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Alrighty folks! Update time. Week 14 brings good things!

My harvest still continues to dry. I have had it in a cold dry environment with fans on (~40F/35%RH). Buds are almost dry but they're at the point now where I need to put in the 10-12 hours worth of work. It's difficult around my full time job and the current babies! I will manage though.

None flowering now so I will go over the plants in veg, starting with the youngest.

First off, 12 more Quack Bastards seeds soaking right now waiting to sprout! Need to find some males and females to choose from! Kind of difficult with only 3 to choose from. I'm hoping for some really vigorous growing samples. I'm not super fond of how slow the ABC plants grow. Duckweb seems to grow at a normal speed from what I can see. Hopefully the vigor from that side took over.

Next we have the Lagkitan landrace/heirloom seedlings. Unfortunately the dome kept the humidity a bit too high and droplets formed on some of the seedlings' leaves. Most of them have some damage from light burn where there was water on them. I believe all but 2 got lucky and will continue growing without any issues now that I removed the dome. As for the 2... one of them I'm hopeful for and the other I have doubts about. It burned the two first leaves after the cotyledons so there's no place for new growth to emerge. I have faith though since the cotyledons are still green. It may start new growth there in the next couple of days if I don't mess things up too much. Anyways I found out that the odds of finding the pheno I'm looking for are basically 1 in 20 so time will tell if I get fortunate enough to find one! At this point I wouldn't mind if it's a male or female. Definitely want both but I would prefer the female to the male. At least the female I will enjoy smoking.
Anyways here they are:
IMG_3841 (1).jpeg

Next we have the 10x Supafreak, 3x Quack Bastard, 1x Double Jam, 1x Mint X. They just got transplanted into new deeper containers where the roots can get oxygen unlike the solo cups. I believe this is why they were stunted. It's hard to say though. They aren't very green to my eyes. There's one Quack Bastard that I'm not sure what happened but I think got nutrient lockout somehow. There is some new growth that's green so I'm positive it will pull through, given time. I'm only searching for the '45 day' pheno in these Supafreaks, all males will be culled and anything that doesn't flower quickly will be discarded, unless it can knock the BerryFreak off her pedestal. Mint X will eventually be moved outside if it's female. Double Jam will be culled if it's male.

Then the Drunken Bastards. Whoever said ABC doesn't smell certainly hasn't been around these little beauties! They do have an aroma to them even without touching them. What you smell is the predominant 'weed' smell. A stem rub from most specimens reveals blueberries, very strong smell of blueberries. I don't know whether to count myself fortunate here... they began revealing sex due to their ages. Of course all of the short squat ones are female. I have 2 males. One, has been the tallest from the beginning. I named him Rocky because of his vigor. I accidently chopped off one of the cotyledons before the plant was even out of the seed, but it continued to grow into this beautiful stud of a plant. He smells like blueberries and I'm positively thrilled to think of the progeny he will make! As for the other male... it grows like traditional ABC but the leaves due seem bigger. It doesn't smell quite like blueberries so I'm not sure if it will be used for breeding or not. Once they're cloned and flowering I will be able to decide between the two. That leaves 9 females to sort through! They all seem a tad different from each other too. Maybe one will reveal itself to be male but I've seen pistils on several of them already. Fortunately, the plant with the most unique growth structure (topped itself into 3 on it's own) is female!
The special female is bottom middle. The surprising female is the one on the top right.
The 2 males are middle top and top right.

Oh! I should also mention that all of these Bastards were just topped! They have been allowed to grow naturally up until this point.

Lastly, we have the oldest and biggest plants. I thought they were nitrogen deprived but they're actually asking for bloom nutes. I will clone these and flower them once the clones are rooted and growing. Easily 3 weeks out before that happens.

It's hard to tell from the picture but the Blueberry Muffin (lower right) is so short compared to the other plants. It's also stacking really hard. The clones will be good from it I'm sure. Like the ABC it just doesn't want to seem to stretch out. From what I've seen of previous grows, it doesn't flower long enough to really stretch hard. Still a lovely plant though! Hoping it's good smoke because I will be using her as a mom to receive pollen down the road. I would like to use the fast flowering aspect as well as the terpene profile. It's also the only thing with indica really that's in my lineup.

