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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Weed is a gateway to gardening
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St. Phatty

Active member
It's a trap. Meant to distract for now.

I think Michael Connelly laid a trap when he said that "Black Marble" was Joe Wambaugh's best novel.

Nobody wants to know what the black marble is. It's something that is stuck in one of the dog's orifices during a dog show.

As far as Mr. Trump, I think if it ever gets to the handcuffs point, he will have a very difficult stressful time. It will shorten his life.

He is PLANNING on skating.

I think there is another piece to the puzzle that we are not seeing.

The delay doesn't make sense, but then again I only know what I read in the mostly government controlled news and also at Trump Covid19 press conferences.

I miss his Covid19 press conference. I think he should give another one.

He's a showman, let him entertain us with some Genuine Trump Bullshi-t.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The Chump is unable to get anyone on his "legal team" to sign anything saying that they'll vouch that "all documents have been returned". just how big of a fool would you have to be that you'd fall for that? he's just trying to NOT have to say so himself, for obvious reasons. i still say they need to dig up his ex-wifes grave at the golf course and check inside of the casket... ground penetrating radar MIGHT work. :dunno::shucks: i'd search all of his kids homes/offices as well.
That could potentially happen now that the court shot down DOJ's request for a contempt of court charge. Pretty much their only option beyond trusting Trump is to file for another search warrant, if they have sufficient evidence to convince another judge that they might actually find more stuff. Personally I say that the fact these additional documents turned up since the last search warrant is sufficient to get a new warrant to search all of Trumps properties but unfortunately no reputable judge will grant a warrant that broad and vague.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The fact that 'tRump's team found the most recent couple of documents, and not tRump himself, causes me to wonder if A.) They're not seriously looking after their own law licenses and keisters, and B.) If they no longer wish for tRump to engage in trying to look after his own ass. (Like they're not quite yet conservators or guardians for an incompetent client, but the actions of the client are sorta' looking like it's headed that way.. and maybe they ought to be).

Good faith effort for the courts to view, or an effort to minimize the already-existing legal damage? Both?

I'm curious if anyone has an actual -exact- accounting of what's missing (numbers and titles), in order to know when the missing docs are all returned, noting that some of these undoubtedly came into being while he was Prez.

I'm assuming they have such a target number and ID on the docs, but.... ?

I mean, the DoD/Pentagon was never able to account for all of their money, and in that case, they knew how much there was supposed to be.

And the fact that there's docs being found here, there, everywhere, this time surrounded by dress suits and wrestling medals, is either a statement of how loosely they were stored/handled, or that someone was kibbling them away in various places to keep them hidden.

Either way, and contrary to the Q-py dolls present on the forums, the legal implications seem to continue to get much more 'badder' for the Orange One. Though the Q-pies still insist he's winning and it's all a "TWAP!!" (Thanks for inflection and phonetic entertainment to Elmer Fudd)
There are several good explanations for this most recent find but unfortunately for Trump none of them favor him. You might be right about the lawyer's motives at least as far as trying to minimize damage. The MSM seems to be wanting to land on these documents turning up where they did demonstrates how much at risk the documents were at due to Trump having lost track of some of them. I've heard it reported that video evidence proves Trump himself has not been to that particular location in some time so it could be fairly argued that one of his aides moved boxes there not realizing classified docs were contained in the which sort of tracks with it just being 2 docs. So unless the DOJ has a witness telling them that Trump specifically ordered them there the lawyers could make a decent argument that Trump was unaware. In which case their finding them and turning them over to the authorities would be the lawyers looking after the best legal interests of their client even though it's doubtful their client would se it that way.

I have a more sinister theory in that this location could potentially be a spot Trump has given others access to as kind of a drop box such that once people he gave the documents to could return them there and Trump would appear uninvolved. Admittedly though, that's a bit of a stretch it would be much safer for anyone who had gained documents to just quietly destroy them after obtaining the secrets they contained.

Like I said though, none of the possibilities reflect back on Trump in a good way, at best he lost track of the documents thereby allowing some to end up in an even less secure place then Mar-A-Lardo One of the three charges he's facing specifically has to do with not keeping these documents properly secured after taking them. So at a minimum this latest find is evidence against Trump on that charge. The only other real possibility is it is further evidence of Trump trying to continue to obstruct justice by hiding stolen documents in yet a different location.

moose eater

Well-known member
There are several good explanations for this most recent find but unfortunately for Trump none of them favor him. You might be right about the lawyer's motives at least as far as trying to minimize damage. The MSM seems to be wanting to land on these documents turning up where they did demonstrates how much at risk the documents were at due to Trump having lost track of some of them. I've heard it reported that video evidence proves Trump himself has not been to that particular location in some time so it could be fairly argued that one of his aides moved boxes there not realizing classified docs were contained in the which sort of tracks with it just being 2 docs. So unless the DOJ has a witness telling them that Trump specifically ordered them there the lawyers could make a decent argument that Trump was unaware. In which case their finding them and turning them over to the authorities would be the lawyers looking after the best legal interests of their client even though it's doubtful their client would se it that way.

