! Mnogolistka/Multileaf! I sprouted 11 seeds (2 were mangled by the post office) but I tried them anyways. While I could have germinated 9 out of 9, I've noticed that mutants with seeds that aren't vigorous.. the plants take a long time to get going. I prefer to only use mutant seeds which germinate well. My hope is that over time, I will improve germination rates based on only keeping plants that came from 'easy to germinate' seeds. Time will tell if my efforts help the cultivar. Anyways! Here I want to show them off.
IMG_5632.jpeg IMG_5631.jpeg IMG_5634.jpeg IMG_5635.jpeg IMG_5636.jpeg

Can't wait to see what these babies grow into!

The update coming this weekend or possibly Monday should be a decent one.