In the coming week I will be cutting/trimming/weighing my harvest. I will try to take pictures if I remember. I will also give smoke reports out then, even though I have sampled all of the plants I grew. I will also be upgrading my 4x2 tent to be vertical, with 2 layers of plants. I'm hoping to maximize my space for large amount of plant numbers for the bonzai sultan method. The Drunken Bastard "Rocky" will likely be the first sultan. The females will include: Imperium X, Blueberry Muffin, Duckweb, and BerryFreak. I may also throw one Drunken Bastard female in there to make F4 seeds but I'm undecided on that yet.

As the seedlings get big enough to give clones I will be able to throw them in the mix too!

That's all for now!


Well-known member
Alright! About halfway complete with my current duties. I'm finally going to complete my harvest report in several hours. I have 85% of it done right now.

As for this update... an exciting one...
4' x 2' tent gone vertical!!





Now for an update!

Lagkitan seedlings! I've been in contact with TLT regarding these and they're telling me the purple wheat pheno I'm looking for... they call it Fenotrigo. They plan to release the special offering in 2023 along with regular Lagkitan. Out of 60 seeds they only found 3 plants like that. I'm hoping one of these 18 pull through... why 18?

This little one was one that got damaged from water condensation light burns... but if you look carefully there is new green growth in the middle! I don't have any hopes for #19 but this one here will hopefully come back. Even if it takes an extra few weeks I don't mind if it means one more chance for Fenotrigo. Wouldn't that be something if this one that survives is the one that turns out being what I want... would be cool!

Next we have the Supafreak seedlings... looks like all 12 going to pull through... 2 obviously a ways behind. Also pictured are 5x Quack Bastard. I may have a 6th but at this point I'm just happy to have 5 tbh. It's taken 24 seeds to get them. It's a difficult one to germinate!


Here are the Drunken Bastards with much better light source imo, where they all have room to spread out a bit. They're going to be cloned and shaped now with bonsai in the coming week. Need a bit of a break though from building this damn thing and trimming. Speaking of... my next post (hopefully in the next several hours) will be of all my weights/harvest reports/smoke reports.


Well-known member

I may upload a few more pictures of particular buds as I smoke them... but for now... this is pretty much all I'm willing to put up on the interwebs.

So the plants have been let's say... "processing" for the last like 3 weeks because I've been too busy with work. They're really dry. Weights are dry dry. Not like trying to fudge my numbers because it's still wet... no all of this herb will be 100% fine if I don't open the jars for the next year.

GTR - 264g - not surprising since this plant was easily the largest
Imperium X - 215g - this plant smells divine as well as being dark dark purple
BerryFreak - 134g - nothing but smiles about this one
Supafreak - 74g + 78g (152g) - both plants ended up just a bit more than BerryFreak
I also smoked easily about 20g between all the strains since they got chopped. I won't count that, or the 228g shake/trim bag that will be going into edibles.
Grand Total = 765g

My LED wattage was 740. 1g/w achieved!!!!

Some notes about weights.. there was a ton of larf and BS which was below the screen. I should have done some routine cleanup. Yields would have been better on the actual bud I feel like. Additionally, I found that several limbs had snapped of their own accord somehow. I'm not sure if that contributed to the GTR throwing a bunch of nanners. On that front I think I collected around 100 seeds, which is really nothing.

Overall I'm super pleased with the results, and I'm super happy to enjoy them! Which brings me onto the smoke reports.

First off, GTR. I understand why this plant soured relationships and is coveted. I'm not sure if I got a real sour diesel in this plant, but it's definitely funky. AFC's description is 99% accurate. It smells like hydrocarbon, gas, acid, chemical... it's got a real funk to it. It almost smells nasty. Now, when you grind it up it's sooo sticky! Normally I grind it down to a powder and then pour the powder into my bowl but this stuff... there's no pouring it. It doesn't move it's so sticky! It must be finger loaded, no matter how dry it is. Smoking GTR is a true delight. It's a very light smoke, but very powerful. It has a very good blend for indica/sativa buzz. Very potent. The first couple of hints you really get that funky sour taste, especially on the exhale. Every other hit seems like regular smoke.. just good smoke. The high lasts for about 2 hours for me. It is uplifting as well as quite sedative. It's a really good balance, and a very enjoyable smoke.