I have a more sinister theory in that this location could potentially be a spot Trump has given others access to as kind of a drop box such that once people he gave the documents to could return them there and Trump would appear uninvolved. Admittedly though, that's a bit of a stretch it would be much safer for anyone who had gained documents to just quietly destroy them after obtaining the secrets they contained.

Like I said though, none of the possibilities reflect back on Trump in a good way, at best he lost track of the documents thereby allowing some to end up in an even less secure place then Mar-A-Lardo One of the three charges he's facing specifically has to do with not keeping these documents properly secured after taking them. So at a minimum this latest find is evidence against Trump on that charge. The only other real possibility is it is further evidence of Trump trying to continue to obstruct justice by hiding stolen documents in yet a different location.
I think the reason his lawyers are currently -more- than hesitant to sign any formal binding declaration stating that they have recovered and turned in ALL the documents, is that his previous attorneys (and current?) have a recent history of finding themselves in legal quagmires, and a perjury charge on their licenses at this time would be.. not worrth what ever the over-indebted bafoon is paying them.

It's possible that the spot the more recent docs were found in is a 'drop'; we've used similar for weed. Why not for classified documents.

If it's ever proven that he allowed foreign entitiies to possess such documents, whether related to his soon due $800,000,000 loan, or what ever, the fireworks over such a finding, should it be proven, would be... the likes of something we've never witnessed before.

I'm waiting for the decision not to hold him in contempt to be appealed. I'm plain fed up with the spoiled miscreant at this time. I want someone to spank the little bastard HARD.

Three Berries

Active member
Trump making them chase down the classified docs from the last 5 presidential administrations. How do you legally introduce evidence? Trump issued an EO that is still in effect that classifying docs to hide crimes is not allowed.

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall
information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail
to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) restrain competition; or
(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.
(b) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security shall not be classified.
(c) Information may not be reclassified after declassification and release to the public under proper authority unless:

(1) the reclassification is personally approved in writing by the agency head based on a document-by-document determination by the agency that reclassification is required to prevent significant and demonstrable damage to the national security;
(2) the information may be reasonably recovered without bringing undue attention to the information;
(3) the reclassification action is reported promptly to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor) and the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office; and
(4) for documents in the physical and legal custody of the National Archives and Records Administration (National Archives) that have been available for public use, the agency head has, after making the determinations required by this paragraph, notified the Archivist of the United States (Archivist), who shall suspend public access pending approval of the reclassification action by the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office. Any such decision by the Director may be appealed by the agency head to the President through the National Security Advisor. Public access shall remain suspended pending a prompt decision on the appeal.
(d) Information that has not previously been disclosed to the public under proper authority may be classified or reclassified after an agency has received a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), the Presidential Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 2204(c)(1), the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or the mandatory review provisions of section 3.5 of this order only if such classification meets the requirements of this order and is accomplished on a document-by-document basis with the personal participation or under the direction of the agency head, the deputy agency head, or the senior agency official designated under section 5.4 of this order. The requirements in this paragraph also apply to those situations in which information has been declassified in accordance with a specific date or event determined by an original classification authority in accordance with section 1.5 of this order.
(e) Compilations of items of information that are individually unclassified may be classified if the compiled information reveals an additional association or relationship that:

(1) meets the standards for classification under this order; and
(2) is not otherwise revealed in the individual items of information.

Three Berries

Active member
How is he doing that ?

Is it somewhere in the docs filed by Trump-the-Defendant ?
Is the DoJ chasing down docs? But they never say what they are. It's surmised that they are docs from the past presidents that they hoped would never see the light of day. So Trump stashes them somewhere and the DoJ issues warrants, now it's in the legal system. Checkmate.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think the reason his lawyers are currently -more- than hesitant to sign any formal binding declaration stating that they have recovered and turned in ALL the documents, is that his previous attorneys (and current?) have a recent history of finding themselves in legal quagmires, and a perjury charge on their licenses at this time would be.. not worrth what ever the over-indebted bafoon is paying them.

It's possible that the spot the more recent docs were found in is a 'drop'; we've used similar for weed. Why not for classified documents.

If it's ever proven that he allowed foreign entitiies to possess such documents, whether related to his soon due $800,000,000 loan, or what ever, the fireworks over such a finding, should it be proven, would be... the likes of something we've never witnessed before.

