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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
If it's one thing I've learned, his base is absolutely a shrinking minority. The closer we get to indictments, the more vocal and unhinged they will become.

It seems like there's a lot of support for him online. But that's where it ends. Recent polling and town halls with likely GOP voters are turning against Trump. Desantis, who lacks the charisma to turn the cult of personality away from Trump, will get the more sane GOP vote. So when Trump doesn't win the GOP nomination and splits off to form his own party, we'll see 25-30 million people follow him and that will be about it.

The GOP can't support Trump again because he can't win a general election (last 4 elections have proven that) and will run Desantis, who will also lose in the general because of the 25-30 million that followed Trump off the cliff.

And that's only if Trump actually makes it to the next election. A lot can happen between now and then. That's what I'm curious about. What happens when to Trump's base when Trump is no more. Sure, there will be copies of him that try to match what he did. And they'll likely succeed to a certain level. But on a national stage in a general election, never gonna happen. My guess is most of them will grow crawl back into whatever hole they crawled out of and they'll never be heard from again.

Until one of them shoots up another substation.
Hope you're right. But vampires and zombies seem to have a way of coming back.. again and again.

His neice has a pointed statement in the media today, re. her (admittedly jaded) view of his propensity to do further harm.

I hope she's wrong..


ICMag Donor
So true. At least with Boebert you could fix her up with a ball gag and she could be fun for someone who enjoys discipline.

Joking of course. They both are ugly to the core.
It only gets worse from there as soon as she starts opens her mouth.

She will evaporate along with all the Q nonsense as the orange fool gets put in his place.

moose eater

Well-known member
Yule Tide indictments being sent by his choir, and Rudy dressed up like Eskimos.
Everybody knows.....

(Someone else's turn, I've got a sandwich to eat and a truck and trailer to park).
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moose eater

Well-known member
It's been well known since the 1970s and the early environmental movement, that the best way to influence a corporation's decision-making is to buy stock and take over from the inside.

Sounds like some sort of strategic application.
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Well-known member
i swear i've been good this year baby santa jeebus!

moose eater

Well-known member
State of Alaska House Representative Eastman (R), a member of the Oathkeepers group, residing in the Sarah-Palin-meets-meth-capitol of Alaska (Wasilla) is having his victory in his election side-lined currently, for being a member of the group.

The plaintiff(s) alledge that his taking his seat is a violation of law, due to his membership in a (militant violent) anti-government organization.

His attorney is none other than Joe Miller, who Lisa Murkowski (R) beat as a write-in candidate many years ago, when Joe, a former Tea Party member and former federal magistrate (who collected welfare handsomely while rearing his many children, from what I recall) , took the primary for the Republican Party that year. Only to lose to Murkowski in the general election.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think you may be underestimating a party's desire to win. Party supremacy being second only to re-election and limelight, no matter which party is in reference.

I loosely take part in some other broad-base political platforms/forums, and my observations are that after DJT announced his intent to run, then deflected with the theatrically defiant demands that the last docs be returned, there was a distinct up-tick in the presence (numbers) in his support base.

His numbers had fallen to where they were looking like about 5% of comments in support. But now I'm often seeing at least 30-35% and sometimes more.

There's 'blood in the water' and it's not all DJT's. My strong and observant opinion at the moment, however disheartening it may be.

And if it looks like he can effectively bob and weave his way out, and his support base is sufficiently revived, the stuffed shirts at the GOP, lacking spinal fortitude as they've been known for, they will support who ever they think can bring home the gold.

The quest for party supremacy has fucked up representation in this Country in general, and I'm concerned it will likely continue, to everyone's detriment. Seriously.
Yeah I agree that IF DJT gets enough of his base excited again then those of the GOP distancing themselves from DJT will likely start warming up to him again. I'm not so sure your take on his Doc demands had the impact you think it did though. I say that mainly because I'm very skeptical about polls and how reliable they are since having worked for companies that conduct them I know that they have the ability to craft polls that will give you the results you want even if it isn't an accurate reflection of where the population the poll is meant to reflect is actually at. I think back to just prior to his announcing another run there really wasn't much going on for DJT's supporters to get excited about and I feel like many of them grew quiet as a result. They were still with him but it just wasn't showing in poll or5 the news. It was ar9ound that time people were talking really positive about DeSantis' chances and many of Trumps supports I saw interviewed at rallies were saying they were still with DJT but that they also liked DeSantis a lot. So I think what you were seeing prior to his announcement was just a decline in enthusiasm because there wasn't much to be enthusiastic about. Then DJT announced and made his defiant demands (which is just the kind of red meat his supporters crave) and so that reenergized the portion of the base that was still there but had grown quiet. So I don't see the uptick in numbers as being indicative of his base coming back to him quite as much as you do. Therefore I'm doubtful they represent enough incentive to draw the stuffed shirts back.