Next we'll go over Imperium X... it's purple and pretty. The smell my close circle is debated on. I think it smells like fresh mountain air, like next to a stream. Others think it smells exactly like Christmas. Either way.. it's a unique smell which is absolutely addictive. This girl will remain in my garden until she can provide me with a better progeny. Anesia seeds claims Imperium X has elevated levels of THC-P and I'm fairly inclined to agree. This strain has some quality in the smoke which just sends you to the clouds. It's a bit more dense, but super potent too. The thing with this strain which I don't desire is how hard this plant stacks. If I didn't cut the limbs apart 100% this plant would have molded in drying process. It's so dense, but the flowers are pretty small actually. Ideally I will try to breed larger flowers and a better structure into this, while maintaining the unique terp profile of Imperium X.

Best for last! The mutants!

BerryFreak - Smells exactly like berries, almost fruitlike, but more subtle. This strain grinds my favorite of them all. Between the pinnate leaves and the buds, it grinds perfectly into a fine powder. That makes smoking it an absolute joy. At first I thought the strain wasn't potent as far as THC goes, because I'm a heavy smoker. After being able to sample BerryFreak in several different methods (joint, bubbler, bong, steamroller) I can say it's definitely not weak. The high is just different from every other modern hybrid I've tried. It's really different but I can't explain it. I do believe there's a decent presence of CBD, because it is extremely calming. Perfect mixture between dense and light smoke. It burns well, and stays lit after the first light. You can smoke a whole bowl lighting the lighter only once. It sets in right away, and leads to a really calm mental state for the next couple hours. I'm super happy to have this in my medicine cabinet!

Supafreak - Humboldt Seed Company nailed the description on this one perfectly as well. Fruit/chem/spice. It's definitely different from BerryFreak in terms of flavor. As far as I can tell though, everything else is about the same. They're about the same potency, same high, same smoke. It's pretty much the same plant, except for the terp profile is different.

Now it will be interesting to see what I can find in the bonsai sultan method!


Well-known member
Update time:
First off, I took clones! 2 of each Drunken Bastard (22), 2 of each Duckweb (8), Berry Freak (2), and one each of Blueberry Muffin and Imperium X. I suspect in another week most will have roots. Here they are:

Next we have the Lagkitan seedlings. I'm super happy to report that #19 has decided to join the party. 19 solid shots at the purple wheat phenotype!

Next we have 13 Invictus from AFC seeds. Hoping to find a super resinous specimen to work with. Do not care if it's male or female. There's also some F1 seeds I had from the GTR throwing nanners. I mostly wanted to start them to prove to myself that I can grow seeds that germ well. Not sure if I'll keep them but who knows.

Next we have the Supafreak seedlings starting to turn into little plants.

The Quack Bastards are very exciting to watch develop as well! They seem different to me than my Drunken Bastards but I can't exactly say how. Either way, I'm super happy to have the 5 that I have because the seeds were quite difficult to germ. I tried all my tricks and I could only get 5 of 24 seeds to go. 3 additional seeds formed tap roots but lacked the vigor to continue growing. It seems like the seeds from ABC doesn't store much energy for the new seedlings; unlike my BerryFreak which produces huge thick seeds. There's also 2 Supafreak stragglers trying to catch up on the right.

Last for the top row of my veg tent are the 1 Mint X (Mint Trip x Imperium X - F1) and RSC's Double Jam. I topped both last night so hopefully the next update they'll be quite a bit bushier.

Now for the Drunken Bastards on the bottom half. I believe I have 2 different looking males, and 9 females. I will take individual pictures of each plant if requested, otherwise I'll just do a writeup on them.
Male 1 - Strongly resembles regular canna, other than ABC leaf structure. A stem rub makes me quite delighted! He smells like blueberries through and through. I'm leaning towards this guy being my breeder.
Male 2 - This guy resembles the typical ABC structure. However, his leaves are larger than his female counterparts. He seems to be the male version of the 'small bush' pheno. Honestly thinking about keeping this guy around to tame some of the tropical landrace sativas I plan on working with in the future. I can't decide between Male 2 x Female Sativa or Male Sativa x Female 8 (she's my shortest pheno)

