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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Only if you take it that way, which I can't help. We all speak to our own perspectives. I can only speak to where I live and what I see here in Cali, it is a big brush lol. I didn't think someone would infer my perspective was there's. The price/cost to live in Cali is much higher than most states other than maybe NY. As soon as I'm able I'm out of this state. SSI is not well funded and is constantly attacked by REP.. Helping our own should be a top priority IMO. If we have billions to help other countries so we at least should have millions more to help our own. Passing measures to help other countries seems easy, but doing the latter is difficult. Every time the majority swaps to REP they threaten to take my retirement and my medical benefits.

This is Today..
WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans, eyeing a midterm election victory have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs. In fact, House Republican leadership publicly boasts that they are planning extreme tactics to force Social Security and Medicare cuts. They are threatening to force the United States into a potentially catastrophic default on payments it owes..
This plan isn't really new, McCarthy has been threatening to hold raising the debt limit hostage to Social Security and Medicare cuts for sometime now. The problem with that plan though is that either option the Biden Administration might pick would pretty much guarantee disaster for the US economy since virtually every penny of what the US pays out in Social Security and Medicare goes right back into the economy within the first few weeks of whatever month it gets paid out. So given that in spite of how much long term pain it would cause the best option would be tp reject McCarthy's option and let the Republican's be seen as responsible for trashing the economy and the US's triple A credit rating by not raising the debt ceiling rather then agreeing to his term's and risk the Biden Administration be seen as responsible for what would happen when Millions of Elderly that are already barely getting by are suddenly put on the street with nothing to help them survive. McCarthy obviously is a piss poor student of recent history, other wise he would remember that McConnell and former House Speaker Ryan already tried something similar only to cave at the last second as the US credit rating was lowered just on the possibility of the US defaulting on it's debt. It would also be smart of McCarthy to keep in mind a huge portion (perhaps the biggest part) of the US debt is money owed to the Social Security trust fund from various administrations robbing surpluses built up there over the years. A surplus which was really only ever there due to Reagan increasing the payroll tax rate to prepare for when all the baby boomers started retiring. Had the government left that money alone for only Social Security to use as it became needed the future of Social Security would be in much better shape then Republicans these days like to point out.

Three Berries

Active member
It can count as coincidence if an incident actually occurred alongside another.

The election was never stolen.
Could be Biden is just an actor in a movie.....

The PedoWood story is coming out on Twitter that has been denied for so long. Good luck keeping a lid on anything after that.


Active member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Could be Biden is just an actor in a movie.....

The PedoWood story is coming out on Twitter that has been denied for so long. Good luck keeping a lid on anything after that.

Yeah... that's what Trump believed.

He was just in a movie.

It affected you and effected many negative changes.

Good luck keeping a lid on that.

In reality there's nothing but muck raking coming from his supporters.


Well-known member
Cue Johnnie Cochran.
the OJ debacle was a "perfect storm" of a convincing lawyer, an incompetent prosecutor, and a celebrity defendant beloved in the community. the prosecution essentially let the defense pick the jury. then, no one in the whole fucking courtroom realized that blood-soaked thin leather driving gloves are gonna shrink like shit as they dry. plus, they had him try on those gloves while wearing rubber gloves, which made it even more unlikely he could get them on. as if he was even trying to... "if they do not fit, you must acquit"


Well-known member
So you are saying it's false or what? Biggest scandal is US history.

What I'm saying is...
Proves treason all the way to the White House. You can download the contents if you want.

Post the fucking evidence.

Could be Biden is just an actor in a movie.....

The PedoWood story is coming out on Twitter that has been denied for so long. Good luck keeping a lid on anything after that.

Post it.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
is that the sound of Ketchup hitting the walls?

It's almost as if she's not qualified for her position.

I enjoyed reading that..

This plan isn't really new, McCarthy has been threatening to hold raising the debt limit hostage to Social Security and Medicare cuts for sometime now. The problem with that plan though is that either option the Biden Administration might pick would pretty much guarantee disaster for the US economy since virtually every penny of what the US pays out in Social Security and Medicare goes right back into the economy within the first few weeks of whatever month it gets paid out. So given that in spite of how much long term pain it would cause the best option would be tp reject McCarthy's option and let the Republican's be seen as responsible for trashing the economy and the US's triple A credit rating by not raising the debt ceiling rather then agreeing to his term's and risk the Biden Administration be seen as responsible for what would happen when Millions of Elderly that are already barely getting by are suddenly put on the street with nothing to help them survive. McCarthy obviously is a piss poor student of recent history, other wise he would remember that McConnell and former House Speaker Ryan already tried something similar only to cave at the last second as the US credit rating was lowered just on the possibility of the US defaulting on it's debt. It would also be smart of McCarthy to keep in mind a huge portion (perhaps the biggest part) of the US debt is money owed to the Social Security trust fund from various administrations robbing surpluses built up there over the years. A surplus which was really only ever there due to Reagan increasing the payroll tax rate to prepare for when all the baby boomers started retiring. Had the government left that money alone for only Social Security to use as it became needed the future of Social Security would be in much better shape then Republicans these days like to point out.

