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Well-known member
You're really maxing out the space. Chock-full of buds!

Best of luck on the Supafreak pheno hunt. 40 days though? Never seen anything that fast. Then again, just a couple of years ago I had never seen anything like the freaks at all.


Well-known member
You're really maxing out the space. Chock-full of buds!

Best of luck on the Supafreak pheno hunt. 40 days though? Never seen anything that fast. Then again, just a couple of years ago I had never seen anything like the freaks at all.

Thanks! That was the goal when I shoved 5 ladies in there well knowing the limit was 4 haha.

Actually I've decided sadly to cull the Supafreaks. The 'fast' pheno isn't worth the search in my opinion. I don't mind waiting longer for strains that yield well. Heck, at some point down the road I want to work with a strain like Dr Grinspoon which doesn't yield well at all, and takes forever to boot. It's these strains that are going to disappear from the world in a few decades I reckon. Commercial cannabis is all about fast flowering times with biggest yields. It's a numbers game, driven by corporate profits. Fortunately I do not think like a corporation and am instead fueled by the search for my 'perfect' plant.

Right now I'm just waiting for all my current flowering stuff to finish before I delve into the realm of breeding. Later this year (6 months from now) will be an exciting time for me with many decisions to make! Exciting stuff.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Nice canopy of buds, looks like a good harvest coming soon!
VG :tiphat:


Well-known member
Actually I've decided sadly to cull the Supafreaks. The 'fast' pheno isn't worth the search in my opinion. I don't mind waiting longer for strains that yield well. Heck, at some point down the road I want to work with a strain like Dr Grinspoon which doesn't yield well at all, and takes forever to boot.

Oh, that's a shame. But it's your garden so if you don't think it's worth the effort, then it's not.

Regarding Dr Grinspoon it might indeed take forever but that it doesn't yield at all isn't necessarily true. Just check out tobedetermined's 25 oz monster:


Well-known member
Oh, that's a shame. But it's your garden so if you don't think it's worth the effort, then it's not.

Regarding Dr Grinspoon it might indeed take forever but that it doesn't yield at all isn't necessarily true. Just check out tobedetermined's 25 oz monster:

Touche! That's quite the plant there. When I meant low-yielding I was referring specifically to the recessive vine-like pheno, not the other phenos. My bad!

As far as the Supafreaks go, I haven't had the heart to do them in yet. Been reading up on some cool stuff and it looks like bonsai might be an option for these little seedlings. Since I don't necessarily care about their well-being, this will be a trial run for me. I want to start some other landrace strains and do this to them as well but before this moment I hadn't thought about the repercussions if I hurt one of them. These little babies will be perfect test subjects for me to learn on.


Well-known member
As far as the Supafreaks go, I haven't had the heart to do them in yet. Been reading up on some cool stuff and it looks like bonsai might be an option for these little seedlings. Since I don't necessarily care about their well-being, this will be a trial run for me. I want to start some other landrace strains and do this to them as well but before this moment I hadn't thought about the repercussions if I hurt one of them. These little babies will be perfect test subjects for me to learn on.

Oh keep them around with the space/light you can give them for sure even if that's less than perfect. What have you got to lose if you were going to cull them anyway... Really interesting strain too with the funky leaves.


Curious Cannivore
Looking great man! Would love a few super closeups if you can on those Freaks.

My two Freakshows are cruising along too. I just up potted them to 2.5 gallons as they are still small and I want to encourage them to get a lot bigger. They still haven't sexed after a fairly long veg and are now two weeks in 11/13, so I'm not sure what I have yet. Would be nice to have one of each but I will take what I get. I have two whole packs of seeds still and I gave away half of this pack to a buddy for his outdoor season.


Curious Cannivore
Also, I sent Crunky a PM about the Double Jam. If you go to the Landrace subforum there is a thread on them and I posted my current plants on page 82.