There are a couple of females which stand out to me, out of the bunch. First off, we have DB5. She topped herself into 3 main stems without any effort on my part. Her smell is 100% blueberry. I'm excited to see how she turns out. Next we have DB8. She is the shortest of the bunch coming in at like 6-8" max. She was the most difficult to clone because her internode spacing is so small, on top of being a bush. Lastly, we have 1 female (DB11) which shows the growth pattern of Male1 (also DB1). She actually seems like she may have some auto genetics in her as she has a couple of fully formed calyxes with trichomes and everything. She's just waiting to flower. I'm hoping that her wider internode spacing is a precursor to larger bud bracts/flowers, leaning more towards Sangria in their structure. A couple of the females held onto some of the piney/limey terps just a little bit but for the most part all of them smell like blueberries.

I will say, at first I didn't care much for the ABC type since it took forever for them to get going, but now that they're going good.... I absolutely enjoy them. Really eager to flower these once the clones root. But alas the proof: (side note: DB1 is the male in the back on the left in the first photo, DB2 is the male on the right. DB8 is sitting in front of DB1 and you can really see the phenotypic variation at play there. Same plant ones a boy and one's a girl... totally different structure though)...

Last but certainly not least we have the big tent girls BerryFreak x 2 on the left, Duckweb x 4 in the middle, Imperium X in the back on the right, and front right is Blueberry Muffin. These will go to the offgrid 4x4 once all my clones have rooted.

Once the clones root things will change a bit. I'm debating on culling the Supafreaks again and replacing them with several different fem strains I have. The Bonsai Sultan method aims to have a good amount of females to work with, and one general male to pollinate them all. The first Sultan is going to be DB1. The females in my first cross will be Duckweb, BerryFreak, Imperium X, and Blueberry Muffin. Once those F1 seeds are harvested I will have Lagkitan clones ready for flowering. I don't know, it's still many months out but I'll figure it out along the way!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Looking great crunky! growing out 3 drunken bastards right now, 2 of them definitely have that berry/blueberry smell on the stem rub, smallest one smells a lil piney/weak but might develop more smell when it catches up. Just took a couple cuttings from each tonight, how did you do w your cuts, how long to root/how easily do they root? Thanks for sharing pics!


Well-known member
Looking great crunky! growing out 3 drunken bastards right now, 2 of them definitely have that berry/blueberry smell on the stem rub, smallest one smells a lil piney/weak but might develop more smell when it catches up. Just took a couple cuttings from each tonight, how did you do w your cuts, how long to root/how easily do they root? Thanks for sharing pics!
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to upload posts to this thread of your little bastards if you want to! I would like to see them and I'm sure many others who view this thread would as well.

I took cuttings on like 4/10 or something like that.. at this point I'm at 90% roots started on the 34 clones I took. It's been about two weeks now. I have never been able to root clones quickly, so I can't speak to that much. I can say they seem completely like every other cannabis plant I've cloned, they seem easy to me. The only thing that makes the bastards difficult to clone is that they stay so short, with very close internode stacking. Sometimes the branches aren't quite long enough to even clone. That's the only issue I had with them. I just took a couple of the entire lower limbs and turned the whole limb into 1 clone.

After watering/transplanting/taming my babies I'll update this thread later. I'll post pictures of the roots if I can manage that with just my two hands.


Well-known member
Sure crunky, I just posted this same pic on another thread a few days ago, definitely not as nice looking as yours and a lil crowded by pepper plants. These are going outdoors for sure just hoping to figure out sex before putting them out. Hopefully they work out well ill be sure to post pics outside when they're bigger.

Thanks for the info on cloning, yeah I kind of suck at cloning myself was just hoping they aren't any harder to root than normal so good news. I hear you on the small cuttings and short internodes though, my cuttings were def on the tiny side but hoping at least one of each roots.


Well-known member
Hey I think you mentioned some of yours you already determined the sex, these pictures are both from the same plant- the biggest one, I think its female would you agree? Apologize for the resolution I couldnt take pictures through the loupe


Well-known member
@laszlokovacs - Nice looking plants you have there, peppers included! Looks like you're prepping for a good run this year. Do I detect 2x Freakshow and 3x Drunken Bastard?