I'm waiting for the decision not to hold him in contempt to be appealed. I'm plain fed up with the spoiled miscreant at this time. I want someone to spank the little bastard HARD.
Well while it might not be as satisfying for you as you would like it to be Trump is getting spanked pretty hard in the ways that are meaningful to him. The big one being that he may finally be losing his grip on the GOP and this will become evident if he loses the nomination to someone like DeSantis or even someone not really in the limelight yet. Talk is already going around that should that happen he'll probably start his own party but since his base has only ever been a subset of the GOP and a shrinking one at that his chance of winning in his own party is next to non existent since the only ones likely to follow him there are the ones who've stayed loyal since day one. Which means at best he would just be a spoiler for any GOP run but that might be enough for him to just get revenge. He'll likely also use it to keep milking his loyal followers as long as he can but if he leaves the GOP that means no more help from the GOP HQ on paying his legal fees. I'm mot sure the few that would follow him to an all new party would be able to pony up enough cash to cover his legal fees, cover the operating expense of a new party and satisfy Trump's personal greed?

moose eater

Well-known member
Well while it might not be as satisfying for you as you would like it to be Trump is getting spanked pretty hard in the ways that are meaningful to him. The big one being that he may finally be losing his grip on the GOP and this will become evident if he loses the nomination to someone like DeSantis or even someone not really in the limelight yet. Talk is already going around that should that happen he'll probably start his own party but since his base has only ever been a subset of the GOP and a shrinking one at that his chance of winning in his own party is next to non existent since the only ones likely to follow him there are the ones who've stayed loyal since day one. Which means at best he would just be a spoiler for any GOP run but that might be enough for him to just get revenge. He'll likely also use it to keep milking his loyal followers as long as he can but if he leaves the GOP that means no more help from the GOP HQ on paying his legal fees. I'm mot sure the few that would follow him to an all new party would be able to pony up enough cash to cover his legal fees, cover the operating expense of a new party and satisfy Trump's personal greed?
I think you may be underestimating a party's desire to win. Party supremacy being second only to re-election and limelight, no matter which party is in reference.

I loosely take part in some other broad-base political platforms/forums, and my observations are that after DJT announced his intent to run, then deflected with the theatrically defiant demands that the last docs be returned, there was a distinct up-tick in the presence (numbers) in his support base.

His numbers had fallen to where they were looking like about 5% of comments in support. But now I'm often seeing at least 30-35% and sometimes more.

There's 'blood in the water' and it's not all DJT's. My strong and observant opinion at the moment, however disheartening it may be.

And if it looks like he can effectively bob and weave his way out, and his support base is sufficiently revived, the stuffed shirts at the GOP, lacking spinal fortitude as they've been known for, they will support who ever they think can bring home the gold.

The quest for party supremacy has fucked up representation in this Country in general, and I'm concerned it will likely continue, to everyone's detriment. Seriously.
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I think you may be underestimating a party's desire to win. Party supremacy being second only to re-election and limelight, no matter which party is in reference.

I loosely take part in some other broad-base political platforms/forums, and my observations are that after DJT announced his intent to run, then deflected with the theatrically defiant demands that the last docs be returned, there was a distinct up-tick in the presence (numbers) in his support base.

His numbers had fallen to where they were looking like about 5% of comments in support. But now I'm often seeing at least 30-35% and sometimes more.

There's 'blood in the water' and it's not all DJT's. My strong and observant opinion at the moment, however disheartening it may be.

And if it looks like he can effectively bob and weave his way out, and his support base is sufficiently revived, the stuffed shirts at the GOP, lacking spinal fortitude as they've been known for, they will support who ever they think can bring home the gold.

The quest for party supremacy has fucked up representation in this Country in general, and I'm concerned it will likely continue, to everyone's detriment. Seriously.
If it's one thing I've learned, his base is absolutely a shrinking minority. The closer we get to indictments, the more vocal and unhinged they will become.

It seems like there's a lot of support for him online. But that's where it ends. Recent polling and town halls with likely GOP voters are turning against Trump. Desantis, who lacks the charisma to turn the cult of personality away from Trump, will get the more sane GOP vote. So when Trump doesn't win the GOP nomination and splits off to form his own party, we'll see 25-30 million people follow him and that will be about it.

The GOP can't support Trump again because he can't win a general election (last 4 elections have proven that) and will run Desantis, who will also lose in the general because of the 25-30 million that followed Trump off the cliff.

And that's only if Trump actually makes it to the next election. A lot can happen between now and then. That's what I'm curious about. What happens when to Trump's base when Trump is no more. Sure, there will be copies of him that try to match what he did. And they'll likely succeed to a certain level. But on a national stage in a general election, never gonna happen. My guess is most of them will grow crawl back into whatever hole they crawled out of and they'll never be heard from again.

Until one of them shoots up another substation.


Well-known member
It seems like there's a lot of support for him online. But that's where it ends.
yeah, LOTS of his "support" group will hammer away on their keyboards pledging undying love for The Chump, but there are not enough of them to win now no matter how loud they try to be. if you don't grease the squeaky wheel, the bearings seize up & it stops turning. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Sure, there will be copies of him that try to match what he did.
MTG in Georgia, the loser in Arizona, Boebert et al will keep whining. Boebert came close to losing, Lake DID lose, leaving MTG as his "spiritual heir" LOL! if she doesn't shut up about arming her buddies & "winning" an attack on the capitol, she'll end up in jail with the Orange Asshole...and good riddance! :good: i think the rest of the motley crew that let themselves be dragged through the shit on his coattails can see the future, and it's not gonna be Trumpy...
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