Well-known member
TexasTea - Updates will be next time lights come on (about 11.5 hours now haha). What do you mean by super closeups? My crappy ass old iphone isn't quite up to snuff to be honest. I've considered purchasing a cheap digital camera for better pictures but haven't really committed to searching yet as my phone still has halfway decent quality. Do you want pictures of trichomes and stuff like that or closeups of a leaf? bud? seedlings?

I have 2 Supafreak and 1 Imperium X in flower that are set to come down in a few days. BerryFreak & GTR will go another 10 days past that I believe. I have 2 BerryFreak 'moms' in my veg tent right now. Then there's the 11 Supafreak seedlings. 2 of them will need to be culled I believe but the rest are doing fine. Also have 3 Quack Bastards which have started growing true leaves. Eager to see what they look like (hoping male/female/female). The 11 Drunken Bastards in veg are sooo slow. They don't want to do anything. I'm finding this undesirable. Hopefully this trait can be bred out with the other mutations. Duckweb and Berry/Supafreak don't seem to grow this damn slow. It's kind of annoying really. I feel like they're taking up space doing nothing but then I look at the pictures of the flowers and I'm like "yeahh... ok I can wait..."

Anyways, pictures later!


Curious Cannivore
Oh I was just curious to get a little more detail. No worries. :D

Hey, I think I spied a white hair this morning on one of my Freaks...


Well-known member
Well, some unfortunate news. A good portion of our main crop (8x4 setup offgrid) molded just prior to harvest. A good bit was salvageable fortunately. It looks like the canopy was too dense. Next time, we're downsizing (4x4) and upsizing the light intensity (1300w). We had a problem with the plants stretching too much, as well as some pretty intense fox-tailing. We're thinking the massive size of the canopy and density is really what made it difficult. Watering was difficult, pruning was difficult. Overall this run wasn't as smooth as previous runs, but it wasn't for nothing!
Here's a cardboard flat of buds needing to dry out more. Everything else was larfy and moldy which was easy to pitch. Gross.

Beginning of flower:

Chop day:

I'm hoping next run will be a lot more successful! Downsizing to a 4x4 and putting both of those lights together for a really intense 4x4 light. I will also be doing something in the way of watering automation. Might make the switch to hydro/NFT as a previous run I did like that went really well.

Onto my plants onsite!
First we have the Supafreak seedlings I couldn't bear to destroy and 3 Quack Bastard seedlings plugging along. I'm not sure what to do with these as I actually need to take some clones from the veg plants going. They're currently sitting on top of my cloner. Food for thought...

Here's the veg tent: (as you can see Drunken Bastards are taking their damn time, not much new growth in a week)

And onto my day 60 ladies! Really starting to look nice now :)

GTR showing very autumn colors (going to chop on day 70):

Next some random pics. Tried to get some different ones for you guys.




Knocking on wood that it's a nice sunny day on chop day. If so, I'll take the ones coming out first out in the sunlight so we can see them more properly. Sometimes my bright ass LED light is just too bright lol. Maybe I'll experiment with turning it down for photos.

Well, moving forward I won't be able to delve into my breeding projects just yet. I need to find a way so we can consistently harvest a bumper crop in the 4x4 (for daily smoke, edibles, etc), so I can focus my attention on breeding and finding the next keeper plants. I recently stumbled across the bonsai sultan method which I've ordered roughly 300 some odd pots for haha. Long story short, you can manipulate the plants with LST so much that you're literally controlling where they grow, which shoots will be allowed to grow, etc etc. Then, when you have very large amounts of plants you can take 1 select male (this is why it's called a sultan method) and breed to every female. Apparently it's a cost effective way to harvest thousands of seeds in a very small amount of space. I'm in! It's just going to take me some time to get some clones going and then I'm thinking the clones will become the bonsai mums/dads. The current mothers will then be flowered in the 4x4 offsite.

Anyways, next batch of photos will be chop day! Exciting!


Well-known member
Well sorry guys, I goofed up...like I said I would try taking some pics with the light turned down.... well they're soo much better than with it turned up. Kind of ashamed I didn't try this earlier... ah well. Live and learn. Photos are going to be much better moving forward.


