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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Is that you Donald??

You have to be deranged.
Last I'd heard, Donald's a fan of Adderall, not cannabis.

Probably one of the few things we share in common; the Adderall, that is.

(*"All things in moderation, including moderation.").. (*Mostly for driving long distances when totally tired, and needing to get some place.. Maybe 1 to 2 times/year.)
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Well-known member
Probably one of the few things we share in common; the Adderall, that is.
docs put my son on it when in grade school, ADHD they said. we took him off of it a few days later, horrible shit for a child. zombied right out. i still had a few here someplace, saved them for trips to Louisiana & shit like that. need to look them up, never know when a road trip might pop up...:whistling:

moose eater

Well-known member
docs put my son on it when in grade school, ADHD they said. we took him off of it a few days later, horrible shit for a child. zombied right out. i still had a few here someplace, saved them for trips to Louisiana & shit like that. need to look them up, never know when a road trip might pop up...:whistling:
As Rx amphatamines go, they're OK. My preferred road-trip adulterant, when you 'absolutely, positively, have to get there overnight,' is Nuvigil (or, preferred, Provigil). Yes, they are and do what they sound like.

The hilarious part is the effort the maufacturer initially put into convincing the public and Docs that, (In my best Richard Nixon voice) "These are NOT an amphetamine.. NOT an amphetamine!"

A Doc I had in rural Alaska 20+ years ago, said, in re. to my inquiry re. a Provigil 'scrip, "Hmm, these hit every tick on the list for the effects of an amphetamine." Nuh-uh.. The manufacturer said so!!. :)

Noteworthy features include, from studies, elevated IQ performance, and from anecdotal observations, while hunting moose under the influence, heightened awareness of movement, increased adaptability to night vision (can you say "Old people on the road at night with slow-to respond pupils"?), increased awareness of sounds, and excellent alertness without the old classic Dexadrine or Benzadrine stress in the forearms, etc.

A person can still experience the bell curve of idealistic thoughts, just shy of real euphoria, followed by the peeking of the curve, and the following questioning of the past, and less than happy sense of being. Good to remind the self in those moments that it's the drug, not necessarily the self, or that can become less than positive. Dangerous, to some degree, even. (I've sometimes wondered how many folks offed themselves over that predictable/calcuable later amphetamine effect, resulting in the 'I/life suck(s)' sense of things).

I've been told the military likes these specific drugs. Can't imagine why. You? :)
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moose eater

Well-known member
The alertness provided by 100mg of Provigil while hunting is truly likely FAR safer than the average redneck with a rifle, let alone the average redneck with a couple Budweisers AND a rifle.. Seriously. And hunting, where I previously hunted is pretty remote.

Edit: and plenty a moose has been killed while stoned.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Don't knock it till you try it.

I'm in.

After my drugs kick in just randomly roll a target on a hay bale by me whilst making random animal noises...

I don't want to kill anything all fucked up... especially anything that makes horrible sounds as it dies.

moose eater

Well-known member
Don't knock it till you try it.

I'm in.

After my drugs kick in just randomly roll a target on a hay bale by me whilst making random animal noises...

I don't want to kill anything all fucked up... especially anything that makes horrible sounds as it dies.
I think I saw that scene in 'Young Guns'.

"Did you see the SIZE of that chicken??!!"

Never mind. That was peyote tea.

You're not my butterfly, are you??


Well-known member
I don't want to kill anything all fucked up
yeah, me neither. being honest, i'm losing much of my....appetite for killing. i still fish, and love fried walleye or crappie. and i still go deer hunting, and hope i do till i die. (love venison!) but i rarely take a shot the last few years, largely because i'm not as serious as i once was. no scouting, no tree stands. real picky about the shots i'll take with my longbow. lots of times it turns into a walk through the mountains and remembering. find a good log or rock and fire one up...


Well-known member
Them Twitter files though.......

Three Berries

Active member
It's a trap. Meant to distract for now. Look to AZ for some hot action this week. And Weiner's Laptop is much worse pedo wise. Hunter's is just showing how comped the Biden regime is by the Chinese. Some say Hunter wanted to get even with Daddy for putting him in the drink back in the day.


Well-known member
RE Huey's "i want a new drug"...i too want a new one. i want edibles that don't turn my eyes even redder than smoking a hogleg! had never really noticed till the other day...damn! no odor in the car won't help if you look like an extra from filming a Cheech & Chong comedy. :eek::LOL:

Three Berries

Active member
RE Huey's "i want a new drug"...i too want a new one. i want edibles that don't turn my eyes even redder than smoking a hogleg! had never really noticed till the other day...damn! no odor in the car won't help if you look like an extra from filming a Cheech & Chong comedy. :eek::LOL:
That's about all you are going to get out of Criminal Inditments Coming for Trump.
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