The biggest Bastard does seem to be a female if both those photos are from her. Congrats! I'll be eager to see her flower structure whenever that comes.

In my specimens I suspect the short bushes will be lower yielding than the plants with wider internodal spacing. If this is indeed the case with this strain then you may have a higher yielding Drunken Bastard there! Out of the 9 females I have, I only have 1 with the larger structure. I really hope she turns out dark purple, as she already has the blueberry terpene profile I'm fond of from this line. Very well may be my keeper female of the bunch but time will tell!


Well-known member
Dope thanks for the second opinion, Im pretty happy with this female so far definitely the best of the bunch. I popped 4 but one only ever grew 2 true leaves n died. Also got the freakshows from him as well the bigger one is a comfirmed female and the one in bad shape i just rooted a 3 inch clones from haha. Hopefully its a good season, this is my first time doing outdoor of any kind so im expecting a lot of loss. Might have gone overboard though because I just popped 10 more reg beans of 7east strains + some feminized cheap mid seeds from barneys/sweet seeds and have like 60 more vegetable seedlings not pictured.

I messaged with 7east and he said these tend to max out about 3 feet outdoors, although I didn't know about the diff phenos you mentioned but I think you are probably right about the yield/larger structure or at least i hope!

If this female is a good yield-er and has good flower what should i do for preservation? Sorry im very much a beginner grower and dont quite understand how comparable clones are to mothers in terms of vigor. Should I put a clone of the female in the ground instead or will this hurt yield vs putting in the mother grown from seed or will it not matter?


Well-known member
If this female is a good yield-er and has good flower what should i do for preservation? Sorry im very much a beginner grower and dont quite understand how comparable clones are to mothers in terms of vigor. Should I put a clone of the female in the ground instead or will this hurt yield vs putting in the mother grown from seed or will it not matter?

I'm not the authority on outdoors at all as I've never had the chance myself. I have read though that plants with a tap root (from seed) do better than clones outdoors. The tap root is the thickest root which is typically the same root that each seed begins life with. From what I've read, clones will not yield as much (as plants grown from seed) outdoors since the tap root is typically what bores into deeper ground. Clones supposedly stay shallow and don't build as strong of root structures.

I can say I have worked with clones and mother plants decently by now. A clone is a mirror copy of it's parent plant. Vigor will be exactly the same as the original plant as it's exactly the same plant, genetically speaking.

In your specific case, I would plan to put the mother plants outdoors (since they were started from seed). Whenever they start showing signs of flowering, I would take a couple of clones for keeping indoors. Once rooted, you could keep these for mother plants.

It looks like you're off to a really great start. If you have any additional questions I'd be happy to help when I can!


Well-known member
Update time! Well..... where to begin. My brain has been on overload deciding what to run and when. On one hand I have a very strong desire to breed out the mutant strains into something I can call my own. On the other I have a very strong desire to try an equatorial sativa cross. On top of all that, my researching and desire for credible information continues to grow. Apparently I did not get the memo that in the mmj breeding world, the female always comes first in the cross. I had no idea this was the case and I was always wondering how you knew which parent was male and which was female. After reading, now I know it's commonplace to always list the female first. So moving forward I'll be joining the rest of the world in my nomenclature.

Anyways, I've decided on a [tentative] schedule for the remainder of the year. May - Aug: seed run in both tents. Since the tents are in different locations I will be able to produce F1s for the following crosses:
Drunken Bastard x Duckweb
BerryFreak x Duckweb
Imperium X x Duckweb
Blueberry Muffin x Duckweb
BerryFreak x Drunken Bastard
Duckweb x Drunken Bastard

During this time I will be able to select my mother plant from the Duckweb & Drunken Bastards.

Aug - Oct: Flower Invictus, Lagkitan, Double Jam, and Quack Bastards.

By this point I should have selected mother plants of BerryFreak, Duckweb, Drunken Bastard, Imperium X, & Blueberry Muffin. With the Lagkitan/Invictus/QB/DJ parent plants being chosen before the end of October.