Curious Cannivore
Excellent! Thanks for posting these. :)

So how much time do you think is left on the Freakshows? They look like they're close. How are the aromas now? Are they sticky? Also, are you finding much variation between individuals or are they more consistent?


Well-known member
I'm giving them another 3-4 days and giving them the chop, all of them. I'm liking what I'm seeing under the loupe.

The Supafreaks both smell insanely fruity, not much in variation there. It's hard to tell the two apart, except one seemed to stretch a bit more with smaller buds. It also seems like it may have finished the fastest. BerryFreak on the other hand smells like berries, and it's loud. Much louder than Supafreak. It also seems to yield about 1.5x more than the Supafreaks, but we'll see what the numbers say once everything is dry and weighed. BerryFreak is going to need support late in flowering due to the weight she puts on. Some of the colas I've tried to lay on top of other buds because they've fallen over. They feel like they're going to be maybe 6-8g dry from just the top nug, when you get down to the next flower bract from the top, those look like probably 2-3g nugs. I only squeezed one bud to test how dense it was and let me tell you... they're hard. This was... maybe day 30 in flower? The resin is greasy. You touch a leaf and you become like spiderman, able to grip the walls and climb with ease. It's pretty darn sticky. The stickiest strain I've ever grown for sure. Words can't contain my excitement, especially because the two moms in veg are doing great.

Once I bring down the flowering girls, the flower tent is going into veg mode for a bit. I'll be putting in the 4x Duckwebs, 1x Blueberry Muffin, 1x Imperium X, and 2x BerryFreak in there to prepare for flowering. With my veg tent freed up, I can move the 11x Supafreak seedlings into proper pots, and put them in with the Drunken Bastard seedlings, which are finally starting to take off. Seeing new growth daily when I get home from work. I have a good variety to go through so I'm pretty excited here. One of them topped itself when it was really small, and it seems to grow a little more 'wispy' than the others. Curious to see what it does. I also have one that I suspect is male because it's just reaching for the stars. Some of them are kind of squat and cute. The structure is very different from any cannabis I've grown so far, Freaks included. I'm considering topping them even though every single ABC plant I've seen there's no reason to. They're general shrubs from what I've seen.

On another note, one of the Quack Bastard seedlings is showing the webbed ABC leaves, and it's pretty neat too.

Sprouted one Double Jam F4 and it's shed the shell and opened the cotyledons.

I'm going to be using the bonsai sultan method moving forward, so changes are going to be happening to facilitate that. I'll take pictures of all of this when the ladies come down!


Well-known member
Here's the seedlings. Plants are coming down later today.

Drunken Bastards:
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As you can see, one of them is really tall. I suspect this may be a male. Some of the smaller ones I suspect are females. The internode stacking is absolutely insane on these smaller ones. Pretty cool to see the difference between these as they grow bigger. Other than the tall one and the one on the top left, they seem fairly uniform. The one in the upper left corner looks a little different than the others. For one, she split herself into 3 tops naturally. The thing is though, the structure appears more 'wispy' than the others. It has slightly thinner stems and the leaves are generally smaller than the others. I've also begun giving them full strength nutes, as a few of them are yellowing pretty good.

Quack Bastdard seedlings:
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10x Supafreak
3x Quack Bastard
1x Double Jam
1x Mint trip x Imperium X F1 (my first cross)
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Curious Cannivore
I just got some ABC seeds too, so am looking forward to giving them a go. Probably in the fall though.


Well-known member
I just got some ABC seeds too, so am looking forward to giving them a go. Probably in the fall though.

Hopefully your seeds germinate easily. The remaining 9 Quack Bastard seeds I have just refuse to germinate. I’ve tried h2o2, scuffing, and pretty much everything I can think of other than cracking the shells. I’ll give them a couple days and see if they do anything but I’m about ready to start crackin em!

It seems to be that regular ABC behaves almost like an auto when it comes to germination. I feel like there’s a very specific way ABC/BerryFreak seeds must be germinated to get 90+ germ rates.