The GOP wants to be back in control and they now have a fairly compelling number of reasons to think Trump isn't going to do that for them. Trump still seems like a force when it comes to primaries but when it comes to general elections that's where he consistently falls short and the analysis favors that it's because those that DJT has lost are tired of him living in the past and focusing on "angertainment" as I think they're calling it now. If Trump could put his ego aside for a bit and stop crying about how it was so unfair that he lost but instead started talking policies beyond election reform, then he might have the impact you think you're seeing. Alas for whatever reason he can't seem to do that and all he's doing, in my opinion is just making those who have always been with him but who have gone quiet, he's making them noisy again but it's still the same subset of the GOP it's been for a long time now. The ones that have grown disenchanted with DJT still are and I don't see them coming back until Trump learns to address their problems and grievances rather then focusing solely on his own.

moose eater

Well-known member
Yeah I agree that IF DJT gets enough of his base excited again then those of the GOP distancing themselves from DJT will likely start warming up to him again. I'm not so sure your take on his Doc demands had the impact you think it did though. I say that mainly because I'm very skeptical about polls and how reliable they are since having worked for companies that conduct them I know that they have the ability to craft polls that will give you the results you want even if it isn't an accurate reflection of where the population the poll is meant to reflect is actually at. I think back to just prior to his announcing another run there really wasn't much going on for DJT's supporters to get excited about and I feel like many of them grew quiet as a result. They were still with him but it just wasn't showing in poll or5 the news. It was ar9ound that time people were talking really positive about DeSantis' chances and many of Trumps supports I saw interviewed at rallies were saying they were still with DJT but that they also liked DeSantis a lot. So I think what you were seeing prior to his announcement was just a decline in enthusiasm because there wasn't much to be enthusiastic about. Then DJT announced and made his defiant demands (which is just the kind of red meat his supporters crave) and so that reenergized the portion of the base that was still there but had grown quiet. So I don't see the uptick in numbers as being indicative of his base coming back to him quite as much as you do. Therefore I'm doubtful they represent enough incentive to draw the stuffed shirts back.

The GOP wants to be back in control and they now have a fairly compelling number of reasons to think Trump isn't going to do that for them. Trump still seems like a force when it comes to primaries but when it comes to general elections that's where he consistently falls short and the analysis favors that it's because those that DJT has lost are tired of him living in the past and focusing on "angertainment" as I think they're calling it now. If Trump could put his ego aside for a bit and stop crying about how it was so unfair that he lost but instead started talking policies beyond election reform, then he might have the impact you think you're seeing. Alas for whatever reason he can't seem to do that and all he's doing, in my opinion is just making those who have always been with him but who have gone quiet, he's making them noisy again but it's still the same subset of the GOP it's been for a long time now. The ones that have grown disenchanted with DJT still are and I don't see them coming back until Trump learns to address their problems and grievances rather then focusing solely on his own.
I was merely noting the number or frequency of positive strokes (rep) and related comments coming from pro-tRump folks in those other (political) forums. They are DEFINITELY on an up-tick. Add that to his past 'resilience' re. his history in the courts (esp. civil courts), and it makes sense that many regard him as akin to the Teflon Don.

I believe that IF he looks like he can deliver the gold, the stuffed shirt party leaders are shallow enough that the GQP will lock onto him like a piglet on its mother's tit.

Look at their current hesitation to say very much truly damning or definitively distancing about him. They continue to pull their punches in uncertainty and fuax party unity.

The entire politcal game has largely become a puke fest, imo. Heartless B-grade acting, perpetrated by folks lacking in any real soulfullness. I long for another Kingfish, with far more sanity and politcal savvy, and a real zeal for the Peoples' needs..

Empty garden in that regard, currently, imo.

In that regard, it seems like a good night for an extra tequila or festive beer. As the ship sinks, there should always be a party. :)
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