Here's where my plan splits into 2 and I must decide on a course. I would LOVE to germinate 5 separate varieties (4 seeds each) of Jamaican Lambsbread. I would also love to sprout the F1s that I'll be making soon. My big decision here is whether I want to continue down the mutant path (with excellent genetic material) or I can hunt the Lambsbread (which may easily take 2-3 years). This assumes I don't find a knockout specimen in my plants I'm working with right now. For example if my Drunken Bastard male turns dark purple before he pollinates it may be likely that I hunt the F1s to make purple Drunken BerryFreak Bastards lol.

Either way, whichever rabbit hole I decide to go down, I do know that what I have going right now I need to work through these plants and find the best specimens. I need to go from 67 genetically unique individuals down to about 12. Before I sprout any more beans (sad face) I must go through what I have.

Anyways onto photos!
Going in reverse today:


The ladies/gent (hopefully) in the big tent. Would be super ironic if the Duckweb I think is male turns out female. I would need to sprout more Duckweb to find a male to cross to BerryFreak. Will figure that out maybe possibly if I must.... hahaha....

Bottom of the small tent:

Rocky waving high in the back on the left. He's the stud I'm planning on using. One normie plant in there... likely to find a home with a friend.

Closeup on the Quack Bastards. As a note, these are only a month younger than the Drunken Bastards they're next to. I believe Quack Bastard may have some OG ABC genetics in there for them to be growing so slowly. Maybe I'm why they're growing so slow but idk... they seem happy. Other than those pesky little bugs on them all the time.... still can't get rid of the damn things otherwise my babies would look perfect!

Top shelf:

Couple Supafreak runts, 2 Quack Bastard (real young), 13 Invictus, and a few of my own F1 fems. Most of them will find their way to new homes.... maybe in the dumpster maybe somewhere nice... lol. The QB and Invictus I will keep but everything else meh.

Supafreaks getting big now! Time to top soon. They will find new homes... but definitely not the dumpster.

Ahh... my Lagkitan babies! Lookin so fresh after transplant. Double Jam standing tall in the back (1 month older). These are quickly becoming my favorites and I don't know why. They're very vigorous which I love. Starting to smell nice too.

Last but not least we have the clones, all but 2 have roots formed.

Next update should bring quite a bit of change to my garden as I transition into becoming a guppy breeder!


Well-known member
Good Job so far, crunky! This is so fun to follow! Whichever route you eventually take, it will be entertaining and informational. I hope you further the mutants before doing selections on the sativas.
So nice to see the abc hybrids, and I am happy to see you managed to clone them. I never succeded in cloning my ABCs.
I have ordered my own quack bastards, I am really looking forward to playing with those, as they seem by far the most stealthy as far as leaves go. If you manage to introgress the purple scorpion traits from the lagkitan and keep the round leaves from the QB, then you have a winner! Rooting for this!


Well-known member
@teide - It's a tough decision for me but I think I have to go with the landrace sativas first. There's just something special about these Lagkitan plants I've got going. The biggest contributing factor here is the quality of the high. These landraces sativas are known for having completely different effects from these modern hybrids. My Berryfreak girl will easily go to 80 days before ripening. I figure if I'm going to wait that long for a hybrid I can try a sativa too. Of course I will maintain some mutant mothers/fathers and in about 2 weeks I will initiate my seed run of BerryFreak x Drunken Bastard and Duckweb x Drunken Bastard. This is going to be my first cross! As exciting as they are for me, I'm actually more excited for the Lagkitan x mutant crosses. First things first; I need to find the purple scorpion pheno. I have a beautiful confirmed Drunken Bastard male who would actually be the ideal partner for the scorpion pheno. I will continue to monitor my Quack Bastards as they grow but to be honest with you I think they're 100% female. Besides, I can't be certain but my Quack Bastards don't actually look like webbed ABCs to me. I'll let you be the judge with my update photos.

Update time. This is only a partial update as I ran into a snag. I ran out of my dirt mix. In case anyone is wondering I use Promix #4 mixed 50/50 with Very coarse grade Vermiculite. I still have about 1 cu ft of vermiculite but I need some more promix. I'll go before work tomorrow.