As I posted "REPUBLICANS" always try to take everyone's SSI benefits. That's been going on for decades. I don't like either party but at least the dims don't try to take my SSI and always have increased it with a COLA%. I don't think anything more need be said. Whoever tries to help the public the most has my vote. That only changes when the worst douchebag assclown ever gets elected " TRUMPTURD" .. He is a clear and present danger to the USA..
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Well-known member
As I posted "REPUBLICANS" always try to take everyone's SSI benefits.
if you look at it with an open mind, there are people that should not be drawing benefits. SS should only be accessed by those that need it. they'll bitch "i paid in, i want it back!" but childless couples pay taxes for schools not directly benefitting them because it is for the greater good of our society. why should the well-off draw from something they do not need? setting the limit would be a real dog fight...:cool:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You can't draw SSI until you retire. Are you thinking of SSDI? which is for the disabled.. I was on SSDI until I was switched over at 65. SSI can't be accessed until retirement age. When I applied for SSDI I had to go to court to prove I was disabled. Fraud and the GOV go hand in hand lol. Remember the Paycheck Protection Program.. Lots of people cheated on that.

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Well-known member
You can't draw SSI until you retire.
i was talking about retirees. if you have resources (401, IRA, bank balances, stocks/bonds, property) above a certain point, you don't need to be drawing SS. "lots of people cheat" yup. thieves cheating on a plan to help the vulnerable is not a reason to stop helping the vulnerable; it's a reason to ferret their sorry asses out & burn them a fucking new one. they make everyone jump through flaming hoops to get SSDI. every single person that i know that has gone for it was denied the first 2 or 3 times.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
i was talking about retirees. if you have resources (401, IRA, bank balances, stocks/bonds, property) above a certain point, you don't need to be drawing SS. "lots of people cheat" yup. thieves cheating on a plan to help the vulnerable is not a reason to stop helping the vulnerable; it's a reason to ferret their sorry asses out & burn them a fucking new one. they make everyone jump through flaming hoops to get SSDI. every single person that i know that has gone for it was denied the first 2 or 3 times.
My best friend and love of my life passed away 3 weeks before she finally got her SSDI. She had been fighting for 6 years.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
IMO if anyone makes it to retirement they deserve every penny from SSI. We all pay into that all our lives. Our pay is calculated from up to 35 years of earnings are needed to compute monthly earnings. Yes, everyone gets denied 100%. When my mom was dying they still denied her. I got denied and had to hire a lawyer. The GOV owed me a lot of back pay. I had to give my lawyer 8k$ of my back pay. Its a scam.,.,

Three Berries

Active member
At 55 you can start to draw down any 401K or IRA funds without penalty. SS starts at 62. Some states don't tax retirement income.


Well-known member
I had to give my lawyer 8k$ of my back pay. Its a scam.,
look at it from their point of view. (if you can lower yourself that far) they are going to run low on money. quicker, if they just roll over and pay everyone that applies. it wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that denying folks first few times was a policy, hoping you'll just give up and go away.


Well-known member
i think i got denied once.i was desperate enough i almost got a lawyer.luckily i didnt need one.i got really lucky.what really pisses me off is people that arent on it but think they are experts on it cause they know 1 or 2 that are on it.im really lucky but i dont get near eneough to support myself in todays world.i think we need way more support programs for people who need it.cant afford a car.cant afford rent in a decent area etc

St. Phatty

Active member
i think i got denied once.i was desperate enough i almost got a lawyer.luckily i didnt need one.i got really lucky.what really pisses me off is people that arent on it but think they are experts on it cause they know 1 or 2 that are on it.im really lucky but i dont get near eneough to support myself in todays world.i think we need way more support programs for people who need it.cant afford a car.cant afford rent in a decent area etc

Speaking of Social Security -

Once I met a Kurdish guy who was a Computer geek in Iraq.

He helped the American CIA in Iraq, posing as Film-makers. This resulted in him being flown out of the country very quickly.

I was introduced to him by a woman who worked at the type of agency that sends European high-schoolers to live in American foster families for a year.

They were trying to introduce him to other geeks in the San Diego area.

He was definitely not disabled.

He applied under who knows what status for Social Security disability.

He was partially blind, so he wasn't able to drive a car, but very able to see a computer screen.

As a non-citizen, he was given Social Security disability within a month.

So basically the CIA used the Social Security administration to help re-settle a Kurdish guy that Saddam was going to kill because he helped the Americans to undermine Iraqi interests.

And the American people who paid into Social Security paid for Burhan's welfare assistance.

And I got suckered into the whole soap opera.

It was in 1996, so about 5 years after Gulf War Drive By #1.

Three Berries

Active member
That's further evidence that they've been giving from reserves rather then allocating money to build new weapons to send. You do realize this is not just a freebie right? Everything they give will be documented and accounted for and at some future point the US will expect to be paid back either in cash or something of some value such as mineral rights, grain or something (I'm not sure exactly what resources that Ukraine has that would be of value to the US) It's essentially the same thing as the Lend-Lease Act which Roosevelt signed into law back in 1941 before we entered WWII and where we fronted equipment, oil, supplies and essentially whatever allied countries needed to have a chance at surviving war against Germany

Three Berries

Active member
Yeah... that's what Trump believed.

He was just in a movie.

It affected you and effected many negative changes.

Good luck keeping a lid on that.

In reality there's nothing but muck raking coming from his supporters.
Actually that's Q that says it's a movie but Trump is the public face of Q.
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