First off, I'm crazy. When I saw that the Mars hydro FCE-4800 was completely adjustable and not bottlenecked I knew I had to double them up... There's twice as many LEDs in the 4x4 now. When both lights are on 100% output it's brighter than a summer day where we average 50 DLI during the summer months.
IMG_4130.jpeg IMG_4131.jpeg IMG_4133.jpeg
In this tent we have Imperium X, Blueberry Muffin, 4x Duckweb, 2x BerryFreak and Drunken Bastard #11 (hoping one of the Duckweb is male but I don't think they are). I would be pleasantly surprised if I could get Duckweb male crosses on the mutants. Plus I actually want to do an Imperium X and Duckweb cross. Hoping to breed towards Imperium X smells and colors, with Duckweb leaves. Similar to how 7East worked on the Drunken Bastard line. These plants are going to get a week to get used to the new 3 gallon air pots (they were in 1 gal pots), then I'm going to cut the top 8" off and initiate flowering. I'll likely also install a double layer screen system so they have support throughout flowering. The BerryFreak girls are going to need it. Their roots were absolutely insane. I have a feeling that my particular cut of BerryFreak would go to 7-9 ft outdoors. It just seems "bigger" than any other plant I've grown.

Next I'm going to go over the Lagkitan and give a few notes about them. Pics first! (2 BerryFreak clones pictured in .3 gal air pots)

These are absolutely hands down my favorite cannabis strain. The explosive growth, the smells, the vibrant green colors, the difference in phenotypes... I can't get enough of these plants. I'm excited everytime I open my tent to look at them! Smells are spot on with TLT's strain description so far. I have noticed 2 outliers. First off, is L8. I'm 90% certain it's a male. In about half the age of the Double Jam it's nearly as tall, and growing monumentally faster. I topped him hoping that he branches out a bit. Either way, I'm happy because it looks like a natural male compared to the others. The second outlier is L3 (which I have to note 3 is my lucky number and coincidentally I did not try to put this plant into L3 spot.. it just happened that way.....). This lady will not stand up straight. I've bent the main stem upright dozens of times but it still flops over and seems to want to grow horizontally. It's also done this from the beginning of life so the lateral branching is really good. The leaves, internode distances, smells... basically everything else is similar to it's siblings but she just wants to flop over. I've read that floppy stems can be a precursor to super resinous flowers so I'm excited. If this one turns out to be the purple scorpion pheno then I would be absolutely thrilled. Fingers crossed! Pics now:

IMG_4153.jpeg IMG_4152.jpeg

Next we have the Drunken Bastards. With #11 out, I have 2 males and 8 females. I know that #1 and #2 are confirmed males. The clones of them (now rooted) have grown quite a bit of balls. I hope they go back into veg mode when I dirt them. I've never had a strain try to flower from taking a clone before so that's kind of new and different. All of the female clones seem fine.
IMG_4143.jpeg IMG_4144.jpeg IMG_4145.jpeg

Since I'm limited by 10 photos per post, I will reserve the Quack Bastard/Invictus photos for tomorrow. I'm also going to move 9 Drunken Bastards up into 2 gal air pots and move them into the big tent for flowering. The new clones I would like to take root real well before I transfer them into the flower tent. I'm hoping to time it so that BerryFreak & Duckweb girls are throwing mad pistils while the Drunken Bastard male dumps his pollen on them. Since I'm not really going for bud the BerryFreak and Duckweb clones are probably going to stay in the .3 gal until the seeds are mature. Idk I'll have to think about it a little more over the next week or so. I'm also highly tempted to just run the Lagkitan in there but I have to get rooted clones first so that's a while out yet..

More to come tomorrow....


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Well it’s update time…

As for the updates that didn’t come last time… let’s just say I’ve been dealing with some mental health issues and I needed to get some help. I was in the ER for about 2 days. My plants suffered a bit but now (a day later) they’re mostly recovered.

First off, the incredibly fast growing Lagkitan landrace. These are quickly becoming my favorite. Stem rubs on most of them smell like peaches. They’re slightly skunky and when I water them give off a wonderful floral vibe.
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Next we have some clones. The normal canna plant is Blueberry Muffin, then there’s 2 BerryFreak, and then 2 of each Duckweb specimen. #3 appears to be male (not seeing any calyxes either)! Which means I will be able to do my seed runs exactly like I want. Pretty cool.


Here we have 13x Invictus from AFC seeds. I should transplant these but honestly I regret popping them. I should have sprouted a Jamaican strain but oh well… it’s not a bad thing because in the strain description they bred this strain to have high cannabinoids. I would love to find a really potent male in these, as well as a really minty female. Just above the Invictus are my 5 Quack Bastards. I believe this cultivar would be best outdoors. These things literally growing slower than any other plant I’ve grown. I feel like it’s a 6 month veg strain. Maybe I’m just not giving the right environment but idk… everything else is growing quickly…

Next we have my flowering tent. These plants suffered a lot while I was in the ER. They’re starting to come back.

Last but not least we have 2 each of the 11 Drunken Bastard clones, as well as the straggler Imperium X. I think the all the clones tried flowering, so they’re all a little messed up at the moment. I want to plant 12 of the clones in dirt and the other 11 I’m not sure what to do with.
I really only need 1 ‘parent’ plant.

I’m completely lost right now for what to do, in which order to get these plants going. I have hit the point where I started too many plants and now I have to figure this out. I should have like 200 sq ft for these plants but I only have like 30 lol. The Lagkitan are growing very aggressively. I will have to begin chopping on them and taking clones. The tough part is, I’m going to have to toss several batches of clones before I can take some for rooting. I may say fuck it for the mutant crosses and just run Lagkitan clones which can make seed with the mutants. Idk… I can’t decide what to do. I’m going to think on it for a couple of days. Another thing I need to consider is that all of the mutant clones will be perfectly growing together where these new Lagkitan clones are going to be much smaller. Maybe that will be a good thing though since they take so long to flower? I’m not sure.

I need to plant a bunch of the clones, and transplant the parent Drunken Bastards into bigger pots. The tough part is, with a transplant they’re definitely not going to fit back into the 4x2 without hacking on them quite a bit. So I almost need to transplant them and engage flowering so the clones are the right size once they are done. This could be beneficial because I won’t have to run all the DB females on the clone run… I could just run like 1 or 2 instead of 9. This will give me room for the Lagkitan clones too…

Ahh, decisions decisions…
What do you guys think?


Well-known member
Transplanting and planting are both complete.
Big tent:

I kept the two males in the small pot since roots aren't super crazy. DJ got a bigger pot which is around 1 gal I believe. I may transplant it again once I see pistils but if it does turn out male I will cull it.

Random transplanting picture: (all of them were like this)

Looks to me like it's a plant that wants to dig deep instead of staying on the surface? Not sure. Maybe the air pots will show more.

DJ all by itself:


The stems are fairly red. I'm interested to see what happens when it begins flowering. Smells like paradise. When I rub the stem and smell it, it reminds me of being on a beach, with seagulls and sunshine.

All the clones and 5x Quack Bastards and 13x Invictus:


Well-known member
Update time.

Things are progressing nicely!
Lagkitan growing like weeds. Starting to really get addicted to seeing these grow everyday. I messaged TLT regarding these plants and they gave me a little information about the pheno I'm looking for... but honestly it doesn't help much. As is, I need to take clones and flower them out to see what magic I have. It is nice to know though that the purpling this strain has to offer does not come from low temps or the change in plants at the very end of flowering. According to TLT, the purple colors show up in the first weeks of flowering. Can't wait to see the pretty colors! 🤩
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Then we have some mutant clones: (blueberry muffin hiding in the corner tho)
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Was on the fence about getting rid of these (Invictus & Quack Bastard) but I can't bring myself to do it. They all starting to look better as time goes on. I become more attached to them too :ROFLMAO:

Then we have flowering tent! We're about 8 days in now and plants are noticing the light schedule change. It seems like it's going to take the females a bit longer to get going. I assumed they were mature since they've been alive for 4 months now. Good news though! I couldn't tell some of them for males during veg. I am seeing now that I have a couple more males than I initially thought I had. Fortunately, of the bunch my favorites were mostly female. I do like the tall guy in the corner though.. glad to have him as a breeder. I'm going to pull the males out before they get a chance to pollinate the females. I'm sure the DJ will take a couple months before it even shows me what's up. It's looking lovely though. It seems to have different nutrient requirements than every other plant I've grown. Haven't nailed it yet.
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I will be cloning the Lagkitan in the next couple of days. I will likely wait until the next update before posting pictures of those as work is crazy hectic right now.